A Shiny-Leaflet interface and data extractor for ORMGP database.
Can be used in conjunction with sHydrology analysis tools.
- Select gauge from a map
- filter locations based on period of record
- Preview entire stream flow time-series
- Dynamic hydrograph zooming:
- drag-and-click zoom
- double-click to full extent
- optionnally use range slider
- Export data as *.csv
As coded, the sHydrology.R Shiny-Leaflet application is built to view the Water Survey of Canada (WSC) HYdrological DATabase (HYDAT) which can be downloaded here. sHydrology.R will preview all of Canada, but can be defaulted to your home province.
Download and extract the SQLite format of the database typically compressed as 'Hydat_sqlite3_YYYYMMDD.zip', where 'YYYYMMDD' is the date of release. Extract the SQLite file 'Hydat.sqlite3' and place database anywhere on your local machine.
Using RStudio, install the required packages (see below), and insert the path of the database has to be placed on Line 22 of the main app file: sHydrology.R.
Run sHydrology.R externally such that the map will open on your default web browser. (The app must be run externally in order to extract *.csv files.)
The 'Hydat.sqlite3' file is roughly 1GB in size and thus cannot be hosted on GitHub.
- leaflet
- shiny
- shinyjs
- jsonlite
- shinyBS
- dygraphs
- RSQLite
- zoo
- xts
sHydrology hosted on GitHub is released under the MIT license.
Mason Marchildon P.Eng M.A.Sc, Hydrologist for the Oak Ridges Moraine Groundwater Program