- Action Cable
- Action Controller
- Action Dispatch
- Action Mailer
- Action View
- Active Job / Record / Support
- Application
- Assets
- Bullet
- Cache
- Request
- Database
- Devise (OminiAuth)
- DMP Roadmap
- Shibboleth
- Locale & Internationalisation (i18n)
- MADMP Codebase
- Piwik
- OpenAire
- Organisation
- Pagination
- Plans
- Public files
- Rails
- Re3data
- Recaptcha
- Redis
- Rollbar
- Ror
- Rswag
Name | Type | Description |
ACTION_CABLE_ALLOWED_REQUEST_ORIGINS | Array | Allows requests from allowed origins (default: [ 'http://example.com', /http:\/\/example.*/ ]) |
ACTION_CABLE_DISABLE_REQUEST_FORGERY_PROTECTION | Boolean | Disables request forgery protection (default: true) |
ACTION_CABLE_MOUNT_PATH | String | Action cable mount path (default: nil) |
ACTION_CABLE_URL | String | Action cable URL (default: wss://example.com/cable) |
Name | Type | Description |
ACTION_CONTROLLER_ALLOW_FORGERY_PROTECTION | Boolean | Enables forgery protection (default: false) |
ACTION_CONTROLLER_ASSET_HOST | String | Action controller asset host (default: http://assets.example.com) |
ACTION_CONTROLLER_ENABLE_FRAGMENT_CACHE_LOGGING | Boolean | Enables fragment cache logging (default: true) |
ACTION_CONTROLLER_PERFORM_CACHING | Boolean | Enables controller caching (default: true (dev) / false) |
Name | Type | Description |
ACTION_DISPACTH_X_SENDFILE_HEADER | String | Action dispatch X-Sendfile header (default: X-Sendfile) |
ACTION_DISPATCH_SHOW_EXCEPTIONS | Boolean | Shows action dispatch exceptions (default: false) |
Name | Type | Description |
ACTION_MAILER_PERFORM_CACHING | Boolean | Enables action mailer caching (default: false) |
ACTION_MAILER_RAISE_DELIVERY_ERRORS | Boolean | Enables action mailer delivery error raising (default: false) |
ACTION_MAILER_SMTP_HOST | String | Action mailer SMTP host (default: mailcatcher) |
ACTION_MAILER_SMTP_PORT | Integer | Action mailer SMTP port (default: 1025) |
ACTION_MAILER_DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS_PROTOCOL | String | Action mailer protocol (default https) |
MAILER_FROM | String | Email address of the email sender (default: [email protected]) |
MAILER_REQUIRE_NAME | Boolean | Require sender name in emails (default: true) |
MAILER_REQUIRE_SUBJECT | Boolean | Require subject in emails (default: true) |
MAILER_SENDER | String | Default sender email address (default: [email protected]) |
MAILER_TO | String | Default destination email address (default: [email protected]) |
MAILER_LOCALIZE_ROUTES | Boolean | Localize routes (default: true) |
Name | Type | Description |
ACTION_VIEW_ANNOTATE_RENDERED_VIEW_WITH_FILENAMES | Boolean | Annotate the rendered view with filenames (default: true) |
ACTION_VIEW_CACHE_TEMPLATE_LOADING | Boolean | Cache the loading of view templates (default: true) |
Name | Type | Description |
ACTIVE_JOB_QUEUE_NAME_PREFIX | String | Active job queue name prefix (default: dmp_roadmap_#{Rails.env}) |
ACTIVE_RECORD_DATABSE_SELECTOR | Hash | Active record database selector (default: { delay: 2.seconds }) |
ACTIVE_RECORD_DUMP_SCHEMA_AFTER_MIGRATION | Boolean | Dump schema after active record migration (default: false) |
ACTIVE_RECORD_VERBOSE_QUERY_LOGS | Boolean | Enable verbose active record query logs (default: true) |
ACTIVE_SUPPORT_DISALLOWED_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS | Array | Disallowed active support deprecation warnings (default: []) |
Name | Type | Description |
APPLICATION_ADMIN_DOC | String | Application administrative documentation URL (default: 'https://github.com/OPIDoR/DMPOPIDoR/wiki/Guide-Administrateur') |
APPLICATION_API_DOCUMENTATIONS_URLS | Hash | Application API documentation URLs (default: { v0: 'https://github.com/DMPRoadmap/roadmap/wiki/API-V0-Documentation', v1: 'https://github.com/OPIDoR/DMPOPIDoR/wiki/API-DMP-OPIDoR' }) |
APPLICATION_API_MAX_PAGE_SIZE | Integer | Maximum page size for the application's API (default: 100) |
APPLICATION_ARCHIVED_ACCOUNTS_EMAIL_SUFFIX | String | Email suffix for archived accounts of the application (default: @removed_accounts-opidor.fr) |
APPLICATION_GUIDANCE_COMMENTS_OPENED_BY_DEFAULT | Boolean | Guidance comments opened by default for the application (default: false) |
APPLICATION_GUIDANCE_COMMENTS_TOGGLEABLE | Boolean | Guidance comments toggleable for the application (default: true) |
APPLICATION_ISSUE_LIST_URL | String | Application issue list URL (default: 'https://github.com/OPIDoR/DMPOPIDoR/issues') |
APPLICATION_NAME | String | Application name (default: 'DMP OPIDoR') |
APPLICATION_PREFERENCES | Hash | Application preferences (default: { email: { users: { new_comment: false, admin_privileges: true, added_as_coowner: true, feedback_requested: true, feedback_provided: true }, owners_and_coowners: { visibility_changed: true }, admins: { feedback_requested: true } } }) |
APPLICATION_RELEASE_NOTES_URL | String | Application release notes URL (default: https://github.com/OPIDoR/DMPOPIDoR/wiki/Releases) |
APPLICATION_RESTRICT_ORGS | Boolean | Restrict organizations for the application (default: false) |
APPLICATION_ROUTES_DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS | String | Default URL options for the application routes (default: example.org) |
APPLICATION_TWITTER_URL | String | Application Twitter URL (default: https://twitter.com/OPIDoR_INIST) |
APPLICATION_URL | String | Application URL (default: https://github.com/OPIDoR/DMPOPIDoR) |
APPLICATION_USER_GROUP_SUBSCRIPTION_LIST | String | Application user group subscription list (default: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/dmpopidor) |
APPLICATION_VERSION | String | Application version (default: V4.0.0) |
APPLICATION_ACTION_DISPATCH_COOKIES_SERIZLIZER | Symbol | Application Action Dispatch cookies serializer (default: :json) |
PORT | Integer | Application port (default: 3000) |
WEB_CONCURRENCY | Integer | Application web concurrency (default: 2) |
WICKED_PDF_PATH | String | Application Wicked PDF path (default: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf) |
SERVER_TIMING | Boolean | Server timing for the application (default: true) |
SESSION_STORE_KEY | String | Session store key for the application (default: _dmp_roadmap_session) |
EAGER_LOAD | Boolean | Eager load for the application (default: false) |
ESCAPE_HTML_ENTITIES_IN_JSON | Boolean | Escape HTML entities in JSON for the application (default: true) |
FORCE_SSL | Boolean | Force SSL for the application (default: true) |
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_TRACKET_ROOT | String | Google Analytics tracker root for the application (default: '') |
HTTP_AUTHENTICATABLE_ON_XHR | Boolean | HTTP authentication on XHR for the application (default: false) |
RENCONFIRMABLE | Boolean | Renconfirmable for the application (default: false) |
REQUIRE_MASTER_KEY | Boolean | Require master key for the application (default: true) |
RESULTS_PER_PAGE | Integer | Results per page for the application (default: 5) |
KAMINARI_PARAMS_ON_FIRST_PAGE | Boolean | Kaminari params on the first page for the application (default: true) |
RACK_ATTACK_ENABLED | Boolean | Rack Attack enabled for the application (default: true) |
MAX_NUMBER_LINKS_FUNDER | Integer | Maximum number of links per funder (default: 5) |
MAX_NUMBER_SAMPLE_PLAN | Integer | Maximum number of samples per plan (default: 5) |
MAX_NUMBER_THEMES_PER_COLUMN | Integer | Maximum number of themes per column (default: 5) |
SECRET_KEY_BASE | String | Secret key base (default: my_secret_key) |
SECRET_KEY | String | Secret key (default: my_secret_key) |
Name | Type | Description |
ASSETS_COMPILE | Boolean | Assets compilation for the application (default: false) |
ASSETS_DEBUG | Boolean | Assets debugging for the application (default: false) |
ASSETS_QUIET | Boolean | Assets quiet mode for the application (default: true) |
Name | Type | Description |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | String | AWS access key ID for the application (default: Rails.application.credentials.aws.access_key_id) |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Hash | AWS access key for the application (default: {}) |
AWS_BUCKET_NAME | String | AWS bucket name for the application (default: nil) |
AWS_BUCKET_NAME | String | AWS bucket name for the application (default: nil) |
AWS_REGION | String | AWS region for the application (default: nil) |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | String | AWS secret access key for the application (default: Rails.application.credentials.aws.secret_access_key) |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Hash | AWS secret access key for the application (default: {}) |
Name | Type | Description |
DRAGONFLY_AWS | Boolean | Enable Dragonfly AWS |
DRAGON_FLY_SECRET | String | Dragonfly secret key (default: my_secret_key) |
Name | Type | Description |
DEVISE_PEPPER | String | Devise pepper (default: my_pepper) |
DEVISE_SIGN_OUT_VIA | Symbol | The default HTTP method used to sign out a resource (default: :delete) |
DEVISE_FULL_HOST | String | OmniAuth host URL(default: https://my_service.hostname) |
DEVISE_ALLOWED_REQUEST_METHODS | Symbol | OmniAuth allowed request methods (default: :post) |
DEVISE_OMNIAUTH_PATH_PREFIX | String | OmniAuth path prefix(default: /users/auth) |
DEVISE_ORCID_CLIENT_ID | String | OminiAuth ORCID Client id (default: client_id) |
DEVISE_ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET | String | OminiAuth ORCID Client secret (default: client_secret) |
DEVISE_ORCID_CONFIG | Hash | OmniAuth ORCID configuration (default: {}) |
DEVISE_SHIBBOLETH_REQUEST_TYPE | Smymbol | OmniAuth shibboleth request type(default: :header) |
DEVISE_SHIBBOLETH_CONFIG | Hash | OmniAuth shibboleth config (default: {}) |
DEVISE_SHIBBOLETH_EXTRA_FIELDS | Array | OmniAuth shibboleth extra fields (default: [:schacHomeOrganization]) |
Name | Type | Description |
BULLET_ADD_FOOTER | Boolean | Add footer for Bullet (default: true) |
BULLET_CONSOLE | Boolean | Bullet console (default: true) |
BULLET_LOGGER | Boolean | Bullet logger (default: true) |
BULLET_RAILS_LOGGER | Boolean | Bullet Rails logger (default: true) |
Name | Type | Description |
CACHE_CLASSES | Boolean | Cache classes (default: false) |
CACHE_ORG_SELECTION_EXPIRATION | Integer | Cache expiration time for organization selection (default: 86400) |
CACHE_RESEARCH_PROJECTS_EXPIRATION | Integer | Cache expiration time for research projects (default: 86400) |
Name | Type | Description |
CONSIDER_ALL_REQUESTS_LOCAL | Boolean | Consider all requests as local (default: false) |
CONSIDER_ALL_REQUESTS_LOCAL | Boolean | Consider all requests as local (default: true) |
Name | Type | Description |
DB_ADAPTER | String | Database adapter (default: postgresql) |
DB_HOST | String | Database host (default: localhost) |
DB_NAME | String | Database name (default: roadmap) |
DB_PASSWORD | String | Database password (default: Rails.application.credentials.db_password) |
DB_POOL_SIZE | Integer | Database pool size (default: 16) |
DB_PORT | String | Database port (default: 5432) |
DB_USERNAME | String | Database username (default: Rails.application.credentials.db_username) |
Name | Type | Description |
DMPOPIDOR_ENABLE_RESEARCH_OUTPUTS_UUID | Boolean | Enable research outputs UUID for DMP OPIDoR (default: true) |
DMPOPIDOR_ENABLE_RESEARCH_STRUCTURE_TEMPLATE | Boolean | Enable research structure template for DMP OPIDoR (default: true) |
Name | Type | Description |
DMPROADMAP_HOST | String | DMP Roadmap host (default: dmpopidor) |
Name | Type | Description |
DOI_ACTIVE | Boolean | DOI activated (default: false) |
DOI_API_BASE_URL | String | DOI API base URL (default: https://my.doi.org/api/) |
DOI_AUTH_PATH | String | DOI authentication path (default: auth_path) |
DOI_HEARTBEAT_PATH | String | DOI heartbeat path (default: heartbeat) |
DOI_LANDING_PAGE_URL | String | DOI landing page URL (default: https://my.doi.org/) |
DOI_MINT_PATH | String | DOI mint path (default: doi) |
Name | Type | Description |
ENABLE_SHIBBOLETH | Boolean | Enable Shibboleth (default: false) |
SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_URL | String | Shibboleth login URL (default: /Shibboleth.sso/Login) |
SHIBBOLETH_LOGOUT_URL | String | Shibboleth logout URL (default: /Shibboleth.sso/Logout?return=) |
SHIBBOLETH_USE_FILTERED_DISCOVERY_SERVICE | Boolean | Use filtered discovery service Shibboleth (default: false) |
Name | Type | Description |
DEFAULT_LOCALE | String | Default locale (default: fr-FR) |
I18N_ENFORCE_AVAILABLE_LOCALES | Boolean | Enforce available locales (default: false) |
I18N_RAISE_ON_MISSING_TRANSLATIONS | Boolean | Raise on missing translations (default: true) |
LOCALES_DEFAULT | String | Default locale (default: fr-FR) |
LOCALES_GETTEXT_JOINT_CHARACTER | String | Gettext join character for locales (default: _) |
LOCALES_I18N_JOIN_CHARACTER | String | i18n join character for locales (default: -) |
TRANSLATION_API_CLIENT | Object | Translation API client (default: nil) |
TRANSLATION_API_ROADMAP | Object | Roadmap translation API (default: nil) |
Name | Type | Description |
MADMP_CODEBASE_ACTIVE | Boolean | MADMP codebase activation (default: true) |
MADMP_CODEBASE_API_BASE_URL | String | MADMP Codebase API base URL (default: http://codebase_api:50000/) |
MADMP_CODEBASE_RUN_PATH | String | MADMP Codebase script execution path (default: scripts/%s/run) |
MADMP_CODEBASE_SCRIPTS_PATH | String | MADMP Codebase scripts path (default: scripts) |
MADMP_ENABLE_ETHICAL_ISSUES | Boolean | MADMP ethical issues activation (default: true) |
MADMP_ENABLE_LICENSE_SELECTION | Boolean | MADMP license selection activation (default: true) |
MADMP_ENABLE_METADATA_STANDARD_SELECTION | Boolean | MADMP metadata standards selection activation (default: true) |
MADMP_ENABLE_REPOSITORY_SELECTION | Boolean | MADMP repository selection activation (default: true) |
MADMP_ENABLE_RESEARCH_DOMAIN | Boolean | MADMP research domain activation (default: true) |
MADMP_ENABLE_RESEARCH_OUTPUTS | Boolean | MADMP research outputs activation (default: true) |
MADMP_EXTRACT_DATA_QUALITY_STATEMENTS_FROM_THEMED_QUESTIONS | Boolean | MADMP data quality statements extraction from themed questions (default: false) |
MADMP_EXTRACT_PRESERVATION_STATEMENTS_FROM_THEMED_QUESTIONS | Boolean | MADMP preservation statements extraction from themed questions (default: false) |
MADMP_EXTRACT_SECURITY_PRIVACY_STATEMENTS_FROM_THEMED_QUESTIONS | Boolean | MADMP security and privacy statements extraction from themed questions (default: false) |
MADMP_PREFERRED_LICENSES | Array | MADMP preferred licenses (default: [CC-BY-%{latest}, CC-BY-SA-%{latest}, CC-BY-NC-%{latest}, CC-BY-NC-SA-%{latest}, CC-BY-ND-%{latest}, CC-BY-NC-ND-%{latest}, CC0-%{latest}]) |
MADMP_PREFERRED_LICENSES_GUIDANCE_URL | String | MADMP preferred licenses guidance URL (default: https://creativecommons.org/about/cclicenses/) |
Name | Type | Description |
PIWIK_ENABLED | Boolean | Enable Piwik (default: false) |
PIWIK_BASE_URL | String | Piwik base URL (default: ') |
PIWIK_SITE_ID | Integer | Piwik base URL (default: 0) |
Name | Type | Description |
OPEN_AIRE_ACTIVE | Boolean | OpenAIRE activated (default: true) |
OPEN_AIRE_API_BASE_URL | String | OpenAIRE API base URL (default: https://api.openaire.eu/) |
OPEN_AIRE_DEFAULT_FUNDER | String | Default OpenAIRE funder (default: H2020) |
OPEN_AIRE_SEARCH_PATH | String | OpenAIRE search path (default: projects/dspace/%s/ALL/ALL) |
Name | Type | Description |
ORCID_ACTIVE | Boolean | ORCID activated (default: true) |
ORCID_API_BASE_URL | String | ORCID API base URL (default: https://pub.orcid.org/v3.0/) |
ORCID_DEFAULT_ROWS | Integer | Default ORCID rows (default: 1000) |
ORCID_LANDIG_PAGE_URL | String | ORCID landing page URL (default: https://orcid.org/) |
| ORGANISATION_ABBREVIATION | String | Organisation abbreviation (default: 'Inist-CNRS')
| ORGANISATION_ADDRESS | Object | Organisation address (default: { line_1: 'Equipe Valorisation Données de la recherche', line_2: '2, rue Jean Zay', line_3: '54519 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy', country: 'FRANCE' })
| ORGANISATION_COPYWRITE_NAME | String | Organisation copyright name (default: 'CNRS')
| ORGANISATION_EMAIL | String | Organisation email address (default: '[email protected]')
| ORGANISATION_GOOGLE_MAPS_LINK | String | Organisation Google Maps link (default: https://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=6.141743659973145%2C48.65246743623988%2C6.155905723571778%2C48.658775124887654&layer=mapnik&marker=48.655621379213805%2C6.148824691772461)
| ORGANISATION_HELPDESK_EMAIL | String | Organisation helpdesk email address (default: [email protected])
| ORGANISATION_NAME | String | Organisation name (default: Inist-CNRS Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique)
| ORGANISATION_SAFE_EMAIL | String | Organisation secure email address (default: dmp.opidor<span style="display: none;">REMOVE</span>@inist.fr)
| ORGANISATION_URL | String | Organisation URL (default: http://www.inist.fr/)
Name | Type | Description |
PAGINATION_INCLUDE_TOTAL | Boolean | Include total in pagination (default: true) |
PAGINATION_PAGE_HEADER | String | Page header for pagination (default: X-Page) |
PAGINATION_PER_PAGE_HEADER | String | Per page header for pagination (default: X-Per-Page) |
PAGINATION_RESPONSE_FORMATS | Symbol | Response format (default: :json) |
PAGINATION_PAGE_PARAM | Symbol | What parameter should be used to set the page option (default: :page) |
PAGINATION_PER_PAGE_PARAM | Symbol | What parameter should be used to set the per page option (default: :per_page) |
Name | Type | Description |
PAGINATION_TOTAL_HEADER | String | Total header for pagination (default: X-Total) |
PLANS_DEFAULT_PERCENTAGE_ANSWERED | Integer | Default percentage answered in plans (default: 0) |
PLANS_DEFAULT_VISIBLITY | String | Default visibility of plans (default: privately_visible) |
PLANS_ORG_ADMIN_READ_ALL | Boolean | Organization administrators can read everything in plans (default: true) |
PLANS_SUPER_ADMINS_READ_ALL | Boolean | Super administrators can read everything in plans (default: true) |
PLANS_DOWNLOAD_COVERSHEET_TICKBOX_CHECKED | Boolean | Download coversheet checkbox checked by default in plans (default: false) |
Name | Type | Description |
PUBLIC_FILE_SERVER_ENABLED | Boolean | Public file server enabled (default: true) |
PUBLIC_FILE_SERVER_HEADERS | Object | Public file server headers (default: {'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=#{1.hour.to_i}'}) |
PUBLIC_FILE_SERVER_HEADERS | Object | Public file server headers (default: {'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=#{2.days.to_i}'}) |
Name | Type | Description |
RAILS_ENV | String | Rails Environment (default: development) |
RAILS_LOAD_DEFAULTS | Float | Rails default loading (default: 7.0) |
RAILS_MAX_THREADS | Integer | Maximum Rails threads (default: 5) |
RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT | String | Rails relative URL root (default: /) |
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES | Boolean | Serve Rails static files (default: false) |
RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT | Boolean | Rails logging to STDOUT (default: true) |
RAILS_LOG_LEVEL | Symbol | Rails logging level (default: :info) |
Name | Type | Description |
RDAMSC_ACTIVE | Boolean | RDAMSC active (default: true) |
RDAMSC_API_BASE_URL | String | RDAMSC API base URL (default: https://rdamsc.bath.ac.uk/) |
RDAMSC_LANDING_PAGE_URL | String | RDAMSC landing page URL (default: http://rdamsc.bath.ac.uk) |
RDAMSC_SCEHEMES_PATH | String | RDAMSC schemes path (default: api2/m) |
RDAMSC_THESAURUS_PATH | String | RDAMSC thesaurus path (default: api2/thesaurus/concepts) |
Name | Type | Description |
RE3DATA_ACTIVE | Boolean | Re3data active (default: true) |
RE3DATA_API_BASE_URL | String | Re3data API base URL (default: https://www.re3data.org/api/v1/) |
RE3DATA_LANDING_PAGE | String | Re3data landing page (default: https://www.re3data.org/) |
RE3DATA_LIST_PATH | String | Re3data list path (default: repositories) |
RE3DATA_RESPOSITORY_PATH | String | Re3data repository path (default: repository/) |
Name | Type | Description |
RECAPTCHA_ENABLED | Boolean | Recaptcha enabled (default: true) |
RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY | String | Recaptcha site key (default: 11111) |
RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY | String | Recaptcha secret key (default: 22222) |
RECAPTCHA_PROXY | String | Recaptcha proxy (default: '') |
Name | Type | Description |
REDIS_HOST | String | Redis host (default: localhost) |
REDIS_PORT | Integer | Redis port (default: 6379) |
REDIS_USERNAME | String | Redis username (default: default) |
REDIS_PASSWORD | String | Redis password (default: changeme) |
Name | Type | Description |
ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN | Object | Rollbar access token (default: nil) |
ROLLBAR_ANONYMIZE_USER_IP | Boolean | Anonymize user IP for Rollbar (default: true) |
ROLLBAR_COLLECT_USER_IP | Boolean | Collect user IP for Rollbar (default: true) |
ROLLBAR_PERSON_ID_METHOD | String | Person ID method for Rollbar (default: id) |
ROLLBAR_PERSON_METHOD | String | Person method for Rollbar (default: current_user) |
ROLLBAR_PERSON_USERNALE_METHOD | String | Username method for Rollbar (default: name) |
Name | Type | Description |
ROR_ACTIVE | Boolean | ROR active (default: true) |
ROR_API_BASE_URL | String | ROR API base URL (default: https://api.ror.org/) |
ROR_HEARTBEAT_PATH | String | ROR heartbeat path (default: heartbeat) |
ROR_LANDING_PAGE_URL | String | ROR landing page URL (default: https://ror.org/) |
ROR_MAX_PAGES | Integer | ROR maximum pages (default: 2) |
ROR_MAX_REDIRECTS | Integer | ROR maximum redirects (default: 3) |
ROR_RESULTS_PER_PAGE | Integer | ROR results per page (default: 20) |
ROR_SEARCH_PATH | String | ROR search path (default: organizations) |
Name | Type | Description |
RSWAG_SWAGGER_ENDPOINT_FILE_PATH | String | Rswag Swagger endpoint file path (default: /api-docs/v1/swagger.json) |
RSWAG_SWAGGER_ROOT | String | Rswag Swagger root (default: #{Rails.root}/swagger) |
RSWAG_SWAGGER_TITLE | String | Rswag Swagger title (default: API V1 Docs) |
Name | Type | Description |
SPDX_ACTIVE | Boolean | SPDX active (default: true) |
SPDX_API_BASE_URL | String | SPDX API base URL (default: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spdx/license-list-data/) |
SPDX_LANDING_PAGE_URL | String | SPDX landing page URL (default: http://spdx.org/licenses/) |
SPDX_LIST_PATH | String | SPDX list path (default: master/json/licenses.json) |