diff --git a/notCredible/notCredible.csv b/notCredible/notCredible.csv index 63a8abb..a2f9998 100644 --- a/notCredible/notCredible.csv +++ b/notCredible/notCredible.csv @@ -1,614 +1,723 @@ -,language,type,notes -100percentfedup.com,en,bias, -21stcenturywire.com,en,conspiracy, -24newsflash.com,en,fake, -365usanews.com,en,bias, -4threvolutionarywar.wordpress.com,en,bias, -70news.wordpress.com,en,fake, -,en,conspiracy, -aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk,en,unreliable, -abcnews.com.co,en,fake, -abcnewsgo.co,en,fake, -abeldanger.net,en,conspiracy, -abovetopsecret.com,en,conspiracy, -abriluno.com,en,satire, -aceflashman.wordpress.com,en,satire, -acting-man.com,en,unreliable,publishes articles denying climate change -activistpost.com,en,conspiracy, -addictinginfo.org,en,clickbait, -adobochronicles.com,en,fake, -advocate.com,en,political, -ahtribune.com,en,unreliable, -allnewspipeline.com,en,unreliable, -americanfreepress.net,en,conspiracy, -americankabuki.blogspot.com,en,junksci, -americanlookout.com,en,bias, -americannews.com,en,fake , -americanoverlook.com,en,fake, -americanpatriotdaily.com,en,bias, -americanreviewer.com,en,conspiracy, -americantoday.news,en,rumor, -americasfreedomfighters.com,en,bias, -ammoland.com,en,bias, -amplifyingglass.com,en,clickbait, -amren.com,en,hate, -amtvmedia.com,en,rumor, -amusmentic.com,en,clickbait, -ancient-code.com,en,junksci, -angrypatriotmovement.com,en,conspiracy, -anonews.co,en,unreliable, -anonhq.com,en,unreliable, -anonnews.co,en,unreliable, -anotherdayintheempire.com,en,bias, -antiwar.com,en,bias,site is biased but very open about bias and source -antoniusaquinas.wp.com,en,bias, -asia-pacificresearch.com,en,unreliable, -assassinationscience.com,en,conspiracy, -associatedmediacoverage.com,en,satire, -attn.com,en,clickbait, -automaticearth.com,en,unreliable,links to msm sources and unreliable sources -automotostar.com,en,clickbait, -awarenessact.com,en,conspiracy, -awdnews.com,en,conspiracy,twitter account deleted? -awm.com,en,unreliable, -barenakedislam.com,en,hate, -bb4sp.com,en,conpiracy, -beehivebugle.com,en,satire, -beforeitsnews.com,en,fake, -betootaadvocate.com,en,satire, -bients.com,en,clickbait, -bigamericannews.com,en,satire, -bigbluedimension.com,en,rumor, -bigbluevision.com,en,hate, -bigbluevision.org,en,clickbait, -bighairynews.com,en,fake, -bignuggetnews.com,en,bias, -bigpzone.com,en,,redirects to http://therundownlive.com/ (mz 12/2) -bipartisanreport.com,en,clickbait, -blackagendareport.com,en,unreliable,anon submissions -blacklistednews.com,en,clickbait, -bluenationreview.com,en,clickbait, -boilingfrogspost.com,en,unreliable ,"links to natural news, blacklist news, some conspiracy sites" -borowitzreport.com,en,satire, -bostonleader.com,en,fake, -breaking911.com,en,clickbait, -breitbart.com,en,political, -brotherjohnf.com,en,bias, -bullionbullscanada.com,en,conspiracy,"the ""one"" bank" -burrardstreetjournal.com,en,satire, -buzzfeedusa.com,en,fake, -bvanews.com,en,unreliable,seems like a combination of totally fake and unreliable reports of 'real' news -callthecops.net,en,satire, -canadafreepress.com,en,conspiracy, -cap-news.com,en,fake , -cbsnews.com.co,en,fake, -celebtricity.com,en,satire, -channel-7-news.com,en,fake, -chaser.com.au,en,satire, -checkoutthehealthyworld.com,en,junksci, -chicksontheright.com,en,clickbait, -christianfightback.com,en,hate, -christiantimesnewspaper.com,en,rumor, -christwire.org,en,satire, -chronicle.su,en,satire, -cityworldnews.com,en,fake, -civictribune.com,en,fake, -clashdaily.com,en,fake, -clickhole.com,en,satire, -cnnnext.com,en,unreliable,basically an rt video channel -cnsnews.com,en,unreliable,the news arm of media research center (a conservative org that is frequently criticized for use of selective evidence) -coasttocoastam.com,en,unreliable , -collective-evolution.com,en,junksci, -collectivelyconscious.net,en,junksci, -commondreams.org,en,political, -concisepolitics.com,en,conspiracy, -consciouslifenews.com,en,junksci, -conservativebyte.com,en,fake, -conservativedailypost.com,en,fake,this website is a weird mix of outright fake news and some stuff that looks more credible. -conservativefiringline.com,en,bias, -conservativefrontline.com,en,unknown,website down -conservativeinfidel.com,en,fake, -conservativeoutfitters.com,en,unreliable, -conservativerefocus.com,en,conspiracy, -conservativespirit.com,en,bias, -conservativestate.com,en,bias,"links to other borderline fake, but mostly just propagandistic websites" -conservativetribune.com,en,bias, -consortiumnews.com,en,credible,the authors on this website are pretty credible and the articles appear well researched -conspiracywire.com,en,conspiracy, -corbettreport.com,en,conspiracy, -corbettreport.com,en,conspiracy, -countdowntozerotime.com,en,conspiracy, -countercurrents.org,en,political,this site is pretty explicit about it's p.o.v. and is coming from a political perspective but doesn't fit under how we are defining 'bias' -counterinformation.wordpress.com,en,political, -counterpsyops.com,en,conspiracy, -counterpunch.com,en,political,explicit pov - legit authors -counterpunch.org,en,political,explicit pov - legit authors -creambmp.com,en,satire, -crystalair.com,en,satire,redirects to http://www.cap-news.com/ -dailybuzzlive.com,en,fake, -dailycurrant.com,en,satire, -dailydiscord.com,en,satire, -dailyheadlines.com,en,fake, -dailyheadlines.net,en,fake, -dailykos.com,en,political, -dailyleak.org,en,parody, -dailynewsbin.com,en,bias, -dailynewspolitic.com,en,unknown,domain for sale -dailyoccupation.com,en,conspiracy, -dailypolitics.info,en,unknown,website now down -dailypoliticsusa.com,en,bias, -dailysignal.com,en,bias, -dailysquib.co.uk,en,satire, -dailystormer.com,en,hate,pretty well known neo-nazi site -dailywire.com,en,bias, -dandygoat.com,en,satire, -darkmoon.me,en,hate, -darkpolitricks.com,en,bias, -davejanda.com,en,unreliable, -davidduke.com,en,hate, -davidstockmanscontracorner.com,en,political, -davidwolfe.com,en,conspiracy, -dcclothesline.com,en,conspiracy, -dcgazette.com,en,fake, -dcleaks.com,en,unreliable, -deadlyclear.wordpress.com,en,unknown,personal blog that comments on news stories and blog posts -defenddemocracy.press,en,bias,"editorial board as stated on about us seem to be legitimate academics, and originally authored content byline are academics, although not able to find a clear link between edu pages and these authors' work on this website. many 3rd party articles are linked, sources provided. these articles are aggregated from other more clearly biased sites i.e. world socialist web site (wswg.org), rt.com, sputniknews.com." -delectabledietofpics.net,en,unknown,website now down -dennismichaellynch.com,en,political, -denverguardian.com,en,fake, -departed.co,en,fake,redircts to dcposts.com -derfmagazine.com,en,satire, -dineal.com,en,junksci, -disclose.tv,en,satire, -disclosuremedia.net,en,conspiracy, -dissentmagazine.org,en,political, -diversitychronicle.wordpress.com,en,satire,self-labled: https://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/disclaimer/ -dollarvigilante.com,en,bias,anarcho-capitalist blog -donaldtrumpnews.co,en,fake, -dont-tread-on.me,en,conspiracy,doesn't seem to be updating anymore -downtrend.com,en,fake, -drudgereport.com,en,bias, -drudgereport.com.co,en,fake, -duffleblog.com,en,satire, -duhprogressive.com,en,satire, -dutchsinse.com,en,conspiracy,weather control -eaglerising.com,en,bias, -ebolahoax.com,en,conspiracy,domain for sale -educate-yourself.org,en,conspiracy, -educateinspirechange.org,en,clickbait, -electionnightgatekeepers.com,en,conspiracy, -elelephantintheroom.blogspot.com,en,bias, -elitereaders.com,en,clickbait, -elkoshary.com,en,satire,about me notes that it's not fake/satirical news -elmundotoday.com,en,satire,about me notes that it's not fake/satirical news -embols.com,en,fake, -empireherald.com,en,fake, -empirenews.net,en,fake, -empiresports.co,en,satire,about me notes that it's not fake/satirical news -emptywheel.net,en,political,commentary on current events/news -enabon.com,en,fake,"no authors, no contact, just copy/pasted from other questionable sites" -endingthefed.com,en,bias, -endoftheamericandream.com,en,unknown,website down -endtime.com,en,unknown,not sure about this one. zany religious prophecy/not really conspiracy -enduringvision.com,en,fake, -english.ruvr.ru,en,unknown,redirects to https://sputniknews.com/ -eutimes.net,en,hate, -eutopia.buzz,en,fake, -everydayworldnews.com,en,unknown,website down -everythingnewdaily.com,en,unknown,website down -ewao.com,en,junksci, -expose1933.com,en,conspiracy,"references to ""white genocide"" and ""race mixing""" -extraclubmagazine.com,en,bias,vacillates between outright fake and misleading stories -eyeopening.info,en,conspiracy, -fakingnews.com,en,fake ,fiction disclaimer on bottom of home screen -familysecuritymatters.org,en,conspiracy, -fantasticword.com,en,unknown,website down? -federalistpress.com,en,bias, -fellowshipoftheminds.com,en,conspiracy, -filmsforaction.org,en,political, -financialsurvivalnetwork.com,en,unreliable, -floridasunpost.com,en,fake,i concur: http://mashable.com/2016/10/03/fake-news-story-man-marries-granddaughter/#qvpazp.e8oqb -flyheight.com,en,unknown,aggregator of actual and potentially altered videos -fmobserver.com,en,satire, -fognews.ru,en,satire,site contains satire disclaimer -foodbabe.com,en,junksci, -foreignpolicyjournal.com,en,political,legit source coming from a political perspective -fort-russ.com,en,unknown,website down -fourwinds10.net,en,conspiracy, -fprnradio.com,en,conspiracy, -freakoutnation.com,en,bias, -freebeacon.com,en,bias, -freedomdaily.com,en,fake, -freedomforceinternational.com,en,conspiracy,global warming denial -freedomoutpost.com,en,conspiracy, -freedomsphoenix.com,en,bias, -freepatriot.org,en,satire,site contains satire disclaimer -freewoodpost.com,en,satire, -fridaymash.com,en,satire, -fromthetrenchesworldreport.com,en,conspiracy, -frontpagemag.com,en,bias,part of david horowitz' freedom center -fusion.net,en,political,website contains some satire -gaia.com,en,conspiracy, -galacticconnection.com,en,junksci, -gangstergovernment.com,en,conspiracy, -gatesofvienna.net,en,hate, -geoengineeringwatch.org,en,junksci, -geopolmonitor.com,en,political,this website is tricky (in terms of writers using some interesting frames/language). def could use a second analysis. -globalresearch.ca,en,conspiracy, -glossynews.com,en,satire, -godlikeproductions.com,en,conspiracy, -gomerblog.com,en,satire,site contains satire disclaimer -goneleft.com,en,fake, -gonzalolira.blogspot.com,en,unknown,blog is invite only -gopthedailydose.com,en,fake, -govtslaves.info,en,conspiracy, -greanvillepost.com,en,conspiracy, -guardianlv.com,en,political, -guccifer2.wordpress.com,en,unreliable, -gulagbound.com,en,bias, -hangthebankers.com,en,bias, -healthimpactnews.com,en,junksci, -healthnutnews.com,en,junksci, -heatst.com,en,bias, -henrymakow.com,en,fake, -heresyblog.net,en,bias, -holyobserver.com,en,satire, -humansarefree.com,en,conspiracy, -humortimes.com,en,satire, -huzlers.com,en,satire, -ifyouonlynews.com,en,unreliable, -ihavethetruth.com,en,bias, -ijr.com,en,bias, -ilovemyfreedom.org,en,bias, -in5d.com,en,junksci, -indiaarising.com,en,clickbait, -informationclearinghouse.info,en,conspiracy, -informetoday.com,en,bias, -infostormer.com,en,fake, -infowars.com,en,conspiracy, -instaworldnews.com,en,bias, -intellihub.com,en,conspiracy, -intrendtoday.com,en,fake, -intrepidreport.com,en,bias, -investmentresearchdynamics.com,en,conspiracy, -investmentwatchblog.com,en,bias, -ironictimes.com,en,satire, -islamicanews.com,en,satire, -itaglive.com,en,fake, -itmakessenseblog.com,en,fake, -iwanttoexplore.com,en,fake,mostly turned back into car website -jackpineradicals.com,en,political,left wing discussion site -jacobinmag.com,en,political, -jamesrgrangerjr.com,en,bias, -jesus-is-savior.com,en,conspiracy, -jewsnews.co.il,en,unreliable, -johnnyrobish.com,en,satire, -jonesreport.com,en,conspiracy , -journal-neo.org,en,bias, -katehon.com,en,bias, -katehon.org,en,unknown,"russian version of katehon.com? (i think so, but i can't get a read on this one- mz)" -landoverbaptist.org,en,satire, -legorafi.fr,en,unknown,in french -lewrockwell.com,en,bias, -liberalamerica.org,en,clickbait, -liberalbias.com,en,satire, -liberaldarkness.com,en,satire, -libertyblitzkrieg.com,en,fake, -libertyfederation.com,en,hate, -libertymovementradio.com,en,conspiracy, -libertynews.com,en,unreliable, -libertytalk.fm,en,conspiracy, -libertyunyielding.com,en,bias, -libertyvideos.org,en,conspiracy, -libertywritersnews.com,en,clickbait, -lifeandabout.com,en,bias, -lifenews.com,en,bias, -lifeprevention.com,en,junksci, -lifesitenews.com,en,clickbait, -lifezette.com,en,clickbait, -liveactionnews.org,en,bias, -livefreelivenatural.com,en,malware warning,"*malware warning, did not navigate to site" -livevote.com,en,clickbait, -lushforlife.com,en,satire, -madpatriots.com,en,unreliable, -madworldnews.com,en,unreliable, -madworldnews.com,en,unreliable, -magafeed.com,en,rumor,"""god/emperor"" category for trump" -makeamericagreattoday.com,en,bias, -mediamass.net,en,fake, -mediazone.news,en,rumor, -megafreshnews.com,en,rumor, -megynkelly.us,en,fake, -militianews.com,en,conspiracy, -mintpressnews.com,en,political,legit source form a political perspective -moonofalabama.org,en,bias, -morningnewsusa.com,en,unreliable,"stories seem to originate from real news, but are somewhat clickbait-y and sources are not cited" -mpidailymagazine.com,en,fake, -mrconservative.com,en,fake, -msnbc.website,en,fake, -mydailyrelaxation.com,en,unknown,server not found -myfreshnews.com,en,fake,found linked from iwanttoexplore.com -myzonetoday.com,en,fake, -nahadaily.com,en,satire, -nakedcapitalism.com,en,political,"commentary on finance, economics, politics and power" -nationalreport.net,en,satire, -nationindistress.weebly.com,en,conspiracy, -nationonenews.com,en,fake, -naturalblaze.com,en,junksci, -naturalnews.com,en,junksci, -nbc.com.co,en,fake, -nbcpolitics.org,en,unknown,website down? -nbcpoll.com,en,unknown,website down? -ncscooper.com,en,satire, -nevo.news,en,unreliable, -newcenturytimes.com,en,unreliable, -newcoldwar.org,en,political,"contains statement that site authors are ""independent, but not non-partisan"" (anti-war (ukraine))" -news4ktla.com,en,fake, -newsbbc.net,en,fake, -newsbiscuit.com,en,satire,http://www.newsbiscuit.com/about/disclaimer/ -newsbreakers.org,en,satire, -newsbuzzdaily.com,en,fake,redirects to http://www.flyheight.com/ (12/14) -newscenterusa.com,en,unknown,website down -newscorpse.com,en,bias, -newsexaminer.net,en,fake, -newsfrompolitics.com,en,fake, -newslo.com,en,fake,redirects to http://politicops.com/ (12/2) -newsmax.com,en,unreliable, -newsmutiny.com,en,satire, -newsninja2012.com,en,bias, -newsopening.com,en,unknown,website down -newstarget.com,en,conspiracy, -newsthump.com,en,satire,site contains satire disclaimer -newstoad.net,en,satire,tagline: the news they don't want you to hear. because it isn't true. -newswatch28.com,en,fake, -newswatch33.com,en,fake, -newswire-24.com,en,rumor, -newswithviews.com,en,fake, -newyorker.com/humor,en,satire, -nodisinfo.com,en,conspiracy, -nomorefakenews.com,en,conspiracy, -northcrane.com,en,unreliable, -notallowedto.com,en,clickbait, -now8news.com,en,fake, -nowtheendbegins.com,en,conspiracy, -nutritionfacts.org,en,credible,"i read through several articles and the sources cited, and appears ok (maybe sometimes a little sensational... so if anyone has specific knowledge of this site and/or good examples of problems, feel free to link them here)" -nymeta.co,en,clickbait,entertainment website -nyuzer.com,en,unknown,website domain for sale -objectiveministries.org,en,satire, -occupydemocrats.com,en,clickbait, -occupyliberals.com,en,bias, -odgossip.com,en,unknown,website domain for sale -off-guardian.org,en,bias, -oftwominds.com,en,bias, -oilgeopolitics.net,en,conspiracy, -onlineconservativepress.com,en,fake, -opednews.com,en,unknown,website kept timing out. -openmindmagazine.com,en,bias, -orientalreview.org,en,bias, -other98.com,en,clickbait, -pakalertpress.com,en,fake, -pamelageller.com,en,conspiracy, -patdollar.com,en,bias, -patriotchronicle.com,en,bias, -patriotnewsdaily.com,en,satire, -patriotnewsdaily.com,en,bias, -patriotrising.com,en,bias, -patriotupdate.com,en,bias, -paulcraigroberts.org,en,bias,ex: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/12/10/has-liberty-departed-from-america-paul-craig-roberts/ -platosguns.com,en,bias, -politicalblindspot.com,en,conspiracy,ex: vaccines are a way for the cia to spy on us -politicalcult.com,en,bias, -politicalears.com,en,unreliable, -politicalo.com,en,fake, -politicalsitenews.com,en,fake, -politicaltimes.org,en,unknown,site that pops up is only bluehost web hosting site link -politicalupdator.com,en,fake, -politicops.com,en,satire, -politicsbreaking.com,en,unknown,connection times out -politicsinformation.com,en,unknown,resource not found -politicsinfotoday.com,en,unknown,site not found -politicsintheusa.com,en,unreliable, -politicsinusa.com,en,unknown,website down -politicususa.com,en,clickbait, -powerpoliticians.com,en,unreliable, -pravda.ru,en,bias, -pravdareport.com,en,bias,redirects to pravda.ru -prepperwebsite.com,en,conspiracy, -presidentialvoting2016.com,en,political, -press24.us,en,unknown,site won't load past index page -presstv.com,en,bias, -presstv.ir,en,bias,redirects to presstv.com -prisonplanet.com,en,conspiracy, -prisonplanet.com,en,conspiracy, -prisonplanet.tv,en,conspiracy, -prntly.com,en,fake, -projectveritas.com,en,bias, -proudcons.com,en,fake, -proudemocrat.com,en,political, -qpolitical.com,en,bias, -randpaulreview.com,en,unknown,domain name available for purchase -rawforbeauty.com,en,junksci, -rawstory.com,en,political, -rbth.com,en,unknown,sponsored by rossiyskaya gazeta (a russian gov't daily paper) -react365.com,en,fake,fake news generator for pranking friends -readconservatives.news,en,bias, -readynutrition.com,en,unknown,survivalist blog -reagancoalition.com,en,bias, -realfarmacy.com,en,junksci, -realnewsrightnow.com,en,fake, -realplanetnews.com,en,junksci, -realprogress.online,en,unknown,website down -realtimepolitics.com,en,bias, -redflagnews.com,en,bias, -redstate.com,en,political, -redstatewatcher.com,en,bias, -reductress.com,en,satire, -regated.com,en,bais, -remedydaily.com,en,clickbait, -rense.com,en,conspiracy, -responsibletechnology.org,en,junksci, -returnofkings.com,en,hate, -revolutions2040.com,en,junksci, -rhotv.com,en,fake, -rickwells.us,en,fake, -rightalert.com,en,bias, -righton.com,en,unknown,domain for sale -rightwingnews.com,en,bias, -rilenews.com,en,fake, -rinf.com,en,political, -rockcitytimes.com,en,satire, -ronpaulinstitute.org,en,political, -rumormillnews.com,en,conspiracy, -ruptly.tv,en,political,owned by rt -russia-direct.org,en,unknown,russian news agencies are really hard to analyze -russia-insider.com,en,bias, -satiratribune.com,en,satire, -satirewire.com,en,satire, -scrappleface.com,en,satire, -secretsofthefed.com,en,conspiracy, -sensationalisttimes.com,en,satire, -sentinelblog.com,en,conspiracy, -sheepkillers.com,en,conspiracy, -shoebat.com,en,conspiracy, -silver-coin-investor. com,en,conspiracy, -silverbearcafe.com,en,conspiracy, -silverdoctors.com,en,conspiracy, -silverstealers.net,en,conspiracy, -silverstrategies.com,en,unknown,website down -sjlendman.blogspot.com,en,bias, -skeptiko.com,en,conspiracy, -sonsoflibertyradio.com,en,conspiracy, -sportspickle.com,en,satire, -stneotscitizen.com,en,satire, -stormcloudsgathering.com,en,fake, -stuppid.com,en,satire, -subjectpolitics.com,en,fake, -supremepatriot.com,en,fake, -surrealscoop.com,en,satire, -theamericanindependent.wordpress.com,en,fake, -thebeaverton.com,en,satire, -theblaze.com,en,political, -thebostontribune.com,en,fake, -thecommonsenseshow.com,en,fake, -thecontroversialfiles.net,en,fake, -thedailybeast.com,en,political, -thedailymash.co.uk,en,satire, -thedailysheeple.com,en,conspiracy, -thedailywtf.com,en,satire, -theduran.com,en,unreliable, -theeconomiccollapseblog.com,en,conspiracy, -theeventchronicle.com,en,conspiracy, -theextinctionprotocol.com,en,conspiracy, -thefederalistpapers.org,en,bias, -theforbiddenknowledge.com,en,conspiracy, -thefreepatriot.org,en,fake, -thefreethoughtproject.com,en,unreliable, -thegatewaypundit.com,en,bias, -thegoldandoilguy.com,en,unreliable, -thehardtimes.net,en,satire, -theineptowl.com,en,satire, -theinformedamerican.net,en,unreliable, -thelastgreatstand.com,en,fake, -thelibertybeacon.com,en,conspiracy, -thelibertymill.com,en,unreliable, -themadisonmisnomer.com,en,satire, -themindunleashed.com,en,conspiracy, -themindunleashed.org,en,conspiracy, -themuslimissue.wordpress.com,en,hate, -thenewinquiry.com,en,unknown, -thenewsnerd.com,en,satire, -theonion.com,en,satire, -thephaser.com,en,conspiracy, -thepoke.co.uk,en,satire, -thepoliticalinsider.com,en,conspiracy, -theracketreport.com,en,fake,"i can't find disclaimers, but i think it's satirical " -therealstrategy.com,en,bias,black lives matter content spews a lot of racist info -thereporterz.com,en,fake, -therightists.com,en,fake,publishes both biased and fake content -therightstuff.biz,en,hate, -theshovel.com.au,en,satire, -theskunk.org,en,satire, -thespoof.com,en,satire, -thestatelyharold.com,en,satire, -thetimesoftheworld.com,en,satire, -thetruthdivision.com,en,fake, -thetruthseeker.co.uk,en,fake,ex: ny orchestrated the asian tsunami in 2008! -theunrealtimes.com,en,satire, -theuspatriot.com,en,satire, -thevalleyreport.com,en,satire, -thewatchtowers.com,en,bias, -threepercenternation.com,en,fake, -topekasnews.com,en,satire, -topinfopost.com,en,clickbait, -trueactivist.com,en,clickbait, -truepundit.com,en,bias, -trumpvision365.com,en,fake, -truthandaction.org,en,bias, -truthbroadcastnetwork.com,en,conspiracy, -truthfeed.com,en,hate, -truthfrequencyradio.com,en,conspiracy, -truthkings.com,en,bias, -truthrevolt.org,en,bias, -twitchy.com,en,clickbait, -ufoholic.com,en,conspiracy, -unclesamsmisguidedchildren.com,en,bias, -unconfirmedsources.com,en,satire, -undergroundworldnews.com,en,fake, -unitedmediapublishing.com,en,fake, -us.blastingnews.com,en,satire, -usadailypolitics.com,en,fake, -usahitman.com,en,fake, -usanewsflash.com,en,fake, -usanewsinsider.com,en,fake, -usapoliticstoday.com,en,bias, -usasupreme.com,en,fake, -uschronicle.com,en,bias, -usconservativetoday.com,en,fake, -usdefensewatch.com,en,unreliable, -ushealthyadvisor.com,en,fake, -usherald.com,en,bias, -uspoliticslive.com,en,fake, -usuncut.com,en,clickbait, -veteranstoday.com,en,bias, -vigilantcitizen.com,en,fake, -viralliberty.com,en,fake, -wakingupwisconsin.com,en,conspiracy, -washingtonexaminer.com,en,unreliable, -washingtonsblog.com,en,bias,site notes it sometimes contains parody -waterfordwhispersnews.com,en,satire, -wearechange.org,en,bias, -webdaily.com,en,fake, -weeklyworldnews.com,en,fake,pretty well known tabloid/fake news source -westernjournalism.com,en,bias, -whatdoesitmean.com,en,conspiracy, -whatreallyhappened.com,en,conspiracy, -whitepower.com,en,hate, -whowhatwhy.com,en,unreliable, -whydontyoutrythis.com,en,junksci, -wikileaks.com,en,rumors, -wikileaks.org,en,rumors, -willyloman.wordpress.com,en,conspiracy, -winkprogress.com,en,satire, -winningdemocrats.com,en,bias, -witscience.org,en,satire, -wnd.com,en,bias, -wonkie.com,en,satire, -world24monitor.com,en,unknown,"as far as i can tell, one person just writes up new versions of actual news stories. " -worldcallyoutoday.com,en,unknown,seems like the beginnings of a website? -worlddaily.info,en,unknown,website down -worldnewsdailyreport.com,en,satire, -worldnewspolitics.com,en,bias, -worldpoliticsus.com,en,fake,website down -worldrumor.com,en,fake,no longer being updated? -worldstoriestoday.com,en,fake,no longer being updated? -worldtruth.tv,en,conspiracy, -worldwidehealthy.com,en,junksci, -wundergroundmusic.com,en,satire, -www.rt.com,en,state, -yellowhammernews.com,en,political, -yesimright.com,en,fake, -youngcons.com,en,bias, -yourfunpage.com,en,fake,mostly links to rando yt videos -yournewswire.com,en,clickbait, -zerohedge.com,en,conspiracy, -zootfeed.com,en,conspiracy, +,type,2nd type,3rd type,Source Notes (things to know?),,,, +100percentfedup.com,bias,,,,,,, +21stcenturywire.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +24newsflash.com,fake,,,,,,, +365usanews.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +4threvolutionarywar.wordpress.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +70news.wordpress.com,fake,,,,,,, +,conspiracy,fake,, ,,,, +aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk,unreliable,,,0,,,, +abcnews.com.co,fake,,,,,,, +abcnewsgo.co,fake,,,,,,, +abeldanger.net,conspiracy,,,,,,, +abovetopsecret.com,conspiracy,rumor,,,,,, +abriluno.com,satire,fake,,,,,, +aceflashman.wordpress.com,satire,,,,,,, +Acting-Man.com,unreliable,conspiracy,,publishes articles denying climate change,,,, +activistpost.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +addictinginfo.org,clickbait,unreliable,,,,,, +adobochronicles.com,satire,,,,,,, +advocate.com,political,credible,,,,,, +aheadoftheherd.com,bias,,,"false quotes regarding banking, heavily promotes businesses advertising on site/ buying of precious metals",,,, +ahtribune.com,unreliable,bias,,,,,, +allnewspipeline.com,unreliable,conspiracy,,,,,, +Alt-Market.com,conspiracy,bias, ,,,,, +alternativemediasyndicate.com,fake,,,http://alternativemediasyndicate.com/2017/02/02/police-raid-standing-rock-camp-destroy-tipis-burning-remains/,,,, +alternet.org,political,credible,,,,,, +americanblog.com,unknown,,,domain for sale,,,, +americanfreepress.net,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +AmericanKabuki.blogspot.com,junksci,,,,,,, +americanlookout.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +americannews.com,fake ,,,,,,, +americannewsx.com,bias,clickbait,satire,,,,, +americanoverlook.com,fake,,,,,,, +americanpatriotdaily.com,bias,clickbait,bias,,,,, +americanprogress.org,political,credible,,,,,, +americanreviewer.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +americanthinker.com,bias, ,,"sites both credible/not credible sources, mix of opinion/'fact'",,,, +americantoday.news,rumor,bias,,,,,, +americasfreedomfighters.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +AmmoLand.com,bias,,, ,,,, +amplifyingglass.com,clickbait,satire,,,,,, +amren.com,hate,conspiracy,,,,,, +amtvmedia.com,rumor,unreliable,,,,,, +amusmentic.com,clickbait,rumor,,,,,, +ancient-code.com,junksci,unreliable,,,,,, +angrypatriotmovement.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +anonews.co,unreliable,,,,,,, +anonhq.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +anonnews.co,unreliable,,,,,,, +anotherdayintheempire.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +antiwar.com,bias,unreliable,,site is biased but very open about bias and source,,,, +antoniusaquinas.wp.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +asia-pacificresearch.com,unreliable,satire,,,,,, +assassinationscience.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +associatedmediacoverage.com,satire,,,,,,, +attn.com,political,clickbait,,,,,, +AutomaticEarth.com,unreliable,,,links to MSM sources and unreliable sources,,,, +automotostar.com,clickbait,,,,,,, +awarenessact.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +awazetribune.com,satire,,,,,,, +awdnews.com,conspiracy,,,twitter account deleted?,,,, +awm.com,unreliable,bias,clickbait,,,,, +BadSquad.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +baptistnews.com,political,,,circulates generally reliable information from a p.o.v. but not at the expense of informational integrity ,,,, +barenakedislam.com,hate,,,,,,, +BB4SP.com,conpiracy,bias,bias,,,,, +beehivebugle.com,satire,,,,,,, +beforeitsnews.com,fake,conspiracy,rumor,,,,, +betootaadvocate.com,satire,,,,,,, +bients.com,clickbait,,,,,,, +bigamericannews.com,satire,fake,,,,,, +bigbluedimension.com,rumor,bias,,,,,, +bigbluevision.com,hate,,,,,,, +bigbluevision.org,clickbait,bias,,,,,, +bighairynews.com,fake,conspiracy,,,,,, +bignuggetnews.com,bias,rumor,,,,,, +bigpzone.com,,,,redirects to http://therundownlive.com/ (MZ 12/2),,,, +bipartisanreport.com,clickbait,bias ,,,,,, +blackagendareport.com,unreliable,,,anon submissions,,,, +blackgenocide.org,conspiracy,bias,hate,,,,, +blacklistednews.com,clickbait,unreliable,,,,,, +bluenationreview.com,clickbait,unreliable,,,,,, +Boilingfrogspost.com,unreliable ,,,"links to natural news, blacklist news, some conspiracy sites",,,, +borowitzreport.com,satire,,,,,,, +bostonleader.com,fake,,,,,,, +breaking911.com,clickbait,unreliable,,,,,, +breakpoint.org,unreliable,,,,,,, +breitbart.com,political,unreliable,bias,,,,, +BrotherJohnF.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +BullionBullsCanada.com,conspiracy,,,"The ""one"" bank",,,, +burrardstreetjournal.com,satire,,,,,,, +buzzfeedusa.com,fake,rumor,,,,,, +bvanews.com,unreliable,bias,fake,seems like a combination of totally fake and unreliable reports of 'real' news,,,, +callthecops.net,satire,,,,,,, +canadafreepress.com,conspiracy,bias, ,,,,, +cap-news.com,fake , ,,,,,, +cato.org/blog,political,credible,,,,,, +cbsnews.com.co,fake,,,,,,, +celebtricity.com,satire,,,,,,, +centerforsecuritypolicy.org,bias,conspiracy,,http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35037943 ; ,,,, +channel-7-news.com,fake,,,,,,, +charismanews.com,bias,,,"minimal factual reporting despite being ""news'",,,, +chaser.com.au,satire,,,,,,, +checkoutthehealthyworld.com,junksci,clickbait,,,,,, +chicksontheright.com,clickbait,bias,,,,,, +christianfightback.com,hate,bias,,,,,, +christianpost.com,credible,political,,,,,, +christiantimesnewspaper.com,rumor,bias,fake,https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/18/us/fake-news-hillary-clinton-cameron-harris.html?_r=1&mtrref=t.co&gwh=1CC9755BA757D7782D8A46A6F6FBF22E&gwt=pay,,,, +christwire.org,satire,,,,,,, +chronicle.su,satire, ,,,,,, +chroniclesmagazine.org,political,,,"from what I gather, like the opposite of Jacobin (paleoconservative) ",,,, +citizensunited.org,bias,,,loaded language etc.,,,, +city-journal.org,political,,,,,,, +cityworldnews.com,fake,,,,,,, +civictribune.com,fake,,,,,,, +clashdaily.com,fake,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +clickhole.com,satire,,,,,,, +cnnnext.com,unreliable,,,basically an RT video channel,,,, +CNSNews.com,unreliable,bias,,The news arm of Media Research Center (a conservative org that is frequently criticized for use of selective evidence) ,,,, +coasttocoastam.com,unreliable ,,,,,,, +collective-evolution.com,junksci,,,,,,, +collectivelyconscious.net,junksci,conspiracy,,,,,, +ComingDepression.com,unknown,,,website empty,,,, +commentarymagazine.com,political,,,,,,, +commondreams.org,political,clickbait,,,,,, +concisepolitics.com,conspiracy,hate,,,,,, +consciouslifenews.com,junksci, ,,,,,, +conservapedia.com,bias, , ,,,,, +conservativebyte.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +conservativedailypost.com,fake,unreliable,,This website is a weird mix of outright fake news and some stuff that looks more credible. ,,,, +conservativefiringline.com,bias,conspiracy,clickbait,,,,, +conservativefrontline.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +conservativeheadlines.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +conservativehq.com,bias,,,http://conservativehq.com/article/24945-f-bomb-opposition-president-trump,,,, +conservativeinfidel.com,fake,conspiracy,,,,,, +conservativeoutfitters.com,unreliable,clickbait,,,,,, +conservativepapers.com,bias,,,"incorrect/uncited data, citing other sources labeled as bias",,,, +conservativerefocus.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +conservativereview.com,political,,,,,,, +conservativespirit.com,bias,,,,,,, +conservativestate.com,bias,,,"links to other borderline fake, but mostly just propagandistic websites",,,, +conservativetribune.com,bias,conspiracy,unreliable,,,,, +consortiumnews.com,credible,,,The authors on this website are pretty credible and the articles appear well researched,,,, +conspiracyplanet.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +conspiracywire.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +corbettreport.com,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +corbettreport.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +countdowntozerotime.com,conspiracy, ,,,,,, +countercurrentnews.com,bias,,,,,,, +countercurrents.org,political,unreliable,,This site is pretty explicit about it's p.o.v. and is coming from a political perspective but doesn't fit under how we are defining 'bias',,,, +counterinformation.wordpress.com,political,,,,,,, +counterjihad.com,bias,,,,,,, +counterpsyops.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +counterpunch.com,political,,,explicit POV - legit authors,,,, +counterpunch.org,political,,,explicit POV - legit authors,,,, +cowgernation.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +creambmp.com,satire,fake,,,,,, +cryptogon.com,conspiracy,unreliable,,copy-pasted commentary from various news & 'news' sources,,,, +crystalair.com,satire,,,redirects to http://www.cap-news.com/,,,, +dailybuzzlive.com,fake,,,,,,, +dailycaller.com,political,clickbait,bias,a weird mix of info. they link to extremely biased sites (as sources) and more credible/balanced sources,,,, +dailycurrant.com,satire,,,,,,, +dailydiscord.com,satire,,,,,,, +dailyheadlines.com,fake, ,,,,,, +dailyheadlines.net,fake, ,,,,,, +dailyken.com,hate,,,,,,, +dailykos.com,political,clickbait,credible,,,,, +dailyleak.org,parody,fake,,,,,, +dailynewsbin.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +dailynewspolitic.com,unknown,,,domain for sale,,,, +dailyoccupation.com,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +dailypolitics.info,unknown,,,website now down,,,, +dailypoliticsusa.com,bias,,,,,,, +dailysignal.com,bias,,,,,,, +dailysquib.co.uk,satire,,,,,,, +dailystormer.com,hate,conspiracy,bias,pretty well known neo-nazi site,,,, +dailytelegraph.com.au,bias,rumor,,australian tabloid mag,,,, +dailywire.com,bias,,,,,,, +dandygoat.com,satire,,,,,,, +darkmoon.me,hate,bias,,,,,, +darkpolitricks.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +dataasylum.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +DaveJanda.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +davidduke.com,hate,,,,,,, +davidstockmanscontracorner.com,political,,,,,,, +davidwolfe.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +dcclothesline.com,conspiracy,junkscience,,,,,, +dcgazette.com,fake,,,,,,, +dcleaks.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +DeadLineLive.info,political,conspiracy,,,,,, +DeadlyClear.wordpress.com,unknown,,,personal blog that comments on news stories and blog posts,,,, +debunkingskeptics.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +defenddemocracy.press,bias,political,,"editorial board as stated on about us seem to be legitimate academics, and originally authored content byline are academics, although not able to find a clear link between edu pages and these authors' work on this website. Many 3rd party articles are linked, sources provided. These articles are aggregated from other more clearly biased sites i.e. world socialist web site (wswg.org), rt.com, sputniknews.com.",,,, +delectabledietofpics.net,unknown,,,website now down,,,, +dennismichaellynch.com,political,,,,,,, +denverguardian.com,fake,,,,,,, +departed.co,fake,,,redircts to dcposts.com ,,,, +der-postillon.com,satire,,,German language site,,,, +derfmagazine.com,satire,,,,,,, +dineal.com,junksci,,,,,,, +disclose.tv,satire,conspiracy,,,,,, +disclosuremedia.net,conspiracy,,,,,,, +dissentmagazine.org,political,,,,,,, +diversitychronicle.wordpress.com,satire,,,self-labled: https://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/disclaimer/ ,,,, +DollarVigilante.com,bias,,,anarcho-capitalist blog,,,, +donaldtrumpnews.co,fake,,,,,,, +Dont-Tread-On.Me,conspiracy,,,doesn't seem to be updating anymore,,,, +downtrend.com,fake,satire,,,,,, +DProgram.net,unknown,,,website down,,,, +drudgereport.com,political,bias,,,,,, +drudgereport.com.co,fake,,,,,,, +duffleblog.com,satire,,,,,,, +duhprogressive.com,satire,,,,,,, +Dutchsinse.com,conspiracy,,,weather control,,,, +EagleRising.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +EbolaHoax.com,conspiracy,,,domain for sale,,,, +economicnoise.com,political,unreliable,,"sites some problematic sources, like CNS news",,,, +ecowatch.com,political,,,"this site claims junksci, but I read over a dozen articles w/o finding any. probably should re-check soon https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ecowatch/",,,, +educate-yourself.org,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +educateinspirechange.org/health,clickbait,junksci,,,,,, +electionnightgatekeepers.com,conspiracy,unreliable,,,,,, +elelephantintheroom.blogspot.com,bias,,,,,,, +elitereaders.com,clickbait,,,,,,, +elkoshary.com,satire,,,About Me notes that it's not fake/satirical news,,,, +elmundotoday.com,satire,,,About Me notes that it's not fake/satirical news,,,, +embols.com,fake,,,,,,, +empireherald.com,fake,satire,,,,,, +empirenews.net,fake,satire,,,,,, +empiresports.co,satire,,,About Me notes that it's not fake/satirical news,,,, +Emptywheel.net,political,,,commentary on current events/news,,,, +enabon.com,fake,,,"No authors, no contact, just copy/pasted from other questionable sites",,,, +endingthefed.com,bias, ,,,,,, +endoftheamericandream.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +endtime.com,unknown,,,Not sure about this one. zany religious prophecy/not really conspiracy,,,, +enduringvision.com,fake,,,,,,, +english.ruvr.ru,unknown,,,redirects to https://sputniknews.com/ ,,,, +EUTimes.net,hate,conspiracy,,,,,, +eutopia.buzz,fake,satire,conspiracy,,,,, +everydayworldnews.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +everythingnewdaily.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +ewao.com,junksci,,,,,,, +ExperimentalVaccines.org,junksci,conspiracy,,,,,, +Expose1933.com,conspiracy,hate,,"references to ""white genocide"" and ""race mixing""",,,, +express.co.uk,rumor,,,well-known tabloid,,,, +extraclubmagazine.com,bias,clickbait,fake,vacillates between outright fake and misleading stories,,,, +eyeopening.info,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +fakingnews.com,fake ,satire,,fiction disclaimer on bottom of home screen ,,,, +familysecuritymatters.org,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +fantasticword.com,unknown,,,website down?,,,, +FarmWars.info,unknown,,,,,,, +federalistpress.com,bias,,,,,,, +fellowshipoftheminds.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +filmsforaction.org,political,,,,,,, +FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com,unreliable,bias,,,,,, +firearmscoalition.org,unknown,,,,,,, +floridasunpost.com,fake,satirical ,,I concur: http://mashable.com/2016/10/03/fake-news-story-man-marries-granddaughter/#QvpAzP.e8Oqb ,,,, +flyheight.com,unknown,,,aggregator of actual and potentially altered videos,,,, +fmobserver.com,satire,,,,,,, +fognews.ru,satire,,,site contains satire disclaimer,,,, +foodbabe.com,junksci,,,,,,, +foreignpolicyjournal.com,political,,,legit source coming from a political perspective,,,, +fort-russ.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +fourwinds10.net,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +fprnradio.com,conspiracy,fake,,,,,, +freakoutnation.com,bias,,,,,,, +FreeBeacon.com,bias,,,,,,, +freedomdaily.com,fake,,,,,,, +FreedomForceInternational.com,conspiracy,,,global warming denial,,,, +freedomoutpost.com,conspiracy,bias, ,,,,, +FreedomsPhoenix.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +freedomworks.org,political,,,,,,, +freedomworldnews.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +freepatriot.org,satire,,,site contains satire disclaimer ,,,, +freewoodpost.com,satire,,,,,,, +fridaymash.com,satire,,,,,,, +fromthetrenchesworldreport.com,conspiracy,junksci,bias,,,,, +frontpagemag.com,bias,hate,,Part of David Horowitz' Freedom Center,,,, +fusion.net,political,credible,,website contains some satire ,,,, +gaia.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +galacticconnection.com,junksci,,,,,,, +gangstergovernment.com,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +gatesofvienna.net,hate,conspiracy,,,,,, +geoengineeringwatch.org,junksci,conspiracy,,,,,, +geopolmonitor.com,political,,,this website is tricky (in terms of writers using some interesting frames/language). def could use a second analysis.,,,, +glaringhypocrisy.com,hate,conspiracy,,"references to ""Jew World Order""",,,, +GlobalEconomicAnalysis.com,unknown,,,website down 1/27,,,, +globalresearch.ca,conspiracy,,,,,,, +glossynews.com,satire,,,,,,, +godlikeproductions.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +gomerblog.com,satire,,,site contains satire disclaimer ,,,, +goneleft.com,fake,,,,,,, +GonzaloLira.Blogspot.com,unknown,,,blog is invite only,,,, +gopthedailydose.com,fake,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +govtslaves.info,conspiracy,,,,,,, +greanvillepost.com,conspiracy,,, ,,,, +GreenMedInfo.com,junksci,,,,,,, +guardianlv.com,political,,,,,,, +guccifer2.wordpress.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +gulagbound.com,bias, ,,,,,, +hangthebankers.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +healthimpactnews.com,junksci,bias,,,,,, +healthnutnews.com,junksci,,,,,,, +healthy-holistic-living.com,junksci,clickbait,,,,,, +heartland.org,bias,,,http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Heartland_Institute,,,, +heatst.com,clickbait,bias,,,,,, +henrymakow.com,conspiracy, ,,,,,, +heresyblog.net,bias,conspiracy,rumor,,,,, +holyobserver.com,satire,,,,,,, +humansarefree.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +humortimes.com,satire,,,,,,, +huzlers.com,satire,,,,,,, +ifyouonlynews.com,unreliable,satire,,,,,, +ihavethetruth.com,bias,clickbait,fake,,,,, +ijr.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +ilovemyfreedom.org,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +immediatesafety.org,fake,,,https://immediatesafety.org/dnc-to-hand-debbie-wasserman-schultz-over-to-isis-for-beheadding/,,,, +in5d.com,junksci,,,,,,, +indiaarising.com,clickbait,unreliable,,,,,, +informationclearinghouse.info,conspiracy,unreliable,,,,,, +informetoday.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +infostormer.com,fake,hate,conspiracy,,,,, +infowars.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +instaworldnews.com,bias,,,,,,, +intellihub.com,conspiracy,unreliable,,,,,, +intrendtoday.com,fake,clickbait,,,,,, +intrepidreport.com,bias,,,,,,, +investmentresearchdynamics.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +investmentwatchblog.com,bias,fake,,,,,, +ironictimes.com,satire,,,,,,, +islamicanews.com,satire,,,,,,, +itaglive.com,fake,,,,,,, +ItMakesSenseBlog.com,fake,,,,,,, +iwanttoexplore.com,fake,,,mostly turned back into car website,,,, +jackpineradicals.com,political,,,left wing discussion site,,,, +jacobinmag.com,political,,,,,,, +jamesrgrangerjr.com,bias,,,,,,, +jesus-is-savior.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +jewsnews.co.il,unreliable,bias,clickbait,,,,, +johnnyrobish.com,satire,,,,,,, +jonesreport.com,conspiracy ,,,,,,, +journal-neo.org,bias,,,,,,, +katehon.com,bias,,,,,,, +katehon.org,unknown,,,"russian version of katehon.com? (I think so, but i can't get a read on this one- mz)",,,, +landoverbaptist.org,satire,,,,,,, +learnprogress.org,fake,bias,,http://www.learnprogress.org/white-house-website-sell-jewelry/,,,, +legorafi.fr,unknown,,,in French,,,, +lewrockwell.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +liberalamerica.org,clickbait,bias,,,,,, +liberalbias.com,satire,,,,,,, +liberaldarkness.com,satire,fake,,,,,, +libertyblitzkrieg.com,fake,,,,,,, +libertyfederation.com,hate,,,,,,, +libertymovementradio.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +libertynews.com,unreliable,bias,,,,,, +libertytalk.fm,conspiracy,,,,,,, +libertyunyielding.com,bias,,,,,,, +libertyvideos.org,conspiracy,,,,,,, +libertywritersnews.com,clickbait,bias,unreliable,,,,, +lifeandabout.com,bias,,,,,,, +lifenews.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +lifeprevention.com,junksci,,,,,,, +lifesitenews.com,clickbait,bias,,,,,, +lifezette.com,clickbait,,,,,,, +lightlybraisedturnip.com,unknown,,,in German,,,, +liveactionnews.org,bias,,,,,,, +livefreelivenatural.com,unknown,,,"*Malware Warning, did not navigate to site",,,, +livevote.com,clickbait,,,,,,, +lovethispic.com,clickbait,junksci,,,,,, +lushforlife.com,satire,,,,,,, +madpatriots.com,unreliable,clickbait,,,,,, +madworldnews.com,unreliable,hate,,,,,, +madworldnews.com,unreliable,clickbait,,,,,, +magafeed.com,rumor,bias,,"""god/emperor"" category for trump",,,, +makeamericagreattoday.com,bias,fake,,,,,, +mediamass.net,fake,,,,,,, +mediazone.news,rumor,unreliable,,,,,, +megafreshnews.com,rumor,,,,,,, +megynkelly.us,fake,,,,,,, +militianews.com,conspiracy,bias,hate,,,,, +mintpressnews.com,political,,,legit source form a political perspective,,,, +moonofalabama.org,bias,,,,,,, +morningnewsusa.com,unreliable,,,"stories seem to originate from real news, but are somewhat clickbait-y and sources are not cited",,,, +mpidailymagazine.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +mrconservative.com,fake,satire,,,,,, +msnbc.website,fake,,,,,,, +mydailyrelaxation.com,unknown,,,server not found,,,, +myfreshnews.com,fake,bias,,found linked from iwanttoexplore.com,,,, +myzonetoday.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +nahadaily.com,satire,,,,,,, +nakedcapitalism.com,political,,,"commentary on finance, economics, politics and power",,,, +nationalreport.net,satire,fake,,,,,, +nationindistress.weebly.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +nationonenews.com,fake,conspiracy,,,,,, +naturalblaze.com,junksci,conspiracy,,,,,, +naturalnews.com,junksci,conspiracy,,,,,, +nbc.com.co,fake,,,,,,, +nbcpolitics.org,unknown,,,website down?,,,, +nbcpoll.com,unknown,,,website down?,,,, +ncscooper.com,satire,,,,,,, +nevo.news,unreliable,bias,,,,,, +newcenturytimes.com,unreliable,bias,,,,,, +newcoldwar.org,political,,,"contains statement that site authors are ""independent, but not non-partisan"" (anti-war (Ukraine))",,,, +news4ktla.com,fake,satire,,,,,, +newsbbc.net,fake,,,,,,, +newsbiscuit.com,satire,,,http://www.newsbiscuit.com/about/disclaimer/ ,,,, +newsbreakers.org,satire,,,,,,, +newsbuzzdaily.com,fake,,,redirects to http://www.flyheight.com/ (12/14),,,, +newscenterusa.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +newscorpse.com,bias,,,,,,, +newsexaminer.net,fake,satire, ,,,,, +newsfrompolitics.com,fake,,,,,,, +newslo.com,fake,,,redirects to http://politicops.com/ (12/2),,,, +Newsmax.com,unreliable,bias,,,,,, +newsmutiny.com,satire,fake,,,,,, +newsninja2012.com,bias, ,,,,,, +newsopening.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +newstarget.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +newsthump.com,satire,,,site contains satire disclaimer,,,, +newstoad.net,satire,,,Tagline: The news they don't want you to hear. Because it isn't true.,,,, +newswatch28.com,fake,,,,,,, +newswatch33.com,fake,,,,,,, +newswire-24.com,rumor,unreliable,,,,,, +newswithviews.com,fake,conspiracy,,,,,, +newyorker.com/humor,satire,,,,,,, +nodisinfo.com,conspiracy,unreliable,,,,,, +NoMoreFakeNews.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +northcrane.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +notallowedto.com,clickbait,fake,,,,,, +now8news.com,fake,,,,,,, +nowtheendbegins.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +npiamerica.org,hate,bias,,white supremacist think tank,,,, +nutritionfacts.org,credible,,,"I read through several articles and the sources cited, and appears ok (maybe sometimes a little sensational... so if anyone has specific knowledge of this site and/or good examples of problems, feel free to link them here)",,,, +nymeta.co,clickbait,satire,,Entertainment website ,,,, +nyuzer.com,unknown,,,website domain for sale,,,, +objectiveministries.org,satire,,,,,,, +occupydemocrats.com,clickbait,bias,unreliable,,,,, +occupyliberals.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +odgossip.com,unknown,,,website domain for sale,,,, +off-guardian.org,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +oftwominds.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +oilgeopolitics.net,conspiracy,,,,,,, +onlineconservativepress.com,fake,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +opednews.com,unknown,,,website kept timing out. ,,,, +openmindmagazine.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +orientalreview.org,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +other98.com,clickbait,bias,unreliable,,,,, +pakalertpress.com,fake,,,,,,, +palmerreport.com,bias,,,,,,, +pamelageller.com,conspiracy,fake,bias,,,,, +patdollar.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +patriotchronicle.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +patriotnewsdaily.com,satire,,,,,,, +patriotnewsdaily.com,bias,,,,,,, +patriotrising.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +patriotupdate.com,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +paulcraigroberts.org,bias,conspiracy,,ex: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/12/10/has-liberty-departed-from-america-paul-craig-roberts/ ,,,, +platosguns.com,bias,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +politicalblindspot.com,conspiracy,junkscience,,ex: vaccines are a way for the CIA to spy on us,,,, +politicalcult.com,bias,clickbait,conspiracy,,,,, +politicalears.com,unreliable,clickbait,,,,,, +politicalo.com,fake, ,,,,,, +politicalsitenews.com,fake,,, ,,,, +politicaltimes.org,unknown,,,site that pops up is only Bluehost Web Hosting site link,,,, +politicalupdator.com,fake,clickbait,bias,,,,, +politicops.com,satire,fake,,redirects to Newslo,,,, +politicot.com,satire,fake,,redirects to Newslo,,,, +politicsbreaking.com,unknown,,,connection times out,,,, +politicsinformation.com,unknown,,,resource not found,,,, +politicsinfotoday.com,unknown,,,site not found,,,, +politicsintheusa.com,unreliable,bias,,,,,, +politicsinusa.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +politicususa.com,clickbait,unreliable,,,,,, +powerpoliticians.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +pravda.ru,bias,rumor,conspiracy,,,,, +pravdareport.com,bias,rumor,conspiracy,redirects to pravda.ru,,,, +prepperwebsite.com,conspiracy,fake,,,,,, +presidentialvoting2016.com,political,bias,unreliable,,,,, +press24.us,unknown,,,site won't load past index page,,,, +presstv.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +presstv.ir,bias,unreliable,,redirects to presstv.com,,,, +prisonplanet.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +prisonplanet.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +prisonplanet.tv,conspiracy,,,,,,, +prntly.com,fake,,,,,,, +projectveritas.com,bias,unreliable,political,,,,, +proudcons.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +proudemocrat.com,political,,,,,,, +qpolitical.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +randpaulreview.com,unknown,,,domain name available for purchase,,,, +rawforbeauty.com,junksci,,,,,,, +rawstory.com,political,clickbait,,,,,, +rawws.com,unknown,,,site won't load for me--kg/ x2 mz,,,, +rbth.com,unknown,,,sponsored by Rossiyskaya Gazeta (a Russian Gov't daily paper),,,, +react365.com,fake,,,fake news generator for pranking friends,,,, +readconservatives.news,bias,fake,clickbait,,,,, +readynutrition.com,unknown,conspiracy,,survivalist blog,,,, +reagancoalition.com,bias,fake,clickbait,,,,, +realfarmacy.com,junksci,conspiracy,,,,,, +realnewsrightnow.com,fake,satire,,,,,, +realplanetnews.com,junksci,,,,,,, +realprogress.online,unknown,,,website down,,,, +realtimepolitics.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +redflagnews.com,bias,conspiracy,unreliable,,,,, +redstate.com,political,clickbait,,,,,, +redstatewatcher.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +reductress.com,satire,,,,,,, +regated.com,bais,,,,,,, +remedydaily.com,clickbait, ,,,,,, +rense.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +responsibletechnology.org,junksci,,,,,,, +returnofkings.com,hate,,,,,,, +revolutions2040.com,junksci,clickbait,,,,,, +rhotv.com,fake,,,,,,, +rickwells.us,fake,conspiracy,,,,,, +rightalert.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +righton.com,unknown,,,domain for sale,,,, +rightwingnews.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +rilenews.com,fake,satire,,,,,, +rinf.com,political,,,,,,, +rockcitytimes.com,satire,,,,,,, +ronpaulinstitute.org,political,,,,,,, +rumormillnews.com,conspiracy,junksci,rumor,,,,, +ruptly.tv,political,,,owned by RT,,,, +russia-direct.org,unknown,political,,Russian news agencies are REALLY hard to analyze ,,,, +russia-insider.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +satiratribune.com,satire,,,,,,, +satirewire.com,satire,,,,,,, +scrappleface.com,satire,,,,,,, +secretsofthefed.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +sensationalisttimes.com,satire,,,,,,, +sentinelblog.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +shareblue.com,unreliable,political,bias,My analysis is similar to this site: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/shareblue/,,,, +sheepkillers.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +shoebat.com,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +Silver-Coin-Investor. com,conspiracy,bias,unreliable,,,,, +SilverBearCafe.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +SilverDoctors.com,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +SilverStealers.net,conspiracy,,,,,,, +SJLendman.Blogspot.com,bias,,,,,,, +skeptiko.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +sonsoflibertyradio.com,conspiracy,bias, unreliable,,,,, +SovereignMan.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +speld.nl,satire,,,,,,, +sportspickle.com,satire,,,,,,, +sputniknews.com,bias,state,fake,,,,, +stneotscitizen.com,satire,,,,,,, +stormcloudsgathering.com,fake,,,,,,, +stuppid.com,satire,,,,,,, +subjectpolitics.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +success-street.com,fake,clickbait,,http://success-street.com/2017/01/18/wow-obama-orders-life-sized-bronze-statute-permanently-installed-white-house/,,,, +supremepatriot.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +surrealscoop.com,satire,,,,,,, +theamericanindependent.wordpress.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +theantimedia.org,unreliable,bias,conspiracy,ex: http://theantimedia.org/cdc-admits-ebola-airborne/,,,, +thebeaverton.com,satire,,,,,,, +theblaze.com,political,clickbait,,,,,, +thebostontribune.com,fake,,,,,,, +thecommonsenseshow.com,fake,conspiracy,,,,,, +thecontroversialfiles.net,fake,clickbait, ,,,,, +thedailybeast.com,political,,,,,,, +thedailymash.co.uk,satire,,,,,,, +thedailysheeple.com,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +thedailywtf.com,satire,,,,,,, +theduran.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +theeconomiccollapseblog.com,conspiracy,bias,,,,,, +theeventchronicle.com,conspiracy,junksci,clickbait,,,,, +TheExtinctionProtocol.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +thefederalistpapers.org,bias,conspiracy, ,,,,, +thefifthcolumnnews.com,political,,,,,,, +theforbiddenknowledge.com,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +thefreepatriot.org,fake,bias,clickbait,,,,, +thefreethoughtproject.com,unreliable,conspiracy,clickbait,,,,, +thegatewaypundit.com,bias,conspiracy,unreliable,,,,, +thegoldandoilguy.com/articles,unreliable,,,,,,, +thehardtimes.net,satire,,,,,,, +theineptowl.com,satire,,,,,,, +theinformedamerican.net,unreliable,,,,,,, +thelastgreatstand.com,fake,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +thelibertybeacon.com,conspiracy,junksci,bias,,,,, +thelibertymill.com,unreliable,bias,conspiracy,,,,, +themadisonmisnomer.com,satire,,,,,,, +themindunleashed.com,conspiracy,junksci,clickbait,,,,, +themindunleashed.org,conspiracy,junksci,clickbait,,,,, +themuslimissue.wordpress.com,hate,conspiracy,,,,,, +thenewinquiry.com,unknown,,,,,,, +thenewsnerd.com,satire,,,,,,, +theonion.com,satire,,,,,,, +thephaser.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +thepoke.co.uk,satire,,,,,,, +thepoliticalcesspool.com,unknown,hate,,website isn't loading,,,, +thepoliticalinsider.com,conspiracy,bias,unreliable,,,,, +theracketreport.com,fake,satire,,"I can't find disclaimers, but I think it's satirical ",,,, +therealstrategy.com,bias,conspiracy,hate,black lives matter content spews a lot of racist info,,,, +thereporterz.com,fake,,,,,,, +therightists.com,fake,bias,,publishes both biased and fake content,,,, +therightscoop.com,fake,clickbait,,"no authors, no history, no about us, unverifiable data, etc.",,,, +therightstuff.biz,hate,,,,,,, +theshovel.com.au,satire,,,,,,, +theskunk.org,satire,,,,,,, +thespoof.com,satire,,,,,,, +thestatelyharold.com,satire,,,,,,, +thetimesoftheworld.com,satire,,,,,,, +thetruthdivision.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +thetruthseeker.co.uk,fake,conspiracy,junksci,ex: NY orchestrated the asian tsunami in 2008!,,,, +theunrealtimes.com,satire,,,,,,, +theuspatriot.com,satire,fake,,,,,, +thevalleyreport.com,satire,,,,,,, +thewatchtowers.com,bias,conspiracy,clickbait,,,,, +threepercenternation.com,fake,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +topekasnews.com,satire,,,,,,, +topinfopost.com,clickbait,unreliable,conspiracy,,,,, +TrueActivist.com,clickbait,unreliable,,,,,, +truepundit.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +trumpvision365.com,fake,,,,,,, +truthandaction.org,bias,conspiracy,clickbait,,,,, +truthbroadcastnetwork.com,conspiracy,clickbait,,,,,, +truthfeed.com,hate,bias,conspiracy,,,,, +truthfrequencyradio.com,conspiracy, ,,,,,, +truthkings.com,bias,conspiracy,junksci,,,,, +truthrevolt.org,bias,hate,,,,,, +twitchy.com,clickbait,rumor,,,,,, +ufoholic.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +unclesamsmisguidedchildren.com,bias,,,,,,, +unconfirmedsources.com,satire,,,,,,, +undergroundworldnews.com,fake,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +unitedmediapublishing.com,fake,,,,,,, +universepolitics.com,fake,,,http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2017/jan/03/universe-politics/fake-news-michigan-gop-elector-didnt-choose-suicid/,,,, +unz.com,bias,,,,,,, +us.blastingnews.com,satire,unreliable,,,,,, +usa2016elections.com,fake,,,no longer being updated,,,, +usadailypolitics.com,fake,,,,,,, +usadailytime.com,fake,,,"no satire disclaimer, http://usadailytime.com/breaking-mexico-closes-borders-usa-citizens/",,,, +usahitman.com,fake,conspiracy,,,,,, +usainfobox.com,fake,,,"can't find satire disclaimer, patently false",,,, +usamagazinestudio.com,fake,,,,,,, +usanewsflash.com,fake,bias,clickbait,,,,, +usanewsinsider.com,fake,bias,clickbait,,,,, +usanewspolitics.com,fake,,,,,,, +usaonlinepolitics.com,fake,clickbait,,no longer being updated,,,, +usaphase.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +usapoliticsdaily.com,unknown,,,redirects to huffington post,,,, +usapoliticsnow.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +usapoliticstoday.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +usapoliticus.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +usascan.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +usasupreme.com,fake, ,,,,,, +usatwentyfour.com,fake,,,,,,, +USAWatchdog.com,bias,,,,,,, +uschronicle.com,bias,conspiracy,hate,,,,, +usconservativetoday.com,fake,,,,,,, +usdefensewatch.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +usfanzone.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +ushealthyadvisor.com,fake,conspiracy,junksci,,,,, +usherald.com,bias,conspiracy,unreliable,,,,, +uslifetoday.com,clickbait,,,doesn't appear to be currently updated,,,, +uspoliticslive.com,fake,bias,conspiracy,,,,, +usuncut.com,clickbait,bias,unreliable,,,,, +usviewer.com,unreliable,fake, ,"basically copy/pastes parts of actual reuters stories, no authors listed or publication info",,,, +vdare.com,bias,hate,,,,,, +veteransnewsnow.com,unreliable,political,,"I read sample articles and didn't find inaccuracy, but the language is strong/loaded",,,, +veteranstoday.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +vigilantcitizen.com,fake,conspiracy,,,,,, +viralliberty.com,fake,bias,clickbait,,,,, +viraltube.nl,clickbait,,,,,,, +wakeupthesheep.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +wakingtimes.com,junksci,,,,,,, +wakingupwisconsin.com,conspiracy, ,,,,,, +WallStreetOnParade.com,unreliable,,,mostly linking/commenting on both news and other sources.,,,, +washingtonexaminer.com,unreliable,bias,conspiracy,,,,, +washingtonsblog.com,bias,conspiracy,satire,Site notes it sometimes contains parody,,,, +waterfordwhispersnews.com,satire,,,,,,, +wealthcycles.com,unknown,,, ,,,, +wealthwire.com,unknown,,,,,,, +wearechange.org,bias,conspiracy,,,,,, +weaselzippers.us,unreliable,bias,,copies/pastes quotes/bits from news orgs and other questionable sites,,,, +webdaily.com,fake,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +weeklystandard.com,political,bias,,,,,, +weeklyworldnews.com,fake,rumor,clickbait,pretty well known tabloid/fake news source,,,, +weshapelife.org,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +westernjournalism.com,bias,clickbait,,,,,, +whatdoesitmean.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +whatreallyhappened.com,conspiracy,rumor,,,,,, +whitepower.com,hate,conspiracy,bias,,,,, +whowhatwhy.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +whowhatwhy.org,conspiracy,,,9/11 = FBI coverup,,,, +whydontyoutrythis.com,junksci,rumor,,,,,, +WideAwakeNews.com,unknown,,,now leads to a website about pizza,,,, +wikileaks.com,unknown, , ,,,,, +wikileaks.org,unknown, ,,analyzing this info is likely beyond the scope of our project at this time. but I vote to leave it on the list to see how Wikileaks info unfolds in the future ,,,, +wikispooks.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +WilliamBanzai7.blogspot.com,satire,,,,,,, +Willyloman.wordpress.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +winkprogress.com,satire,,,,,,, +winningdemocrats.com,bias,unreliable, ,,,,, +witscience.org,satire,,,,,,, +wnd.com,bias,clickbait,unreliable,,,,, +WolfStreet.com,unreliable,,,,,,, +wonkie.com,satire,,,,,,, +world24monitor.com,unknown,,,"As far as I can tell, one person just writes up new versions of actual news stories. ",,,, +worldcallyoutoday.com,unknown,,,seems like the beginnings of a website?,,,, +worlddaily.info,unknown,,,website down,,,, +worldnewsdailyreport.com,satire,,,,,,, +worldnewspolitics.com,bias,,,,,,, +worldpoliticsus.com,fake,,,website down,,,, +worldrumor.com,fake,,,no longer being updated?,,,, +worldstoriestoday.com,fake,,,no longer being updated?,,,, +worldtruth.tv,conspiracy,junksci,,,,,, +worldwidehealthy.com,junksci,clickbait,,,,,, +wtoe5news.com,fake,satire,,https://web.archive.org/web/20161115024211/http://wtoe5news.com/us-election/pope-francis-shocks-world-endorses-donald-trump-for-president-releases-statement/,,,, +wundergroundmusic.com,satire,,,,,,, +www.rt.com,state,,,,,,, +X22Report.com,conspiracy,,,website down,,,, +yellowhammernews.com,political,,,,,,, +yesimright.com,fake,bias,,,,,, +Youngcons.com,bias,unreliable,,,,,, +yourfunpage.com,fake,,,mostly links to rando YT videos,,,, +yournationnews.com,clickbait,,,,,,, +YourNewsline.wordpress.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +yournewswire.com,clickbait,junksci,,,,,, +zaytung.com,unknown,,,in Turkish,,,, +Zengardner.com,unknown,,,website down,,,, +zerohedge.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, +zootfeed.com,conspiracy,,,,,,, \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/notCredible/notCredible.json b/notCredible/notCredible.json index 90d4f3e..3bfea0d 100644 --- a/notCredible/notCredible.json +++ b/notCredible/notCredible.json @@ -1,3067 +1,4334 @@ { "100percentfedup.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "21stcenturywire.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "24newsflash.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "365usanews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "4threvolutionarywar.wordpress.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "70news.wordpress.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "fake", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : " " }, "aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : 0 }, "abcnews.com.co" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "abcnewsgo.co" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "abeldanger.net" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "abovetopsecret.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "rumor", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "abriluno.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "fake", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "aceflashman.wordpress.com" : { - 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"language" : "en", "type" : "hate", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "bb4sp.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "BB4SP.com" : { "type" : "conpiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "bias", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "beehivebugle.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "beforeitsnews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "rumor", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "betootaadvocate.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "bients.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "clickbait", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "bigamericannews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - 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"language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "bostonleader.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "breaking911.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "clickbait", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "breakpoint.org" : { + "type" : "unreliable", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "breitbart.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "bias", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "brotherjohnf.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "BrotherJohnF.com" : { "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "bullionbullscanada.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "BullionBullsCanada.com" : { "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "the \"one\" bank" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "The \"one\" bank" }, "burrardstreetjournal.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "buzzfeedusa.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "rumor", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "bvanews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "seems like a combination of totally fake and unreliable reports of 'real' news" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "fake", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "seems like a combination of totally fake and unreliable reports of 'real' news" }, "callthecops.net" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "canadafreepress.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : " ", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "cap-news.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake ", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : " ", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "cato.org/blog" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "credible", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "cbsnews.com.co" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "celebtricity.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "centerforsecuritypolicy.org" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35037943 ; " }, "channel-7-news.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "charismanews.com" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "minimal factual reporting despite being \"news'" }, "chaser.com.au" : { - 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"language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "chronicle.su" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : " ", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "chroniclesmagazine.org" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "from what I gather, like the opposite of Jacobin (paleoconservative) " + }, + "citizensunited.org" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "loaded language etc." + }, + "city-journal.org" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "cityworldnews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "civictribune.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "clashdaily.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "bias", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "clickhole.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "cnnnext.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "basically an rt video channel" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "basically an RT video channel" }, - "cnsnews.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "CNSNews.com" : { "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "the news arm of media research center (a conservative org that is frequently criticized for use of selective evidence) " + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "The news arm of Media Research Center (a conservative org that is frequently criticized for use of selective evidence) " }, "coasttocoastam.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unreliable ", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "collective-evolution.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "junksci", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "collectivelyconscious.net" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "junksci", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "ComingDepression.com" : { + "type" : "unknown", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website empty" + }, + "commentarymagazine.com" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "commondreams.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "clickbait", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "concisepolitics.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "hate", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "consciouslifenews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "junksci", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : " ", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "conservapedia.com" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : " ", + "3rd type" : " ", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "conservativebyte.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "conservativedailypost.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "this website is a weird mix of outright fake news and some stuff that looks more credible. " + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "This website is a weird mix of outright fake news and some stuff that looks more credible. " }, "conservativefiringline.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "clickbait", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "conservativefrontline.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "website down" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website down" + }, + "conservativeheadlines.com" : { + "type" : "unknown", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website down" + }, + "conservativehq.com" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "http://conservativehq.com/article/24945-f-bomb-opposition-president-trump" }, "conservativeinfidel.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "conservativeoutfitters.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "clickbait", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "conservativepapers.com" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "incorrect/uncited data, citing other sources labeled as bias" }, "conservativerefocus.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "conservativereview.com" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "conservativespirit.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "conservativestate.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "links to other borderline fake, but mostly just propagandistic websites" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "links to other borderline fake, but mostly just propagandistic websites" }, "conservativetribune.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "unreliable", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "consortiumnews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "credible", - "notes" : "the authors on this website are pretty credible and the articles appear well researched" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "The authors on this website are pretty credible and the articles appear well researched" + }, + "conspiracyplanet.com" : { + "type" : "conspiracy", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "conspiracywire.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "corbettreport.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "corbettreport.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "countdowntozerotime.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : " ", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "countercurrentnews.com" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "countercurrents.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "this site is pretty explicit about it's p.o.v. and is coming from a political perspective but doesn't fit under how we are defining 'bias'" + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "This site is pretty explicit about it's p.o.v. and is coming from a political perspective but doesn't fit under how we are defining 'bias'" }, "counterinformation.wordpress.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "counterjihad.com" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "counterpsyops.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "counterpunch.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "explicit pov - legit authors" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "explicit POV - legit authors" }, "counterpunch.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "explicit pov - legit authors" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "explicit POV - legit authors" + }, + "cowgernation.com" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "creambmp.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "fake", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "cryptogon.com" : { + "type" : "conspiracy", + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "copy-pasted commentary from various news & 'news' sources" }, "crystalair.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "redirects to http://www.cap-news.com/" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "redirects to http://www.cap-news.com/" }, "dailybuzzlive.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "dailycaller.com" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "clickbait", + "3rd type" : "bias", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "a weird mix of info. they link to extremely biased sites (as sources) and more credible/balanced sources" }, "dailycurrant.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailydiscord.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailyheadlines.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : " ", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailyheadlines.net" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : " ", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "dailyken.com" : { + "type" : "hate", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailykos.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "clickbait", + "3rd type" : "credible", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailyleak.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "parody", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "fake", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailynewsbin.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "clickbait", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailynewspolitic.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "domain for sale" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "domain for sale" }, "dailyoccupation.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailypolitics.info" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "website now down" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website now down" }, "dailypoliticsusa.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailysignal.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailysquib.co.uk" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dailystormer.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "hate", - "notes" : "pretty well known neo-nazi site" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "bias", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "pretty well known neo-nazi site" + }, + "dailytelegraph.com.au" : { + "type" : "bias", + "2nd type" : "rumor", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "australian tabloid mag" }, "dailywire.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dandygoat.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "darkmoon.me" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "hate", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "darkpolitricks.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "dataasylum.com" : { + "type" : "conspiracy", + "2nd type" : "junksci", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "davejanda.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "DaveJanda.com" : { "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "davidduke.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "hate", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "davidstockmanscontracorner.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "davidwolfe.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dcclothesline.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "junkscience", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dcgazette.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dcleaks.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "DeadLineLive.info" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "DeadlyClear.wordpress.com" : { + "type" : "unknown", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "personal blog that comments on news stories and blog posts" }, - "deadlyclear.wordpress.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "debunkingskeptics.com" : { "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "personal blog that comments on news stories and blog posts" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website down" }, "defenddemocracy.press" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "editorial board as stated on about us seem to be legitimate academics, and originally authored content byline are academics, although not able to find a clear link between edu pages and these authors' work on this website. many 3rd party articles are linked, sources provided. these articles are aggregated from other more clearly biased sites i.e. world socialist web site (wswg.org), rt.com, sputniknews.com." + "2nd type" : "political", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "editorial board as stated on about us seem to be legitimate academics, and originally authored content byline are academics, although not able to find a clear link between edu pages and these authors' work on this website. Many 3rd party articles are linked, sources provided. These articles are aggregated from other more clearly biased sites i.e. world socialist web site (wswg.org), rt.com, sputniknews.com." }, "delectabledietofpics.net" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "website now down" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website now down" }, "dennismichaellynch.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "denverguardian.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "departed.co" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "redircts to dcposts.com " + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "redircts to dcposts.com " + }, + "der-postillon.com" : { + "type" : "satire", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "German language site" }, "derfmagazine.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dineal.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "junksci", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "disclose.tv" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "disclosuremedia.net" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "dissentmagazine.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "diversitychronicle.wordpress.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "self-labled: https://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/disclaimer/ " + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "self-labled: https://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/disclaimer/ " }, - "dollarvigilante.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "DollarVigilante.com" : { "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "anarcho-capitalist blog" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "anarcho-capitalist blog" }, "donaldtrumpnews.co" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "dont-tread-on.me" : { - "language" : "en", + "Dont-Tread-On.Me" : { "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "doesn't seem to be updating anymore" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "doesn't seem to be updating anymore" }, "downtrend.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "satire", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "DProgram.net" : { + "type" : "unknown", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website down" }, "drudgereport.com" : { - "language" : "en", - "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "drudgereport.com.co" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "duffleblog.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "duhprogressive.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "dutchsinse.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "Dutchsinse.com" : { "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "weather control" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "weather control" }, - "eaglerising.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "EagleRising.com" : { "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "clickbait", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "ebolahoax.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "EbolaHoax.com" : { "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "domain for sale" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "domain for sale" + }, + "economicnoise.com" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "sites some problematic sources, like CNS news" + }, + "ecowatch.com" : { + "type" : "political", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "this site claims junksci, but I read over a dozen articles w/o finding any. probably should re-check soon https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ecowatch/" }, "educate-yourself.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "junksci", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "educateinspirechange.org" : { - "language" : "en", + "educateinspirechange.org/health" : { "type" : "clickbait", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "junksci", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "electionnightgatekeepers.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "elelephantintheroom.blogspot.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "elitereaders.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "clickbait", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "elkoshary.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "about me notes that it's not fake/satirical news" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "About Me notes that it's not fake/satirical news" }, "elmundotoday.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "about me notes that it's not fake/satirical news" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "About Me notes that it's not fake/satirical news" }, "embols.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "empireherald.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "satire", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "empirenews.net" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "satire", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "empiresports.co" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "about me notes that it's not fake/satirical news" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "About Me notes that it's not fake/satirical news" }, - "emptywheel.net" : { - "language" : "en", + "Emptywheel.net" : { "type" : "political", - "notes" : "commentary on current events/news" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "commentary on current events/news" }, "enabon.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - 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"language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "junksci", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "filmsforaction.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "financialsurvivalnetwork.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com" : { "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "firearmscoalition.org" : { + "type" : "unknown", + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "floridasunpost.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "i concur: http://mashable.com/2016/10/03/fake-news-story-man-marries-granddaughter/#qvpazp.e8oqb " + "2nd type" : "satirical ", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "I concur: http://mashable.com/2016/10/03/fake-news-story-man-marries-granddaughter/#QvpAzP.e8Oqb " }, "flyheight.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "aggregator of actual and potentially altered videos" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "aggregator of actual and potentially altered videos" }, "fmobserver.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "fognews.ru" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "site contains satire disclaimer" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "site contains satire disclaimer" }, "foodbabe.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "junksci", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "foreignpolicyjournal.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "political", - "notes" : "legit source coming from a political perspective" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "legit source coming from a political perspective" }, "fort-russ.com" : { - 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(i think so, but i can't get a read on this one- mz)" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "russian version of katehon.com? (I think so, but i can't get a read on this one- mz)" }, "landoverbaptist.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "learnprogress.org" : { + "type" : "fake", + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "http://www.learnprogress.org/white-house-website-sell-jewelry/" }, "legorafi.fr" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "in french" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "in French" }, "lewrockwell.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "liberalamerica.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "clickbait", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "liberalbias.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "liberaldarkness.com" : { - 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Because it isn't true." }, "newswatch28.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "newswatch33.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "newswire-24.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "rumor", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "newswithviews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "newyorker.com/humor" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "nodisinfo.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "unreliable", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, - "nomorefakenews.com" : { - "language" : "en", + "NoMoreFakeNews.com" : { "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "northcrane.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unreliable", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "notallowedto.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "clickbait", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "fake", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "now8news.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "nowtheendbegins.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" + }, + "npiamerica.org" : { + "type" : "hate", + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "white supremacist think tank" }, "nutritionfacts.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "credible", - "notes" : "i read through several articles and the sources cited, and appears ok (maybe sometimes a little sensational... so if anyone has specific knowledge of this site and/or good examples of problems, feel free to link them here)" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "I read through several articles and the sources cited, and appears ok (maybe sometimes a little sensational... so if anyone has specific knowledge of this site and/or good examples of problems, feel free to link them here)" }, "nymeta.co" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "clickbait", - "notes" : "entertainment website " + "2nd type" : "satire", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "Entertainment website " }, "nyuzer.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "website domain for sale" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website domain for sale" }, "objectiveministries.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "satire", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "occupydemocrats.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "clickbait", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "bias", + "3rd type" : "unreliable", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "occupyliberals.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "clickbait", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "odgossip.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "website domain for sale" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "website domain for sale" }, "off-guardian.org" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "oftwominds.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "bias", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "oilgeopolitics.net" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "conspiracy", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "", + "3rd type" : "", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "onlineconservativepress.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "fake", - "notes" : "" + "2nd type" : "conspiracy", + "3rd type" : "bias", + "Source Notes (things to know?)" : "" }, "opednews.com" : { - "language" : "en", "type" : "unknown", - "notes" : "website kept timing out. 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