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The Enigma is a rotary cypher device that dates back to soon after WW I and was invented by German engineer Arthur Scherbius. The German Military, both the Navy and the Army, adopted it in the late 1920s and kept modifying it up to the End of WW II. This device had a theoretical 3 X 10¹¹⁴ possible starting points. Specifically, as configured by The German military, this device had 10²³ possible "keys". [1][2]

Enigma Machine

The Enigma was comprised of several components, such as the keyboard, lamp board, three or four rotors and a reflector, all of which, combined, produced a secure cypher. However, there were some weaknesses in the system that provided enough predictability to allow the Allies to eventually crack the device. Examples of these weakness include the reflector used, which although it made the cipher symmetrical so encoding and decoding used the same setup, also resulted in no letter encoding to itself, and the consistent means used to advance the rotor.[3][4] There were human weaknesses as well. One of the jobs of the operator was to choose a three-letter code or set of numbers as part of the message to be sent. But much like pin numbers, many operators used the same code many times, either codes with personal meanings, or those that were easily chosen. [5]

A detailed look at the rotors

Device Setup

There were three major settings used to setup the device for daily operation. These were determined in advance and published monthly so that all devices could be configured consistently.

Example Monthly Key Sheet

On this sheet you can see these three settings, the rotor settings, the ring settings and the plug board settings. The key identifiers were sent as part of each message and could be used to find the settings used to encode it.[6]


The setup of the Enigma was done by an officer who was in possession of the monthly key sheet. After setup, the Enigma would be locked. An operator was unable to make any changes, and so used this same configuration all day.[7] However, if every message is sent with the same setup, the system is much more vulnerable to code breaking by providing more data to analyze. And since the sender and receiver of a message needed to setup the Enigma identically for a message to be decoded, the system needed to be in a known state before sending a new message or decoding it. [7]

Start Position

On a band around the outside of the rotor was printed the numbers 01-26, or the letters A-Z. This represented the current rotation of the rotor. There is a small window on the device where the operator can view this rotation and a wheel they can use to change its position.

Before every message was sent, the rotors were turned to an arbitrary position, and that position was transmitted along with the message, so the receiver could position the rotors in the same way to decode it.[9]

How does it work

At is simplest, the Enigma has a keyboard at one side, and a lamp board on the other. There are 26 keys on the keyboard, and 26 lights on the lamp board, each labeled with the letters A-Z. Out the back of the keyboard are 26 electrical connectors. When the letter A is pressed, one of those connectors has a charge. We will call that the A connector. Another connector is the next alphabetical letter until it wraps around from Z to A. There is a similar set of connectors attached to the lamp board. If you removed all the other circuitry, the A key is wired to the A lamp, and so on all the way to Z. pressing the A key on the keyboard will light A on the lamp board. Pressing M would light M, etc.

Overly simplified Enigma

Encoding Disc

Of course, this doesn't really provide aby encryption at all. The rest of the Enigma system makes up for that. We can this down further to see how. Between the keyboard and the lamp board we can insert a disk that has connectors on both sides, the connectors from the keyboard come in one side--we'll call that the input--and the connectors that send the signal to the light board come out the other--the output. To provide a basic encryption the input connector encodes to a different output connector. For instance, if we encoded A to X, then, when a signal came in on the A connector, it would output on the X connector. When you press A, X would light up. This is called a substitution cypher.

This encoding disc is a little better, but substitution cyphers are very easy to break [10]. Let's mix it up a bit and insert a few more disks in there, each wired differently. Maybe A goes to Q and Q goes to F and F goes to the lamp board as M. Looking at it, though, that's no better. Pressing A will always light up F, it's just a longer path to get a substitution cypher.


What you want is to get a different letter when you press the same key. On the Enigma, on every key press, the first disk is turned so that the same input line from the keyboard is output to a different line to the light board. For example, if, before rotation, input A from the keyboard connected to output X, after rotation input A would output somewhere else entirely. What used to be the connection from line A has been shifted to get input from line B, and rather than outputting to X, the output has also shifted to line Y.

This rotating disc is called a rotor. If we continue to rotate the disc on every key press, we will end up with 26 different ways to map connector A from the keyboard to the input to the lamp board. But 26 possible variations of key mapping are not nearly enough. We can add a second rotor that moves one step, when the first rotor has completed a full circuit. For even more security, we can also add a third. Theoretically, this gives us 26³ possible output mappings. However, due to something called double stepping this results in 25x25x26, or 16,900[12]


Our system now has a keyboard, three rotors, and a lamp board. To increase complexity, the Enigma sends the output back through the same rotors. To accomplish that it uses a reflector. The reflector is wired to only have connectors on one side. In input connector into the reflector is wired to another connector on the same side for output. This pairs the connectors, so that a signal coming in on A might output on connector M, and input on M would output on A.

A quick note, because the signal from the keyboard comes in from the right side, and the rotors are inserted left to right, the first rotor getting a signal from the keyboard is rotor three.

After the signal hits the reflector, it heads back into rotor one and works its way back to three. When it comes out of rotor three, it is then sent off to the light board that connects to the corresponding light.

More Details

The above were just some general principles. The Enigma gets more complicated as you dig into the details.


Inside each rotor an input connector is physically wired to the output connector. It is this wiring that determines the unique encoding associated with each rotor type.

Plug board

The plug board sits between the keyboard and the first rotor. The plug board has 26 cable connectors, each labeled with a letter from A-Z. Using a cable, the operator can connect any two letters together, so that a signal coming on one will instead output on the other connector. In operation, the Enigma used ten connections. This plugboard increased the strength of encryption considerably with 150 trillion possible setting.[11]

Entry Wheel

The entry disk sits between the plug board and the first rotor. On the military model, this was a straight pass through, having no effect on the output. But different variations on the Enigma used different entry discs. [13]

Rotor Rotation

Stepping is the process of advancing the rotor 1/26th of a rotation. For rotor three, this happens on every keypress. Each rotor has a notch on it. That notch determines which position on the rotor triggers the following rotor to step. This is called turnover. There is an odd behavior during this rotation. After rotor three steps, if rotor two is at its turnover point, then that rotor will also step. This is in addition to the step it will take once it has passed its turnover. This is called double stepping.


There are three settings of the Enigma that can be configured to produce different results for the same input. These are the rotor setup, the plug configuration and the ring settings.

Rotors The most common Enigma System had space for three rotors. In the Enigma model I these rotors were chosen from a possible five, numbered I-V, and could be placed in any order. The M3 model had up to eight rotors to choose from.

Plug configuration Each setup could connect up to ten cables into the plug board, linking together twenty letters in pairs.

Ring Setting The ring setting is used to change the position of the internal wiring relative to the rest of the rotor hardware. The band of letters or nunmbers around the rotor used to identify the current rotation is not fixed to the rotor but can be rotated independently. Changing the position of this band also changes the position of the notch that results in turnover.

This has the effect of modifying the relationship between the letter or number displayed in the window and the physical rotation of the rotor, as well as the relative position of the of where turnover takes place.

The configuration of the Enigma was changed daily, and these settings were determined in advance in monthly intervals and made available in the field for daily setup.[citation needed]

Writing a simulation

This document will assume the emulation of the Enigma I, although supporting the M3 is not much more difficult, except for the handling of two turnover points.

When simulating the Enigma there are several different components of the device that will need to be modeled. The keyboard, rotors reflectors, etc. Many of these components share some functionality, most obviously they take an input value and output a different value that has been encoded. But before we can do any of this, we will need to determine what we are modeling and what values we are using to represent this model. In the big picture the input into the system is the letter pressed on the keyboard, and the output is the letter lit on the lamp board. But between the keyboard and the lamp board, there are no letters, just electricity moving through connections between the different components of the system.

Coordinate Systems

When an electrical signal enters a rotor it does so on an input connector and outputs on another one. To model them, we need to provide an identity for each connector. Since the Enigma is a piece of hardware, these connectors have a position in real space. Because the process is initiated with the flow of an electrical signal out of the keyboard, we can use that connection as a basis for our identities. This can either represent the letter pressed or use a number corresponding to the position of the letter in the alphabet. In code, manipulating numbers is more convenient than letters, so that is probably the best idea. Connector zero is positioned where the letter A comes out of the keyboard, connector one is B, etc. To understand how these values are assigned you can draw an imaginary line from the keyboard to the lamp board which will pass through every component, intersecting connectors along the way. The connectors where they intersect can be numbered accordingly. You can get the idea looking back at my diagrams above:

On each component connector zero is the connector aligned along the path from A on the keyboard to A on the lamp board. Easy enough. But it gets tougher when you consider rotation. There needs to be a definition of how the input connector for a rotor maps to the output. For instance, the definition of that path in Rotor I is typically expressed as "EKMFLGDQVZNTOWYHXUSPAIBRCJ". Input into connector A (one) outputs at connector E (five), and B to K, C to M. etc. But after stepping once, the input A connector is no longer in the same physical space as it was. It now sits at B. But our connection map remains the same. To use our connection map, we need a different internal numbering system than the external numbering system. Which also means we will need a way to translate from one to the other. We can refer to these as the logical and the physical coordinate systems.

Modeling the system

Using an object-oriented paradigm, we can model each component as a class, and create specific instances of these classes when constructing the simulation. Here is the list of the various component to model.

  • Keyboard since this is the entry into the system and simply outputs on the connector associated with the letter, unless there is a visual user interface, it is probably not necessary to model and user input can be replaced by a method on the Enigma class itself.

  • PlugBoard this class is a basic encoder, it receives an input on a connector and outputs on another. The constructor will need to be passed the plug settings, and an internal map will need to be created to specify this encoding.

  • EntryDisc although the entry disc on the Enigma I is a simple pass through, not all models were so simple. By modeling this component, the simulation can be more complete.

  • Rotor this will be the most complicated object to model. It will need to handle encoding, rotation, ring settings, message start position and turnover.

  • Reflector the reflector is a bit unique; it only has one set of connectors, and input and output happen on the same set. Each connector is wired in pairs so that input on one of these connectors outputs on the other. Because of this, a connector cannot map to itself.

  • LampBoard like the keyboard, the lamp board is an end point in the process, and does no encoding. This can probably be replaced by the output of the Enigma encode methods.

  • Enigma this is the interface to the device itself. Based on the configuration of the Enigma, it will create instances of the other classes and configure each one. Its tasks will be to take input from the user and pass this through all the components and output back the final encoded value. It will also need to get feedback from the rotors to know when to trigger the next rotor in the device to advance and handle the double stepping.

One detail to keep in mind is that since most of the encoders in the system are run through twice, once on the way to the reflector, and once on the way back, and because the input to output paths will be different in both directions, there will need to be a way to let these encoding objects know which direction the signal is coming from. In the actual hardware the signal moves from right to left on the way to the reflector and left to right on the way back. We can identify our encoding direction using these terms.


We can break each of these classes down into more detail


This is the base class that most other classes will inherit from. This needs to represent two specific operations, encoding to the right and encoding to the left. The actual implementation of these methods would be in the classes that extend the Encoder class. This can be done with either a single method that takes a parameter for the direction, or two separate methods, one for each direction. This would also be a convenient place for any common logic that will be needed by the descendent classes.


The plug board takes as a configuration of up to ten pairs of linked letters. This will be used to create an internal map of how input connectors and output connectors are translated. These connectors can be modeled in many ways. If we look back up at the key sheets distributed for daily setup, they were specified as two letters separated with some white space. Using a string like this, or an array of two letter strings, are both valid ways to specify the plug settings. Or for more flexibility, both. Because the input and output are linked in pairs, encoding is the same in both directions.


The implementation in this simulation will simply be a passthrough on input connector to output connector. But since there are other entry discs for different models of the Enigma. For completeness, you may want to consider allowing a connection map like the one that will be used for rotors.


Setup of the Rotor needs a few things: the connections map, the ring settings and the positions of the notch or notches where turnover happens. Turnover is the point where stepping a rotor results in the stepping of the next. The standard five rotors only have one turnover position, but other models like the M3 had two. For completeness handling this as an array of turnover locations is probably a good idea.

Connections map - This specifies how connections are mapped between input and output conectors. This is given in various sources as a list of letters, where the position of the letter in the list represents the logical input coordinate, and the value in the array at that index specifies the output coordinate. As this is the standard used in all documentation, this should be the format used in this class. It's important to remember that the rotor will need to encode in both the right and left directions. The connections map is only provided for encoding to the right. A separate map will need to be derived for the other direction. The connections map is part of the hardware of the rotor and is not itself configurable.

Rotation - The rotor rotates counterclockwise when viewed from the right side; when viewed from the front it rotates towards the operator.[8] The numbers or letters viewed through the window increase on every step. We can model this rotation as an offset from zero rotation. When the operator sets the initial position before every message, this will increase the distance between zero rotation and the offset. Because control of this offset is driven by external factors such as stepping and the message start position, the rotor should expose methods to set and increase the current offset, but never change it because of internal methods.

Exploded view of a rotor

Turnover - This is the location where the rotor lets the Enigma know that it needs to step the next rotor. Since these turnover locations are physical locations on the rotor itself, like the connections map, they are not something that needs to be configured but are part of the description of the rotor. Also, like the connection map, they are in logical coordinate space and will need to be part of the conversion from physical to logical space and back. This turnover location is typically specified as a letter that represents the point to perform the turnover. An important point, the turnover occurs when stepping passes this point, not when it gets to this point. [8]

Double stepping also needs to be taken care of. This occurs when rotor three steps and rotor two is at its turnover point.[8]

Starting Rotation - at the beginning of every message the operator will set the rotors to an initial rotation. As said above, rotation is specified as an offset from 0 rotation, which is defined as the point where logical and physical coordinates are the same.

Ring Setting - Attached to the rotor is a movable ring printed with the letters A-Z or the numbers 1-26. Changing the position of this ring has the effect of shifting the internal wiring of the rotor relative to the rest of the the rotor hardware. This affects both the starting rotation position, as well as the relative location of the notch that leads to turnover.

The ring setting changes the number or the letter viewed in the window for the same physical rotation. Because the rotation value seen by the operator increases on every step, changing the ring position forward rotates the ring towards the operator, in the same direction that the rotor rotates. Which means that it decreases the distance from zero rotation. To account for this, when setting the start position, the ring setting will need to be subtracted from that value.

In addition to changing the initial offset of a message, the ring setting also changes where the physical rotation of turnover happens. Because the position of the notch that causes turnover moves with the rotation of the outer ring and relative positions are aligned with the location of the internal wiring, the ring setting will need to be added back into the current rotation to check for turnover.

Different models specify ring settings in different ways, either as a letter or as a number. However, since it will be the Enigma class that receives these settings during configuration, the rotor class can decide how to represent this value. Since we will be translating this setting to a number internally, taking this setting as a number is probably the easiest. It will be the job of the Enigma to do the translation during its own configuration. This setting is configurable as part of the daily setup but is not changed during regular operation.

Coordinate Conversions - Because logical coordinates are internal to the rotor, they are not something passed to the rotor's methods. All coordinates passed to the Rotor class are physical coordinates and will need to be converted back and forth. Understanding how these two coordinate systems relate can be hard to visualize. Below are four examples with two different ways to view this relationship. The first image of a set shows the relationship between the number of the input connector and the rotation offset. The second shows rotation by mimicking the physical rotation by shifting the display of the connectors. Using this image, you can see how the rotation offset and connection map line up with the physical coordinates. The first set is for zero rotation, where the physical coordinates match the logical.

Zero Rotation

Stepping once increases the distance from zero rotation, so adds 1 to the offset, which is the distance from zero rotation. So, if a signal comes through on physical coordinate 0, this maps to logical coordinate 1. That logical coordinate is used as an index into the connection map to look up the output connector:

Rotated Once

And of course, rotating one more time, sets the offset to 2:

Rotated twice

To map the physical coordinate to the logical coordinate, you need to add the rotation offset to the physical coordinate. In the previous examples we used a physical coordinate of 0, which resulted in the rotation offset itself being the logical coordinate. But here is what is looks like when the signal comes in on physical coordinate 1 with the same rotation.:

Connector 1

Here the changed relationship between physical coordinates and the rotation offset is clearer.

Using the calculated logical coordinate, we can find the logical coordinate for the output connection. In this example it is logical coordinate 8. Since the Enigma class only understand physical coordinates, this needs to be converted back. To do that you perform the opposite operation and subtract the rotation offset from the output coordinate. In this case, in the second image, you can see how logical coordinate 8 lines up with physical coordinate 6. Using the above formula of subtracting the rotation offset from the logical coordinate (8-2) produces the correct physical coordinate 6.


Because the reflector is the point where encoding to the right stops, and encoding back to the left starts, it only needs to encode in one direction, and the Enigma class will need to handle it separately. There are three standard reflectors that are defined and which to use is part of the Enigma system hardware. The connection specification is given using the same notation as the rotors, where the position in the connection map represents the input connector and the value represents the output connector.


The Enigma class pulls it all together. It can be configured in three different ways.

hardware specification which does not change and should be part of the construction of the class. This would be the plug board (but not the cable settings), the encoding disc and the reflector.

configuration these are the values that were determined at the beginning of every day. This would be the list and order of rotors, the cable configuration for the plug board and the ring settings.

starting rotation which is set before encoding a message.

When creating the Enigma system, the entry disc and reflector are specified by model number, not by their configuration parameters. This will require some sort of registry or repository where these are stored and can be retrieved by name. This is similar to the selection and ordering of rotors when configuring the device which are also given by name.

An example of this might be

var Enigma = new Enigma({reflector: 'B'});

    rotors: ['II', 'I', 'V'],
    ringSetting: 'AAA',
    plugs: ['AB', 'IR', 'UX', 'KP']

In this example, during construction, the reflector is specified, but the entry disk defaults to the standard model for the Enigma Model I. It is then configured with the rotors to use, ring settings, and plugs for the plug board. These two types of configurations are kept separate, since they are conceptually different, and the same Enigma instance could be used with multiple configurations.

There were two different standards for specifying the ring settings, one is as a list of numbers and one is as a string of letters. Your system should accept either, but remember that the numbers will be specified starting from 1, and not 0.

The last setting is the start position set before encoding. This can either be a separate call, which would be necessary if your simulation takes a keypress at a time, or a parameter passed to encode a whole string. Both types of entry points could be available on this class.

Inventory Management

There will need to be some system that can be used by the Enigma to get the configurations for the different components by name. This could be as simple as a set of Objects keyed on the name of the configuration, or as complicated as a new class that allows the addition and retrieval of the different configurations.


This should provide enough information with enough detail to create your own Enigma simulation. Included in this tool kit is a reference implementation that you can use to verify the different components of your system as you develop them. There is also test data available and an entire API to generate test data of your own.

External Links


Sample Data

Gerneral Information


[1] Rijmenants, D. (2022, November 20). Enigma machine. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

[2] Simpson, R. (n.d.). The History and Technology of the Enigma Cipher Machine. Cipher Machines. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

[3] Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, December 27). Cryptanalysis of the Enigma. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

[4] Simpson, R. (n.d.). The History and Technology of the Enigma Cipher Machine. Cipher Machines. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

[5] Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, December 27). Cryptanalysis of the Enigma. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

[6] Rijmenants, D. (2022, May 19). Enigma Message Procedures. Enigma procedure. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

[7] Rijmenants, D. (2022, May 19). Enigma Message Procedures. Enigma procedure. Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

[8] Enigma. (2022, June 6). Retrieved December 30, 2022, from

[9] Battery and energy technologies. The Enigma Cipher Machine and Breaking the Enigma Code. (n.d.). Retrieved December 31, 2022, from

[10] Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, December 28). Substitution cipher. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from

[11]Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, December 30). Enigma machine. Wikipedia. Retrieved January 4, 2023, from

[12] Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, December 30). Enigma machine. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from

[13] Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, December 30). Enigma machine. Wikipedia. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from

APA citation for this repository: Anderson, G. Enigma Machine Toolkit [Computer software].