All notable changes to the JupyterHub deployment will be documented here. Any changes to the plugin itself will be documented in the xnat-jupyter-plugin repository.
- JHP-75: Update to JupyterLab 4.0.
- JHP-76: Update to JupyterHub 4.0.
- JHP-96: Add xnat/tensorflow-notebook image based on jupyter/tensorflow-notebook image. This image includes TensorFlow and other helpful packages for working with XNAT data.
- JHP-101: Add pyradiomics to xnat/datascience-notebook and xnat/tensorflow-notebook images. This package is useful for extracting radiomic features from DICOM images.
- JHP-102: Add highdicom to xnat/datascience-notebook. This package is useful for working with DICOM segmentation objects and other DICOM objects.
- JHP-113: Add pygwalker to notebook images.
- JHP-106: From the JupyterHub 4.0 upgrade, add check_allowed method to the Authenticator class. The default behavior changes in version 5.0 so go ahead and add the method now instead of relying on the default behavior.
- JHP-111: From the JuptyerHub 4.0 upgrade, fix websocket http 403 error in JupyterLab. This is fixed by adding the
environment variable to the JupyterHub deployment. Jupyter 5.0 has fixed this issue, but we are not quite ready to upgrade to 5.0 yet.
- JHP-87: Use persistent volume claim for session volume in k8s deployment.
- JHP-82: Support for named servers in JupyterHub. This will allow users to launch multiple servers from XNAT with different configurations.
- JHP-93: Add ipydatagrid to xnat/datascience-notebook image. Useful for dashboard development.
- JHP-94: Add dcmtk to xnat/datascience-notebook image. Useful for DICOM processing.
- JHP-81: Add environmental variable for configuring TLS in the JupyterHub deployment.
- JHP-86: Fix issue with volume name case sensitivity in helm chart pre_spawn_hook function.
- Added changelog.
- JHP-73: Updates for dashboards. JupyterHub is now configured to accept a command from XNAT to launch a dashboard container instead of only launching notebook containers. The xnat/datascience-notebook image is updated to include numerous packages for dashboard development, including Panel, Dash, Streamlit, and Voilà.
- JHP-77: Add GitHub workflows to build and publish the xnat/jupyterhub and xnat/data-science-notebook images to Docker Hub. Repository has migrated from Bitbucket to GitHub.
- Updates to the helm chart to move python pre_spawn_hook, and other python code, to configmaps instead of managing it in the values.yaml file. No behavior changes.
- JHP-67: Adds a helm chart for deploying JupyterHub, configured to communicate with XNAT, to a Kubernetes cluster.