All notable changes to the Audio Player project will be documented in this file.
- Fixed typo #563 @yaroslav4167
- Fix Tags view #554
- remove 'recognize' code #560
- Player did not find any mp3 file #535
- Use the Recognize app to classify genres by machine learning
- Event dispatcher for Add-ons
- getID3 1.9.20-202109010614
- remove non permitted characters #532
- Type issue in scanner #528
- dashboard style impact #550
- Update Czech localization #546 @p-bo
- better player UI
- remove speaker icon to prioritize favorite star #519
- Remove files app player in favor of NC standard #547
- Previous track button when shuffle is enabled #542
- TypeError: Return value command #540
- occ scan errors when scan folder is not available anymore #539
- Track numbers limited to 2 digits #537
- Deleted songs dont get removed #533
- Incorrect placement of tracklist in album cover view #520
- aac support #527
- Remember playback volume #517
- NC21 #515
- Added .jpeg File Extension for cover art #514 @tidoni
- Volume slider size #516
- favorite star not showing #518
- NC20 only version
- NC20 search
- internal path for playlist items #510
- Jump display to current song #499
- css issue in sidebar
- playlist sorting with empty list
- use up to date notifications style
- NC 20
- Playlist ends outside of visible part of page #461
- Track name/artist is not correctly recognized in EXTINF #485
- Volume controll working again
- theming issues #486
- Array offset error when deleting files #484
- Fix player ui timer and change progressbar height #483 @r4sas
- Rounded border for album picture in bar #482 @r4sas
- Update volume css, autosave js #481 @r4sas
- add volume slider CSS for FF and Edge #489 @r4sas
- Download track via path in sidebar #453
- WhatsNew popup #480
- Hardware media keys & Chrome/Android player #479
- Aif Aiff support #475
- Absolute path and '../' in .m3u playlist files #457
- Remember playback position between sessions #288
- Repeat single track (or playlist) #172
- Shuffle: play tracks only once #361
- Migration from database.xml to /Migration
- Drop soundmanager2 and bar-ui for HTML5 audio #481
- Search result hidden behind playlist #472
- add random-tracks smart playlist #442
- NC 19
- Playlist ends outside of visible part of page #461
- update getID3 to 1.9.18-201911300717
- PHP 7.4 compatibility #449
- NC18
- SQL group by exception #450
- Play icon in Cover View not starting the correct track #438
- Sidebar not hiding correctly
- Cover issue in playbar
- Resizing playlist on sidebar close
- typo in JS
- PostgreSQL compatibility issue #437
- Sidebar not updating
- missing js file during release
- Cover view selectable for all categories #165
- APIs & events to enable Audio Player add-ons #408
- NC17 compatibility
- Significant UI performance improvements (>70%)
- Reduction of metadata transfer size (>45%) #433
- Scanner performance improvements (>20%) #419 @mmatous
- Add-on: SONOS playback as separate app #411
- Add-on: ID3 editor as separate app #436
- Add-on: Dashboard widget as separate app #431
- Codestyle consistency #403 #405 @mmatous
- JS introduction of namespaces
- Use non-minified Soundmanager #417 @mmatous
- SONOS playback issue
- performance: caching for album cover arts
- performance: reduce json data amount by optimizing content
- better mobile css compatibility
- Fix favourite star in sidebar #400 @mmatous
- NC 16 support
- es translation #390 @MaxGitHubAccount
- JS error in favoriteUpdate() #389
- iconv error for cyrillic symbols #386
- incorrect occ -vv output for streams
- Albums below the selected one are relocated #377
- scanner stuck due to corrupt artwork file #362
- local playlists (in M3U files) #325
- player not loaded on shared folder #371 @Ark74
- copyright 2019
- dark design and theming compatibility #367
- replace deprecated insertIfNotExist()
- Album Artist category wrong title counters
- favicons
- php7.3
- dark design and theming compatibility #367
- ru translation #364 @r4sas
- SONOS: enable/disable the plugin globally as admin #363
- harden ContentSecurityPolicy
- update getID3 to version 1.9.16-201812050141
- switch scanner progress (UI) from cache to table storage #362
- switch from --debug to verbosity levels in occ #352
- widget migration to Dashboard 6.0.0 #366 @daita
- update PHPSonos to V2.1.3
- switch from css to scss stylesheets using global variables
- show "title" tag for mouse hover in category list #354
- Closing tracklist on album jumps to top #351
- SONOS socket backend error handling #348
- Play button not displayed due to png format #345
- SONOS player integration #331
- Audioplayer widget for Dashboard App (beta) #328
- Play button on album cover #319
- Settings moved to user/personal settings menu
- personal settings difference between ownCloud & Nextcloud #344
- zh_CN translation #342 @limingqi
- cs translation #336 @447937
- pl translation #335 @andypl78
- ru translation #309 @r4sas
- upgrade getID3 to version 1.9.15-201809221240 #340
- Postgres issue in categories #330 @jpumc
- NC14: Album not scrolled into viewarea #337
- special characters in folder names (one click play) #291
- NC14 compatibility of navigation #324 @juliushaertl
- unshared files aren't recognized
external storage folders aren't displayed properly in Folder category- playback will not continue on albums without covers #305
- display issue with Firefox in album list display
- sidebar integration
- support for PHP 7.2 #277
- path and file name to sidebar #283
- album artists to category selection #286 and sharing screen
- detect changed audio metadata of indexed files #284
- output duplicate files in scanner #273
to metadata #293- tr translation #289 @mzeyrek
- rework of
backend - albums cover display performance
- 360° player/SoundManager 2 replaced by
tag on sharing screen #280 - separate multiple albums with the same name !rescan required! #271 #283
- pl translation #294 @andypl78
- uk translation #295 @BODYA7979
- zh_TW translation #297 @sbr9150
- caching for cover arts enabled
- double player on sharing screen #280
- highlight current track in album view #282
- ID3 tag editor (separate app in development) #290
- support for Nextcloud 11
- no standard playlist creation possible #270
- separate archives for Nextcloud and ownCloud code signing #268
- adjust PLS playlist parser #265
replaced byOCP\Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE
- Audio Player CSS is breaking Overflow Menu in Files app #264
replaced byOCP\ILogger
- offset in seekable progress bar when sidebar is open #263 (fixes #111 #128) @juliushaertl
- Nextcloud 13 compatibility of settings panel #258
- only one change in a playlist possible
- stream URLs #27 #233
- Scrutinizer Continuous Inspection checks
- notification for required rescan #246
- tooltips for soundbar icons in desktop browsers #252
- sidebar rebuilt #233
- user settings moved to sidebar #233
- scan and reset moved to settings #233
- database index optimizations
- statistics table renamed to meet guideline (resets current statistics)
- spellings and translations reworked #243
- soundbar icons #253
field in metadata editor enlarged #221count()
loop #235- One Click Play did not start on first click
- moved
for better server integration #247 - wrong icons in soundbar #252
- count albums of selected artist #205
- FileHooks: library cleanup after deleting files
- support for Nextcloud 13
- number of tracks in Smart Playlists #208
- crop cover to middle square
- cleanup of js functions
- ownCloud App Store (
- support for ownCloud 9.0 #222
- support for Nextcloud 10
- scanner truncates long multiple title properly #203 @nhirokinet
- issue with files app #210 (thanks @artemanufrij)
- catch undeclared variable #212
- raw cover data removed from metadata #214
- playlist cleanup after deleting files #216
removed from duplicate check #217- catch soundbar buttons triggering category selector #225
- forcing reset of
#226 - PostgreSQL issue in favorites
- 360° player MIME type hint #201
- default playlist sorting #174
- pl translation #197 @andypl78
- sorting weight for navigation in apps selection menu
- continuous playback of tracks without album cover #199
tag ignored in VorbisComment #200- progress bar of 360° player does not work #201
- zh_CN translation #193 @TheOne1006
tag ignored in VorbisComment #196
- FLAC support #45
- favorites integration #176 in Smart Playlists #164
- second stage #177 of Smart Playlists #164
- Dynamic Playlists #186
- dragging also from selected lists into playlists #168
- support for ownCloud 10.0 and Nextcloud 12 #183
- PSR-4 autoloader compatibility #184
to metadata #184 (thanks @Faldon)- notify user when new/unscanned tracks are available #188
- UserHooks: library cleanup after deleting users
- more metadata to Share Player
- zh_TW translation #173 @sbr9150
- translation sources reworked
- CSS changes for navigation menu #179 @artemanufrij
- compress
files #191
- support for Nextcloud 9
- missing strings added to language files
- sorting albums by disc and track #88 #174 (thanks @Faldon)
- limit year to 4 digits
- undefined variable during empty category #187
- avoid XSS in metadata
- sorting of lists #122
- albums to selection #132
- highlighting and focusing to selection
- separate scrolling for navigation and content #144
- first stage #160 of Smart Playlists #164
- front-end performance improvements #130 #149
- scanner performance improvements #151
- selection order and naming
- cover art for "Unknown/Various Artists"
- padding in Share Player
- search integration improvements #155
- handling of multiple album artists of an album #13
- album cover in soundbar #133
- scanner adjustments #137 #140 #145
- not playing from shared subfolders #139
- mobile browser support #141
- scan progress dialog reworked #153
- category views cleanup after deleting files #154
- search integration #155
- playlist selection lost after edit or sort #162
- getID3 to 1.9.13-201612181356 #119
- search order of cover art #126
- padding/margin in Share Player
- natural sorting for category lists
- de + de_DE translations
- support for ownCloud 8
- support for PHP <5.6
- album year from search criteria #116
- Chrome CSS issue with only one track in album #104
- arrays corrected and obsolete functions removed #110 #123 (thanks @mc-comanescu and @rseabra)
- correct
syntax for PostgreSQL database #112 (thanks @Turgon37) - album cover not written to database #113
- catch Unicode characters in artist name #118
- welcome screen not shown at first start #121
- uk translation #94 @BODYA7979
- folders as additional filter category #98
- search for cover in album folder #24
- Opus support #92
- ID3 tags on sharing screen #102
- correct album sort order to case-insensitive
- catch special characters in album #87
- occ catch unknown user #93
- first search result row is partially hidden under the top menu #74
- One Click Play of WAV does not work
- wrong SQL statement for PostgreSQL #90
- command-line support for library scan and reset #72
- select a dedicated folder for scanning in personal settings #79
- exclude folders from scanning via
file #79 - significantly reduce database reads during scanning #79
- cleanup of classes; move from
- neutral cover for unknown album #16
- handling of temporary scanner files #68
- simpler analysis of incorrect files in scanner #57
- album sorted correctly by artist and album #80
- error message from ID3 editor shown in front-end #77
- icon issues with custom apps directory #65
- new clean design with less crazy colors #59
- rework of sidebar with integrated playlists in dynamic navigation #53
- performance improvement when loading categories #53
- app:check-code compatibility #46
- app will be signed as of this release
- cover art crop box more flexible
- wrong spinning wheel location in CSS
- album transparency #44
- new navigator: dynamic lists for artists, genres, years (more to come)
- special scanner setting for cyrillic characters (see personal settings)
- navigator views remembered after app restart
- ru translation
- redesign of backend table structures
- proper handling of artists, album artists, genres
- better visible playing indicators in files app
- ID3 editor dropdowns
- various display improvements
- genre not always shown #35
- album not rearranged on navigation show/hide #36
- display issues on small (phone) screens #36
- cover art on sharing screen #37
- file option dropdown entry
- use reduced soundmanager-js for One Click Play
- One Click Play #22
- soundbar when scrolling #25
- special characters in filenames #26
- library reset does not remove playlists #30
- zh_TW translation @sbr9150
- spinning wheel when file was deleted #19
- red progress bar with nextcloud #18
- issue with filesearch (missing ID3 Tags) #14
- wrong album artist shown when different track-artists available #13
- fullscreen mode as default (hide app navigation)
- playlist section conditional display
- genre view (besides albums and custom playlists)
- rebranding from "Audios" to "Audio Player"
- update of 3rd party libraries
- scanner stabilization (continuation after errors)
- mobile usability (tooltip issue on touch)
- search provider returning correct result set
- search is not case sensitive anymore