I, Samer Albahra, am a medical school graduate, currently doing a pathology residency at UTHSCSA. I enjoy making mobile applications in my spare time and was excited when I first discovered the OpenSprinkler, an open-source Internet based sprinkler system, which lacked a truly mobile interface.
I decided to add a mobile front-end using jQuery Mobile. There were a few things I wanted to accomplish:
Large on/off buttons in manual mode
Easy slider inputs for any duration input
Compatibility between many/all devices
Easy feedback of current status
Easy program input/modification
Fortunately, I had a lot of feedback on Ray's forums and now have an application that has been tested across many devices and installed in many unique environments.
I fully support every feature of the OpenSprinkler and also the OpenSprinkler Pi (using the interval program).
I, Samer Albahra, am a medical school graduate, currently doing a pathology residency at UTHSCSA. I enjoy making mobile applications in my spare time and was excited when I first discovered the OpenSprinkler, an open-source Internet based sprinkler system, which lacked a truly mobile interface.
I decided to add a mobile front-end using jQuery Mobile. There were a few things I wanted to accomplish:
Large on/off buttons in manual mode
Easy slider inputs for any duration input
Compatibility between many/all devices
Easy feedback of current status
Easy program input/modification
Fortunately, I had a lot of feedback on Ray's forums and now have an application that has been tested across many devices and installed in many unique environments.
I fully support every feature of the OpenSprinkler and also the OpenSprinkler Pi (using the interval program).
This copy of the web application is unique because it requires no install and only requires access to the OpenSprinkler by opening a port on your home router.
+ return;
+ }
+ var open = new Object;
+ $.each(window.device.status, function (i, stn) {
+ if (stn) open[i] = stn;
+ });
+ if (window.device.settings.mas) {
+ open.splice(window.device.settings.mas-1,1);
+ }
+ if (Object.keys(open).length >= 2) {
+ var ptotal = 0;
+ $.each(open,function (key, status){
+ var tmp = window.device.settings.ps[key][1];
+ if (tmp > ptotal) ptotal = tmp;
+ });
+ var sample = open[0],
+ pid = window.device.settings.ps[sample][0],
+ pname = pidname(pid),
+ line = "
+ line += pname+" is running on "+Object.keys(open).length+" stations ";
+ if (pid!=255&&pid!=99) line += "("+sec2hms(ptotal)+" remaining)";
+ line += "
+ change_status(ptotal,window.device.options.sdt,"green",line);
+ return;
+ }
+ var match = false,
+ i = 0;
+ $.each(window.device.stations.snames,function (station,name){
+ var info = "";
+ if (window.device.settings.ps[i][0] && window.device.status[i] && window.device.settings.mas != i+1) {
+ match = true
+ var pid = window.device.settings.ps[i][0],
+ pname = pidname(pid),
+ line = "
+ line += pname+" is running on station "+name+" ";
+ if (pid!=255&&pid!=99) line += "("+sec2hms(window.device.settings.ps[i][1])+" remaining)";
+ line += "
+ change_status(window.device.settings.ps[i][1],window.device.options.sdt,"green",line);
+ return false;
- data = JSON.parse(data);
- if (window.interval_id !== undefined) clearInterval(window.interval_id);
- if (window.timeout_id !== undefined) clearTimeout(window.timeout_id);
- if (data.seconds != 0) update_timer(data.seconds,data.sdelay);
- footer.removeClass().addClass(data.color).html(data.line).slideDown();
- })
+ i++;
+ });
+ if (match) return;
+ if (window.device.settings.mm) {
+ change_status(0,window.device.options.sdt,"red","
Manual mode enabled
+ return;
+ }
+ $("#footer-running").slideUp();
+function pidname(pid) {
+ pname = "Program "+pid;
+ if(pid==255||pid==99) pname="Manual program";
+ if(pid==254||pid==98) pname="Run-once program";
+ return pname;
function update_timer(total,sdelay) {
window.lastCheck = new Date().getTime();
- window.interval_id = setInterval(function(){
+ window.interval_id = setInterval(function(){
var now = new Date().getTime();
var diff = now - window.lastCheck;
if (diff > 3000) {
- $("#footer-running").html("");
- check_status();
+ $("#footer-running").html("");
+ update_device(check_status);
window.lastCheck = now;
if (total <= 0) {
- $("#footer-running").slideUp().html("");
+ $("#footer-running").slideUp().html("");
if (window.timeout_id !== undefined) clearTimeout(window.timeout_id);
- window.timeout_id = setTimeout(check_status,(sdelay*1000));
+ window.timeout_id = setTimeout(function(){
+ update_device(check_status);
+ },(sdelay*1000));
@@ -336,44 +534,10 @@ function sec2hms(diff) {
var hours = parseInt( diff / 3600 ) % 24;
var minutes = parseInt( diff / 60 ) % 60;
var seconds = diff % 60;
- if (hours) str += (hours < 10 ? "0"+hours : hours)+":";
- return str+(minutes < 10 ? "0"+minutes : minutes)+":"+(seconds < 10 ? "0"+seconds : seconds);
+ if (hours) str += pad(hours)+":";
+ return str+pad(minutes)+":"+pad(seconds);
- var newpage = e.target.id;
- if (window.interval_id !== undefined) clearInterval(window.interval_id);
- if (window.timeout_id !== undefined) clearTimeout(window.timeout_id);
- if (newpage == "sprinklers") {
- update_weather();
- $("#footer-running").html("");
- setTimeout(check_status,1000);
- } else {
- var title = document.title;
- document.title = "OpenSprinkler: "+title;
- }
-//This bind intercepts most links to remove the 300ms delay iOS adds
-$(document).on('pageinit', function (e, data) {
- var newpage = e.target.id;
- var currpage = $(e.target);
- currpage.find("a[href='#"+currpage.attr('id')+"-settings']").on('vclick', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- highlight(this);
- $(".ui-page-active [id$=settings]").panel("open");
- });
- currpage.find("a[data-onclick]").on('vclick', function (e) {
- e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- var func = $(this).data("onclick");
- highlight(this);
- eval(func);
- });
function highlight(button) {
@@ -383,18 +547,31 @@ function highlight(button) {
function update_weather() {
var $weather = $("#weather");
- $weather.html("");
- $.get("index.php","os_ip="+window.curr_ip+"&os_pw="+window.curr_pw+"&action=get_weather",function(result){
- var weather = JSON.parse(result);
- if (weather["code"] == null) {
+ $("#weather").unbind("click");
+ $weather.html("");
+ $.getJSON("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20item%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20location%3D%22"+escape(window.device.settings.loc)+"%22&format=json&callback=?",function(data){
+ if (data.query.results.channel.item.title == "City not found") {
"margin-left": "-1000px"
- return;
+ return;
- $weather.html(""+weather["temp"]+" "+weather["location"]+"");
+ var now = data.query.results.channel.item.condition,
+ text = now.text,
+ code = now.code,
+ temp = now.temp,
+ date = now.date;
+ var title = data.query.results.channel.item.title,
+ loc = /Conditions for (.*) at \d+:\d+ [a|p]m .*/.exec(title);
+ temp = temp+"°F";
+ $weather.html(""+temp+" "+loc[1]+"");
+ $("#weather").bind("click",get_forecast);
"margin-left": "0"
@@ -402,98 +579,323 @@ function update_weather() {
function gohome() {
- $.mobile.changePage($('#sprinklers'), {reverse: true});
+ $("body").pagecontainer("change","#sprinklers",{reverse: true});
+function changePage(toPage) {
+ var curr = "#"+$("body").pagecontainer("getActivePage").attr("id");
+ if (curr === toPage) {
+ bind_links(curr);
+ } else {
+ $("body").pagecontainer("change",toPage);
+ }
+function changeFromPanel(func) {
+ var $panel = $("#sprinklers-settings");
+ $panel.one("panelclose", func);
+ $panel.panel("close");
+function show_about() {
+ changePage("#about");
+function open_popup(id) {
+ var popup = $(id);
+ popup.on("popupafteropen", function(){
+ $(this).popup("reposition", {
+ "positionTo": "window"
+ });
+ }).popup().enhanceWithin().popup("open");
function show_settings() {
- $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg();
- $.get("index.php","os_ip="+window.curr_ip+"&os_pw="+window.curr_pw+"&action=make_settings_list",function(items){
- var list = $("#os-settings-list");
- list.html(items).trigger("create");
- if (list.hasClass("ui-listview")) list.listview("refresh");
- $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg();
- $.mobile.changePage($("#os-settings"));
- })
+ $.mobile.loading("show");
+ var list = new Object
+ list.start = "
+ isMaster = window.device.settings.mas;
+ if (isMaster) list += "
Station Name
Activate Master?
+ $i = 0;
+ $.each(window.device.stations.snames,function(i, station) {
+ if (isMaster) list += "
+ list += "";
+ if (isMaster) {
+ if (window.device.settings.mas == i+1) {
+ list += "
+ } else {
+ list += "
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ });
+ if (isMaster) list += "
+ list += "
+ var stations = $("#os-stations-list");
+ stations.html(list).enhanceWithin();
+ if (stations.hasClass("ui-listview")) stations.listview("refresh");
+ $.mobile.loading("hide");
+ changePage("#os-stations");
+function get_forecast() {
+ $.mobile.loading("show");
+ $.get("",function(items){
+ var list = $("#forecast_list");
+ list.html(items).enhanceWithin();
if (list.hasClass("ui-listview")) list.listview("refresh");
- $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg();
- $.mobile.changePage($("#os-stations"));
+ $.mobile.loading("hide");
+ changePage("#forecast");
function get_status() {
- $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg();
- $.get("index.php","os_ip="+window.curr_ip+"&os_pw="+window.curr_pw+"&action=make_list_status",function(items){
- var list = $("#status_list");
- items = JSON.parse(items)
- list.html(items.list);
- $("#status_header").html(items.header);
- $("#status_footer").html(items.footer);
- if (list.hasClass("ui-listview")) list.listview("refresh");
- window.totals = JSON.parse(items.totals);
- if (window.interval_id !== undefined) clearInterval(window.interval_id);
- if (window.timeout_id !== undefined) clearTimeout(window.timeout_id);
- $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg();
- $.mobile.changePage($("#status"));
- if (window.totals["d"] !== undefined) {
- delete window.totals["p"];
- setTimeout(get_status,window.totals["d"]*1000);
+ var runningTotal = new Object,
+ allPnames = new Array;
+ var list = "",
+ tz = window.device.options.tz-48;
+ tz = ((tz>=0)?"+":"-")+pad((Math.abs(tz)/4>>0))+":"+((Math.abs(tz)%4)*15/10>>0)+((Math.abs(tz)%4)*15%10);
+ var header = ""+(new Date(window.device.settings.devt*1000).toUTCString().slice(0,-4))+" GMT "+tz;
+ runningTotal.c = window.device.settings.devt;
+ var master = window.device.settings.mas,
+ i = 0,
+ ptotal = 0;
+ var open = new Object;
+ $.each(window.device.status, function (i, stn) {
+ if (stn) open[i] = stn;
+ });
+ open = Object.keys(open).length;
+ if (master && window.device.status[master-1]) open--;
+ $.each(window.device.stations.snames,function(i, station) {
+ var info = "";
+ if (master == i+1) {
+ station += " (Master)";
+ } else if (window.device.settings.ps[i][0]) {
+ var rem=window.device.settings.ps[i][1];
+ if (open > 1) {
+ if (rem > ptotal) ptotal = rem;
+ } else {
+ ptotal+=rem;
+ }
+ remm=rem/60>>0;
+ rems=rem%60;
+ var pid = window.device.settings.ps[i][0],
+ pname = pidname(pid);
+ if (window.device.status[i] && (pid!=255&&pid!=99)) runningTotal[i] = rem;
+ allPnames[i] = pname;
+ info = "
"+((window.device.status[i]) ? "Running" : "Scheduled")+" "+pname;
+ if (pid!=255&&pid!=99) info += " ("+(remm/10>>0)+(remm%10)+":"+(rems/10>>0)+(rems%10)+" remaining)";
+ info += "
- update_timers(items.sdelay);
+ if (window.device.status[i]) {
+ var color = "green";
+ } else {
+ var color = "red";
+ }
+ list += "
+ i++;
+ var footer = "";
+ var lrdur = window.device.settings.lrun[2];
+ if (lrdur != 0) {
+ var lrpid = window.device.settings.lrun[1];
+ var pname= pidname(lrpid);
+ footer = '
'+pname+' last ran station '+window.device.stations.snames[window.device.settings.lrun[0]]+' for '+(lrdur/60>>0)+'m '+(lrdur%60)+'s on '+(new Date(window.device.settings.lrun[3]*1000).toUTCString().slice(0,-4))+'
+ }
+ if (ptotal) {
+ scheduled = allPnames.length;
+ if (!open && scheduled) runningTotal.d = window.device.options["sdt"];
+ if (open == 1) ptotal += (scheduled-1)*window.device.options["sdt"];
+ allPnames = allPnames.getUnique();
+ numProg = allPnames.length;
+ allPnames = allPnames.join(" and ");
+ var pinfo = allPnames+" "+((numProg > 1) ? "are" : "is")+" running ";
+ pinfo += " ("+sec2hms(ptotal)+" remaining)";
+ runningTotal.p = ptotal;
+ header += " "+pinfo;
+ }
+ var status = $("#status_list");
+ status.html(list);
+ $("#status_header").html(header);
+ $("#status_footer").html(footer);
+ if (status.hasClass("ui-listview")) status.listview("refresh");
+ window.totals = runningTotal;
+ if (window.interval_id !== undefined) clearInterval(window.interval_id);
+ if (window.timeout_id !== undefined) clearTimeout(window.timeout_id);
+ changePage("#status");
+ if (window.totals.d !== undefined) {
+ delete window.totals.p;
+ setTimeout(get_status,window.totals.d*1000);
+ }
+ update_timers(window.device.options["sdt"]);
function get_manual() {
- $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg();
- $.get("index.php","os_ip="+window.curr_ip+"&os_pw="+window.curr_pw+"&action=make_list_manual",function(items){
- var list = $("#mm_list");
- list.html(items);
- if (list.hasClass("ui-listview")) list.listview("refresh");
- $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg();
- $.mobile.changePage($("#manual"));
+ $.mobile.loading("show");
+ var list = "
Sprinkler Stations
+ i = 0;
+ $.each(window.device.stations.snames,function(i,station) {
+ list += '
'.$pname.' last ran station '.$stations[$settings["lrun"][0]].' for '.($lrdur/60>>0).'m '.($lrdur%60).'s on '.gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",$settings["lrun"][3]).'