- Update 53: Interpolation for Shock Capturing (part 2)
- Update 52: Interpolation for Shock Capturing (part 1)
- Update 51: Redefinition of RT element Final
- Update 50: Redefinition of RT element part 4
- Update 49: Redefinition of RT element part 3
- Update 48: Redefinition of RT element part 2
- Update 47: Redefinition of the RT element
- Update 46: New Plan: New RT element to remove instability
- Update 45: Restatement of Numerical Method: Hybrid Elements to Represent Scalar Field and Coupled Vector Flux Field
- Update 44: Return after three-year hiatus.
- Update 43: Transonic testing successful for P!=1.
- Update 42: Added min/max limiter for values.
- Update 41: Interpolated fluxes to the edges.
- Update 40: Theorized interpolation cause of issues.
- Update 39: Compared RT, Lagrange, Jacobi bases.
- Update 38: Investigating exponential interpolation filter.
- Update 37: Fixed limiter; conducted shock studies.
- Update 36: Replaced with SSP54; improved shock results.
- Update 35: Added and verified gradient calculations.
- Update 34: Implemented laplacian dissipation for shocks.
- Update 33: Completed shock finder; plan dissipation.
- Update 32: Validated Roe-ER flux; plan stabilization.
- Update 31: Enhancing flux transfer to minimize dissipation.
- Update 30: Adding routines for implicit time advancement.
- Update 29: Researching methods to speed up convergence.
- Update 28: Implemented abrupt start transient modeling.
- Update 27: Added solver runtime profile option.
- Update 26: Partitioned 2D solver for parallelism.
- Update 25: Compared convergence using different flux calculations.
- Update 24: Implemented multi-core parallel solver for speedup.
- Update 23: Tested Isentropic Vortex with Lax flux.
- Update 22: First AVS renderings of 2D density.
- Update 21: 2D Euler solver functionally complete.
- Update 20: Tested polynomial divergence computation.
- Update 19: Developed unit tests for zero divergence.
- Update 18: Verified divergence for transformed triangles.
- Update 17: Initializing 2D DFR solution method.
- Update 16: Validated RT element for polynomial divergence.
- Update 15: Working Raviart-Thomas element up to 7th order.
- Update 14: Studying Raviart-Thomas for flux representation.
- Update 13: Experimented with LGL node distributions.
- Update 12: Added Gambit mesh reader; updated AVS.
- Update 11: Reworked DFR solver; verified convergence.
- Update 10: Implemented smooth solution; conducted studies.
- Update 9: Verified DFR/Roe flux with exact solution.
- Update 8: Evaluated Roe Flux versus analytic solution.
- Update 7: Identified and fixed DFR aliasing issue.
- Update 6: Implemented DFR for 1D advection problems.
- Update 5: Investigated direct flux reconstruction (DFR) methods.
- Update 3: Euler's equations: 1D shock collision.
- Update 2: Maxwell's equations in 1D cavity.
- Update 1: Implemented 1D advection equation model.