- Add settings API endpoint. @richardkorthuis (#38)
- Replace get_headers with CURL. @Robbert-Imhof (#37)
- Fatal error "non-static method OWC\PDC\Base\Taxonomy\TaxonomyController::addShowOnExplanation() cannot be called statically. @richardkorthuis (#36)
- Correctly extract URLs from shortcodes in 'links' field of pdc-item for REST API.
- Theme tiles, enabled by setting.
- PDC item table of contents, enabled by setting.
- Validation JavaScript of the post 2 post connections.
- Get all connected items in API response instead of the default 10.
- Support extra default taxonomy filter options in items endpoint.
- Add show_in_rest arg to all taxonomies.
- Try catch around get_headers inside CreatesFields class.
- Enable filtering the items of categories and sub-categories by language.
- Add the language of connected PDC items in the API response data.
- Remove strtolower check when validating value of UniformeProductnaam.
- Remove conversion to lowercase of meta '_owc_pdc_upl_naam' when validating the values.
- When the portal URL setting does not contains a valid URL, use URL from connected term of taxonomy 'pdc-show-on'.
- Add 'Polish' and 'Romanian' as selectable languages.
- Validate URL used in getHeaders() method, inside CreatesFields class, with wp_http_validate_url().
- Metabox title of pdc-category and sub-category.
- Use feedback form setting.
- Metaboxes from type text to url, when applicable.
- PHP CS Fixer + run formatting
- Use PSR12 and order imports by length
- Add 'date_modified' to theme endpoints
- Add 'yoast' to theme endpoints
- Use transients in getHeaders() method inside CreatesFields class.
- Clean-up code.
- Handle content-length header when is array.
- Typo in translations.
- DownloadsField RestAPI filesize of external file.
- Always return date_modified in api.
- Only authenticated users should be able to view 'draft' and 'future' pdc-items.
- Only remove combined identifications when regular identifications are activated.
- Translations.
- Add combined identification field (DigiD and eHerkenning).
- Remove duplicated code inside UPLResourceHandler.
- Use 'rest_after_insert_pdc-item' filter in addition to existing 'updated_post_meta' filter.
- Filtering sources allows "Show On" feature
- checkForUpdate must only be executed when current class is not a child.
- Updates can now be provided through the Admin interface.
- Restore current blog when creation of featured image went wrong (network media library)
- Allow querying draft and future (sub)themes
- Extra set up documentation in case plugins are missing
- Include scheduled posts in preview
- Support php8 + update deps
- Include SEO meta fields, provided by multiple plugins, in API.
- Only update UPL resourceURL when uplName meta is updated.
- Add connected category and subcategory to connected pdc-item.
- Sort connected items on title in API.
- Require composer autoload.php when necessary.
- ID in portal url setting.
- Identifications model methods.
- Add icon field to subtheme.
- Generating portal url.
- Return value in filter 'post_type_link' registered in '\OWC\PDC\Base\Admin\AdminServiceProvider::class.
- Improve description UPL name metabox.
- Add 'doelgroepen' to overview page of pdc-items with incorrect upl-values.
- Add missing part of test for action 'rest_prepare_pdc-item' in AdminServiceProviderTest.
- UPL pages available with cap 'edit_posts'.
- Change 'preview' parameter into 'draft-preview'
- Add autocomplete for upl name.
- Based on upl name, fetch upl resource url and save as meta.
- Overview pages of pdc-items with correct and incorrect upl-values.
- Preview draft without connected posts
- New draft post portal url
- Add find by (sub)theme slug in API:
. Thanks @coenjacobs! - Add Posts 2 Posts as dependency
- Some additional code cleanup
- Ignore p2p on rewrite republish post
- Extra connected query arguments
- Register admin serviceproviders
- Add preview parameter for retrieving drafts
- Add password parameter for protected posts
- Purge Varnish on save_post
- Allow connected items with no type specified
- Add 'custom-fields' to support for the registered posttype.
- Typo in rest output.
- Allow items with no type specified in the api
- Allow additional actions before and after the creation of a featured image.
- Remove redundant ItemsFields.php files and create one shared file.
- Internal products need authorization.
- Add icon field to theme.
- Add escape element setting to pdc-settings.
- Add escape element setting in editor of pdc-item.
- Connection between pdc-item and pdc-group are allowed to be empty.
- Limit connection between pdc-item and pdc-group to maximum 1
- Add portal_url to api output
- Add date_modified to api output
- Add image to groups in api output
- Cloneable identification groups
- Add language meta setting
- Add language value in api
- Display identification meta fields, in the editor, when setting has been checked
- Clean-up
- Add translations
- Add order field to identifications
- Add default value's to identifications button title and description
- Multiple connections between group/subthemes, in group editor, on pageload
- Allow multiple connections between group/items and group/subthemes in group editor
- Allow multiple themes in connection between pdc-item & themes
- Allow multiple subthemes in connection between pdc-item & subthemes
- General identifications meta fields in editor pdc-items
- Identifications meta fields in editor pdc-items
- Identifications can be turned on/off via setting
- Identifications in api results pdc-items endpoint
- Add optional cpt pdc-group
- Add ID to portal-url if there is no category connected
- Refactor: clean-up for version 2.0.
- Architecture (Breaking: includes namespaces -> affects pdc-faq, pdc-locations, pdc-samenwerkende-catalogi and pdc-internal-products)
- Fix: rest api endpoint /wp-json/owc/pdc/v1/items/internal was not handled correctly is, as
looked like a slug.
- Fix: view portal url wp admin bar node
- Add valid url to viewnode in adminbar pdc-item
- Exclude inactive pdc-items from p2p connected query
- Autoloader was not correctly configured, when installing the plugin manually.
- Regex for find by slug in rest api was too greedy. Now only a slug is matched, not a string with a '/'.
- dynamically populate upl
- replace legacy autoloader
- php-cs-fixer
- update mockery/mockery fixes tests
- phpstan static code analysis
- Switch php_codesniffer for phpcs
- Use Yard Digital Agency where appropriate
- Run phpcs
- Link shortcode url now overrides Link URL
- Add route for single pdc by slug
- Add images to themes and subthemes
- Add file size to forms and downloads
- Make posttype available in rest api
- Use values of FAQ. This fixes an issue if either a question or answer was inserted, but not both. Props @Jasper Heidebrink
- Add option to show connected in rest
- Add query (search) parameters
- Add slug in output
- Fix (sub)theme api
- Add shortcodes for links and downloads
- Allow shortcodes in fields
- Fix recursive merge of args
- replace docker container with our own for speed optimalisation.
- add fields parameter for items to select which fields to return. For example: {site}/wp-json/owc/pdc/v1/items?fields=id,downloads will return only the fields id & downloads for all the PDC items.
- (fix): check if required file for
is already loaded, otherwise load it.
- Fix: Replace posts-to-posts admin_column with extended post type.
- Add: endpoint description.
- Add: add order and orderby for themes api.
- Add: search restapi endpoint now uses Elasticsearch with appropriate metafields
- Add filters to admin
- Code cleanup
- Add synonyms to api output
- Add documentation
- Add tests
- Refactor for version 1.0