Using CocoaPods:
You can use Swift Package Manager and specify dependency in Package.swift
by adding this:
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "x.y")) // Replace x.y with your required version
Also, have a look at Swift Package Manager @ CryptoSwift.
Create/Update your Podfile with the following contents
target 'YourAppTargetName' do pod 'nRFMeshProvision' end
Install dependencies
pod install
Open the newly created
Create a new Cartfile in your project's root with the following contents
github "NordicSemiconductor/IOS-nRF-Mesh-Library" ~> x.y // Replace x.y with your required version
Build with carthage
carthage update [--platform iOS] --use-xcframeworks // also OSX platform is available for macOS builds
Carthage will build the NordicMesh.xcframework and CryptoSwift.xcframework files in Carthage/Build/. Copy frameworks for required platforms into your Xcode project like described here.
Import the library to any of your classes by using import NordicMesh
and begin working on your project!