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Survey Simulator 2.0 Documentation

The Survey Simulator (sometimes compiled as Driver or SSim or SurveySimulator) takes a model of the orbits and physical parameters of objects in the outer solar system and determines which model objects a particular survey would detect and track.

The user provides the model and files that describe the characterization of the survey of interest. For a description of the how to generate a model see the F95 or F77 or python subdirectoris, depending on your preferred language. Each of these contains and example subdirectory that provides examples / clues have how to use the Survey Simulator in that language.

For descriptions of the formats of the characterization files see the Surveys sub-directory.


This software is released under the terms of the European Union Public Licence v1.1 (EUPL v.1.1). See files eupl1.1.-en_0_0.pdf (Preamble) and eupl1.1.-licence-en_0.pdf (detailed description of the licence).

This source code is provided as is, with no warranty of any kind. The user takes full responsiblity for any damage to system, and for any scientific conclusion drawn.


The primary contact for the Survey Simulator code is:


Cite Petit, J.-M., et al., AJ, Vol 142 ID 131 (2011) if you make use of the SurveySimulator, or the CFEPS L7SyntheticModel-v09 Kuiper belt model.

If you make use of the Survey characterizations and detections please cite the appropriate survey paper:

  • CFEPS:
    • Petit, J.-M., et al., AJ, Vol 142 ID 131 (2011)
  • OSSOS:
    • Bannister et al (2016) AJ, 152, 70
    • Bannister et al (2018) ApJS, 236, 18
  • HiLat:
    • Petit et al (2017), AJ, 153, 236
  • MA Survey:
    • Alexandersen et al (2016), AJ, 152, 111


This package of provides programmes and data aiming at simulating large-scale, well-calibrated KBO surveys like CFEPS and OSSOS. The ultimate goal is to compare:

A. An orbital and size distribution model of the outer Solar System
B. Those same distributions as observed by a survey.

The SurveySimulator provides the information need to allow a quantitative comparison of the parameter distributions provided by a set of detected Kuiper belt objects that were actually found in a survey to what the survey would have found give a model of the Kuiper belt.

The Survey Simulator itself provides enables the 'biasing' of a model of the Kuiper Belt in a way that mimics the observational biases in a survey.

Quick Start

Look in Simulator/F{77|95}/fortran/exmaple/README.parametric for an example of how to run Simulator.

Survey Characterization

The parameters that describe the observational biases are provided by the individual surveys. The more precise the characterization of a given survey's observational biases, the more accurate the results of the SurveySimulator will be. Characterizations include the observing dates and pointing locations of the discovery observations along with an accurate estimate of the detection efficiency as a function of apparent magnitude in the filter of the survey and an object's rate of motion on the sky at the time of each potentail observation.

The Simulation Process

The OSSOS SurveySimulator draws objects from a model and computes if the model object would have been detected by the survey(s) defined by the survey configuration files. Using the survey configuration settings the Simulator computes if the model object is inside one of the imaged fields, bright enough to be detected, and within the detectable range of rates-of-motion on the sky. The model objects that would have been detected are call simulated detections. The SurveySimulator further classifies, based on the input characterization, which of those simulated detections would have been tracked to high-precision orbits. The SurveySimulator provides to the user this list of detected and tracked model objects.

The user should then compare the tracked model objects to a given survey's detections via some statistical method (see Lawler et al., Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Volume 5, id.14, 2018). This last step is not part of the simulator itself, leaving users to decide on their own statistical approach.

Note that list of real detections from a survey are not required to RUN the SurveySimulator. The true detections from the survey do not influence the output of the SurveySimulator. The true detections can be used after execution to measure the validity of the model via comparison between the orbital and H-mag distribution of the tracked detection, given the model, and the real detections from the Survey whose characterization was used as input into the SurveySimulator.

Package Contents

The SurveySimulator-2.0 release consists of a Driver program, subroutines that define trans-neptunian or other outer Solar System objects (either from a parametric model or a lookup table), data that describe the CFEPS, OSSOS, MA and some other survey characterizations, and a list of the real classified objects discovered during the CFEPS project (to be compared to the output of the Survey Simulator).

The common source codes for the survey simulator, available as F77 or F95. The F77/fortan and F95/fortran directories contain the Fortran code that is the simulator.
There are also F77/python and F95/python that provide examples of building Python callable modules from the two fortran branches. The F95 and F77 versions are identitical, just different language implementation. See the README files for details.

The architecture of the SurveySimulator is to provide a subroutine named GiMeObj (for examples see the InnerHotModel.f{95} or ReadModelFromFile.f{95} source code) when compiling the Driver program. The simulator is run by calling Driver.

See Simulator/F95/fortran/example or Simulator/F77/fortan/example for examples of how to compile (e.g. make InnerHotModel) a survey simulator.



This contains the source code for a "GiMeObj" routine that reads an (orbital+size+colour+lightcurve) model from a file (lookup table). Use make ReadModelFromFile to build a Driver program that can be used to run simulation of observing the Kuiper belt model described in ReadModelFromFile.f.


Contains the source code for a GiMeObj routine that generates objects according to some parametric prescription. Use make InnerHotModel to build a Driver program that can be used to run simulation of observing the Kuiper belt model described in InnerHotModel.f. See the example directories to understand how to use the Simulator.


Examples of how to run the Simulator.


Contains Makefiles that build a python module that can be used to Drive the survey simulator. We provide a F77 and F95 module building capacity. See README.python for details.


This directory contains the source code for a GiMeObj routine that generates objects according to some parametric presciption, along with a Makefile to generate the executable. This example uses the Python program as driver instead of the usual Fortran program Driver.f.



Contains the CFEPS L7 model of the debiased Kuiper Belt) as an example input file for the survey simulator. See ReadModelFromFile.f{95} for example code that uses this file as input.


Contains the parameters needed by the InnerHotModel.f{95} version of the GiMeObj subroutine.


The configuration files that configure the Simulator for various Survey characterizations.


Pointing history and efficiency functions for each cfeps block, including the cfeps presurvey 'block'; it also contains the list of real detected objects (cfeps.detections). Other calibrated surveys could be substituted (or added) once their characterization is specified in the correct format.


Pointing history and efficiency functions for each OSSOS block; it also contains the list of real detected objects including their dynamical class.


Union of all surveys: CFEPS, HiLat, Alexandersen and OSSOS, but SEE IMPORTANT INFORMATION in that subdir's README.allsurveys file about how care must be taking when combining the surveys.


Similar to All_Surveys but restricted to objects detected with the MegaPrime r filter (OSSOS, Alexandersen, HiLat and L3h block from CFEPS).