Releases: NisanurBulut/SayHiCode
Releases · NisanurBulut/SayHiCode
Say Hi React Query Project is complated
This study demonstrates the use of the React-Jquery library.In addition, the use of react-material and component-style are shown.
- The fakestoreapi API source lists fake product information.
- The product can be added to the cart
- The amount of product in the cart can be changed.
- As the amount of product changes, the total cost is recalculated.
- Product can be removed from the basket.
- npx create-react-app SayHiReactQuery --template typscript
- npm i @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons
- npm i react-query
- npm i styled-components @types/styled-components
Helpfull Websites
v. Merge pull request #21 from NisanurBulut/dev-sayhisemanticui
This work is a MERNG application. Users share book status.The database is MongoDb and the backend is GraphQL.The user interface has been developed with ReactJs and SemanticUI components.
- Implemented apollo custom errors form form validation
- Created files&folders structure
- After login action user has token
- User can add book post
- User delete book post
- User delete his/her comment
- User can like other user's book posts
- User can comment on other users' book posts
- Users register with the application
- After login action user has token
- Showed error messages
- Used loading component for waiting processes
- Implemented custom hooks
BookPost | Comment | Like | User | RegisterInput |
id: ID! | id: ID! | id: ID! | id: ID! | username: String! |
author: String! | createdAt: String! | createdAt: String! | email: String! | password: String! |
name: String! | username: String! | username: String! | token: String! | confirmPassword: String! |
user: User! | id: ID! | username: String! | email: String! | |
createdAt: String! | body: String! | createdAt: String! | imageUrl: String! | |
comments:[Comment]! | imageUrl: String! | |||
likes: [Like]! | ||||
likeCount: Int! | ||||
commentCount: Int! |
- Query
- getBookPosts: [BookPost]
- getBookPost(postId: ID!): BookPost
- Mutation
- register(registerInput: RegisterInput): User!
- login(username: String!, password: String!): User!
- createBookPost(author: String!, name: String!): BookPost!
- deleteBookPost(postId: ID!): String!
- createComment(postId: String!, body: String): BookPost!
- deleteComment(postId: String!, commentId: ID!): BookPost!
- likeBookPost(postId: ID!): BookPost!
- Subscription
- newBookPost: BookPost!
- npm install apollo-server grahql mongoose
- npm install bcryptjs jsonwebtoken
- npm install @apollo/react-hooks apollo-cache-inmemory apollo-link-http apollo-client
- npm install --save dataloader
Helpfull Websites
Merge 13032021 Routing is complated
- Implemented apollo custom errors form form validation
- Created files&folders structure
- After login action user has token
- User can add book post
- User delete book post
- User can like other user's book posts
- User can comment on other users' book posts
- Users register with the application
- After login action user has token
- Showed error messages
- Used loading component for waiting processes
- Implemented custom hooks
- Implemented Custom routing. The token is checked when its user refreshes the page. If there is a token, the user will not log in again.
BookPost | Comment | Like | User | RegisterInput |
id: ID! | id: ID! | id: ID! | id: ID! | username: String! |
author: String! | createdAt: String! | createdAt: String! | email: String! | password: String! |
name: String! | username: String! | username: String! | token: String! | confirmPassword: String! |
user: User! | id: ID! | username: String! | email: String! | |
createdAt: String! | body: String! | createdAt: String! | imageUrl: String! | |
comments:[Comment]! | imageUrl: String! | |||
likes: [Like]! | ||||
likeCount: Int! | ||||
commentCount: Int! |
- Query
- getBookPosts: [BookPost]
- getBookPost(postId: ID!): BookPost
- Mutation
- register(registerInput: RegisterInput): User!
- login(username: String!, password: String!): User!
- createBookPost(author: String!, name: String!): BookPost!
- deleteBookPost(postId: ID!): String!
- createComment(postId: String!, body: String): BookPost!
- deleteComment(postId: String!, commentId: ID!): BookPost!
- likeBookPost(postId: ID!): BookPost!
- Subscription
- newBookPost: BookPost!
- npm install apollo-server grahql mongoose
- npm install bcryptjs jsonwebtoken
- npm install @apollo/react-hooks apollo-cache-inmemory apollo-link-http apollo-client
- npm install --save dataloader
- npm install jwt-decode
Helpfull Websites
v. Merge pull request #18 from NisanurBulut/dev-sayhisemanticui
- Implemented apollo custom errors form form validation
- Created files&folders structure
- After login action user has token
- User can add book post
- User delete book post
- User can like other user's book posts
- User can comment on other users' book posts
- Users register with the application
- After login action user has token
- Showed error messages
- Used loading component for waiting processes
- Implemented custom hooks
BookPost | Comment | Like | User | RegisterInput |
id: ID! | id: ID! | id: ID! | id: ID! | username: String! |
author: String! | createdAt: String! | createdAt: String! | email: String! | password: String! |
name: String! | username: String! | username: String! | token: String! | confirmPassword: String! |
user: User! | id: ID! | username: String! | email: String! | |
createdAt: String! | body: String! | createdAt: String! | imageUrl: String! | |
comments:[Comment]! | imageUrl: String! | |||
likes: [Like]! | ||||
likeCount: Int! | ||||
commentCount: Int! |
- Query
- getBookPosts: [BookPost]
- getBookPost(postId: ID!): BookPost
- Mutation
- register(registerInput: RegisterInput): User!
- login(username: String!, password: String!): User!
- createBookPost(author: String!, name: String!): BookPost!
- deleteBookPost(postId: ID!): String!
- createComment(postId: String!, body: String): BookPost!
- deleteComment(postId: String!, commentId: ID!): BookPost!
- likeBookPost(postId: ID!): BookPost!
- Subscription
- newBookPost: BookPost!
- npm install apollo-server grahql mongoose
- npm install bcryptjs jsonwebtoken
- npm install @apollo/react-hooks apollo-cache-inmemory apollo-link-http apollo-client
- npm install --save dataloader
Helpfull Websites
sayHiSemanticUi completed backend graphql api
- Implemented apollo custom errors
- Created files&folders structure
- After login action user has token
BookPost | Comment | Like | User | RegisterInput |
id: ID! | id: ID! | id: ID! | id: ID! | username: String! |
author: String! | createdAt: String! | createdAt: String! | email: String! | password: String! |
name: String! | username: String! | username: String! | token: String! | confirmPassword: String! |
username: String! | id: ID! | username: String! | email: String! | |
createdAt: String! | body: String! | createdAt: String! | ||
comments: [Comment]! | ||||
likes: [Like]! | ||||
likeCount: Int! | ||||
commentCount: Int! |
- Query
- getBookPosts: [BookPost]
- getBookPost(postId: ID!): BookPost
- Mutation
- register(registerInput: RegisterInput): User!
- login(username: String!, password: String!): User!
- createBookPost(author: String!, name: String!): BookPost!
- deleteBookPost(postId: ID!): String!
- createComment(postId: String!, body: String): BookPost!
- deleteComment(postId: String!, commentId: ID!): BookPost!
- likeBookPost(postId: ID!): BookPost!
- Subscription
- newBookPost: BookPost!
- npm install apollo-server grahql mongoose
- npm install bcryptjs jsonwebtoken
SayHiMEAN is complated
In this study, practice of grahql, apollo and angular has been done.
- Accesses mongodb database with GraphQl API.
- Angular FW is used on the frontend side.
- npm i express express-graphql graphql mongoose body-parser cors
Helpfull Websites
Smart booking Say Hi MERN is complated
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GraphQL api and MongoDb database are used in this application.User object performs booking and home event operations with GraphQl API.the user subscribes to the application and logs on. It receives token data at the login process. With this token information, the application can be online. * React-material is used in interface designs. - If the user is not the owner of the event, he / she cannot see the detail information. - inserted react-material-spinner for waiting to response of api - The user views event detail in popup - The user can make the reservation via popup. - Avoided fetching data if components are inactive. - Each user can see their own booking list. - Each user can see their own event list. - The user can cancel the reservation.
SmartBook API
Getting Started
- npm install --save express body-parser
- npm install --save-dev nodemon
- npm install --save dataloader
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SayHiCode is complated
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With this application, the use of react hooks and context api has been implemented. Hooks used: useState, useContext, useEffect
Gihthub API
For unauthenticated requests, the rate limit allows for up to 60 requests per hour. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address, and not the user making requests.
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