Use Case Title: Title
Contact Info: Name(s), email address(es), ...
High-Level Use Case Description:
- What is the purpose and goal of the federation?
- Just a sentence or two
Who are the Stakeholders?
- What class of organizations are involved?
- Academia, Industry, Government?
What is the desired "business model" of the federation?
- How do they need to collaborate?
- What data/services/capabilities to be shared, and how?
What is the desired governance model?
- How do the Stakeholders want to manage the federation?
- Who will administer the federation?
- How is responsibility allocated?
What are the Anticipated Major Technical Issues?
For example:
- Federated Identity
- Attribute Release
- Fault tolerance
- Cybersecurity
- Defense-in-Depth
What are the Anticipated Major Organizational Issues?
For example:
- Data protection
- Compliance issues
- Cost recovery
- Auditing Accounting
- Risk Tolerance
Any Other Comments: