diff --git a/stock_picking_correct_reservation/README.rst b/stock_picking_correct_reservation/README.rst
index db3f393..e3499ee 100644
--- a/stock_picking_correct_reservation/README.rst
+++ b/stock_picking_correct_reservation/README.rst
@@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ This action could unreserve stock.
 This action is executed only by users with group ``Administration``.
 We want to give access to users with group ``Inventory / Administrator``, to be able to execute this action. 
-And limit the correction to only selected stock picking.
-This module allows to execute the same code of 'Correct inconsistencies for reservation' action from a selected transfers.
+This module allows to execute the same code of 'Correct inconsistencies for reservation' action from picking.
diff --git a/stock_picking_correct_reservation/wizard/stock_picking_reservation.py b/stock_picking_correct_reservation/wizard/stock_picking_reservation.py
index d6b3733..7d761c1 100644
--- a/stock_picking_correct_reservation/wizard/stock_picking_reservation.py
+++ b/stock_picking_correct_reservation/wizard/stock_picking_reservation.py
@@ -9,184 +9,8 @@ class StockPickingReservation(models.TransientModel):
     _description = "Stock Picking Reservation"
     def action_correct_reservation(self):
-        """"
-        This function was inspired by the server action Correct inconsistencies for
-        reservation
-        """
-        context = dict(self._context or {})
-        pickings = context.get('active_ids', False)
-        if not pickings:
-            return {"type": "ir.actions.act_window_close"}
-        picking_ids = self.env["stock.picking"].browse(pickings)
-        move_line_ids = []
-        move_line_to_recompute_ids = []
-        logging = ''
-        for picking in picking_ids:
-            quants = self.env['stock.quant'].sudo().search(
-                [('product_id', 'in', picking.move_line_ids.mapped('product_id.id'))]
-            )
-            for quant in quants:
-                move_lines = self._get_matching_move_lines(quant)
-                move_line_ids += move_lines.ids
-                reserved_on_move_lines = sum(move_lines.mapped('product_qty'))
-                move_line_str = ", ".join(map(str, move_lines.ids))
-                if quant.location_id.should_bypass_reservation():
-                    # If a quant is in a location that should bypass the reservation,
-                    # its `reserved_quantity` field should be 0.
-                    logging += self._handle_bypass_reservation(
-                        quant, move_lines, reserved_on_move_lines, move_line_str
-                    )
-                else:
-                    # If a quant is in a reservable location, its `reserved_quantity`
-                    # should be exactly the sum of the `product_qty` of all the
-                    # partially_available / assigned move lines with the same
-                    # characteristics.
-                    logging += self._handle_reservable_location(
-                        quant, move_lines, reserved_on_move_lines,
-                        move_line_str, move_line_to_recompute_ids
-                    )
-            move_lines_to_unreserve, unreserve_logging = self._find_unlinked_move_lines(
-                move_line_ids
-            )
-            logging += unreserve_logging
-            self._unreserve_move_lines(move_lines_to_unreserve)
-            if logging:
-                self._create_logging(logging)
-            if move_line_to_recompute_ids:
-                self.env['stock.move.line'].browse(
-                    move_line_to_recompute_ids
-                ).move_id._recompute_state()
-        return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
-    def _get_matching_move_lines(self, quant):
-        return self.env["stock.move.line"].search(
-            [
-                ("product_id", "=", quant.product_id.id),
-                ("location_id", "=", quant.location_id.id),
-                ("lot_id", "=", quant.lot_id.id),
-                ("package_id", "=", quant.package_id.id),
-                ("owner_id", "=", quant.owner_id.id),
-                ("product_qty", "!=", 0),
-            ]
-        )
-    def _handle_bypass_reservation(self, quant, move_lines, reserved_on_move_lines,
-                                   move_line_str):
-        logging = ''
-        if quant.reserved_quantity != 0:
-            logging += (f"""Problematic quant found: {quant.id} (quantity: {quant.quantity},
-                        reserved_quantity: {quant.reserved_quantity})\n"""
-                        f"""its `reserved_quantity` field is not 0 while its location
-                        should bypass the reservation\n""")
-            if move_lines:
-                logging += (
-                    f"""These move lines are reserved on it:\n"""
-                    f"""{move_line_str} (sum of the reservation:
-                        {reserved_on_move_lines})\n"""
-                    "******************\n"
-                )
-            else:
-                logging += (
-                    f"""no move lines are reserved on it, you can safely reset its
-                    `reserved_quantity` to 0\n"""
-                    f"""{move_line_str} (sum of the reservation:
-                        {reserved_on_move_lines})\n"""
-                    "******************\n"
-                )
-            quant.write({'reserved_quantity': 0})
-        return logging
-    def _handle_reservable_location(
-        self,
-        quant,
-        move_lines,
-        reserved_on_move_lines,
-        move_line_str,
-        move_line_to_recompute_ids,
-    ):
-        logging = ""
-        if (
-            quant.reserved_quantity in [0, -1]
-            or quant.reserved_quantity != reserved_on_move_lines
-        ):
-            logging += (
-                f"""Problematic quant found: {quant.id} (quantity: {quant.quantity},
-                reserved_quantity: {quant.reserved_quantity})\n"""
-                f"""{'its `reserved_quantity` field is 0' if
-                     quant.reserved_quantity == 0 else
-                     'its `reserved_quantity` field is negative' if
-                     quant.reserved_quantity < 0 else
-                     'its `reserved_quantity` does not reflect the move lines reservation'
-                }\n"""
-                f"""These move lines are reserved on it: {move_line_str}
-                (sum of the reservation: {reserved_on_move_lines})\n"""
-                "******************\n"
-            )
-            quant.write({"reserved_quantity": 0})
-            move_lines.with_context(bypass_reservation_update=True).sudo().write(
-                {"product_uom_qty": 0}
-            )
-            move_line_to_recompute_ids += move_lines.ids
-        elif any(move_line.product_qty < 0 for move_line in move_lines):
-            logging += (
-                f"""Problematic quant found: {quant.id} (quantity: {quant.quantity},
-                reserved_quantity: {quant.reserved_quantity})\n"""
-                f"""its `reserved_quantity` correctly reflects the move lines
-                reservation but some are negative\n"""
-                f"""These move lines are reserved on it: {move_line_str}
-                (sum of the reservation: {reserved_on_move_lines})\n"""
-                "******************\n"
-            )
-            quant.write({"reserved_quantity": 0})
-            move_lines.with_context(bypass_reservation_update=True).sudo().write(
-                {"product_uom_qty": 0}
-            )
-            move_line_to_recompute_ids += move_lines.ids
-        return logging
-    def _find_unlinked_move_lines(self, move_line_ids):
-        move_lines = self.env["stock.move.line"].search(
-            [
-                ("product_id.type", "=", "product"),
-                ("product_qty", "!=", 0),
-                ("id", "not in", move_line_ids),
-            ]
-        )
-        move_lines_to_unreserve = []
-        logging = ""
-        for move_line in move_lines:
-            if not move_line.location_id.should_bypass_reservation():
-                logging += (
-                    f"""Problematic move line found:
-                    {move_line.id} (reserved_quantity:
-                    {move_line.product_qty})\n"""
-                    "There is no existing quant despite its `reserved_quantity`\n"
-                    "******************\n"
-                )
-                move_lines_to_unreserve.append(move_line.id)
-        return move_lines_to_unreserve, logging
-    def _unreserve_move_lines(self, move_lines_to_unreserve):
-        if move_lines_to_unreserve:
-            query = """ UPDATE stock_move_line SET product_uom_qty = 0,
-            product_qty = 0 WHERE id IN %s """
-            self.env.cr.execute(query, (tuple(move_lines_to_unreserve),))
-    def _create_logging(self, logging):
-        self.env['ir.logging'].sudo().create({
-            'name': 'Unreserve stock.quant and stock.move.line',
-            'type': 'server',
-            'level': 'DEBUG',
-            'dbname': self.env.cr.dbname,
-            'message': logging,
-            'func': '_update_reserved_quantity',
-            'path': 'addons/stock/models/stock_quant.py',
-            'line': '0',
-        })
+        server_action_id = self.sudo().env.ref(
+            "stock.stock_quant_stock_move_line_desynchronization",
+            raise_if_not_found=False,
+        ).id
+        return self.env["ir.actions.server"].sudo().browse(server_action_id).run()