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Vipps Login API

API version: 2.0

Document version 4.0.8.

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Vipps Login is the easiest way to sign in and create an account in both digital and physical settings. No typing required! Users don’t need to worry about forgetting or loosing their usernames and passwords. All they need to remember is their phone number. Vipps Login is easier for the user while you as a merchant get better conversion and data quality.

Vipps Login is available for several use cases:

  • On web pages and in apps - Vipps Login is used in the browser
  • Directly from merchant systems (e.g. point of sales systems or call-center solutions) based on phone number
  • Directly from machines and vending machines based on phone number
  • Directly from QR-codes on screens, posters, etc.

Users can create a new account through sharing high-quality data from the user’s Vipps profile. Available information includes name, email, addresses, phone number, and birth date. Norwegian national identity number and account numbers are also available to some merchants. The identity of all Vipps users is verified as part of Vipps' know your customer process, so rest assured that these are real people with correct name and information.

When Vipps Login is used in the browser, the user can choose to be remembered in the browser, enabling automatic sign-ins for later visits. The possibility for the user to be remembered in browser is a key feature of the service and cannot be controlled (turned off) by individual merchants. This means that it is not possible to set up Vipps Login is a 2 factor authentication (2FA).

Vipps Login is not an electronic identification or certified eID.

For Vipps Login in browser there are plugins available for several platforms. You find the complete list on our plugins page. If a plugin is not available, the easiest - and strongly recommended - way to integrate with the service is to use a well renowned OAuth2.0/OpenID Connect Library for your programming language. Vipps does not recommend a specific library, but the list of OIDC Relying Party libraries certified by the OpenID Foundation is a good starting point.

Vipps Login in browser should only be run in the browser window using redirects (iFrame is not supported and new window is not recommended).

Vipps Login from phone number is based on the Client initiated backchannel authentication (CIBA) standard and have been developed to support use cases where it is the merchant/merchant's systems that trigger the authentication/registration and thus login cannot be done in the user's browser.

Vipps Login from QR-code is a new flow that we will gradually roll out support for. Our How It Works page shows the flow.

See our developer section for information about our test environment, test apps and test users.


Api Version 1.0


See the FAQ: How can I activate and set up Vipps Login?


Vipps Login in browser

The generic steps in the Vipps Login in browser flow are shown in our How it works guide. This also explains how the login in browser flow adapts to different preconditions in regards to whether the user has chosen to be remembered in the browser they are currently using and whether the user has already consented to share information with the specific merchant (sale unit). Below is a more detailed description on alternative flows and the choices that can be done to impact these flows when implementing Vipps Login.

Remembered flow

If a user has chosen to be remembered in browser, then the authentication can be completed in the browser. The user will then either be asked to provide consent to share profile information or be logged in directly. This applies to both desktop and mobile.

If the user is not remembered the user needs to confirm the login in the Vipps-app. The flow associated with this will differ depending on whether the user is on desktop or mobile:

Desktop flow - phone number based push flow

If the user is on desktop and not remembered in browser, then they will follow this flow. If the user is remembered in browser, then only the consent flow at the bottom will be completed. If the user already has provided consent, then this step will be skipped also, allowing a direct login experience.

The user initiates the login by entering the phone number and selecting whether to be remembered in the browser: Number input in desktop

The user goes to the Vipps app and confirms the login: Confirmation in app in phone number flow

The user is then authenticated in browser and can provide consent if required. Then the user is redirected back to the redirect URI provided by merchant: Consent in desktop

Mobile flow - deeplink based flow

If the user is on a mobile device, the Vipps landing page in the browser will automatically trigger a deeplink to the Vipps app if the user is not remembered in the browser. The user will not be prompted to enter the phone number.

In the Vipps app, the user confirms the login and can choose whether to be remembered in the browser for later logins. After confirming in the app, the user needs to switch back to the Vipps page in the browser/app. On the Vipps landing page, the user will finalise the authentication and provide consents if required. The user is then redirected back to the redirect URI provided by merchant (could be webpage or an app).

Mobile flow with app-switch

Apps should follow the recommendations to use correct browser types for their platform.

There are two specialised flows that merchants can use to automatically switch the user back from the Vipps-app to the originating browser/app upon login confirmation. From the illustration above, this means that the page "Gå tilbake til butikken" will be skipped and that the "manual app switch" will be replaced by an automatic app-switch (eg. deeplink). These flows give a better user experience than the standard flow, but they also require the merchant to handle some more complexity in the integration.

Which of the flows to use is controlled with the initiation of the individual login session. The merchant can thus use all available login flows on the same client_id and adapt to the different use cases and login scenarios.

The flows are described below.

App to app flow

This flow is designed to be used with apps. It requires that the app initiate Vipps Login in an external browser that is opened within the app, see specification. In this flow the merchant need to specify the app URI where the user will be returned after completing the confirmation in the Vipps app.

See how to implement.

Automatic return from Vipps app (requires the merchant to handle user session cross browsers)

This flow is designed for web-pages that would like to have the user automatically returned to a browser after completing the confirmation in the Vipps app. Note that there are security implications by using this flow. It is not suited for every scenario. Merchants must make their own considerations to ensure that it is only used where suitable.

Due to how the different mobile operating systems handle app-switch to browser, the user can be returned to a different browser than the one he/she started in. On iOS the user can e.g. start the login in Chrome and be returned to Safari after confirming in the Vipps app. This means that the merchant site cannot rely on cookies being present in the browser the user is returned to.

By using this flow Vipps Login will be able to complete the login process even if the user ends up in a different browser. However, the merchant must ensure that logins can complete, even without session information like cookies.

See how to implement, including more information on the security considerations.

No dialog flow - log the user in directly when possible

This flow can be used to log in the user directly, if the required prerequisites are in place. If the prerequisites are not in place, then the Vipps Login process will be stopped and no interaction will be requested from the user in this flow. When using this flow, a spinner will be shown while Vipps Login tries to log the user in. Once the process is completed, the user will be returned to the merchant as in the ordinary Vipps Login flow. As with the other Vipps Login flow, it is recommended to run Vipps Login in a redirect mode and iFrame is not supported.

The user will be logged in with this flow if:

  • they are remembered in the browser and no consent is required
  • they are remembered in the browser and consent has previously been given

Illustration of how the flow can look when the user clicks "Logg inn" on the front page:

No dialog flow

Possible use cases includes:

  • When the user is going to a section of your site/service that requires them to be logged in, e.g. my page or a personalized chatbot. This might be when the user is already on the webpage, or if the user is being linked directly to the page from an email/newsletter.
  • When a user clicks on your login option, it is possible to try to log the user in with Vipps first.

In such scenarios, a user that can be logged in directly will get an even better login experience and quickly come to the information and services that are relevant for them.

If the user cannot be logged in directly, you can e.g. show them your ordinary login screen. On the login screen, Vipps will be an option. A user that is not remembered in browser or has not yet given consent can actively login with Vipps from here.

See how to implement.

Vipps Login from phone number

Vipps Login from phone number is based on the Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) standard and built to support special cases where login does not start in browser or app. This means that it is the merchant/merchant's systems that trigger the authentication/registration and thus login cannot be done in the user's browser. This could typically be physical contexts e.g point of sales solutions, on the phone e.g call-center solutions or devices/terminals e.g TV-boxes. To ensure a consistent user experience on webpages and in apps, it is not allowed to use Vipps Login from phone number for such use cases.

Since Vipps Login from phone number is reserved for such special cases, it needs to be specially enabled by Vipps for eligible sale units. Description on how to order Vipps Login from phone number can be found here. A sale unit can be set up with both Vipps Login in browser and from phone number (and QR-code) enabled. It is required to use the same sale unit for all use cases to ensure you, as a merchant, get the same user id ('sub') on the user across different scenarios.

Vipps Login from phone number is initiated using the user's mobile number. This triggers a push message from the user's Vipps app. By clicking the push message, the user is taken to Vipps to confirm the authentication/registration. If the user has not already consented to share information with a merchant, such consent will be required. If the user has not enabled push from Vipps, they need to manually open the Vipps app and possibly pull the home screen down for a refresh to receive the authentication request.

The merchant controls whether the user should get the confirmation of completion in the Vipps app or if they should be taken to the merchant's web page to finalise the flow. The merchant can e.g. take the user to their web page to enable input of more information, accept terms and condition, log the user in at their web page, show relevant information/offers or to continue to set up an agreement or completing a purchase. This is illustrated in How It Works.

Illustration of how the flow will look like when the user end the flow and get the confirmation of completion in the Vipps app:

Confirm completion in Vipps app

Illustration of how the flow will look like if the user is taken to the merchant's web page:

Redirect to browser

The merchant has the option to show a confirmation code (binding_message) to the user in the app for added security:

Optional confirmation code (binding_message)

See how to implement.

Vipps Login from QR-code

With Vipps Login from QR code you can retrieve user data and log users in through a QR code.

For an illustration of the flows that will be supported see How It Works.

Integration details and developer documentation can be found here.

Vipps Login + Vipps Recurring

Design guidelines and buttons

Buttons to use for Vipps Login can be found as part of our design guidelines.

Core concepts

Vipps Login adheres to the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect standards. The core concepts related to these are presented below. The next chapter goes into the actual implementation.

OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization. Giving a proper introduction to the standard is out of the scope of this documentation, but there are many excellent resources on the web. If you are new to the subject we recommend this talk by Nate Barbettini at Okta. We also recommend reading OAuth 2 Simplified and having a look at the documentation.

Open ID Connect

OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It enables Clients to verify the identity of the End-User based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the End-User in a REST-like manner.

Some good sources to get you started are: Identity, Claims, & Tokens – An OpenID Connect Primer and OpenID Connect explained.

Supported OpenID Connect Flows

Authorization Code Grant

The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens and is optimized for confidential clients. Since this is a redirection-based flow, the client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner's user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable of receiving incoming requests (via redirection) from the authorization server.

For more information see RFC-6749 section 4.1.


ID Token

The ID token is a signed information object representing the authenticated identity of the user. As part of the OpenID Connect standard, the ID token is encoded as a JWT and signed using the JWS standard. The ID Token can be decoded for debugging purposes by tools such as

Example header:

  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "public:80f3c34a-9779-4e1e-b645-117f3b771af8",
  "typ": "JWT"

Example body:

  "at_hash": "tyFnH20TOmPZkgJU8e5iKw",
  "aud": [
  "auth_time": 1557319296,
  "exp": 1557322938,
  "iat": 1557319338,
  "iss": "",
  "jti": "62a85e56-3d45-4c7e-a055-46932093257a",
  "nonce": "",
  "rat": 1557319255,
  "sub": "c06c4afe-d9e1-4c5d-939a-177d752a0944"

You can read more at the OIDC standard.

It is important to validate the Id-token before using any data contained in it. See the OIDC standard on Id-token validation for the specifics. We recommend that you use a library for this. A good place to start is finding a library for your language at

Access token

Access tokens are random strings that represent the authorization of a specific application to access specific parts of a user’s data. The token itself does not provide any information, but it can be used to fetch the data that the end-user has consented to share from the userinfo endpoint. Access tokens must be kept confidential in transit and storage.



For more information see RFC-6749 section 4.1.3-4.1.4.

Refresh token

Vipps Login does not currently support refresh tokens.

Token endpoint authentication method

The token endpoint is a standard OIDC endpoint used for requesting Access and ID Tokens. The default token endpoint authentication method is client_secret_basic.

It is possible to change the authentication method to client_secret_post in the Vipps portal. This setting will then apply to all login transactions on this sales unit. Go to How can I use client_secret_post for authentication? for more information on how to change the authentication method.

For more information on the token endpoint see OpenID Connect Core 1.0 and RFC-6749 section 3.2.


Scopes are space-separated lists of identifiers used to specify what access privileges are being requested. Vipps Login currently supports the following scopes:

Scopes Description User consent required
openid Scope used to request an Id-token. It provides the claim “sub” which is a unique id for the end user at that particular merchant. Note: Different merchants will get different subs for the same end user. no
address User can have up to three addresses in Vipps: home, work and other. Users' addresses are given as claims 'address' and 'other_addresses'. The claim 'address' returns the address set as 'default' for the Vipps user. And the claim 'other_addresses' returns all other addresses of the end user, if any. We recommend that merchants fetch all addresses on a user and allow the user to choose which address to use in the relevant context. Some users will not have any registered address, in these situations the claim 'address' will be delivered, but the sub claims in address will be empty strings, e.i. "address" : {"country" : "", "street_address" : "", "address_type" : "", "formatted" : "", "postal_code" : "", "region" : "" } . If a user has information in the «Unit, floor or other details» field this will be included in the "street_address" respons. The «Street address» will then be presented first before "\n" and then the contents from «Unit, floor or other details», e.g: "Suburbia 23"\nUnit B5" yes
birthDate User birth date (verified with National Population Register) yes
email User email (verified), the flag "email_verified : true" in the response can be used by merchant to confirm for each request that the email actually is verified yes
name User first, middle and given name (verified with National Population Register) yes
phoneNumber Verified phone number (verified - the number used with Vipps) yes
nin Norwegian national identity number (verified with National Population Register). NB: merchants need to apply for access to NIN. Go to Who can get access to NIN and how? For more information yes
accountNumbers User bank account numbers. NB: merchants need to apply for access to accountNumbers. Go to Who can get access to account numbers and how? For more information yes

When requesting scopes that require user consent, a view listing these scopes will be displayed to the user with the option to allow or deny the consent request. This view is skipped if no scopes requiring consent are requested. The user can not make changes to the list of requested scopes, and can therefore not accept for example name and deny address.

We recommend asking for the minimal number of scopes needed for your use case to minimize the number of users that deny the consent request.

Recommendations on linking to user account

To ensure the best user experience, we recommend performing the following checks related to login/registration:

First check if you already have the unique user identifier for Vipps ("ID" from now on, and called sub in the response from our API) stored on one of your accounts. If you have it, this means that the user has used Vipps on your site earlier and have an explicit link to the account. In this case use the ID to log the user into her account.

The sub is based on the user's national identity number ("fødselsnummer" in Norway), and does not change (except in very special cases).

If you have not already stored the ID: check if the user already has an account based on phone number and e-mail address. If this gives a match on one (and only one) account, then you can use this to log the user into that account since both phone number and e-mail address are verified in Vipps. Before linking an account based on e-mail, ensure that the flag "email_verified : true" in the response. If this for some reason is "false" the matching should be aborted, or the user should be prompted to login to the original account or confirm the account linking by having a confirmation link sent to the email address.

Before completing the linking, it is an advantage to do a "sanity check" on the name of the Vipps user to the name in the existing account to make sure that the account is not an old account where the user has abandoned the phone number or e-mail address and this has been picked up by someone else at a later time.

If you get a match on multiple accounts, you can provide information on this and offer the user the possibility to log in to her existing account (using the old login method) and then link the account to Vipps.

It is also recommended on "my page" or similar in the website to provide the option for logged in users that has not yet linked their profile to Vipps to do so, for an easier login the next time. This just means to provide the "login with Vipps"-button and linking the ID from Vipps with this account.

If the user does not have an existing account, but this is required for some reason, e.g. because you have a separate sign-up process or the users need to be an existing member/customer, you should provide the user with a message explaining the situation after Vipps Login has finished. If relevant you should provide links or directions on how to create the required account.

Integrating with Vipps Login

Vipps Login adheres to the OAuth2 and OpenID Connect standards. The easiest - and strongly recommended - way to integrate with the service is therefore to use a well renowned OAuth2.0/OpenID Connect Library for your programming language. Vipps does not recommend a specific library, but the list of OIDC Relying Party libraries certified by the OpenID Foundation is a good starting point.

Manual integration

This section contains information necessary to perform a manual integration with Vipps Login. This should not be attempted without a solid grasp of the OAuth2 and Open ID Connect standards. All endpoints needed for integration can be found in our openid connect discovery endpoint. These endpoints should be fetched dynamically by your application, since they are prone for change.

Openid connect discovery endpoint

Environment Base URL

The OpenID connect discovery endpoint can be used to retrieve configuration information for openid connect clients. We recommend to fetch these dynamically, however the response from this endpoint rarely changes. Therefore it can and should be cached so it's not fetched over the network on every login. The endpoint responds with a Cache-Control: max-age=3600 header.

You can learn more at the OIDC Standard.





HTTP status Description
200 OK Request successful.
500 Server Error An internal Vipps problem.

Example response from the merchant test environment:

  "issuer": "",
  "authorization_endpoint": "",
  "token_endpoint": "",
  "jwks_uri": "",
  "subject_types_supported": [
  "response_types_supported": [
    "code id_token",
    "token id_token",
    "token id_token code"
  "claims_supported": [
  "grant_types_supported": [
  "response_modes_supported": [
  "userinfo_endpoint": "",
  "scopes_supported": [
  "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
  "userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported": [
  "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
  "request_parameter_supported": true,
  "request_uri_parameter_supported": true,
  "require_request_uri_registration": true,
  "claims_parameter_supported": false,
  "revocation_endpoint": "",
  "backchannel_logout_supported": false,
  "backchannel_logout_session_supported": false,
  "frontchannel_logout_supported": false,
  "frontchannel_logout_session_supported": false,
  "end_session_endpoint": ""

Openid connect discovery URLs

Operation Description Endpoints
OAuth 2.0 Authorize Start an OAuth 2.0 authorization. GET:/oauth2/auth
OAuth 2.0 Token Get an OAuth 2.0 access token. POST:/oauth2/token
Userinfo Returns information that the user has consented to share. GET:/userinfo
JSON Web Keys Discovery Get JSON Web Keys to be used as public keys for verifying OpenID Connect ID Tokens. GET:/.well-known/jwks.json
OAuth 2.0 Authorize

The authorize endpoint is a standard OIDC endpoint used for starting an authorization. The client creates an request URI and directs the resource owner to the constructed URI.


The client constructs the request URI by adding the following parameters to the query component of the authorization endpoint URI using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. The client directs the resource owner to the constructed URI using an HTTP redirection response, or by other means available to it via the user-agent.

Query Description
response_type Value MUST be set to "code".
client_id The client identifier, issued by Vipps.
redirect_uri Redirect URL which the user agent is redirected to after finishing a login. If the URL is using a custom URL scheme, such as myapp://, a path is required: myapp://path-to-something. See API endpoints required by Vipps from the merchant
scope Scope of the access request, space-separated list.
state An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. The authorization server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back to the client.
requested_flow Optional. Request a specific flow for the user. See App integration, Automatic return from Vipps app and No dialog flow
app_callback_uri Optional. The target uri for automatic switch back to merchant app. Requires requested_flow=app_to_app. Example merchant-app://callback
final_redirect_is_app Optional. Either true or false. If this is true we will enable some compatibility features to make sure the user is returned to the app.
code_challenge_method Optional. Used for PKCE, either S256 or plain. Default value is plain
code_challenge Optional. Used for PKCE. The value must be calculated based on the code_verifier later used towards the token endpoint

For example, the client directs the user-agent to make the following HTTP request:


You can test this by entering the url into any browser. This will initiate the log in sequence. For more information about testing this with the Postman collection, see the step-by-step instructions in the Postman guide.

Please note: URIs specified on must be exactly the same as used in the API calls. Be extra careful with trailing / and URL-encoded entities. If the URIs are not identical you will get this error:

The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client


If the resource owner grants the access request, the authorization server issues an authorization code and delivers it to the client by adding the following parameters to the query component of the redirection URI using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.

Query Description
code The authorization code generated by the authorization server. The client MUST NOT use the authorization code more than once. The authorization code is bound to the client identifier and redirection URI.
state The exact value received from the client during the authorization request.
scope The scopes that the end user has consented to. This list will always be the same as in the request query as end users are not allowed to remove individual scopes when they give consent.

For example, the authorization server redirects the user-agent by sending the following HTTP response:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

If the resource owner declines the access request, or an error occurs, the authorization server adds the following parameters to the query component of the redirection URI using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format. More details in Error handling

For more general information see the standard specifications OpenID Connect Core 1.0 and RFC-6749 section 4.1.1-4.1.2.

OAuth 2.0 Token

The token endpoint is a standard OIDC endpoint used for requesting Access and ID Tokens. The client constructs the request by adding the parameters described below to the HTTP body by using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.



Header Description
Content-Type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
Authorization "Basic {Client Credentials}"

The Client Credentials is a base 64 encoded string consisting of the Client id and secret issued by Vipps joined by ":"

Example in JavaScript:

var client_id = 123456-test-4a3d-a47c-412136fd0871
var client_secret = testdzlJbUZaM1lqODlnUUtrUHI=

var wordArrayAzp = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(client_id + ":" + client_secret);
var client_authorization = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(wordArrayAzp);

Form content

Key Description
grant_type Value MUST be authorization_code.
code The authorization code received from the authorization server.
redirect_uri Redirect URL which the user agent is redirected to after finishing a login. If the URL is using a custom URL scheme, such as myapp://, a path is required: myapp://path-to-something. See API endpoints required by Vipps from the merchant . This field is required for OIDC flows, i.e. regular Vipps Login logins.



HTTP status Description
200 OK Request successful.
401 Unauthorized Invalid credentials.
500 Server Error An internal Vipps problem.

Example response:

  "access_token": "hel39XaKjGH5tkCvIENGPNbsSHz1DLKluOat4qP-A4.WyV61hCK1E2snVs1aOvjOWZOXOayZad0K-Qfo3lLzus",
  "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InB1YmxpYzo4MGYzYzM0YS05Nzc5LTRlMWUtYjY0NS0xMTdmM2I3NzFhZjgiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdF9oYXNoIjoidHlGbkgyMFRPbVBaa2dKVThlNWlLdyIsImF1ZCI6WyJ2aXBwcy1pbnRlZ3JhdGlvbiJdLCJhdXRoX3RpbWUiOjE1NTczMTkyOTYsImV4cCI6MTU1NzMyMjkzOCwiaWF0IjoxNTU3MzE5MzM4LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwaXRlc3QudmlwcHMubm8vYWNjZXNzLW1hbmFnZW1lbnQtMS4wL2FjY2Vzcy8iLCJqdGkiOiI2MmE4NWU1Ni0zZDQ1LTRjN2UtYTA1NS00NjkzMjA5MzI1N2EiLCJub25jZSI6IiIsInJhdCI6MTU1NzMxOTI1NSwic3ViIjoiYzA2YzRhZmUtZDllMS00YzVkLTkzOWEtMTc3ZDc1MmEwOTQ0In0.OljG0W_TCfxkrRntj_5He3U0PH94SDZvlK-dvUJe8H5jj8QSiSnqiv65kyzxdr8Bq1MwG7a6Mtlnn4MoL8AyxKUVe6s81CNaYmwaHsWLw2Z2JmiPn5_X4lEy1nHVDX3R7lFKDQqFLSGnGNPU9bACj-Si18LBR-qv060wEj3b1ShrVeUIZCL1Yhxb6cIGl_8RivRto9dBrzggyOlVTtmoPrm9TLYF7UGWjlbmHTqpBWsCQIOeQqgs7RmSBt5k3O9nmP7guVxo5MWv_2Z0XuCqobLDDXJ29Rk_W6d79y-lPzq_TedNb_lCdVJF7u9qDYFbIPuQwXp26CeIJcR-nc-t0qEoNmLru_x-9Z8dCjjzkZbWqyNsNedQU1zt0WFbHjRkodVoHNcRZVT5W5hCe54lmZ6lUqyKwHW0_3Rpd2CI6lPdCOhC-Tze5cUDfb8jT_0OZqCI_wAuWvb6_4VeHqhvUav6Mh6d7AxNJQYG6BAJo9TzyrG7ho4mSpb2wWMr8gmRi8pTQbqa40whPqptpiz_j4AHcsrRckjYONU0USKlnNcBGc24M4sprcLZ6vxFqDYmDoZwUDRdZWRpUbqm_nCmCKb20Z6l5O7h32KvOApopJe2NIeAynli3Nl05QVGOdoT1mZDLYXbtyb0b_4qhRflySr6gaczcf2ovUKAToKNs_4",
  "expires_in": 3599,
  "scope": "openid",
  "token_type": "bearer"

This endpoint returns the payload with the information that the user has consented to share, which is provided in the OAuth 2.0 access token. You can learn more at the OIDC Standard.



Header Description
Authorization "Bearer {Access Token}"

The access token is received on a successful request to the token endpoint.




HTTP status Description
200 OK Request successful.
401 Unauthorized Invalid credentials.
500 Server Error An internal Vipps problem.

Example response:

    "sub": "c06c4afe-d9e1-4c5d-939a-177d752a0944",
    "birthdate": "1815-12-10",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "email_verified": true,
    "nin": "10121550047",
    "name": "Ada Lovelace",
    "given_name": "Ada",
    "family_name": "Lovelace",
    "sid": "7d78a726-af92-499e-b857-de263ef9a969",
    "phone_number": "4712345678",
    "address": {
        "street_address": "Suburbia 23",
        "postal_code": "2101",
        "region": "OSLO",
        "country": "NO",
        "formatted": "Suburbia 23\\n2101 OSLO\\nNO",
        "address_type": "home"
    "other_addresses": [
            "street_address": "Fancy Office Street 2",
            "postal_code": "0218",
            "region": "OSLO",
            "country": "NO",
            "formatted": "Fancy Office Street 2\\n0218 OSLO\\nNO",
            "address_type": "work"
            "street_address": "Summer House Lane 14",
            "postal_code": "1452",
            "region": "OSLO",
            "country": "NO",
            "formatted": "Summer House Lane 14\\n1452 OSLO\\nNO",
            "address_type": "other"
    "accounts": [
            "account_name": "My savings",
            "account_number": "12064590675",
            "bank_name": "My bank"
JSON Web Keys Discovery

This endpoint returns JSON Web Keys to be used as public keys for verifying OpenID Connect ID Tokens and if enabled, OAuth 2.0 JWT Access Tokens.





HTTP status Description
200 OK Request successful.
500 Server Error An internal Vipps problem.

Examples: 200 response

    "keys": [
            "use": "sig",
            "kty": "RSA",
            "kid": "public:80f3c34a-9779-4e1e-b645-117f3b771af8",
            "alg": "RS256",
            "n": "n4kytA_ZeI3Znl96b-zteWmrSHjRmXnvLmACQ4W_BVRTtuhumuoLpOpavUcEOhajbLKqBrANC0dd7ABtL92gHRoVRp8VMSNBG6ykuD04gevxqgm2Gz1mGineWBrjINwY-WboPMqgyZLLKw-JjZ6EqHm67TnWxrKjk3135tGILWvrTJ6ykglGpfH0jpGtEOS6VUuSWeW5VitEGeOFDwWja4mYXZbfGICtKnD6LZOM8sFKyC9diBmDXuXZvxdwdBfVh9JvWMaZ5bJ_mv4iJ0qU0FM1yginRMLXY3MOxwLSLSQjmDPV8NZecUsK-UEfpJl7lvLdEFqKCdqQxkEEyLPMq_rM50F5QIbKa0BYoa973-OR9cJ-XQkLNCtF5i003Z3V-5c7N3xBNlpGYsp4CCvv--zFpxvRZ0k-axgu1Loj1eOZRuX1DL86iTQ6YXcBGPYlRkRNJOn7mkRV8wn8kp_DMlzJ7bgE-NFEA32wFrEimPCrGUfdNdjn6gMsWKcbiHiM4NlIDrCNPiD2CVPrHGuVex8R0cpKU0Cvxc8mXqvDc-VJbrqrRNPbZJh0Zoz4wfK9LESdYGAah9PhgHg5LDFHmhT0W3FPmy1Gmfk2ino4PryJ_rDXe0WT84IEGV9YEM631gDerS63D1dKvTP01YT5sd2Ymn9eptH9grvFeOhuvz0",
            "e": "AQAB"

This operation does not require authentication.

API endpoints required from the merchant

The following endpoints are to be implemented by merchants, in order for Vipps to redirect the resource owner to them.

Receive authentication result

After a successful authentication, the user agent is redirected to this endpoint with the following parameters added to the query component. This URI needs to be pre-registered with Vipps and supplied as a query parameter on calls to the OAuth2 authorize endpoint.

Param Description
code The authorization code generated by the authorization server. The client MUST NOT use the authorization code more than once. The authorization code is bound to the client identifier and redirection URI.
state The exact value received from the client during the authorization request.


HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Error handling

If the user cancels the login or an error occurs, the user agent is redirected to the receive authentication result endpoint with the following parameters added to the query component.

Param Description
error Standard OAuth2 or OIDC error code.
error_description A short text providing additional information on the error that occurred.
state The exact value received from the client during the authorization request.

Custom error codes

In addition to the standard errors defined in OAuth2 and OIDC, Vipps Login also has some custom error codes that you might see on the redirect:

error_code Description
access_denied User cancelled the login
server_error Something went wrong, please try again
login_required User must login with interaction
invalid_app_callback_uri The app callback uri is not on a valid format
app_callback_uri_not_registered The app callback uri is not registered as a redirect uri
outdated_app_version The user's Vipps app version is too old and needs to be updated
wrong_challenge The user selected the wrong challenge
unknown_reject_reason Something went wrong. Reject reason is unknown.

There may be other errors, so integrators must be able to handle undocumented errors gracefully.


HTTP/1.1 302 Found

If a fatal error occurs where the user can not be redirected back to the merchant, a generic Vipps styled error page will be shown containing a brief error description.

Call by call

A very basic case, from a user clicks "Log in with Vipps" until the merchant receives login token and the users information, is shown below:

  1. Before all this, the merchant has fetched the openid configuration from the well-known endpoint and cached it.

    See .well-known.

  2. The merchant initiates a login by calling the authorization_endpoint from .well-known. GET {authorization_endpoint}?client_id={client_id}&response_type=code&scope={scopes}&state={state}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}

    See Authorization endpoint.

  3. This will bring the user to the Vipps Login-screen, where they will consent to sharing information with the merchant. After consenting, the browser is redirected to the redirect_uri supplied by the merchant. {redirect_uri}?code={code}&state={state}&scope={scopes}

  4. The merchant uses the code-parameter to obtain the login token. POST {token_endpoint} with code={code}, grant_type=authorization_code, and redirect_uri={redirect_uri} in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded-body. This returns (amongst others) an access_token that can be used to fetch userinfo.

    See Token endpoint.

  5. To obtain userinfo, the merchant must do a GET to the userinfo_endpoint with the header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}. This returns the information the user consented to sharing.

    See Userinfo.

Using Vipps Login in native applications

Web-views should not be used when using Vipps Login in a native application. Instead, the user should be redirected using an external browser openend by/within the app.

Android: Use Custom Tabs or fallback to open external browser on user's device.

iOS: Use SFAuthenticationSession (for iOS 11 and 12) or ASWebAuthenticationSession (for iOS 13 and above).

Using the special flows

App integration

This feature is new and might need modifications to support all merchant app needs.

It is possible to enable automatic switch of users back to the merchant app, from the Vipps app. This flow is described here.

Expected flow:

Merchant app -> Merchant app controlled browser -> Vipps app -> Merchant app controlled browser -> Merchant app

Note that you should use an external browser that is opened within the app, and not web-views.

This flow can be enabled per login request by adding the requested_flow=app_to_app and app_callback_uri parameters to the Authorize request.

This flow requires both the app_callback_uri and redirect_uri parameters.

The app_callback_uri should be a URI that makes the device switch back to the merchant's app again after the Vipps app portion of the flow is done (example: "merchant-app://callback").

The redirect_uri is opened in the browser once the Vipps login flow is completed there. This URL can either redirect the user to a page in the browser, or be handled/intercepted by the merchant app. In either case it is important to avoid using static client secrets in the app for completing the login. (For more information see and

Both URIs must be added in the, you find more information on how to do this here.

Please note: URIs specified on must be exactly the same as used in the API calls. Be extra careful with trailing / and URL-encoded entities. If the URIs are not identical you will get this error:

The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client

The Vipps app will return some data with the return to the app_callback_uri. It contains two query parameters state and resume_uri. State is the OIDC state parameter passed at the start of a login which can be used to identify the specific login if needed.

The resume_uri parameter is generated by Vipps and can optionally be used to resume the login when the user returns from the Vipps app. If the merchant app manages to keep the initial browser window open it is not required to use the resume_uri. To use the resume_uri it must be opened in the same browser used in the initial phase (such as ASWebAuthenticationSession or Chrome Custom Tabs). It is required that the browser contains the cookies from the interaction that happens before the user is sent to the Vipps app.

Example app_callback_uri request


A typical flow/implementation might look like this

The dotted lines in this diagram are handled by Vipps (or the user), while the filled lines need to be implemented by the merchant.

  1. Merchant backend generates an OpenID authentication flow authorization URI. The URI is communicated to the merchant app.
  2. Merchant app uses the URI to initiate Vipps Login in an external browser that is opened within the app, see the specification for details.
  3. Vipps Login will open the Vipps app, if required. (If the user is remembered in the browser, they will be authenticated directly and they will then be on step 6 below).
  4. Vipps app opens the deep link app_callback_uri parameter after the user has approved the login.
  5. Merchant app handles the link in one of two ways:
    • Display the same browser instance that was created in 1.
    • Open a browser again using the resume_uri-query parameter that is returned with the request to the app_callback_uri.
  6. Vipps Login finalizes the authentication of the user and obtains consent to share information if needed. When this is finished the user will be redirected to the redirect_uri. The Vipps Login process has now finished and the merchant controls the remaining process.
  7. Merchant app sends the code and stateparameters received in the callback to the merchant backend.
  8. Merchant backend fetches the access tokens and user information.

Example authorize request URL:


Parameters state and possibly error will be passed as query parameters to the app_callback_uri. The state parameter has the same value as the state parameter passed to the Authorize request.

Example success callback from app (step 4):

Example error callback from app (step 4):

Example success callback from browser (step 6):<code>&scope=openid

Automatic return from Vipps app

When enabled, this flow will automatically take the user back to a browser when they accept the login in the Vipps app. It is not suitable for every scenario. Please see the detailed description and be aware of the security implications mentioned there.

This flow can be enabled per login by adding the parameter requested_flow=automatic_return_from_vipps_app to the Authorize request.

Implementation suggestions

It is not possible to give a single description that ensures secure use of this flow for all scenarios. The suggestions given here may not apply to every scenario and must be considered in relation to the specifics of the implementation.

Session information

The state parameter passed in the OAuth2 authorize endpoint request can carry some information from the start of a login until the callback. The state parameter cannot be thought of as a direct replacement of a user agent bound session.

Some relevant considerations:

  • Always use PKCE.
  • Avoid logging the callback URI.
  • Session fixation. Be aware of what is possible to set up before a login is started.
  • Login CSRF. Be aware if it's possible to input sensitive information after a login.
  • The state parameter and CSRF. Be aware of the recommendations of the OIDC/OAuth standards.

It is important that merchants verify that users returning to a different browser than where the login started are handled as expected. It is also recommended to test starting the login in private/incognito mode, as this will have similar effects as being returned to a different browser.

No dialog flow

This flow is described here. To attempt a no dialog login, add the query parameter requested_flow=no_dialog to the Authorization request uri.

If the user completes the login, they will be returned to the redirect_uri with a code that can be used to complete the login, just like in a regular Authorization code login.

If the user is not logged in, they will be returned with an error. Some possible errors are interaction_required, login_required or server_error.

Not logged in return uri example:

In all cases, a new login can be started by removing the parameter requested_flow=no_dialog and initiating a new login for the user.

Integrating with Vipps Login from phone number

Activating Vipps Login from phone number

Vipps Login from phone number (CIBA flows) has been developed to support use cases where authentication/registration does not start in a browser or an app. These flows are described here. They are based on the CIBA OIDC standard

Vipps Login from phone number is reserved for special cases and needs to be specially enabled by Vipps for eligible sale units. Instructions can be found at Who can get access to Vipps Login from phone number and how.

A sale unit can be set up with both Vipps Login in browser and phone number (and QR-code) enabled, and it is required to use the same sale unit for all use cases to ensure that you, as a merchant, get the same user id ('sub') on the user across different scenarios. To ensure a consistent user experience on webpages and in apps, it is not allowed to use Vipps Login from phone number for such use cases.

Complete login in the Vipps app


See Activating Vipps Login from phone number


Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) enables a Client to initiate the authentication of an end-user through out-of-band mechanisms.

  1. The Client shall make an "HTTP POST" request to the Backchannel Authentication Endpoint to ask for end-user authentication.
  2. Vipps Login will respond immediately with a unique identifier that identifies that authentication while it tries to authenticate the user in the background.
  3. The Client will receive the ID Token and Access Token by polling the token endpoint to get a response with the tokens.

Call by call

  1. Before all this, the merchant has fetched the openid configuration from the well-known endpoint and cached it. See .well-known

  2. The merchant initiates a login by calling the backchannel_authentication_endpoint listed in the openid configuration fetched in step 0.

    For details see Authentication Request.

    Example request:

    Authorization: Basic asdkjhasdjhsad=
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    scope=name address openid&login_hint=urn:mobilenumber:{mobileNumber}&state=13821s837213bng26e2n61gege26&nonce=21hebdhwqdb7261bd1b23

    Example response:

    200 application/json
      "auth_req_id": "VYGaaAMRkI6SyAm_uIywhxsN2K0",
      "expires_in": 600,
      "interval": 5
  3. The merchant starts polling the token endpoint listed in the openid configuration fetched in step 0.

    Polling in this context means doing repeated http requests with a delay between them.

    Information about polling. Note that the polling interval should adhere to the interval response parameter (in seconds) returned in step 1.

    For other details about the request see Token request.

    Example request:

    Authorization: Basic asdkjhasdjhsad=
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Example pending response (Other possible error responses can be found in the CIBA standard):

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
      "error": "authorization_pending",
      "error_description": "The authorization request is still pending"

    The merchant should keep polling when it receives authorization_pending in the error response. After the user completes the login in the app, the token endpoint will give a successful response similar to the following example:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
      "access_token": "ciba.W_IfBcSr-askdjhsakjhd",
      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": 300,
      "id_token": "eyaksjdhksajhdjkashdjksadjnn91283hedhn.eyasdkjhaskjdhskajhdkjhasdkjhaskjhdwqiuh"
  4. The merchant must do a GET to the userinfo endpoint with the header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}, using the access_token retrieved in step 2.

    For details see Userinfo request.

    Example request:

    Authorization: Bearer ciba.W_IfBcSr-askdjhsakjhd

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "address": {
        "address_type": "home",
        "country": "NO",
        "formatted": "jghj khhjhhkjh\n0603\nOSLO\nNO",
        "postal_code": "0603",
        "region": "OSLO",
        "street_address": "jghj khhjhhkjh"
      "family_name": "Heyerdahl",
      "given_name": "Tor Fos",
      "name": "Tor Fos Heyerdahl",
      "other_addresses": [],
      "sid": "qwieuhwqiuhdiuwqh",
      "sub": "f350ef33-22e2-47d0-9f47-12345667"

The Backchannel Authentication Endpoint is listed as backchannel_authentication_endpoint in the configuration


The following authentication methods are currently supported:

  • client_secret_basic
  • client_secret_post

The default token endpoint authentication method is client_secret_basic. It is possible to change the authentication method to client_secret_post in the Vipps portal. More information in the FAQ.

The login_hint parameter (required)

Supported login hints:

  • Norwegian mobile phone numbers can be targeted by passing login hint's on the format urn:mobilenumber:{8 digit norwegian mobile number}.

Example: ...&login_hint=urn:mobilenumber:12345678&....

The scope parameter (required)
  • We support the scopes listed at Scopes
  • The legacy nnin scope is not supported, use nin instead.

Example: ...&scope=name address birthDate nin&...

The binding_message parameter (optional)

A human-readable identifier or message intended to be displayed on both the consumption device and the authentication device to interlock them together for the transaction by way of a visual cue for the end-user. It should not be used for attempting to conveying other information.


The format possible for this field is limited to capital characters 'A-Z', numbers '0-9' and the character '-'. It must also be bewteen 5 and 8 characters long. Regex: ^[A-Z0-9\\-]{5,8}$.

Read more about it in the standard

Example: ....&binding_message=4MZ-CQ3&...

Error responses

In addition to the responses defined by the standard these responses might be returned:

  • 429 status responses: Too many login requests started towards the same user at the same time. Please respect the Retry-After header returned.

Responses according to the standard. Note we do return an interval parameter which indicates the minimum amount of time in seconds that the Client MUST wait between polling requests to the token endpoint.

The responses from this endpoint is according to the standard.

  • Note the required grant_type: urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba.
  • The access token can be used towards the standard oidc userinfo endpoint.

Error responses

In addition to the responses defined by the standard these responses might be returned:

  • error_code=old_app: The user's Vipps app is outdated and does not support this login flow.
  • error_code=invalid_user: No account exists, the user's account is not active or the user is in some way not eligible to use this login flow currently e.g. U15 users.

Redirect to browser


See Activating Vipps Login from phone number.


This CIBA-related flow enables a Client to initiate the authentication of an end-user through out-of-band mechanisms and additionally facilitates the end user to be taken to the client's web page to finalise the flow.

  1. The Client shall make an "HTTP POST" request to the Backchannel Authentication Endpoint to ask for end-user authentication.
  2. The user, via their browser, will be redirected to the Client's redirect_uri which enables the login to be completed.


Call by call

  1. Before all this, the merchant has fetched the openid configuration from the well-known endpoint and cached it. See .well-known.

  2. The merchant initiates a login by calling the backchannel_authentication_endpoint listed in the openid configuration fetched in step 0.

    For details see Authentication Request With Redirect.

    Example request (the real payload will likely look different because of encoding):

    Authorization: Basic asdkjhasdjhsad=
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    requested_flow=login_to_webpage&scope=openid name address&login_hint=urn:mobilenumber:{mobileNumber}&redirect_uri=

    Example response, the auth_req_id should be used to connect this login to a token response since the ID token should contain the same auth_req_id value.

    200 application/json
      "auth_req_id": "VYGaaAMRkI6SyAm_uIywhxsN2K0",
      "expires_in": 600,
      "interval": 5
  3. The user confirms the login and is then redirected to the redirect_uri passed in the initial request 1. The redirect will contain a code: {redirect_uri}?code={code}.

  4. The merchant uses the code-parameter to obtain the login token. Perform a POST request towards the {token_endpoint} with code={code}, grant_type=urn:vipps:params:grant-type:ciba-redirect in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded-body. This returns an ID token and an access token that can be used to fetch userinfo. The ID token is a JWS that must be validated, see ID Token. The merchant must validate that it contains the auth_req_id they have previously received from step 2.

    Example request (the real payload will likely look different because of encoding):

    Authorization: Basic sadlksadkjasjdaksd
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Example response:

      "access_token": "hel39XaKjGH5tkCvIENGPNbsSHz1DLKluOat4qP-A4.WyV61hCK1E2snVs1aOvjOWZOXOayZad0K-Qfo3lLzus",
      "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJwdWJsaWM6ZWUzNmQzZjUtMzkzNC00MDI5LTkyNmYtNzdmYTY1YmYwYjRiIiwiYWxnIjoiRVMyNTYifQ.eyJhdWQiOiJlZGRkYjMyZi01MDI4LTQzOTctYjBhYi1lOGVjZjIxOGZkYzIiLCJzdWIiOiI1MTY4ZWUwNi04NzFlLTQ2ZTYtOTQxZS0wMTAzYjk1NzA0OGUiLCJhdXRoUmVxSWQiOiI3QnpBWS1TYlZRSjM4Vi1VMEM3WjZrMjNfQ1kiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZWNlNDZlYzQtNmY5Yy00ODliLThmZTUtMTQ2YTg5ZTExNjM1LnRlY2gtMDIubmV0XC9hY2Nlc3MtbWFuYWdlbWVudC0xLjBcL2FjY2Vzc1wvIiwiZXhwIjoxNjQzMTc5ODM3LCJpYXQiOjE2NDMxNzkyMzd9.iFvmdtRQVliAe91dBu_CZDfBD5I7WCbDTiDQxu4sOTApXFPb5EsSuEBEVfK_-14E7xjcfQLSMa6ZO06YvhRHAA",
      "expires_in": 3599,
      "scope": "openid",
      "token_type": "bearer",

    Decoded ID token JWS example:

      "kid": "public:ee36d3f5-3934-4029-926f-77fa65bf0b4b",
      "alg": "ES256"
      "aud": "edddb32f-5028-4397-b0ab-e8ecf218fdc2",
      "sub": "5168ee06-871e-46e6-941e-0103b957048e",
      "auth_req_id": "7BzAY-SbVQJ38V-U0C7Z6k23_CY",
      "iss": "",
      "exp": 1643179837,
      "iat": 1643179237
  5. The merchant must do a GET to the userinfo endpoint with the header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}, using the access_token retrieved in step 3.

    For details see Userinfo request.

    Example request:

    Authorization: Bearer W_IfBcSr-askdjhsakjhdasdfgg

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "address": {
        "address_type": "home",
        "country": "NO",
        "formatted": "jghj khhjhhkjh\n0603\nOSLO\nNO",
        "postal_code": "0603",
        "region": "OSLO",
        "street_address": "jghj khhjhhkjh"
      "family_name": "Heyerdahl",
      "given_name": "Tor Fos",
      "name": "Tor Fos Heyerdahl",
      "other_addresses": [],
      "sid": "qwieuhwqiuhdiuwqh",
      "sub": "f350ef33-22e2-47d0-9f47-12345667"

The Backchannel Authentication Endpoint is listed as backchannel_authentication_endpoint in the configuration


The following authentication methods are currently supported:

  • client_secret_basic
  • client_secret_post

The default token endpoint authentication method is client_secret_basic. It is possible to change the authentication method to client_secret_post in the Vipps portal. More information in the FAQ.

Required parameters: requested_flow, login_hint, scope, redirect_uri

The login_hint parameter (required)

Supported login hints:

  • Norwegian mobile phone numbers can be targeted by passing login hint's on the format urn:mobilenumber:{8 digit norwegian mobile number}.

Example: ...&login_hint=urn:mobilenumber:12345678&....

The scope parameter (required)
  • We support the scopes listed at Scopes.
  • The legacy nnin scope is not supported, use nin instead.
  • The openid scope is required

Example: ...&scope=openid name address birthDate nin&...

The binding_message parameter (optional)

A human-readable identifier or message intended to be displayed on both the consumption device and the authentication device to interlock them together for the transaction by way of a visual cue for the end-user.

Read more about it in the standard

Note: "the binding_message value SHOULD be relatively short and use a limited set of plain text characters"

Example: ....&binding_message=4MZ-CQ3&...

The redirect_uri parameter (required)

Redirect URL which the user agent is redirected to after finishing a login. Must be https in the production environment.

Example: ...&redirect_uri=

Error responses

In addition to the responses defined by the standard these responses might also be returned:

  • 429 status responses: Too many login requests started towards the same user at the same time. Please respect the Retry-After header returned.
  • Most of the general error codes

Integrating with Vipps Login from QR code

Vipps login from QR api how it works

Note: Vipps Login from QR code is not supported in our merchant test environment at the moment. The full flow can only be completed in the production environment.

Activating Vipps Login from QR code

To use Vipps Login from QR Code you first need to activate Vipps Login in the Merchant portal. Since Vipps Login From QR code is a billed service, it is not enabled by default. To use Vipps Login from QR Code you therefore need to submit a request to [email protected] containing your organisation's invoicing details, such as:

  • Invoice address of company/organisation
  • Name of invoice recipient/approver
  • E-mail address we can send the invoice to, if necessary

We currently don't have any self service functionality on QR codes in our merchant portal (yet), so for the integration to work we will also need you to submit some technical details on how you plan to integrate the QR flow:

  • Should the QR code redirect the user back to your website? In that case, you need to send us a redirect uri. We can redirect the users back to your website after they have authenticated and consented in the Vipps app.
  • Should the QR code flow end in the Vipps app? In that case, you need to send us a callback uri that we can use to ping your backend service when the user has authenticated and consented in the Vipps app.

With this in place, we can issue a Vipps Login QR code.

Initiate login from QR code

Call by call



  1. The client has fetched the OpenID configuration from the .well-known endpoint and cached it.

  2. The user scans the QR code and then confirms the login in the Vipps app.

  3. The client will receive a JWS on the preregistered webhook.

  4. The client needs to validate this JWS using the keyset found in 'jwks_uri' under .well-known. Decoded JWS payload example.

        "aud": "acae94b4-7b30-4615-9806-10c3b42079a3",
        "auth_req_id": "6tw7GmfPQRcWuydzlAwrUakpEEw",
        "iss": "",
        "exp": 1643981298,
        "iat": 1643980998,
  5. The client exchanges the auth_req_id for login tokens by passing it to the {token_endpoint}. Perform a POST request, with content_type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and include the auth_req_id={auth_req_id} and grant_type=urn:vipps:params:grant-type:qr parameters in the body.

    This returns an ID token and an access token that can be used to fetch userinfo.

    • The access token can be used towards the standard oidc userinfo endpoint.
    • The ID token is a JWS that must be validated, see ID Token.
    • The claim qr_id can be used by the client to identify the specific QR code that the user scanned.
    • Error responses as defined by the CIBA standard.

    Example request:

    Authorization: Basic asdkjhasdjhsad=
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
      "access_token": "ciba.W_IfBcSr-askdjhsakjhd",
      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": 300,
      "id_token": "eyaksjdhksajhdjkashdjksadjnn91283hedhn.eyasdkjhaskjdhskajhdkjhasdkjhaskjhdwqiuh"

    Decoded ID token JWS example:

      "kid": "public:ee36d3f5-3934-4029-926f-77fa65bf0b4b",
      "alg": "ES256"
      "aud": "8de3f38f-4a79-4eb3-930f-1e595d460a57",
      "sub": "d6614352-ca55-4d89-8f82-d2facde311a4",
      "iss": "",
      "exp": 1643984388,
      "iat": 1643983788,
      "qr_id": "oKAz7q1O",
      "qr_description": "description of QR code"
  6. The client must do a GET to the userinfo endpoint with the header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}, using the access token retrieved in step 4.

    For details see Userinfo request.

    Example request:

    Authorization: Bearer ciba.W_IfBcSr-askdjhsakjhd

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "address": {
        "address_type": "home",
        "country": "NO",
        "formatted": "jghj khhjhhkjh\n0603\nOSLO\nNO",
        "postal_code": "0603",
        "region": "OSLO",
        "street_address": "jghj khhjhhkjh"
      "family_name": "Heyerdahl",
      "given_name": "Tor Fos",
      "name": "Tor Fos Heyerdahl",
      "other_addresses": [],
      "sid": "qwieuhwqiuhdiuwqh",
      "sub": "f350ef33-22e2-47d0-9f47-12345667"

Initiate login from QR code with redirect to browser


Vipps login from QR api how it works

Call by call



  1. The client has fetched the OpenID configuration from the .well-known endpoint and cached it.

  2. The user scans the QR code and then confirms the login in the Vipps app. The user is then redirected to the preregistered redirect_uri. The redirect will contain the query parameter code: {redirect_uri}?code={code}.

  3. The client exchanges the code for login tokens by passing it to the {token_endpoint}. Perform a POST request, with content_type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and include the code={code} and grant_type=urn:vipps:params:grant-type:qr-redirect parameters in the body.

    This returns an ID token and an access token that can be used to fetch userinfo.

    • The access token can be used towards the standard oidc userinfo endpoint
    • The ID token is a JWS that must be validated, see ID Token.
    • The claim qr_id can be used by the client to identify the specific QR code that the user scanned.
    • Error responses as defined by the CIBA standard.

    Example request (the real payload will likely look different because of encoding):

    Authorization: Basic sadlksadkjasjdaksd
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Example response:

       "access_token": "hel39XaKjGH5tkCvIENGPNbsSHz1DLKluOat4qP-A4.WyV61hCK1E2snVs1aOvjOWZOXOayZad0K-Qfo3lLzus",
       "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiJwdWJsaWM6ZWUzNmQzZjUtMzkzNC00MDI5LTkyNmYtNzdmYTY1YmYwYjRiIiwiYWxnIjoiRVMyNTYifQ.eyJhdWQiOiJlZGRkYjMyZi01MDI4LTQzOTctYjBhYi1lOGVjZjIxOGZkYzIiLCJzdWIiOiI1MTY4ZWUwNi04NzFlLTQ2ZTYtOTQxZS0wMTAzYjk1NzA0OGUiLCJhdXRoUmVxSWQiOiI3QnpBWS1TYlZRSjM4Vi1VMEM3WjZrMjNfQ1kiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZWNlNDZlYzQtNmY5Yy00ODliLThmZTUtMTQ2YTg5ZTExNjM1LnRlY2gtMDIubmV0XC9hY2Nlc3MtbWFuYWdlbWVudC0xLjBcL2FjY2Vzc1wvIiwiZXhwIjoxNjQzMTc5ODM3LCJpYXQiOjE2NDMxNzkyMzd9.iFvmdtRQVliAe91dBu_CZDfBD5I7WCbDTiDQxu4sOTApXFPb5EsSuEBEVfK_-14E7xjcfQLSMa6ZO06YvhRHAA",
       "expires_in": 3599,
         "scope": "openid",
         "token_type": "bearer",

    Decoded ID token JWS example:

    "kid": "public:ee36d3f5-3934-4029-926f-77fa65bf0b4b",
    "alg": "ES256"
    "aud": "8de3f38f-4a79-4eb3-930f-1e595d460a57",
    "sub": "d6614352-ca55-4d89-8f82-d2facde311a4",
    "iss": "",
    "exp": 1643984388,
    "iat": 1643983788,
    "qr_id": "oKAz7q1O",
    "qr_description": "description of QR code"
  4. The client must do a GET to the userinfo endpoint with the header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}, using the access token retrieved in step 3.

    For details see Userinfo request.

    Example request:

    Authorization: Bearer W_IfBcSr-askdjhsakjhdasdfgg

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "address": {
        "address_type": "home",
        "country": "NO",
        "formatted": "jghj khhjhhkjh\n0603\nOSLO\nNO",
        "postal_code": "0603",
        "region": "OSLO",
        "street_address": "jghj khhjhhkjh"
      "family_name": "Heyerdahl",
      "given_name": "Tor Fos",
      "name": "Tor Fos Heyerdahl",
      "other_addresses": [],
      "sid": "qwieuhwqiuhdiuwqh",
      "sub": "f350ef33-22e2-47d0-9f47-12345667"


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