Releases: OpenSignLabs/OpenSign
Releases · OpenSignLabs/OpenSign
What's Changed
- feat: add create document btn in dashboard, update menu & change Root to Opensign™ drive in folder input by @prafull-opensignlabs in #492
- fix: stop showing initial popup when widgets drag by @prafull-opensignlabs in #493
- fix: handle uncaught error of SMTP by @prafull-opensignlabs in #500
- fix: width issue of text widget & default data for widgets information pop-ups in mobile display. by @raktima-opensignlabs in #499
- fix: handle uncaught err of max upload size of pdf in form by @prafull-opensignlabs in #502
- fix: show warning on placeholder_sign page for document already send to signers for signature by @raktima-opensignlabs in #501
- chore: change serverURL by @prafull-opensignlabs in #503
- chore: Update mongo url in local env by @prafull-opensignlabs in #504
- fix: widgets are not embedding in pdf using API by @prafull-opensignlabs in #505
Full Changelog: v1.3.1-beta...1.3.2-beta
What's Changed
- feat: add help for select folder input & update dashboard tour messages by @prafull-opensignlabs in #485
- feat: add show/hide label in checkbox and radio widget by @raktima-opensignlabs in #487
- fix: E-sign not available in completed document by @prafull-opensignlabs in #484
- fix: reset button not working in forms by @prafull-opensignlabs in #486
- fix: legacy signature widget setting icon issue by @raktima-opensignlabs in #472
- fix: radio button or checkbox widget’s border not visible by @prafull-opensignlabs in #488
- fix: checkbox not embeding in pdf by @prafull-opensignlabs in #489
- fix: date is not changable in signyourself flow for mobile by @prafull-opensignlabs in #490
Full Changelog: v1.3.0-beta...v1.3.1-beta
What's Changed
- feat: Add multiple widgets like dropdown list, radio button, label, text input, checkbox, date, image etc. by @prafull-opensignlabs in #461
- fix: signature not saving in manage sign option by @prafull-opensignlabs in #469
- fix: remove instant signing alert when the document creator is not the first in sequence to sign a document which is set to be signed in order by @prafull-opensignlabs in #471
- build(deps-dev): bump nodemon from 2.0.22 to 3.1.0 in /apps/OpenSignServer by @dependabot in #435
- build(deps): bump parse-server-api-mail-adapter from 3.0.0 to 3.1.1 in /apps/OpenSignServer by @dependabot in #436
- build(deps): bump mongoose from 8.1.3 to 8.2.0 in /apps/OpenSignServer by @dependabot in #437
- build(deps): bump nodemailer from 6.9.7 to 6.9.11 in /apps/OpenSignServer by @dependabot in #459
- build(deps): bump react-select from 5.7.7 to 5.8.0 in /apps/OpenSign by @dependabot in #445
- build(deps-dev): bump autoprefixer from 10.4.16 to 10.4.18 in /apps/OpenSign by @dependabot in #456
- build(deps): bump the npm_and_yarn group group in /apps/OpenSignServer with 7 updates by @dependabot in #464
- build(deps): bump aws-sdk from 2.1475.0 to 2.1569.0 in /apps/OpenSignServer by @dependabot in #458
- build(deps): bump @reduxjs/toolkit from 1.9.7 to 2.2.1 in /apps/OpenSign by @dependabot in #447
- build(deps): bump react-router-dom from 6.16.0 to 6.22.3 in /apps/OpenSign by @dependabot in #466
Full Changelog: v1.2.2-beta...v1.3.0-beta
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump @babel/traverse from 7.23.0 to 7.23.6 in /microfrontends/SignDocuments by @dependabot in #262
- chore(deps): bump parse from 4.2.0 to 4.3.1 in /microfrontends/SignDocuments by @dependabot in #266
- chore(deps): bump react-pdf from 7.4.0 to 7.7.0 in /microfrontends/SignDocuments by @dependabot in #325
- build(deps-dev): bump postcss from 8.4.31 to 8.4.35 in /apps/OpenSign by @dependabot in #390
- refactor: remove openai package by @prafull-opensignlabs in #416
- build(deps): bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 9 updates by @dependabot in #415
- build(deps): bump axios from 1.3.5 to 1.6.7 in /apps/OpenSignServer by @dependabot in #361
- chore(deps): bump the npm_and_yarn group group in /microfrontends/SignDocuments with 1 update by @dependabot in #291
- build(deps-dev): bump @babel/runtime-corejs2 from 7.23.2 to 7.23.9 in /apps/OpenSign by @dependabot in #358
- refactor: update jwt-decode package by @prafull-opensignlabs in #417
- build(deps-dev): bump lint-staged from 15.0.1 to 15.2.2 in /apps/OpenSign by @dependabot in #389
- build(deps): bump mongoose from 7.2.1 to 8.1.3 in /apps/OpenSignServer by @dependabot in #405
- build(deps): bump @react-pdf/renderer from 3.1.12 to 3.3.8 in /microfrontends/SignDocuments by @dependabot in #388
- chore: add build command for docker-hub by @prafull-opensignlabs in #425
- chore: update build command of microfrontend for dockerhub by @prafull-opensignlabs in #427
Full Changelog: v1.2.1-beta...v1.2.2-beta
What's Changed
- feat: Api v1 beta by @prafull-opensignlabs in #332
- feat: add docs tab in profile menu by @prafull-opensignlabs in #336
- feat: enable automatic redirect to remembered url after login by @prafull-opensignlabs in #338
- feat: link changelog url to footer version by @prafull-opensignlabs in #396
- feat: add send in order feature to collect signatures sequentially @prafull-opensignlabs in #398
- feat: add webhook which will call on document events like created, viewed, declined, signed & completed by @prafull-opensignlabs in #346
- feat: add 'Debug UI' feature for generating base64 & debugging API parameters like co-ordinates, widget sizes, etc. by @prafull-opensignlabs in #364
- fix: issue of request payload entity too large by @prafull-opensignlabs in #379
- refactor: add analytics code for internal tracking by @prafull-opensignlabs in #393
- refactor: remove rjsf package, change rjsf forms to normal forms & remove unnecessary code by @prafull-opensignlabs in #370
Full Changelog: v1.1.1-beta...v1.2.0-beta
What's Changed
- fix: modal-ui,replace status message 'loading pdf' with 'loading document'. Clicking placeholder now opens 'Add User' popup to make the user experience smoother by @raktima-opensignlabs in #318
- fix: replace title 'Role' with 'Roles' in template creation flow by @raktima-opensignlabs in #320
- fix: Freeze the submit button of the template form upon submission to avoid duplicate insertions by @prafull-opensignlabs in #321
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-beta...v1.1.1-beta
What's Changed
- feat: Introducing document creation using saved Templates: Streamline Document Generation and Sharing by @prafull-opensignlabs in #290
- feat: Add copy signature placeholder to all pages feature for fast document creation & major improvements in UI of placeholder by @raktima-opensignlabs in #286
- feat: Allow users to input signatures in text format with support for multiple fonts by @raktima-opensignlabs in #295
- feat: Implement document delete and move to folder features in OpenSign™ drive by @raktima-opensignlabs in #311
- feat: Add a handy button to send document via email after successfully signing document in sign-yourself flow by @raktima-opensignlabs in #257
- feat: Improve placeholder resize experience… by @raktima-opensignlabs in #249
- feat: Implement cross compatibility between mobile & desktop for placeholder positions by @raktima-opensignlabs in #259
- feat: Add 'don't show again' button for help guides by @prafull-opensignlabs in #301
- feat: Add hyperlink in mails for contacting OpenSign team @prafull-opensignlabs in #304
- fix: Placeholder block issue for select multisigners by @raktima-opensignlabs in #260
- fix: Removed "/test" route from application by @vikramnagwal in #279
- fix: Add recipient required validation by @prafull-opensignlabs in #292
- fix: Placeholder resize & drag issue in mobile view by @raktima-opensignlabs in #294
- fix: Single signature issue, improve help guide messages, add icon for create new template by @raktima-opensignlabs in #305
- fix: Set document name to bold & change openSign to OpenSign™ in email templates by @raktima-opensignlabs in #313
- fix: changed width of user profile ui by @prafull-opensignlabs in #258
New Contributors
- @vikramnagwal made their first contribution in #279
Full Changelog: v1.0.7-beta...v1.1.0-beta
What's Changed
- feat: add dropbox fileupload by @prafull-opensignlabs in #238
- feat:add contactbook report & updated version of app in footer by @prafull-opensignlabs in #226
- feat: add advanced password validation by @prafull-opensignlabs in #247
- fix: horizontal pdf or large size pdf's scrollbar issue in signyourself & placeholder flow by @raktima-opensignlabs in #245
- fix: delete btn issue by @Govinda04 in #235
- fix: smtp mail issue resolve by @prafull-opensignlabs in #240
- fix automatic sidebar opening on window resize by @crediblebilal in #239
- fix: multiple default signatures issue by @raktima-opensignlabs in #234 #232
- fix: download button throws error in guest signer flow issue by @raktima-opensignlabs in #227 #246
- fix: folder creation functionality not working issue @raktima-opensignlabs in #250
- fix: update app name on default loading screen by @prafull-opensignlabs in #253
New Contributors
- @Govinda04 made their first contribution in #235
- @crediblebilal made their first contribution in #239
Full Changelog: v1.0.6-beta...v1.0.7-beta
What's Changed
- feat: use smtp to send email by @marentdev in #182
- feat: Verification emails are now sent on signup by @prafull-opensignlabs in #219
- fix: Issue with multiple annotations in single file by @raktima-opensignlabs in #174 #164
- fix - Sanitize Output filename by @rishabjasrotia in #176 #167
- replace modal title login with additional info and change message of verification mail alert by @prafull-opensignlabs in #179
- fix: need-your-sign report document signature and certificate issue by @raktima-opensignlabs in #183
- fix: Location of requested signature placeholders shift to slight right on mobile in "Request Signatures" flow by @raktima-opensignlabs in #185 #172
- fix: Missing parameters from completion certificate @raktima-opensignlabs in #184 #166
- fix: Include the Signer Email Address in completion certificate @rishabjasrotia in #203
- fix: repeated popup of drawbox while dragging sign placeholder in mobile view by @rishabjasrotia in #197 #170
- fix: spelling mistake of email message 'beeen' to been after signed by all parties by @raktima-opensignlabs in #212
- fix: no data found issue on signers login page by @raktima-opensignlabs in #213
- fix: dashboard report not working properly by @prafull-opensignlabs in #214
- fix: Add progress bar in profile pic upload by @prafull-opensignlabs in #215
- fix: Add "OpenSign" branding to verification email by @nxglabs in #220
- fix: Change sequence in add signer form by @prafull-opensignlabs in #221
- fix: signature annotation moves slightly from top and bottom by @prafull-opensignlabs in #222
- fix: Align Modal to Center of PDF by @rishabjasrotia in #188 #168
- fix: Issue due to Signature URL validation on non-https servers(localhost) by @rishabjasrotia in #216 #204
- fix: UI layout issue after signing a document from mobile by @rishabjasrotia in #189 #126
- fix: transparent PNG signature issue by @raktima-opensignlabs in #191 #165
- fix: two modal overlap issue in sign-yourself flow by @raktima-opensignlabs in #223
- fix: security improvements
- fix: minor UI changes
New Contributors
- @marentdev made their first contribution in #182
Full Changelog: v1.0.5-beta...v1.0.6-beta
What's Changed
- fix: Sanitize Output filename by @rishabjasrotia in #176 #167
- fix: replace modal title login with additional info and change message of verification mail alert by @prafull-opensignlabs in #179
- fix: #164 - Issue with multiple annotations in single file by @raktima-opensignlabs in #174
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.0.5-beta