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Jonathan A Rees edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 54 revisions

Open Tree of Life: Start here

The Open Tree of Life project centers around a corpus of phylogenetic trees, called the 'phylesystem'. All trees are aligned to a common reference taxonomy (OTT). One application of the phylesystem is to provide the inputs for creating a 'supertree' covering all life.

Some general information about the project, with a list of personnel, is here.

The web applications

Corpus browser and study curation tool

Start the phylesystem browser and curation tool here. If you are submitting trees, you are encouraged to read the tree submission documentation first.

Supertree browser

Start the supertree browser web application here. For a description of how the supertree was made, see the article "Synthesis of phylogeny and taxonomy into a comprehensive tree of life".

Reference taxonomy browser

Browse the reference taxonomy here. For description of the taxonomy see here.

Documentation for programmers using the phylesystem and Open Tree services

There is a web API that enables access to the corpus, and provides other services.

There are also some libraries for working with opentree in various languages (service bindings and wrappers, etc.)

Software overview

The software is divided into subsystems, each of which has its own github repository.

The main software functions are:

The germinator repository and its wiki hold code, tests, and documentation that relate subsystems to one another, or otherwise don't belong to any particular subsystem.

For a list of the repositories with a brief description of each, see here.

Some of the system-wide documentation of the kind that properly belongs in the germinator repository is currently housed in the opentree repository wiki, for historical reasons. Many of these documents cover topics far beyond the web app. It is intended that these documents will move to the germinator repository eventually.


Each tree belongs to a published study, so trees belonging to a study are collected together into a 'Nexson file' for the study. The Nexson format is central to the architecture. It's derived from NeXML and is documented here.

Reference taxonomy

Reference taxonomy (OTT) documentation


Internal documentation

Web API testing

Propinquity synthetic tree annotations and conflict relations

Deployment system

Caching results from common API calls

Phylografter user interviews

Document store requirements gathering prepared in advance of implementing the phylesystem

Phylogenetic graph for finding a supertree based on ranks