Releases: OpenMage/magento-lts
v19.4.14 - 2021-06-25
#1202 Fix #1190 - Fix the "$_FILES array is empty" exception when assiging products to a category or creating a category with the XMLRPC-API
#1227 modified nav-bar padding to prevent the search box hiding menu items
#1326 Fix notice when there are no sales rules for a given situation
#1443 Log Exception the right way in Session, no need for custom message formatting anymore
#1505 Fix the deprecation problem of idn_to_ascii() since php7.2
#1484 Fix unserialization error when saving dataflow advanced profile.
#1483 Mage_Core_Model_Abstract: Fix rollback when Throwable is thrown in save/delete method
#1466 Improve error message of product required option by including option …
#1035 Code style (endif endforeach endfor and more)
#1577 Code style (endif and break)
#1575 Product qty is incremented when comment is added on a Credit Memo from SOAP API v2
#1557 Mark invoice as last when dummy items included
#1554 Fix Coments in .htaccess
#1571 Reduce getId calls
#1565 Log exceptions when generating images
#1582 Reset array on product reset
#1598 fixed twitter share link, issue 1595
#1591 removed magento logo in demo notice
#1494 Update default USPS endpoint to HTTPS schema
#1448 Remove _isDownloader flag
#1481 DEV: add docker-dde setup
#1534 Cleanup of getMimeType()
#1384 Add icons in admin (icon-head)
#1568 Fixes for #1564 and #1289
- #1564 Checkout - Agreement content when empty (Terms and Conditions)
- #1289 Wrong attributes order in comparison window
#1593 fix documentation updateAttributeGroup()
#640 add some logging for errors during paypal response validation
#1169 do not connect to write adapter when getting the read adapter (#1167 )
#1255 Change lowest PHP version to 7
#1616 Revert "cleanup - remove orphan js/jscolor/* from XmlConnect package (#1436)" - as its used by MageWorx Advanced Product Options
#1613 Fix getChildren must be compatible with SimpleXMLElement with PHP 8
#1392 Fix PHP8 Deprecated: Required parameter $A follows optional parameter
#1183 Fixes cloning of a collection by also cloning the internal select object
#802 Fix widgets layout handle on edit
#1416 Page title for credit memo and shipment
#1644 Fix fatal error - getRegionCollection() - issue #713
#1588 Update report.php
#1674 Resolves the PHP 7 error: Declaration of Mage_Tag_Model_Api_V2::items($productId, $store) should be compatible with Mage_Tag_Model_Api::items($productId, $store = NULL)
v20.0.10 - 2021-04-20
New Release, because v20.0.9 was tagged wrong
2 security updates
CVE-2021-21426 - GHSA-m496-x567-f98c - Fixing a bug in Zend Framework's Stream HTTP Wrapper
CVE-2021-21427 - GHSA-fvrf-9428-527m - Security Update for SQLi for Magento 2 (a backport of CVE-2021-3007 of laminas-http)
more updates:
#1536 Remove the documentation Hint "(?)" functionality
and merged changes from v19.4.13
v19.4.13 - 2021-04-20
2 security updates
CVE-2021-21426 - GHSA-m496-x567-f98c - Fixing a bug in Zend Framework's Stream HTTP Wrapper
CVE-2021-21427 - GHSA-fvrf-9428-527m - Security Update for SQLi for Magento 2 (a backport of CVE-2021-3007 of laminas-http)
more updates:
#1531 Throw an Exception in resource model if column not exists, instead of E_NOTICE
#1454 Fix doc getCountry - returning string instead of int
#1545 Re-add LICENSE.html because of errors during install process (#1542, #1160)
#1540 Fix PHP8 error in App.php: method_exists() now throws an exception if the first argument is not string|object
#1391 Fixes core and lib issues for PHP 8.0 compatibility
#1552 Revert update to Prototype serialize method that breaks OpenMage functionality / Can not select multiple statuses with Prototype 1.7.3 in Reports (#1549, #1497)
#1477 Remove invalid branch alias to make the branch importable on
#1252 Directory currency - performance optimalization
#1325 Move orig data to abstract model (according to Magento 2.x)
#1502 Remove Deprecated _afterSaveCommit from Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
and merged changes from v19.4.12
#1459 make Mage::getOpenMageVersionInfo() more stable for the release process
#1468 fix markup in
#1469 Delete RELEASE_NOTES.txt
#1436 Remove orphan js/jscolor
#1201 Fix wrong payment info template paths
#1439 Fixed syntax error ytheme-magento.css
#1473 Fix integrity constraint violation when order is canceled (#1220 #1472)
#1424 Ascending alphabetical sort for Attribute Set Name
#1464 Updated composer.json branch alias (#1160 #1460)
#194 fix paypal IPN postback response parsing
#1446 Better error handling when store is disabled
#1404 [BUGFIX] Count doesn't work with group by columns. This fix keeps the group by
#1365 Updating phpstorm meta files with magerun 2.1.0
#1156 Removed observer adminhtml_sales_order_create_create_order (#1154)
#1358 Add a new event adminhtml_block_widget_tabs_html_before
, for adding custom tab (#879)
#1445 make Developer Mode controllable by environment variable for all execution paths
#1302 Fix a bug where product media upload via API was not possible anymore (#1178 #1125 #666)
#1485 New event "init_form_values_after" after data set on a form
#1394 Replace alias methods (#986)
#1480 Add checkout agreement position, closes #1288
#1406 Mage_Rss - DOC block update
#1398 Simplified true/false
#1496 Mage_Core_Model_Translate: Removed unused local variable
#1051 Add features from N98 layout helper (#321 #336 #416)
#1276 Fix array_key_exists on objects (deprecated notice or fatal error)
#1495 Removed unnecessary replacing of variable from parent
#1456 Correct password length message grammar
#1291 Removed redundant if statement
#1324 Notification_Security block - private to protected for easier extending
#1309 Removed unnecessary joins for global attributes
#1497 Upgrade prototype to version 1.7.3
#1450 Fixed CRLF to LF
#1455 Massaction items - removed unused switch
#1467 _exportIterateCollection performance optimization
#1248 mark trigger_recollect before collectTotals
#1418 Fix regression in configuration scope code. Refs #1417
#1281 remove-reference-to-magentocommerce
#1383 Remove latest occurrences of XmlConnect
#1429 Revert "Removed 2 unneeded function calls. Local var is already there."
Ignore media/captcha directory.
#1412 Update static-code-analyses.yml
#1441 Fixed menu cursor
#1160 Updated, closes #985 #992
#1407 Reduced multiple dispatch events in login form for other themes.
merged changes from v19.4.10
3 security updates
GHSA-jrgf-vfw2-hj26 CMS Editor code execution
GHSA-hj6w-xrv3-wjj9 Widget instances allows a hacker to inject an executable file on the server
GHSA-99m6-r53j-4hh2 Layout XML RCE Vulnerability
More Changes:
#1246 Adds support for "SameSite" cookie property
#1356 Fixed return type of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form::_canShowField
#1275 Add start & stop commands to ddev setup in readme
#1273 Update static-code-analyses.yml
#1206 Reduced multiple dispatch events in login form.
#1140 Github Action Labeler Bot
#1337 Allow rewrite of Mage_Core_Model_File_Validator_Image
#1086 Allow debug in admin
#1378 Declare two variables
#1330 Allow min pass length to 5 during login
#1373 Removed 2 unneeded function calls. Local var is already there.
#1390 Fix class name and filename for case sensitive filesystems
#1336 Fix getId() on bool when primary billing address is null
#1370 Fixed adminhtml boxes.css fieldset-wide for note.
#1168 New event "adminhtml_sales_order_create_save_before" when editing an order.
#1393 Fixes PHP7.4 deprecated nested ternary operators
#1403 TypeError: round(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type int|float
merged changes from v19.4.9