Babel, SASS/SCSS, Webpack.
Upon initial setup on your system, run nvm use
and yarn install
to set up build tools.
Then, your edits would be made to api.js and api.scss
Running npm run build
will compile the browser-ready versions api/api.js and api/api.css for production. This means minifying, stripping comments, etc.
For development, npm start
is recommended. This will run a HTTP server which watches for changes and reloads the page as you modify the code. Note that this is not a replacement for npm run build
for deployment.
The command npm run deploy
will do a npm run build
followed by a git add, commit, and push. This single command will effectively deploy the current state of the code to Github pages. The API endpoint, documentation, and demonstration application are all served directly from master branch via Github Pages. The index.html file forms the home page, including the demo. The includes API documentation.