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Binarize with Olena/scribo

CircleCI Docker Automated build


make deps-ubuntu

...will try to install the required packages on Ubuntu.


make build-olena

...will download, patch and build Olena/scribo from source, and install locally (in VIRTUAL_ENV or in CWD/local).

make install

...will do that, but additionally install ocrd-binarize-olena (the OCR-D wrapper).


make test

...will clone the assets repository from Github, make a workspace copy, and run checksum tests for binarization on them.


This package has the following user interfaces:

command line interface scribo-cli

Converts images in any format.

Usage: scribo-cli COMMAND [ARGS]

List of available COMMAND options:

  Full Toolchains

   * On documents

     doc-ppc	       Common preprocessing before looking for text.

     doc-ocr           Find and recognize text. Output: the actual text
     		       and its location.

     doc-dia           Analyse the document structure and extract the
     		       text. Output: an XML file with region and text

   * On pictures

     pic-loc           Try to localize text if there's any.

     pic-ocr           Localize and try to recognize text.


     * xml2doc	       Convert the XML results of document toolchains
       		       into user documents (HTML, PDF...).


   * Binarization

     otsu              Otsu's (1979) global thresholding algorithm.

     niblack           Niblack's (1985) local thresholding algorithm.

     sauvola           Sauvola and Pietikainen's (2000) local/adpative algorithm.

     kim               Kim's (2004) algorithm.

     wolf              Wolf and Jolion's (2004) algorithm.

     sauvola-ms        Lazzara's (2013) multi-scale Sauvola algorithm.

     sauvola-ms-fg     Extract foreground objects and run multi-scale
                       Sauvola's algorithm.

     sauvola-ms-split  Run multi-scale Sauvola's algorithm on each color
                       component and merge results.

     singh             Singh's (2014) algorithm.


     version           Show version and exit

     help              Show this message and exit

For command arguments, see 'scribo-cli COMMAND --help' for more information
on each specific COMMAND.

For example:

scribo-cli sauvola-ms path/to/input.tif path/to/output.png --enable-negate-output

This can also be used with the general-purpose image preprocessing OCR-D wrapper ocrd-preprocess-image to get the power of Olena's binarization to all structural levels of the PAGE segment hierarchy. (See this parameter preset for an usage example.)

OCR-D processor interface ocrd-olena-binarize

To be used with PageXML documents in an OCR-D annotation workflow. Input could be any valid workspace with source images available. Currently covers the Page hierarchy level only. Uses either (the last) AlternativeImage/@filename (if any), or Page/@imageFilename (otherwise, cropping to Border if necessary). Adds an AlternativeImage with the result of binarization for every page.

Usage: ocrd-olena-binarize [OPTIONS]

  OLENA's binarization algos for OCR-D (on page-level)

  -I, --input-file-grp USE        File group(s) used as input
  -O, --output-file-grp USE       File group(s) used as output
  -g, --page-id ID                Physical page ID(s) to process
  --overwrite                     Remove existing output pages/images
                                  (with --page-id, remove only those)
  -p, --parameter JSON-PATH       Parameters, either verbatim JSON string
                                  or JSON file path
  -m, --mets URL-PATH             URL or file path of METS to process
  -w, --working-dir PATH          Working directory of local workspace
                                  Log level
  -J, --dump-json                 Dump tool description as JSON and exit
  -h, --help                      This help message
  -V, --version                   Show version

   "impl" [string - "sauvola-ms-split"]
    The name of the actual binarization algorithm
    Possible values: ["sauvola", "sauvola-ms", "sauvola-ms-fg", "sauvola-
    ms-split", "kim", "wolf", "niblack", "singh", "otsu"]
   "k" [number - 0.34]
    Sauvola's formulae parameter (foreground weight decreases with k);
    for Multiscale, multiplied to yield default 0.2/0.3/0.5; for Singh,
    multiplied to yield default 0.06; for Niblack, multiplied to yield
    default -0.2; for Wolf/Kim, used directly; for Otsu, does not apply
   "win-size" [number - 0]
    The (odd) window size in pixels; when zero (default), set to DPI; for
    Otsu, does not apply
   "dpi" [number - 0]
    pixel density in dots per inch (overrides any meta-data in the
    images); disabled when zero


Copyright 2018-2023 Project OCR-D

ocrd_olena is released under the GNU General Public Licence. See the file LICENSE (at the root of the source tree) for details.