You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 411
Data stores
v-abtan edited this page Oct 26, 2020
4 revisions
The app uses the following data stores:
- Azure Storage Account
- Application Insights
All these resources are created in your Azure subscription. None are hosted directly by Microsoft.
The Teams Collection stores the teams who have installed Company Communicator app.
Value | Description |
PartitionKey | Constant value as 'Team Data'. |
RowKey | The team Id in teams. |
Timestamp | The latest DateTime record. |
Name | The team's name. |
ServiceUrl | The service URL that can be used to fetch the team's roster. |
TeamId | The team Id in teams. |
TenantId | The teams's tenant identifier. |
The Users Collection stores the users who have installed Company Communicator app.
Value | Description |
PartitionKey | Constant value as 'User Data'. |
RowKey | The user's azure active directory object identifier. |
Timestamp | The latest DateTime record. |
AadId | The user's azure active directory object identifier. |
ConversationId | The conversation identifier for the chat between the user and the bot. |
ServiceUrl | The user's service URL that can be used to notify the user. |
TenantId | The user's tenant identifier. |
UserId | The user's Id in teams. |
The App Config Collection stores the user app Id and service url.
Value | Description |
PartitionKey | Constant value as 'Settings'. |
RowKey | Constants as "ServiceUrl" or "UserAppId". "ServiceUrl" - The value stored is service url. "UserAppId" - The value stored is user app Id. |
Timestamp | The latest DateTime record. |
Value | The user's app Id or the service url. |
The Notification Collection stores the notification data.
Value | Description |
PartitionKey | Constants as "DraftNotifications" or "SendingNotifications" or "SentNotifications" or "GlobalSendingNotificationData". "DraftNotifications" - The notification is stored in this partition when it is in draft state. "SendingNotifications" - This partition stores the notifcation entry that is used for sending the notification and serialized JSON content. "SentNotifications" - The notification is moved to this partition when it is sent to the recipient. "GlobalSendingNotificationData" - This partition stores the Retry Delay time when the system is being throttled. |
RowKey | The notification unique identifier. |
Timestamp | The latest DateTime record. |
Id | The notification identifier. |
Title | The title text of notification's content. |
ImageLink | The image link of notification's content. |
Summary | The summary text of notification's content. |
Author | The author text of the notification's content. |
ButtonLink | The button link of the notification's content. |
ButtonTitle | The button title of the notification's content. |
TotalMessageCount | The total number of messages to send. |
Succeeded | The number of recipients who have received the notification succesfully. |
Failed | The number of recipients who failed to receive the notification succesfully. |
AllUsers | Indicating if the notification should be sent to all known users. |
TeamsInString | The list of team identifiers. |
RostersInString | The list of roster identifiers. |
GroupsInString | The list of group identifiers. |
IsCompleted | [Deprecated] Indicating if the notification sending process is completed. |
IsDraft | Indicating if the notifcation is a draft. |
IsPreparingToSend | [Deprecated] Indicating if the notification is in the "preparing to send" state. |
Unknown | The number of recipients who have an unknown status. |
Content | The content of the notification in serialized JSON form. |
NotificationId | The notification identifier. |
RecipientNotFound | The number of not found recipients. |
CreatedBy | The user that created the notification. |
CreatedDate | The DateTime when notification was created. |
SendingStartDate | The DateTime when the notification sending was started. |
SentDate | The DateTime when the notification's sending was completed. |
WarningMessage | The warning message for the notification if there was a warning given when preparing and sending notification. |
ErrorMessage | The error message for the notification if there was a failure in preparing and sending notification. |
Status | The notification status. |
The SentNotification Collection stores the sent notification data.
Value | Description |
PartitionKey | The notification unique identifier. |
RowKey | The user's identifier. |
Timestamp | The latest DateTime record. |
AllSendStatusCodes | The comma separated list representing all of the status code responses received when trying to send the notification to the recipient. |
ConversationId | The conversation identifier for the recipient. |
DeliveryStatus | The delivery status for the notification to the recipient. |
IsStatusCodeFromCreateConversation | Indicating if the status code is from the create conversation call. |
NumberOfFunctionAttemptsToSend | The number of times an Azure Function instance attempted to send the notification to the recipient. |
RecipientId | The recipients unique identifier. |
RecipientType | Indicating which type of recipient the notification was sent. |
SentDate | The DateTime when the notification's sending was completed. |
ServiceUrl | The service URL of the recipient. |
StatusCode | The status code for the notification received by the bot. |
TenantId | The tenant identifier of the recipient. |
TotalNumberOfSendThrottles | The total number of throttle responses the bot received when trying to send the notification to the recipient. |
UserId | The user identifier of the recipient. |
The SendBatches Collection stoes the notification batches data.
Value | Description |
PartitionKey | Notification Batch unique identifier. |
RowKey | User Unique identifier. |
Timestamp | The latest DateTime record. |
ConversationId | The conversation identifier for the recipient. |
IsStatusCodeFromCreateConversation | Indicating if the status code is from the create conversation call. |
NumberOfFunctionAttemptsToSend | The number of times an Azure Function instance attempted to send the notification to the recipient. |
RecipientId | The recipient's user identifier. |
RecipientType | The recipient type. |
ServiceUrl | The service URL of the recipient. |
StatusCode | The status code for the notification received by the bot. |
TenantId | The tenant identifier of the recipient. |
TotalNumberOfSendThrottles | The total number of throttle responses the bot received when trying to send the notification to the recipient |
UserId | The user identifier of the recipient. |
The Export Collection stores the export data.
Value | Description |
PartitionKey | The user's azure active directory identifier. |
RowKey | The notification identifier. |
Timestamp | The latest DateTime record. |
FileName | The file name for the export data. |
FileConsentId | The response identifier of file consent card. |
SendDate | The export send date. |
Status | The file export status. |
See Telemetry