Consume and deploy artifacts from an AWS CodeArtifact repository, using the standard AWS credentials provider
This wagon uses AWS default credential provider chain when authenticating to the AWS SDK in order to retrieve the CodeArtifact endpoint url and auth token.
To allow a Maven project to access a CodeArtifact repository, add this wagon as an extension to the build section of the project's pom.xml
Then, declare any CodeArtifact repositories, using the following format for the url codeartifact:domain/owner/repositoryName
To build this project and run its test, you need to have a CodeArtifact repository you can use containing some dependency only available from that repository. Then you must supply the following properties.
- codeartifact.test.domain
- codeartifact.test.owner
- codeartifact.test.repositoryName
- codeartifact.test.dep.groupId
- codeartifact.test.dep.artifactId
- codeartifact.test.dep.version