Here we review issues related to OceanGliders (OG) format and vocabularies. A discussion section is also available for any question or comment related to OG format and vocabulary.
The homepage of OG format is at
Here is the most recent version of the user manual.
Vocabulary guidance for the OG format is here
The history of the format is documented on the history page
A format checker has been developed to reproduce the current state of the OG-1.0 format. This checker is still experimental, so it should not be used as ground truth but as guidance.
Example .cdl files can be found in the directory og_format_examples_files
A sub-group of the OceanGliders data management team will be in charge of reviewing the issues.
It is requested to provide a detailed explanation of the issue with an example. Suggestions can be added to the issue.
The team will analyze the issue formally. If the issue is not detailed enough or if there is no example associated with the issue, the issue will be rejected. If the issue is accepted for review, then the team will study it and provide an answer. The issue can lead to a modification of the format or not. If there is no consensus on the solution, the suggested solution will be rejected and the format will remain unchanged. However, a new branch can be created to demonstrate the benefit of the solution. The same issue can be submitted again with a demo.
Any accepted issue will be considered in the future version of the OG format and vocabulary collections. The format will be released every year with the accepted issue. The release is planned for January each year. Issues accepted in September should be implemented into the new format.
Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.