POEM ID: 085
Title: Export view_connections to csv
Author: crecine (Carl Recine)
Competing POEMs: N/A
Related POEMs: N/A
Associated implementation PR: #2925
- Active
- Requesting decision
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Integrated
When comparing the connections created by different branches/commits, it can be hard to find differences when switching back and forth between tabs. Exporting the conection list as a csv allows it to be sorted, filtered, etc by csv editors like Excel and allows for text-based diffs. This is particularly useful for debugging large models with many connections.
The default filename would remain connections.html and the updated function would be backwards compatible with current usage. If the filename ends with .csv instead of .html, view_connections would save the results to a csv instead of an html file. This would make the options "show_browser" and "title" have no effect; however, they are optional and specifying them wouldn't be an issue.