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MobX works in any ES5 environment, which includes browsers and NodeJS.
There are two types of React bindings, mobx-react-lite
supports only functional components, whereas mobx-react
also supports class based components. Append the appropriate bindings for your use case to the Yarn or NPM command below:
Yarn: yarn add mobx
NPM: npm install --save mobx
CDN: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/mobx / https://unpkg.com/mobx/dist/mobx.umd.production.min.js
- For Babel: Make sure to use at least version 7.12. Use the plugin
["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", { "loose": false }]
- For TypeScript, set the compiler option
"useDefineForClassFields": true
By default, MobX uses proxies for optimal performance and compatibility. However, on older JavaScript engines Proxy
is not available (check out Proxy support). Examples of such are Internet Explorer (before Edge), Node.js < 6, iOS < 10, Android before RN 0.59, or Android on iOS.
In such cases, MobX can fallback to an ES5 compatible implementation which works almost identically, although there are a few limitations without Proxy support. You will have to explicitly enable the fallback implementation by configuring useProxies
import { configure } from "mobx"
configure({ useProxies: "never" }) // Or "ifavailable".
If you have used MobX before, or if you followed online tutorials, you probably saw MobX with decorators like @observable
In MobX 6, we have chosen to move away from decorators by default, for maximum compatibility with standard JavaScript.
They can still be used if you enable them though.
- MobX.dart: MobX for Flutter / Dart
- lit-mobx: MobX for lit-element
- mobx-angular: MobX for angular
- mobx-vue: MobX for Vue