From d58c75189f734807193e5141a3647af20e920460 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Nordelo <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 21:04:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feat: remove old tests

 src/tests.cairo                               |  21 -
 src/tests/access/common.cairo                 |  32 -
 src/tests/account/ethereum/common.cairo       |  97 ---
 .../ethereum/test_dual_eth_account.cairo      | 237 --------
 src/tests/account/starknet/common.cairo       |  74 ---
 src/tests/account/starknet/test_account.cairo | 531 ----------------
 .../account/starknet/test_dual_account.cairo  | 221 -------
 src/tests/presets/test_account.cairo          | 572 ------------------
 src/tests/presets/test_erc20.cairo            | 506 ----------------
 .../presets/test_universal_deployer.cairo     | 140 -----
 src/tests/security/test_pausable.cairo        | 154 -----
 src/tests/token/erc1155/common.cairo          | 129 ----
 src/tests/token/erc20/common.cairo            |  52 --
 src/tests/token/erc721.cairo                  |   6 -
 src/tests/token/erc721/common.cairo           |  76 ---
 src/tests/upgrades/common.cairo               |  20 -
 src/tests/upgrades/test_upgradeable.cairo     |  83 ---
 src/tests/utils.cairo                         |  15 -
 src/tests/utils/common.cairo                  |  58 --
 src/tests/utils/constants.cairo               | 148 -----
 src/tests/utils/deployment.cairo              |  48 --
 src/tests/utils/events.cairo                  |  62 --
 src/tests/utils/signing.cairo                 |  31 -
 23 files changed, 3313 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/tests.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/access/common.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/account/ethereum/common.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/account/ethereum/test_dual_eth_account.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/account/starknet/common.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/account/starknet/test_account.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/account/starknet/test_dual_account.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/presets/test_account.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/presets/test_erc20.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/presets/test_universal_deployer.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/security/test_pausable.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/token/erc1155/common.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/token/erc20/common.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/token/erc721.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/token/erc721/common.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/upgrades/common.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/upgrades/test_upgradeable.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/utils.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/utils/common.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/utils/constants.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/utils/deployment.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/utils/events.cairo
 delete mode 100644 src/tests/utils/signing.cairo

diff --git a/src/tests.cairo b/src/tests.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a1d8a06a..000000000
--- a/src/tests.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-mod access;
-mod account;
-mod cryptography;
-mod governance;
-mod introspection;
-mod mocks;
-mod presets;
-mod security;
-mod token;
-mod upgrades;
-pub mod utils;
diff --git a/src/tests/access/common.cairo b/src/tests/access/common.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 6836a3437..000000000
--- a/src/tests/access/common.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::access::ownable::OwnableComponent::OwnershipTransferred;
-use openzeppelin::access::ownable::OwnableComponent;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
-use snforge_std::EventSpy;
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-pub(crate) impl OwnableSpyHelpersImpl of OwnableSpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_only_event_ownership_transferred(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        previous_owner: ContractAddress,
-        new_owner: ContractAddress
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_ownership_transferred(contract, previous_owner, new_owner);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_ownership_transferred(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        previous_owner: ContractAddress,
-        new_owner: ContractAddress
-    ) {
-        let expected = OwnableComponent::Event::OwnershipTransferred(
-            OwnershipTransferred { previous_owner, new_owner }
-        );
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/account/ethereum/common.cairo b/src/tests/account/ethereum/common.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f9a809f..000000000
--- a/src/tests/account/ethereum/common.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-use core::hash::{HashStateTrait, HashStateExTrait};
-use core::poseidon::PoseidonTrait;
-use core::poseidon::poseidon_hash_span;
-use core::starknet::secp256_trait::Secp256PointTrait;
-use openzeppelin::account::EthAccountComponent::{OwnerAdded, OwnerRemoved};
-use openzeppelin::account::EthAccountComponent;
-use openzeppelin::account::interface::EthPublicKey;
-use openzeppelin::account::utils::signature::EthSignature;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::TRANSACTION_HASH;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{NAME, SYMBOL};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::signing::{Secp256k1KeyPair, Secp256k1KeyPairExt};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::{IERC20Dispatcher, IERC20DispatcherTrait};
-use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
-use snforge_std::EventSpy;
-use snforge_std::signature::secp256k1_curve::Secp256k1CurveSignerImpl;
-use starknet::{ContractAddress, SyscallResultTrait};
-pub(crate) struct SignedTransactionData {
-    pub(crate) private_key: u256,
-    pub(crate) public_key: EthPublicKey,
-    pub(crate) tx_hash: felt252,
-    pub(crate) signature: EthSignature
-pub(crate) fn SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair: Secp256k1KeyPair) -> SignedTransactionData {
-    let tx_hash = TRANSACTION_HASH;
-    let (r, s) = key_pair.sign(tx_hash.into()).unwrap();
-    SignedTransactionData {
-        private_key: key_pair.secret_key,
-        public_key: key_pair.public_key,
-        tx_hash,
-        signature: EthSignature { r, s }
-    }
-pub(crate) fn get_accept_ownership_signature(
-    account_address: ContractAddress, current_owner: EthPublicKey, new_key_pair: Secp256k1KeyPair
-) -> Span<felt252> {
-    let msg_hash: u256 = PoseidonTrait::new()
-        .update_with('StarkNet Message')
-        .update_with('accept_ownership')
-        .update_with(account_address)
-        .update_with(current_owner.get_coordinates().unwrap_syscall())
-        .finalize()
-        .into();
-    new_key_pair.serialized_sign(msg_hash).span()
-pub(crate) fn deploy_erc20(recipient: ContractAddress, initial_supply: u256) -> IERC20Dispatcher {
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    calldata.append_serde(NAME());
-    calldata.append_serde(SYMBOL());
-    calldata.append_serde(initial_supply);
-    calldata.append_serde(recipient);
-    let address = utils::declare_and_deploy("DualCaseERC20Mock", calldata);
-    IERC20Dispatcher { contract_address: address }
-pub(crate) impl EthAccountSpyHelpersImpl of EthAccountSpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_event_owner_removed(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, public_key: EthPublicKey
-    ) {
-        let removed_owner_guid = get_guid_from_public_key(public_key);
-        let expected = EthAccountComponent::Event::OwnerRemoved(
-            OwnerRemoved { removed_owner_guid }
-        );
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_owner_added(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, public_key: EthPublicKey
-    ) {
-        let new_owner_guid = get_guid_from_public_key(public_key);
-        let expected = EthAccountComponent::Event::OwnerAdded(OwnerAdded { new_owner_guid });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_owner_added(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, public_key: EthPublicKey
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_owner_added(contract, public_key);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
-fn get_guid_from_public_key(public_key: EthPublicKey) -> felt252 {
-    let (x, y) = public_key.get_coordinates().unwrap_syscall();
-    poseidon_hash_span(array![x.low.into(), x.high.into(), y.low.into(), y.high.into()].span())
diff --git a/src/tests/account/ethereum/test_dual_eth_account.cairo b/src/tests/account/ethereum/test_dual_eth_account.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index bde5c53f5..000000000
--- a/src/tests/account/ethereum/test_dual_eth_account.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::account::dual_eth_account::{DualCaseEthAccountABI, DualCaseEthAccount};
-use openzeppelin::account::interface::{EthAccountABIDispatcherTrait, EthAccountABIDispatcher};
-use openzeppelin::account::utils::secp256k1::{DebugSecp256k1Point, Secp256k1PointPartialEq};
-use openzeppelin::account::utils::signature::EthSignature;
-use openzeppelin::introspection::interface::ISRC5_ID;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::secp256k1::KEY_PAIR;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{ETH_PUBKEY, NEW_ETH_PUBKEY, TRANSACTION_HASH};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::signing::Secp256k1KeyPairExt;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
-use snforge_std::start_cheat_caller_address;
-use super::common::get_accept_ownership_signature;
-// Setup
-fn setup_snake() -> (DualCaseEthAccount, EthAccountABIDispatcher) {
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    calldata.append_serde(ETH_PUBKEY());
-    let target = utils::declare_and_deploy("SnakeEthAccountMock", calldata);
-    (
-        DualCaseEthAccount { contract_address: target },
-        EthAccountABIDispatcher { contract_address: target }
-    )
-fn setup_camel() -> (DualCaseEthAccount, EthAccountABIDispatcher) {
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    calldata.append_serde(ETH_PUBKEY());
-    let target = utils::declare_and_deploy("CamelEthAccountMock", calldata);
-    (
-        DualCaseEthAccount { contract_address: target },
-        EthAccountABIDispatcher { contract_address: target }
-    )
-fn setup_non_account() -> DualCaseEthAccount {
-    let calldata = array![];
-    let target = utils::declare_and_deploy("NonImplementingMock", calldata);
-    DualCaseEthAccount { contract_address: target }
-fn setup_account_panic() -> (DualCaseEthAccount, DualCaseEthAccount) {
-    let snake_target = utils::declare_and_deploy("SnakeEthAccountPanicMock", array![]);
-    let camel_target = utils::declare_and_deploy("CamelEthAccountPanicMock", array![]);
-    (
-        DualCaseEthAccount { contract_address: snake_target },
-        DualCaseEthAccount { contract_address: camel_target }
-    )
-// snake_case target
-fn test_dual_set_public_key() {
-    let (snake_dispatcher, target) = setup_snake();
-    let contract_address = snake_dispatcher.contract_address;
-    start_cheat_caller_address(contract_address, contract_address);
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(contract_address, ETH_PUBKEY(), key_pair);
-    snake_dispatcher.set_public_key(key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    assert_eq!(target.get_public_key(), key_pair.public_key);
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_dual_no_set_public_key() {
-    let dispatcher = setup_non_account();
-    dispatcher.set_public_key(NEW_ETH_PUBKEY(), array![].span());
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_set_public_key_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (dispatcher, _) = setup_account_panic();
-    dispatcher.set_public_key(NEW_ETH_PUBKEY(), array![].span());
-fn test_dual_get_public_key() {
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_snake();
-    assert_eq!(snake_dispatcher.get_public_key(), ETH_PUBKEY());
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_dual_no_get_public_key() {
-    let dispatcher = setup_non_account();
-    dispatcher.get_public_key();
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_get_public_key_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (dispatcher, _) = setup_account_panic();
-    dispatcher.get_public_key();
-fn test_dual_is_valid_signature() {
-    let (snake_dispatcher, target) = setup_snake();
-    let contract_address = snake_dispatcher.contract_address;
-    start_cheat_caller_address(contract_address, contract_address);
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(contract_address, ETH_PUBKEY(), key_pair);
-    target.set_public_key(key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    let serialized_signature = key_pair.serialized_sign(TRANSACTION_HASH.into());
-    let is_valid = snake_dispatcher.is_valid_signature(TRANSACTION_HASH, serialized_signature);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_dual_no_is_valid_signature() {
-    let hash = 0x0;
-    let signature = array![];
-    let dispatcher = setup_non_account();
-    dispatcher.is_valid_signature(hash, signature);
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_is_valid_signature_exists_and_panics() {
-    let hash = 0x0;
-    let signature = array![];
-    let (dispatcher, _) = setup_account_panic();
-    dispatcher.is_valid_signature(hash, signature);
-fn test_dual_supports_interface() {
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_snake();
-    assert!(snake_dispatcher.supports_interface(ISRC5_ID), "Should implement ISRC5");
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_dual_no_supports_interface() {
-    let dispatcher = setup_non_account();
-    dispatcher.supports_interface(ISRC5_ID);
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_supports_interface_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (dispatcher, _) = setup_account_panic();
-    dispatcher.supports_interface(ISRC5_ID);
-// camelCase target
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-fn test_dual_setPublicKey() {
-    let (camel_dispatcher, target) = setup_camel();
-    let contract_address = camel_dispatcher.contract_address;
-    start_cheat_caller_address(contract_address, contract_address);
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(contract_address, ETH_PUBKEY(), key_pair);
-    camel_dispatcher.set_public_key(key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    assert_eq!(target.getPublicKey(), key_pair.public_key);
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_setPublicKey_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (_, dispatcher) = setup_account_panic();
-    dispatcher.set_public_key(NEW_ETH_PUBKEY(), array![].span());
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-fn test_dual_getPublicKey() {
-    let (camel_dispatcher, _) = setup_camel();
-    assert_eq!(camel_dispatcher.get_public_key(), ETH_PUBKEY());
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_getPublicKey_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (_, dispatcher) = setup_account_panic();
-    dispatcher.get_public_key();
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-fn test_dual_isValidSignature() {
-    let (camel_dispatcher, target) = setup_camel();
-    let contract_address = camel_dispatcher.contract_address;
-    start_cheat_caller_address(contract_address, contract_address);
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(contract_address, ETH_PUBKEY(), key_pair);
-    target.setPublicKey(key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    let serialized_signature = key_pair.serialized_sign(TRANSACTION_HASH.into());
-    let is_valid = camel_dispatcher.is_valid_signature(TRANSACTION_HASH, serialized_signature);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_isValidSignature_exists_and_panics() {
-    let hash = 0x0;
-    let signature = array![];
-    let (_, dispatcher) = setup_account_panic();
-    dispatcher.is_valid_signature(hash, signature);
diff --git a/src/tests/account/starknet/common.cairo b/src/tests/account/starknet/common.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 26554ba33..000000000
--- a/src/tests/account/starknet/common.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-use core::hash::{HashStateTrait, HashStateExTrait};
-use core::poseidon::PoseidonTrait;
-use openzeppelin::account::AccountComponent::{OwnerAdded, OwnerRemoved};
-use openzeppelin::account::AccountComponent;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{NAME, SYMBOL, TRANSACTION_HASH};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::signing::StarkKeyPair;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::IERC20Dispatcher;
-use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
-use snforge_std::EventSpy;
-use snforge_std::signature::stark_curve::StarkCurveSignerImpl;
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-pub(crate) struct SignedTransactionData {
-    pub(crate) tx_hash: felt252,
-    pub(crate) r: felt252,
-    pub(crate) s: felt252
-pub(crate) fn SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair: StarkKeyPair) -> SignedTransactionData {
-    let tx_hash = TRANSACTION_HASH;
-    let (r, s) = key_pair.sign(tx_hash).unwrap();
-    SignedTransactionData { tx_hash, r, s }
-pub(crate) fn deploy_erc20(recipient: ContractAddress, initial_supply: u256) -> IERC20Dispatcher {
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    calldata.append_serde(NAME());
-    calldata.append_serde(SYMBOL());
-    calldata.append_serde(initial_supply);
-    calldata.append_serde(recipient);
-    let address = utils::declare_and_deploy("DualCaseERC20Mock", calldata);
-    IERC20Dispatcher { contract_address: address }
-pub(crate) fn get_accept_ownership_signature(
-    account_address: ContractAddress, current_public_key: felt252, new_key_pair: StarkKeyPair
-) -> Span<felt252> {
-    let msg_hash = PoseidonTrait::new()
-        .update_with('StarkNet Message')
-        .update_with('accept_ownership')
-        .update_with(account_address)
-        .update_with(current_public_key)
-        .finalize();
-    let (sig_r, sig_s) = new_key_pair.sign(msg_hash).unwrap();
-    array![sig_r, sig_s].span()
-pub(crate) impl AccountSpyHelpersImpl of AccountSpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_event_owner_removed(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, removed_owner_guid: felt252
-    ) {
-        let expected = AccountComponent::Event::OwnerRemoved(OwnerRemoved { removed_owner_guid });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_owner_added(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, new_owner_guid: felt252
-    ) {
-        let expected = AccountComponent::Event::OwnerAdded(OwnerAdded { new_owner_guid });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_owner_added(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, new_owner_guid: felt252
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_owner_added(contract, new_owner_guid);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/account/starknet/test_account.cairo b/src/tests/account/starknet/test_account.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bfa8e377..000000000
--- a/src/tests/account/starknet/test_account.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-use core::num::traits::Zero;
-use core::starknet::SyscallResultTrait;
-use openzeppelin::account::AccountComponent::{InternalTrait, SRC6CamelOnlyImpl};
-use openzeppelin::account::AccountComponent::{PublicKeyCamelImpl, PublicKeyImpl};
-use openzeppelin::account::AccountComponent;
-use openzeppelin::account::interface::{AccountABIDispatcherTrait, AccountABIDispatcher};
-use openzeppelin::account::interface::{ISRC6, ISRC6_ID};
-use openzeppelin::introspection::interface::{ISRC5, ISRC5_ID};
-use openzeppelin::tests::mocks::account_mocks::DualCaseAccountMock;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::stark::{KEY_PAIR, KEY_PAIR_2};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::signing::StarkKeyPair;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::IERC20DispatcherTrait;
-use openzeppelin::utils::selectors;
-use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
-use snforge_std::{
-    cheat_signature_global, cheat_transaction_version_global, cheat_transaction_hash_global
-use snforge_std::{spy_events, declare, test_address, start_cheat_caller_address};
-use starknet::account::Call;
-use starknet::{contract_address_const, ContractAddress, ClassHash};
-use super::common::{AccountSpyHelpers, SignedTransactionData};
-use super::common::{deploy_erc20, SIGNED_TX_DATA, get_accept_ownership_signature};
-// Setup
-type ComponentState = AccountComponent::ComponentState<DualCaseAccountMock::ContractState>;
-fn CONTRACT_STATE() -> DualCaseAccountMock::ContractState {
-    DualCaseAccountMock::contract_state_for_testing()
-fn COMPONENT_STATE() -> ComponentState {
-    AccountComponent::component_state_for_testing()
-fn setup(key_pair: StarkKeyPair) -> ComponentState {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    state.initializer(key_pair.public_key);
-    state
-fn setup_dispatcher(
-    key_pair: StarkKeyPair, data: SignedTransactionData
-) -> (AccountABIDispatcher, felt252) {
-    let contract_class = declare("DualCaseAccountMock").unwrap_syscall();
-    let calldata = array![key_pair.public_key];
-    let address = utils::deploy(contract_class, calldata);
-    let dispatcher = AccountABIDispatcher { contract_address: address };
-    cheat_signature_global(array![data.r, data.s].span());
-    cheat_transaction_hash_global(data.tx_hash);
-    cheat_transaction_version_global(MIN_TRANSACTION_VERSION);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(address, ZERO());
-    (dispatcher, contract_class.class_hash.into())
-// is_valid_signature & isValidSignature
-fn test_is_valid_signature() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    state._set_public_key(key_pair.public_key);
-    let good_signature = array![data.r, data.s];
-    let is_valid = state.is_valid_signature(data.tx_hash, good_signature);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-    let bad_signature = array!['BAD', 'SIGNATURE'];
-    let is_valid = state.is_valid_signature(data.tx_hash, bad_signature);
-    assert!(is_valid.is_zero(), "Should reject invalid signature");
-fn test_isValidSignature() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    state._set_public_key(key_pair.public_key);
-    let good_signature = array![data.r, data.s];
-    let is_valid = state.isValidSignature(data.tx_hash, good_signature);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-    let bad_signature = array!['BAD', 'SIGNATURE'];
-    let is_valid = state.isValidSignature(data.tx_hash, bad_signature);
-    assert!(is_valid.is_zero(), "Should reject invalid signature");
-// Entry points
-fn test_validate_deploy() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    // `__validate_deploy__` does not directly use the passed arguments. Their
-    // values are already integrated in the tx hash. The passed arguments in this
-    // testing context are decoupled from the signature and have no effect on the test.
-    let is_valid = account.__validate_deploy__(class_hash, SALT, key_pair.public_key);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_deploy_invalid_signature_data() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let mut data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    data.tx_hash += 1;
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, data);
-    account.__validate_deploy__(class_hash, SALT, key_pair.public_key);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_deploy_invalid_signature_length() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let invalid_len_sig = array!['INVALID_LEN_SIG'];
-    cheat_signature_global(invalid_len_sig.span());
-    account.__validate_deploy__(class_hash, SALT, key_pair.public_key);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_deploy_empty_signature() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let empty_sig = array![];
-    cheat_signature_global(empty_sig.span());
-    account.__validate_deploy__(class_hash, SALT, key_pair.public_key);
-fn test_validate_declare() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    // `__validate_declare__` does not directly use the class_hash argument. Its
-    // value is already integrated in the tx hash. The class_hash argument in this
-    // testing context is decoupled from the signature and has no effect on the test.
-    let is_valid = account.__validate_declare__(class_hash);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_declare_invalid_signature_data() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let mut data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    data.tx_hash += 1;
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, data);
-    account.__validate_declare__(class_hash);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_declare_invalid_signature_length() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let invalid_len_sig = array!['INVALID_LEN_SIG'];
-    cheat_signature_global(invalid_len_sig.span());
-    account.__validate_declare__(class_hash);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_declare_empty_signature() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let empty_sig = array![];
-    cheat_signature_global(empty_sig.span());
-    account.__validate_declare__(class_hash);
-fn test_execute_with_version(version: Option<felt252>) {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let erc20 = deploy_erc20(account.contract_address, 1000);
-    let recipient = RECIPIENT();
-    // Craft call and add to calls array
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    let amount: u256 = 200;
-    calldata.append_serde(recipient);
-    calldata.append_serde(amount);
-    let call = Call {
-        to: erc20.contract_address, selector: selectors::transfer, calldata: calldata.span()
-    };
-    let calls = array![call];
-    // Handle version for test
-    if let Option::Some(version) = version {
-        cheat_transaction_version_global(version);
-    }
-    // Execute
-    let ret = account.__execute__(calls);
-    // Assert that the transfer was successful
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(account.contract_address), 800, "Should have remainder");
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(recipient), amount, "Should have transferred");
-    // Test return value
-    let mut call_serialized_retval = *;
-    let call_retval = Serde::<bool>::deserialize(ref call_serialized_retval);
-    assert!(call_retval.unwrap());
-fn test_execute() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::None);
-fn test_execute_future_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(MIN_TRANSACTION_VERSION + 1));
-fn test_execute_query_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(QUERY_VERSION));
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid tx version',))]
-fn test_execute_invalid_query_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(QUERY_OFFSET));
-fn test_execute_future_query_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(QUERY_VERSION + 1));
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid tx version',))]
-fn test_execute_invalid_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(MIN_TRANSACTION_VERSION - 1));
-fn test_validate() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let calls = array![];
-    let is_valid = account.__validate__(calls);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_invalid() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let mut data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    data.tx_hash += 1;
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, data);
-    let calls = array![];
-    account.__validate__(calls);
-fn test_multicall() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let erc20 = deploy_erc20(account.contract_address, 1000);
-    let recipient1 = RECIPIENT();
-    let recipient2 = OTHER();
-    // Craft call1
-    let mut calldata1 = array![];
-    let amount1: u256 = 300;
-    calldata1.append_serde(recipient1);
-    calldata1.append_serde(amount1);
-    let call1 = Call {
-        to: erc20.contract_address, selector: selectors::transfer, calldata: calldata1.span()
-    };
-    // Craft call2
-    let mut calldata2 = array![];
-    let amount2: u256 = 500;
-    calldata2.append_serde(recipient2);
-    calldata2.append_serde(amount2);
-    let call2 = Call {
-        to: erc20.contract_address, selector: selectors::transfer, calldata: calldata2.span()
-    };
-    // Bundle calls and execute
-    let calls = array![call1, call2];
-    let ret = account.__execute__(calls);
-    // Assert that the transfers were successful
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(account.contract_address), 200, "Should have remainder");
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(recipient1), 300, "Should have transferred from call1");
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(recipient2), 500, "Should have transferred from call2");
-    // Test return values
-    let mut call1_serialized_retval = *;
-    let mut call2_serialized_retval = *;
-    let call1_retval = Serde::<bool>::deserialize(ref call1_serialized_retval);
-    assert!(call1_retval.unwrap());
-    let call2_retval = Serde::<bool>::deserialize(ref call2_serialized_retval);
-    assert!(call2_retval.unwrap());
-fn test_multicall_zero_calls() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let calls = array![];
-    let response = account.__execute__(calls);
-    assert!(response.is_empty());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid caller',))]
-fn test_account_called_from_contract() {
-    let state = setup(KEY_PAIR());
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    let calls = array![];
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, CALLER());
-    state.__execute__(calls);
-// set_public_key & get_public_key
-fn test_public_key_setter_and_getter() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    state._set_public_key(key_pair.public_key);
-    assert_eq!(state.get_public_key(), key_pair.public_key);
-    // Set key
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        account_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    state.set_public_key(new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    spy.assert_event_owner_removed(account_address, key_pair.public_key);
-    spy.assert_only_event_owner_added(account_address, new_key_pair.public_key);
-    assert_eq!(state.get_public_key(), new_key_pair.public_key);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: unauthorized',))]
-fn test_public_key_setter_different_account() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    let new_public_key = KEY_PAIR_2().public_key;
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, CALLER());
-    state.set_public_key(new_public_key, array![].span());
-// setPublicKey & getPublicKey
-fn test_public_key_setter_and_getter_camel() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    state._set_public_key(key_pair.public_key);
-    assert_eq!(state.getPublicKey(), key_pair.public_key);
-    // Set key
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        account_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    state.setPublicKey(new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    spy.assert_event_owner_removed(account_address, key_pair.public_key);
-    spy.assert_only_event_owner_added(account_address, new_key_pair.public_key);
-    assert_eq!(state.getPublicKey(), new_key_pair.public_key);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: unauthorized',))]
-fn test_public_key_setter_different_account_camel() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    let new_public_key = KEY_PAIR_2().public_key;
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, CALLER());
-    state.setPublicKey(new_public_key, array![].span());
-// Test internals
-fn test_initializer() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let mock_state = CONTRACT_STATE();
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    let public_key = KEY_PAIR().public_key;
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    state.initializer(public_key);
-    spy.assert_only_event_owner_added(account_address, public_key);
-    assert_eq!(state.get_public_key(), public_key);
-    let supports_isrc5 = mock_state.supports_interface(ISRC5_ID);
-    assert!(supports_isrc5);
-    let supports_isrc6 = mock_state.supports_interface(ISRC6_ID);
-    assert!(supports_isrc6);
-fn test_assert_only_self_true() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    state.assert_only_self();
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: unauthorized',))]
-fn test_assert_only_self_false() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, OTHER());
-    state.assert_only_self();
-fn test_assert_valid_new_owner() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let state = setup(key_pair);
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        account_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    state.assert_valid_new_owner(key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_assert_valid_new_owner_invalid_signature() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let state = setup(key_pair);
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let bad_signature = array!['BAD', 'SIGNATURE'];
-    state
-        .assert_valid_new_owner(key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair.public_key, bad_signature.span());
-fn test__is_valid_signature() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    state._set_public_key(key_pair.public_key);
-    let good_signature = array![data.r, data.s];
-    assert!(state._is_valid_signature(data.tx_hash, good_signature.span()));
-    let bad_signature = array!['BAD', 'SIGNATURE'];
-    assert!(!state._is_valid_signature(data.tx_hash, bad_signature.span()));
-    let invalid_length_signature = array!['SINGLE_ELEMENT'];
-    assert!(!state._is_valid_signature(data.tx_hash, invalid_length_signature.span()));
-fn test__set_public_key() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    let public_key = KEY_PAIR().public_key;
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    state._set_public_key(public_key);
-    spy.assert_only_event_owner_added(account_address, public_key);
-    assert_eq!(state.get_public_key(), public_key);
diff --git a/src/tests/account/starknet/test_dual_account.cairo b/src/tests/account/starknet/test_dual_account.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index ab0887896..000000000
--- a/src/tests/account/starknet/test_dual_account.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::account::dual_account::{DualCaseAccountABI, DualCaseAccount};
-use openzeppelin::account::interface::{AccountABIDispatcherTrait, AccountABIDispatcher};
-use openzeppelin::introspection::interface::ISRC5_ID;
-use openzeppelin::tests::account::starknet::common::SIGNED_TX_DATA;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::TRANSACTION_HASH;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::stark::{KEY_PAIR, KEY_PAIR_2};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::signing::{StarkKeyPair, StarkKeyPairExt};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use snforge_std::{declare, start_cheat_caller_address};
-use super::common::get_accept_ownership_signature;
-// Setup
-fn setup_snake(key_pair: StarkKeyPair) -> (DualCaseAccount, AccountABIDispatcher) {
-    let calldata = array![key_pair.public_key];
-    let contract_address = utils::declare_and_deploy("SnakeAccountMock", calldata);
-    (DualCaseAccount { contract_address }, AccountABIDispatcher { contract_address })
-fn setup_camel(key_pair: StarkKeyPair) -> (DualCaseAccount, AccountABIDispatcher) {
-    let calldata = array![key_pair.public_key];
-    let contract_address = utils::declare_and_deploy("CamelAccountMock", calldata);
-    (DualCaseAccount { contract_address }, AccountABIDispatcher { contract_address })
-fn setup_non_account() -> DualCaseAccount {
-    let calldata = array![];
-    let contract_address = utils::declare_and_deploy("NonImplementingMock", calldata);
-    DualCaseAccount { contract_address }
-fn setup_account_panic() -> (DualCaseAccount, DualCaseAccount) {
-    let snake_target = utils::declare_and_deploy("SnakeAccountPanicMock", array![]);
-    let camel_target = utils::declare_and_deploy("CamelAccountPanicMock", array![]);
-    (
-        DualCaseAccount { contract_address: snake_target },
-        DualCaseAccount { contract_address: camel_target }
-    )
-// snake_case target
-fn test_dual_set_public_key() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (snake_dispatcher, target) = setup_snake(key_pair);
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        snake_dispatcher.contract_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    start_cheat_caller_address(target.contract_address, target.contract_address);
-    snake_dispatcher.set_public_key(new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    assert_eq!(target.get_public_key(), new_key_pair.public_key);
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_dual_no_set_public_key() {
-    let dispatcher = setup_non_account();
-    let new_public_key = KEY_PAIR_2().public_key;
-    dispatcher.set_public_key(new_public_key, array![].span());
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_set_public_key_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_account_panic();
-    let new_public_key = KEY_PAIR_2().public_key;
-    snake_dispatcher.set_public_key(new_public_key, array![].span());
-fn test_dual_get_public_key() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_snake(key_pair);
-    let expected_public_key = key_pair.public_key;
-    assert_eq!(snake_dispatcher.get_public_key(), expected_public_key);
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_dual_no_get_public_key() {
-    let dispatcher = setup_non_account();
-    dispatcher.get_public_key();
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_get_public_key_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_account_panic();
-    snake_dispatcher.get_public_key();
-fn test_dual_is_valid_signature() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_snake(key_pair);
-    let tx_hash = TRANSACTION_HASH;
-    let serialized_signature = key_pair.serialized_sign(tx_hash);
-    let is_valid = snake_dispatcher.is_valid_signature(tx_hash, serialized_signature);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_dual_no_is_valid_signature() {
-    let signature = array![];
-    let dispatcher = setup_non_account();
-    dispatcher.is_valid_signature(TRANSACTION_HASH, signature);
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_is_valid_signature_exists_and_panics() {
-    let signature = array![];
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_account_panic();
-    snake_dispatcher.is_valid_signature(TRANSACTION_HASH, signature);
-fn test_dual_supports_interface() {
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_snake(KEY_PAIR());
-    let supports_isrc5 = snake_dispatcher.supports_interface(ISRC5_ID);
-    assert!(supports_isrc5);
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_dual_no_supports_interface() {
-    let dispatcher = setup_non_account();
-    dispatcher.supports_interface(ISRC5_ID);
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_supports_interface_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (snake_dispatcher, _) = setup_account_panic();
-    snake_dispatcher.supports_interface(ISRC5_ID);
-// camelCase target
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-fn test_dual_setPublicKey() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (camel_dispatcher, target) = setup_camel(key_pair);
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        camel_dispatcher.contract_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    start_cheat_caller_address(target.contract_address, target.contract_address);
-    camel_dispatcher.set_public_key(new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    assert_eq!(target.getPublicKey(), new_key_pair.public_key);
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_setPublicKey_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (_, camel_dispatcher) = setup_account_panic();
-    let new_public_key = KEY_PAIR_2().public_key;
-    camel_dispatcher.set_public_key(new_public_key, array![].span());
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-fn test_dual_getPublicKey() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (camel_dispatcher, _) = setup_camel(key_pair);
-    let expected_public_key = key_pair.public_key;
-    assert_eq!(camel_dispatcher.get_public_key(), expected_public_key);
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_getPublicKey_exists_and_panics() {
-    let (_, camel_dispatcher) = setup_account_panic();
-    camel_dispatcher.get_public_key();
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-fn test_dual_isValidSignature() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (camel_dispatcher, _) = setup_camel(key_pair);
-    let tx_hash = TRANSACTION_HASH;
-    let serialized_signature = key_pair.serialized_sign(tx_hash);
-    let is_valid = camel_dispatcher.is_valid_signature(tx_hash, serialized_signature);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[ignore] // REASON: foundry entrypoint_not_found error message inconsistent with mainnet.
-#[should_panic(expected: ("Some error",))]
-fn test_dual_isValidSignature_exists_and_panics() {
-    let signature = array![];
-    let (_, camel_dispatcher) = setup_account_panic();
-    camel_dispatcher.is_valid_signature(TRANSACTION_HASH, signature);
diff --git a/src/tests/presets/test_account.cairo b/src/tests/presets/test_account.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aaf59543..000000000
--- a/src/tests/presets/test_account.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
-use core::num::traits::Zero;
-use openzeppelin::account::interface::ISRC6_ID;
-use openzeppelin::introspection::interface::ISRC5_ID;
-use openzeppelin::presets::AccountUpgradeable;
-use openzeppelin::presets::interfaces::account::{
-    AccountUpgradeableABISafeDispatcher, AccountUpgradeableABISafeDispatcherTrait
-use openzeppelin::presets::interfaces::{
-    AccountUpgradeableABIDispatcher, AccountUpgradeableABIDispatcherTrait
-use openzeppelin::tests::account::starknet::common::{
-    get_accept_ownership_signature, deploy_erc20, SIGNED_TX_DATA,
-use openzeppelin::tests::account::starknet::common::{AccountSpyHelpers, SignedTransactionData};
-use openzeppelin::tests::upgrades::common::UpgradeableSpyHelpers;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::stark::{KEY_PAIR, KEY_PAIR_2};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{ZERO, CALLER, RECIPIENT, OTHER, CLASS_HASH_ZERO};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::signing::{StarkKeyPair, StarkKeyPairExt};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::IERC20DispatcherTrait;
-use openzeppelin::utils::selectors;
-use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
-use snforge_std::{
-    cheat_signature_global, cheat_transaction_version_global, cheat_transaction_hash_global
-use snforge_std::{spy_events, test_address, start_cheat_caller_address};
-use starknet::account::Call;
-use starknet::{ContractAddress, ClassHash};
-// Setup
-fn declare_v2_class() -> ClassHash {
-    utils::declare_class("SnakeAccountMock").class_hash
-fn setup_dispatcher(key_pair: StarkKeyPair) -> (ContractAddress, AccountUpgradeableABIDispatcher) {
-    let calldata = array![key_pair.public_key];
-    let account_address = utils::declare_and_deploy("AccountUpgradeable", calldata);
-    let dispatcher = AccountUpgradeableABIDispatcher { contract_address: account_address };
-    (account_address, dispatcher)
-fn setup_dispatcher_with_data(
-    key_pair: StarkKeyPair, data: SignedTransactionData
-) -> (AccountUpgradeableABIDispatcher, felt252) {
-    let account_class = utils::declare_class("AccountUpgradeable");
-    let calldata = array![key_pair.public_key];
-    let contract_address = utils::deploy(account_class, calldata);
-    let account_dispatcher = AccountUpgradeableABIDispatcher { contract_address };
-    cheat_signature_global(array![data.r, data.s].span());
-    cheat_transaction_hash_global(data.tx_hash);
-    cheat_transaction_version_global(MIN_TRANSACTION_VERSION);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(contract_address, ZERO());
-    (account_dispatcher, account_class.class_hash.into())
-// constructor
-fn test_constructor() {
-    let mut state = AccountUpgradeable::contract_state_for_testing();
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let account_address = test_address();
-    AccountUpgradeable::constructor(ref state, key_pair.public_key);
-    spy.assert_only_event_owner_added(account_address, key_pair.public_key);
-    let public_key = AccountUpgradeable::AccountMixinImpl::get_public_key(@state);
-    assert_eq!(public_key, key_pair.public_key);
-    let supports_isrc5 = AccountUpgradeable::AccountMixinImpl::supports_interface(@state, ISRC5_ID);
-    assert!(supports_isrc5);
-    let supports_isrc6 = AccountUpgradeable::AccountMixinImpl::supports_interface(@state, ISRC6_ID);
-    assert!(supports_isrc6);
-// set_public_key & setPublicKey
-fn test_public_key_setter_and_getter() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        account_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    dispatcher.set_public_key(new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.get_public_key(), new_key_pair.public_key);
-    spy.assert_event_owner_removed(dispatcher.contract_address, key_pair.public_key);
-    spy.assert_only_event_owner_added(dispatcher.contract_address, new_key_pair.public_key);
-fn test_public_key_setter_and_getter_camel() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        account_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    dispatcher.setPublicKey(new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.getPublicKey(), new_key_pair.public_key);
-    spy.assert_event_owner_removed(dispatcher.contract_address, key_pair.public_key);
-    spy.assert_only_event_owner_added(dispatcher.contract_address, new_key_pair.public_key);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: unauthorized',))]
-fn test_set_public_key_different_account() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        account_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    dispatcher.set_public_key(new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: unauthorized',))]
-fn test_setPublicKey_different_account() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let signature = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        account_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    dispatcher.setPublicKey(new_key_pair.public_key, signature);
-// is_valid_signature & isValidSignature
-fn is_valid_sig_dispatcher() -> (AccountUpgradeableABIDispatcher, felt252, Array<felt252>) {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (_, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    let signature = array![data.r, data.s];
-    (dispatcher, data.tx_hash, signature)
-fn test_is_valid_signature() {
-    let (dispatcher, hash, signature) = is_valid_sig_dispatcher();
-    let is_valid = dispatcher.is_valid_signature(hash, signature);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-fn test_is_valid_signature_bad_sig() {
-    let (dispatcher, tx_hash, _) = is_valid_sig_dispatcher();
-    let bad_signature = array!['BAD', 'SIG'];
-    let is_valid = dispatcher.is_valid_signature(tx_hash, bad_signature);
-    assert!(is_valid.is_zero(), "Should reject invalid signature");
-fn test_is_valid_signature_invalid_len_sig() {
-    let (dispatcher, tx_hash, _) = is_valid_sig_dispatcher();
-    let invalid_len_sig = array!['INVALID_LEN'];
-    let is_valid = dispatcher.is_valid_signature(tx_hash, invalid_len_sig);
-    assert!(is_valid.is_zero(), "Should reject signature of invalid length");
-fn test_isValidSignature() {
-    let (dispatcher, tx_hash, signature) = is_valid_sig_dispatcher();
-    let is_valid = dispatcher.isValidSignature(tx_hash, signature);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-fn test_isValidSignature_bad_sig() {
-    let (dispatcher, tx_hash, _) = is_valid_sig_dispatcher();
-    let bad_signature = array!['BAD', 'SIG'];
-    let is_valid = dispatcher.isValidSignature(tx_hash, bad_signature);
-    assert!(is_valid.is_zero(), "Should reject invalid signature");
-fn test_isValidSignature_invalid_len_sig() {
-    let (dispatcher, tx_hash, _) = is_valid_sig_dispatcher();
-    let invalid_len_sig = array!['INVALID_LEN'];
-    let is_valid = dispatcher.isValidSignature(tx_hash, invalid_len_sig);
-    assert!(is_valid.is_zero(), "Should reject signature of invalid length");
-// supports_interface
-fn test_supports_interface() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (_, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let supports_isrc5 = dispatcher.supports_interface(ISRC5_ID);
-    assert!(supports_isrc5);
-    let supports_isrc6 = dispatcher.supports_interface(ISRC6_ID);
-    assert!(supports_isrc6);
-    let doesnt_support_0x123 = !dispatcher.supports_interface('DUMMY_INTERFACE_ID');
-    assert!(doesnt_support_0x123);
-// Entry points
-fn test_validate_deploy() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    // `__validate_deploy__` does not directly use the passed arguments. Their
-    // values are already integrated in the tx hash. The passed arguments in this
-    // testing context are decoupled from the signature and have no effect on the test.
-    let is_valid = account.__validate_deploy__(class_hash, SALT, key_pair.public_key);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_deploy_invalid_signature_data() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let mut data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    data.tx_hash += 1;
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, data);
-    account.__validate_deploy__(class_hash, SALT, key_pair.public_key);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_deploy_invalid_signature_length() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let invalid_len_sig = array!['INVALID_LEN'];
-    cheat_signature_global(invalid_len_sig.span());
-    account.__validate_deploy__(class_hash, SALT, key_pair.public_key);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_deploy_empty_signature() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let empty_sig = array![];
-    cheat_signature_global(empty_sig.span());
-    account.__validate_deploy__(class_hash, SALT, key_pair.public_key);
-fn test_validate_declare() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    // `__validate_declare__` does not directly use the class_hash argument. Its
-    // value is already integrated in the tx hash. The class_hash argument in this
-    // testing context is decoupled from the signature and has no effect on the test.
-    let is_valid = account.__validate_declare__(class_hash);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_declare_invalid_signature_data() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let mut data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    data.tx_hash += 1;
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, data);
-    account.__validate_declare__(class_hash);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_declare_invalid_signature_length() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let invalid_len_sig = array!['INVALID_LEN'];
-    cheat_signature_global(invalid_len_sig.span());
-    account.__validate_declare__(class_hash);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_declare_empty_signature() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, class_hash) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let empty_sig = array![];
-    cheat_signature_global(empty_sig.span());
-    account.__validate_declare__(class_hash);
-fn test_execute_with_version(version: Option<felt252>) {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, data);
-    let erc20 = deploy_erc20(account.contract_address, 1000);
-    // Craft call and add to calls array
-    let amount: u256 = 200;
-    let recipient = RECIPIENT();
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    calldata.append_serde(recipient);
-    calldata.append_serde(amount);
-    let call = Call {
-        to: erc20.contract_address, selector: selectors::transfer, calldata: calldata.span()
-    };
-    let calls = array![call];
-    // Handle version for test
-    if let Option::Some(version) = version {
-        cheat_transaction_version_global(version)
-    }
-    // Execute
-    let ret = account.__execute__(calls);
-    // Assert that the transfer was successful
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(account.contract_address), 800, "Should have remainder");
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(recipient), amount, "Should have transferred");
-    // Test return value
-    let mut call_serialized_retval = *;
-    let call_retval = Serde::<bool>::deserialize(ref call_serialized_retval);
-    assert!(call_retval.unwrap());
-fn test_execute() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::None);
-fn test_execute_future_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(MIN_TRANSACTION_VERSION + 1));
-fn test_execute_query_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(QUERY_VERSION));
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid tx version',))]
-fn test_execute_invalid_query_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(QUERY_OFFSET));
-fn test_execute_future_query_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(QUERY_VERSION + 1));
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid tx version',))]
-fn test_execute_invalid_version() {
-    test_execute_with_version(Option::Some(MIN_TRANSACTION_VERSION - 1));
-fn test_validate() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let calls = array![];
-    let is_valid = account.__validate__(calls);
-    assert_eq!(is_valid, starknet::VALIDATED);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid signature',))]
-fn test_validate_invalid() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let mut data = SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair);
-    data.tx_hash += 1;
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, data);
-    let calls = array![];
-    account.__validate__(calls);
-fn test_multicall() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let erc20 = deploy_erc20(account.contract_address, 1000);
-    let recipient1 = RECIPIENT();
-    let recipient2 = OTHER();
-    let mut calls = array![];
-    // Craft call1
-    let mut calldata1 = array![];
-    let amount1: u256 = 300;
-    calldata1.append_serde(recipient1);
-    calldata1.append_serde(amount1);
-    let call1 = Call {
-        to: erc20.contract_address, selector: selectors::transfer, calldata: calldata1.span()
-    };
-    // Craft call2
-    let mut calldata2 = array![];
-    let amount2: u256 = 500;
-    calldata2.append_serde(recipient2);
-    calldata2.append_serde(amount2);
-    let call2 = Call {
-        to: erc20.contract_address, selector: selectors::transfer, calldata: calldata2.span()
-    };
-    // Bundle calls and execute
-    calls.append(call1);
-    calls.append(call2);
-    let ret = account.__execute__(calls);
-    // Assert that the transfers were successful
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(account.contract_address), 200, "Should have remainder");
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(recipient1), 300, "Should have transferred");
-    assert_eq!(erc20.balance_of(recipient2), 500, "Should have transferred");
-    // Test return value
-    let mut call1_serialized_retval = *;
-    let mut call2_serialized_retval = *;
-    let call1_retval = Serde::<bool>::deserialize(ref call1_serialized_retval);
-    assert!(call1_retval.unwrap());
-    let call2_retval = Serde::<bool>::deserialize(ref call2_serialized_retval);
-    assert!(call2_retval.unwrap());
-fn test_multicall_zero_calls() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account, _) = setup_dispatcher_with_data(key_pair, SIGNED_TX_DATA(key_pair));
-    let calls = array![];
-    let response = account.__execute__(calls);
-    assert!(response.is_empty());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: invalid caller',))]
-fn test_account_called_from_contract() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let calls = array![];
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, CALLER());
-    dispatcher.__execute__(calls);
-// upgrade
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Account: unauthorized',))]
-fn test_upgrade_access_control() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (_, v1_dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    v1_dispatcher.upgrade(CLASS_HASH_ZERO());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Class hash cannot be zero',))]
-fn test_upgrade_with_class_hash_zero() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, v1_dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    v1_dispatcher.upgrade(CLASS_HASH_ZERO());
-fn test_upgraded_event() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, v1_dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    let v2_class_hash = declare_v2_class();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    v1_dispatcher.upgrade(v2_class_hash);
-    spy.assert_only_event_upgraded(account_address, v2_class_hash);
-fn test_v2_missing_camel_selector() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, v1_dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let v2_class_hash = declare_v2_class();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    v1_dispatcher.upgrade(v2_class_hash);
-    let safe_dispatcher = AccountUpgradeableABISafeDispatcher { contract_address: account_address };
-    let result = safe_dispatcher.getPublicKey();
-    utils::assert_entrypoint_not_found_error(result, selector!("getPublicKey"), account_address)
-fn test_state_persists_after_upgrade() {
-    let key_pair = KEY_PAIR();
-    let (account_address, v1_dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher(key_pair);
-    let new_key_pair = KEY_PAIR_2();
-    let accept_ownership_sig = get_accept_ownership_signature(
-        account_address, key_pair.public_key, new_key_pair
-    );
-    start_cheat_caller_address(account_address, account_address);
-    v1_dispatcher.set_public_key(new_key_pair.public_key, accept_ownership_sig);
-    let expected_public_key = new_key_pair.public_key;
-    let camel_public_key = v1_dispatcher.getPublicKey();
-    assert_eq!(camel_public_key, expected_public_key);
-    let v2_class_hash = declare_v2_class();
-    v1_dispatcher.upgrade(v2_class_hash);
-    let snake_public_key = v1_dispatcher.get_public_key();
-    assert_eq!(snake_public_key, expected_public_key);
diff --git a/src/tests/presets/test_erc20.cairo b/src/tests/presets/test_erc20.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab311b6e..000000000
--- a/src/tests/presets/test_erc20.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-use core::num::traits::Bounded;
-use core::num::traits::Zero;
-use openzeppelin::presets::interfaces::erc20::{
-    ERC20UpgradeableABISafeDispatcher, ERC20UpgradeableABISafeDispatcherTrait
-use openzeppelin::presets::interfaces::{
-    ERC20UpgradeableABIDispatcher, ERC20UpgradeableABIDispatcherTrait
-use openzeppelin::tests::access::common::OwnableSpyHelpers;
-use openzeppelin::tests::token::erc20::common::ERC20SpyHelpers;
-use openzeppelin::tests::upgrades::common::UpgradeableSpyHelpers;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::common::IntoBase16String;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::{IERC20Dispatcher, IERC20DispatcherTrait};
-use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
-use snforge_std::{spy_events, EventSpy, start_cheat_caller_address};
-use starknet::ClassHash;
-fn V2_CLASS_HASH() -> ClassHash {
-    utils::declare_class("SnakeERC20Mock").class_hash
-// Setup
-fn setup_dispatcher_with_event() -> (EventSpy, ERC20UpgradeableABIDispatcher) {
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    calldata.append_serde(NAME());
-    calldata.append_serde(SYMBOL());
-    calldata.append_serde(SUPPLY);
-    calldata.append_serde(OWNER());
-    calldata.append_serde(OWNER());
-    let spy = spy_events();
-    let address = utils::declare_and_deploy("ERC20Upgradeable", calldata);
-    (spy, ERC20UpgradeableABIDispatcher { contract_address: address })
-fn setup_dispatcher() -> (EventSpy, ERC20UpgradeableABIDispatcher) {
-    let (mut spy, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher_with_event();
-    spy.drop_all_events();
-    (spy, dispatcher)
-// constructor
-fn test_constructor() {
-    let (mut spy, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher_with_event();
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.owner(), OWNER());
-    spy.assert_event_ownership_transferred(dispatcher.contract_address, ZERO(), OWNER());
-    assert_eq!(, NAME());
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.symbol(), SYMBOL());
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.decimals(), DECIMALS);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.total_supply(), SUPPLY);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balance_of(OWNER()), SUPPLY);
-    spy.assert_only_event_transfer(dispatcher.contract_address, ZERO(), OWNER(), SUPPLY);
-// Getters
-fn test_total_supply() {
-    let (_, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.total_supply(), SUPPLY);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.totalSupply(), SUPPLY);
-fn test_balance_of() {
-    let (_, dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balance_of(OWNER()), SUPPLY);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balanceOf(OWNER()), SUPPLY);
-fn test_allowance() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE);
-    let allowance = dispatcher.allowance(OWNER(), SPENDER());
-    assert_eq!(allowance, VALUE);
-// approve
-fn test_approve() {
-    let (mut spy, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    let allowance = dispatcher.allowance(OWNER(), SPENDER());
-    assert!(allowance.is_zero());
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    assert!(dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE));
-    let allowance = dispatcher.allowance(OWNER(), SPENDER());
-    assert_eq!(allowance, VALUE);
-    spy.assert_only_event_approval(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), SPENDER(), VALUE);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: approve from 0',))]
-fn test_approve_from_zero() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, ZERO());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: approve to 0',))]
-fn test_approve_to_zero() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(Zero::zero(), VALUE);
-// transfer
-fn test_transfer() {
-    let (mut spy, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    assert!(dispatcher.transfer(RECIPIENT(), VALUE));
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balance_of(OWNER()), SUPPLY - VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balance_of(RECIPIENT()), VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.total_supply(), SUPPLY);
-    spy.assert_only_event_transfer(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: insufficient balance',))]
-fn test_transfer_not_enough_balance() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    let balance_plus_one = SUPPLY + 1;
-    dispatcher.transfer(RECIPIENT(), balance_plus_one);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: transfer from 0',))]
-fn test_transfer_from_zero() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, ZERO());
-    dispatcher.transfer(RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: transfer to 0',))]
-fn test_transfer_to_zero() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.transfer(ZERO(), VALUE);
-// transfer_from & transferFrom
-fn test_transfer_from() {
-    let (mut spy, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE);
-    spy.drop_event();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, SPENDER());
-    assert!(dispatcher.transfer_from(OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE));
-    spy.assert_event_approval(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), SPENDER(), 0);
-    spy.assert_only_event_transfer(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balance_of(RECIPIENT()), VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balance_of(OWNER()), SUPPLY - VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.allowance(OWNER(), SPENDER()), 0);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.total_supply(), SUPPLY);
-fn test_transfer_from_doesnt_consume_infinite_allowance() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), Bounded::MAX);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, SPENDER());
-    dispatcher.transfer_from(OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-    let allowance = dispatcher.allowance(OWNER(), SPENDER());
-    assert_eq!(allowance, Bounded::MAX, "Should not decrease");
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: insufficient allowance',))]
-fn test_transfer_from_greater_than_allowance() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, SPENDER());
-    let allowance_plus_one = VALUE + 1;
-    dispatcher.transfer_from(OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), allowance_plus_one);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: transfer to 0',))]
-fn test_transfer_from_to_zero_address() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, SPENDER());
-    dispatcher.transfer_from(OWNER(), Zero::zero(), VALUE);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: insufficient allowance',))]
-fn test_transfer_from_from_zero_address() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    dispatcher.transfer_from(Zero::zero(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-fn test_transferFrom() {
-    let (mut spy, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE);
-    spy.drop_event();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, SPENDER());
-    assert!(dispatcher.transferFrom(OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE));
-    spy.assert_event_approval(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), SPENDER(), 0);
-    spy.assert_only_event_transfer(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balance_of(RECIPIENT()), VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.balance_of(OWNER()), SUPPLY - VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.allowance(OWNER(), SPENDER()), 0);
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.total_supply(), SUPPLY);
-fn test_transferFrom_doesnt_consume_infinite_allowance() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), Bounded::MAX);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, SPENDER());
-    dispatcher.transferFrom(OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-    let allowance = dispatcher.allowance(OWNER(), SPENDER());
-    assert_eq!(allowance, Bounded::MAX, "Should not decrease");
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: insufficient allowance',))]
-fn test_transferFrom_greater_than_allowance() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, SPENDER());
-    let allowance_plus_one = VALUE + 1;
-    dispatcher.transferFrom(OWNER(), RECIPIENT(), allowance_plus_one);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: transfer to 0',))]
-fn test_transferFrom_to_zero_address() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.approve(SPENDER(), VALUE);
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, SPENDER());
-    dispatcher.transferFrom(OWNER(), Zero::zero(), VALUE);
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ERC20: insufficient allowance',))]
-fn test_transferFrom_from_zero_address() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    dispatcher.transferFrom(Zero::zero(), RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-// transfer_ownership & transferOwnership
-fn test_transfer_ownership() {
-    let (mut spy, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.transfer_ownership(OTHER());
-    spy.assert_event_ownership_transferred(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), OTHER());
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.owner(), OTHER());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('New owner is the zero address',))]
-fn test_transfer_ownership_to_zero() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.transfer_ownership(ZERO());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is the zero address',))]
-fn test_transfer_ownership_from_zero() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, ZERO());
-    dispatcher.transfer_ownership(OTHER());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is not the owner',))]
-fn test_transfer_ownership_from_nonowner() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OTHER());
-    dispatcher.transfer_ownership(OTHER());
-fn test_transferOwnership() {
-    let (mut spy, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.transferOwnership(OTHER());
-    spy.assert_event_ownership_transferred(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), OTHER());
-    assert_eq!(dispatcher.owner(), OTHER());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('New owner is the zero address',))]
-fn test_transferOwnership_to_zero() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.transferOwnership(ZERO());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is the zero address',))]
-fn test_transferOwnership_from_zero() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, ZERO());
-    dispatcher.transferOwnership(OTHER());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is not the owner',))]
-fn test_transferOwnership_from_nonowner() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OTHER());
-    dispatcher.transferOwnership(OTHER());
-// renounce_ownership & renounceOwnership
-fn test_renounce_ownership() {
-    let (mut spy, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.renounce_ownership();
-    spy.assert_event_ownership_transferred(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), ZERO());
-    assert!(dispatcher.owner().is_zero());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is the zero address',))]
-fn test_renounce_ownership_from_zero_address() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, ZERO());
-    dispatcher.renounce_ownership();
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is not the owner',))]
-fn test_renounce_ownership_from_nonowner() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OTHER());
-    dispatcher.renounce_ownership();
-fn test_renounceOwnership() {
-    let (mut spy, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER());
-    dispatcher.renounceOwnership();
-    spy.assert_event_ownership_transferred(dispatcher.contract_address, OWNER(), ZERO());
-    assert!(dispatcher.owner().is_zero());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is the zero address',))]
-fn test_renounceOwnership_from_zero_address() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, ZERO());
-    dispatcher.renounceOwnership();
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is not the owner',))]
-fn test_renounceOwnership_from_nonowner() {
-    let (_, mut dispatcher) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(dispatcher.contract_address, OTHER());
-    dispatcher.renounceOwnership();
-// upgrade
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Caller is not the owner',))]
-fn test_upgrade_unauthorized() {
-    let (_, mut v1) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(v1.contract_address, OTHER());
-    v1.upgrade(CLASS_HASH_ZERO());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Class hash cannot be zero',))]
-fn test_upgrade_with_class_hash_zero() {
-    let (_, mut v1) = setup_dispatcher();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(v1.contract_address, OWNER());
-    v1.upgrade(CLASS_HASH_ZERO());
-fn test_upgraded_event() {
-    let (mut spy, mut v1) = setup_dispatcher();
-    let v2_class_hash = V2_CLASS_HASH();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(v1.contract_address, OWNER());
-    v1.upgrade(v2_class_hash);
-    spy.assert_only_event_upgraded(v1.contract_address, v2_class_hash);
-fn test_v2_missing_camel_selector() {
-    let (_, mut v1) = setup_dispatcher();
-    let v2_class_hash = V2_CLASS_HASH();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(v1.contract_address, OWNER());
-    v1.upgrade(v2_class_hash);
-    let safe_dispatcher = ERC20UpgradeableABISafeDispatcher {
-        contract_address: v1.contract_address
-    };
-    let result = safe_dispatcher.totalSupply();
-    utils::assert_entrypoint_not_found_error(result, selector!("totalSupply"), v1.contract_address)
-fn test_state_persists_after_upgrade() {
-    let (_, mut v1) = setup_dispatcher();
-    let v2_class_hash = V2_CLASS_HASH();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(v1.contract_address, OWNER());
-    v1.transfer(RECIPIENT(), VALUE);
-    // Check RECIPIENT balance v1
-    let camel_balance = v1.balanceOf(RECIPIENT());
-    assert_eq!(camel_balance, VALUE);
-    v1.upgrade(v2_class_hash);
-    // Check RECIPIENT balance v2
-    let v2 = IERC20Dispatcher { contract_address: v1.contract_address };
-    let snake_balance = v2.balance_of(RECIPIENT());
-    assert_eq!(snake_balance, camel_balance);
diff --git a/src/tests/presets/test_universal_deployer.cairo b/src/tests/presets/test_universal_deployer.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index e5874bcbc..000000000
--- a/src/tests/presets/test_universal_deployer.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::presets::universal_deployer::UniversalDeployer::ContractDeployed;
-use openzeppelin::presets::universal_deployer::UniversalDeployer;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{NAME, SYMBOL, SUPPLY, SALT, CALLER, RECIPIENT};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc20::interface::{IERC20Dispatcher, IERC20DispatcherTrait};
-use openzeppelin::utils::deployments::{DeployerInfo, calculate_contract_address_from_udc};
-use openzeppelin::utils::interfaces::{
-    IUniversalDeployerDispatcher, IUniversalDeployerDispatcherTrait
-use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
-use snforge_std::{EventSpy, spy_events, declare, start_cheat_caller_address};
-use starknet::{ClassHash, ContractAddress};
-fn ERC20_CLASS_HASH() -> ClassHash {
-    utils::declare_class("DualCaseERC20Mock").class_hash
-fn ERC20_CALLDATA() -> Span<felt252> {
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    calldata.append_serde(NAME());
-    calldata.append_serde(SYMBOL());
-    calldata.append_serde(SUPPLY);
-    calldata.append_serde(RECIPIENT());
-    calldata.span()
-fn deploy_udc() -> IUniversalDeployerDispatcher {
-    let mut calldata = array![];
-    let address = utils::declare_and_deploy("UniversalDeployer", calldata);
-    IUniversalDeployerDispatcher { contract_address: address }
-fn test_deploy_from_zero() {
-    let udc = deploy_udc();
-    let caller = CALLER();
-    // Deploy args
-    let erc20_class_hash = ERC20_CLASS_HASH();
-    let salt = SALT;
-    let from_zero = true;
-    let erc20_calldata = ERC20_CALLDATA();
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(udc.contract_address, caller);
-    // Check address
-    let expected_addr = calculate_contract_address_from_udc(
-        salt, erc20_class_hash, erc20_calldata, Option::None
-    );
-    let deployed_addr = udc.deploy_contract(erc20_class_hash, salt, from_zero, erc20_calldata);
-    assert_eq!(expected_addr, deployed_addr);
-    // Drop ERC20 event, check deploy event
-    spy.drop_event();
-    spy
-        .assert_only_event_contract_deployed(
-            udc.contract_address,
-            deployed_addr,
-            caller,
-            from_zero,
-            erc20_class_hash,
-            erc20_calldata,
-            salt
-        );
-    // Check deployment
-    let erc20 = IERC20Dispatcher { contract_address: deployed_addr };
-    let total_supply = erc20.total_supply();
-    assert_eq!(total_supply, SUPPLY);
-fn test_deploy_not_from_zero() {
-    let udc = deploy_udc();
-    let caller = CALLER();
-    // Deploy args
-    let erc20_class_hash = ERC20_CLASS_HASH();
-    let salt = SALT;
-    let from_zero = false;
-    let erc20_calldata = ERC20_CALLDATA();
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(udc.contract_address, caller);
-    // Check address
-    let expected_addr = calculate_contract_address_from_udc(
-        salt,
-        erc20_class_hash,
-        erc20_calldata,
-        Option::Some(DeployerInfo { caller_address: caller, udc_address: udc.contract_address })
-    );
-    let deployed_addr = udc.deploy_contract(erc20_class_hash, salt, from_zero, erc20_calldata);
-    assert_eq!(expected_addr, deployed_addr);
-    // Drop ERC20 event, check deploy event
-    spy.drop_event();
-    spy
-        .assert_only_event_contract_deployed(
-            udc.contract_address,
-            deployed_addr,
-            caller,
-            from_zero,
-            erc20_class_hash,
-            erc20_calldata,
-            salt
-        );
-    // Check deployment
-    let erc20 = IERC20Dispatcher { contract_address: deployed_addr };
-    let total_supply = erc20.total_supply();
-    assert_eq!(total_supply, SUPPLY);
-// Helpers
-impl UniversalDeployerHelpersImpl of UniversalDeployerSpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_only_event_contract_deployed(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        address: ContractAddress,
-        deployer: ContractAddress,
-        from_zero: bool,
-        class_hash: ClassHash,
-        calldata: Span<felt252>,
-        salt: felt252
-    ) {
-        let expected = UniversalDeployer::Event::ContractDeployed(
-            ContractDeployed { address, deployer, from_zero, class_hash, calldata, salt }
-        );
-        self.assert_only_event(contract, expected);
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/security/test_pausable.cairo b/src/tests/security/test_pausable.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index ea4ff3878..000000000
--- a/src/tests/security/test_pausable.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::security::PausableComponent::{InternalImpl, PausableImpl};
-use openzeppelin::security::PausableComponent::{Paused, Unpaused};
-use openzeppelin::security::PausableComponent;
-use openzeppelin::tests::mocks::pausable_mocks::PausableMock;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::CALLER;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use snforge_std::EventSpy;
-use snforge_std::{spy_events, test_address, start_cheat_caller_address};
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-type ComponentState = PausableComponent::ComponentState<PausableMock::ContractState>;
-fn COMPONENT_STATE() -> ComponentState {
-    PausableComponent::component_state_for_testing()
-// is_paused
-fn test_is_paused() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    assert!(!state.is_paused());
-    state.pause();
-    assert!(state.is_paused());
-    state.unpause();
-    assert!(!state.is_paused());
-// assert_paused
-fn test_assert_paused_when_paused() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    state.pause();
-    state.assert_paused();
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Pausable: not paused',))]
-fn test_assert_paused_when_not_paused() {
-    let state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    state.assert_paused();
-// assert_not_paused
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Pausable: paused',))]
-fn test_assert_not_paused_when_paused() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    state.pause();
-    state.assert_not_paused();
-fn test_assert_not_paused_when_not_paused() {
-    let state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    state.assert_not_paused();
-// pause
-fn test_pause_when_unpaused() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let contract_address = test_address();
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(contract_address, CALLER());
-    state.pause();
-    spy.assert_only_event_paused(contract_address, CALLER());
-    assert!(state.is_paused());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Pausable: paused',))]
-fn test_pause_when_paused() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    state.pause();
-    state.pause();
-// unpause
-fn test_unpause_when_paused() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    let contract_address = test_address();
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    start_cheat_caller_address(test_address(), CALLER());
-    state.pause();
-    state.unpause();
-    spy.assert_event_paused(contract_address, CALLER());
-    spy.assert_only_event_unpaused(contract_address, CALLER());
-    assert!(!state.is_paused());
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Pausable: not paused',))]
-fn test_unpause_when_unpaused() {
-    let mut state = COMPONENT_STATE();
-    assert!(!state.is_paused());
-    state.unpause();
-// Helpers
-impl PausableSpyHelpersImpl of PausableSpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_event_paused(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, account: ContractAddress
-    ) {
-        let expected = PausableComponent::Event::Paused(Paused { account });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_paused(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, account: ContractAddress,
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_paused(contract, account);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_unpaused(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, account: ContractAddress
-    ) {
-        let expected = PausableComponent::Event::Unpaused(Unpaused { account });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_unpaused(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, account: ContractAddress,
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_unpaused(contract, account);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/token/erc1155/common.cairo b/src/tests/token/erc1155/common.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 579b5931b..000000000
--- a/src/tests/token/erc1155/common.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc1155::ERC1155Component::{TransferBatch, ApprovalForAll, TransferSingle};
-use openzeppelin::token::erc1155::ERC1155Component;
-use snforge_std::EventSpy;
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-pub(crate) fn setup_receiver() -> ContractAddress {
-    utils::declare_and_deploy("SnakeERC1155ReceiverMock", array![])
-pub(crate) fn setup_camel_receiver() -> ContractAddress {
-    utils::declare_and_deploy("CamelERC1155ReceiverMock", array![])
-pub(crate) fn setup_account() -> ContractAddress {
-    let calldata = array![PUBKEY];
-    utils::declare_and_deploy("SnakeAccountMock", calldata)
-pub(crate) fn deploy_another_account_at(
-    existing: ContractAddress, target_address: ContractAddress
-) {
-    let calldata = array![PUBKEY];
-    utils::deploy_another_at(existing, target_address, calldata);
-pub(crate) fn setup_src5() -> ContractAddress {
-    utils::declare_and_deploy("SRC5Mock", array![])
-pub(crate) fn get_ids_and_values() -> (Span<u256>, Span<u256>) {
-    let ids = array![TOKEN_ID, TOKEN_ID_2].span();
-    let values = array![TOKEN_VALUE, TOKEN_VALUE_2].span();
-    (ids, values)
-pub(crate) fn get_ids_and_split_values(split: u256) -> (Span<u256>, Span<u256>) {
-    let ids = array![TOKEN_ID, TOKEN_ID].span();
-    let values = array![TOKEN_VALUE - split, split].span();
-    (ids, values)
-pub(crate) impl ERC1155SpyHelpersImpl of ERC1155SpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_event_approval_for_all(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        owner: ContractAddress,
-        operator: ContractAddress,
-        approved: bool
-    ) {
-        let expected = ERC1155Component::Event::ApprovalForAll(
-            ApprovalForAll { owner, operator, approved }
-        );
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_approval_for_all(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        owner: ContractAddress,
-        operator: ContractAddress,
-        approved: bool
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_approval_for_all(contract, owner, operator, approved);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_transfer_single(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        operator: ContractAddress,
-        from: ContractAddress,
-        to: ContractAddress,
-        token_id: u256,
-        value: u256
-    ) {
-        let expected = ERC1155Component::Event::TransferSingle(
-            TransferSingle { operator, from, to, id: token_id, value }
-        );
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_transfer_single(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        operator: ContractAddress,
-        from: ContractAddress,
-        to: ContractAddress,
-        token_id: u256,
-        value: u256
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_transfer_single(contract, operator, from, to, token_id, value);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_transfer_batch(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        operator: ContractAddress,
-        from: ContractAddress,
-        to: ContractAddress,
-        token_ids: Span<u256>,
-        values: Span<u256>
-    ) {
-        let expected = ERC1155Component::Event::TransferBatch(
-            TransferBatch { operator, from, to, ids: token_ids, values }
-        );
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_transfer_batch(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        operator: ContractAddress,
-        from: ContractAddress,
-        to: ContractAddress,
-        token_ids: Span<u256>,
-        values: Span<u256>
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_transfer_batch(contract, operator, from, to, token_ids, values);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/token/erc20/common.cairo b/src/tests/token/erc20/common.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index a50e5ff2e..000000000
--- a/src/tests/token/erc20/common.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc20::ERC20Component::{Approval, Transfer};
-use openzeppelin::token::erc20::ERC20Component;
-use snforge_std::EventSpy;
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-pub(crate) impl ERC20SpyHelpersImpl of ERC20SpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_event_approval(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        owner: ContractAddress,
-        spender: ContractAddress,
-        value: u256
-    ) {
-        let expected = ERC20Component::Event::Approval(Approval { owner, spender, value });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_approval(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        owner: ContractAddress,
-        spender: ContractAddress,
-        value: u256
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_approval(contract, owner, spender, value);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_transfer(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        from: ContractAddress,
-        to: ContractAddress,
-        value: u256
-    ) {
-        let expected = ERC20Component::Event::Transfer(Transfer { from, to, value });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_transfer(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        from: ContractAddress,
-        to: ContractAddress,
-        value: u256
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_transfer(contract, from, to, value);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/token/erc721.cairo b/src/tests/token/erc721.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index d8b44e48b..000000000
--- a/src/tests/token/erc721.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-pub(crate) mod common;
-mod test_dual721;
-mod test_dual721_receiver;
-mod test_erc721;
-mod test_erc721_receiver;
diff --git a/src/tests/token/erc721/common.cairo b/src/tests/token/erc721/common.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e94f886..000000000
--- a/src/tests/token/erc721/common.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::token::erc721::ERC721Component::{Approval, ApprovalForAll, Transfer};
-use openzeppelin::token::erc721::ERC721Component;
-use snforge_std::EventSpy;
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-pub(crate) impl ERC721SpyHelpersImpl of ERC721SpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_event_approval_for_all(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        owner: ContractAddress,
-        operator: ContractAddress,
-        approved: bool
-    ) {
-        let expected = ERC721Component::Event::ApprovalForAll(
-            ApprovalForAll { owner, operator, approved }
-        );
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_approval_for_all(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        owner: ContractAddress,
-        operator: ContractAddress,
-        approved: bool
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_approval_for_all(contract, owner, operator, approved);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_approval(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        owner: ContractAddress,
-        approved: ContractAddress,
-        token_id: u256
-    ) {
-        let expected = ERC721Component::Event::Approval(Approval { owner, approved, token_id });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_approval(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        owner: ContractAddress,
-        approved: ContractAddress,
-        token_id: u256
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_approval(contract, owner, approved, token_id);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
-    fn assert_event_transfer(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        from: ContractAddress,
-        to: ContractAddress,
-        token_id: u256
-    ) {
-        let expected = ERC721Component::Event::Transfer(Transfer { from, to, token_id });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_transfer(
-        ref self: EventSpy,
-        contract: ContractAddress,
-        from: ContractAddress,
-        to: ContractAddress,
-        token_id: u256
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_transfer(contract, from, to, token_id);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/upgrades/common.cairo b/src/tests/upgrades/common.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 973f47c8b..000000000
--- a/src/tests/upgrades/common.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::upgrades::UpgradeableComponent::Upgraded;
-use openzeppelin::upgrades::UpgradeableComponent;
-use snforge_std::{EventSpy, EventSpyAssertionsTrait};
-use starknet::{ContractAddress, ClassHash};
-pub(crate) impl UpgradeableSpyHelpersImpl of UpgradeableSpyHelpers {
-    fn assert_event_upgraded(ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, class_hash: ClassHash) {
-        let expected = UpgradeableComponent::Event::Upgraded(Upgraded { class_hash });
-        self.assert_emitted_single(contract, expected);
-    }
-    fn assert_only_event_upgraded(
-        ref self: EventSpy, contract: ContractAddress, class_hash: ClassHash
-    ) {
-        self.assert_event_upgraded(contract, class_hash);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(contract);
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/upgrades/test_upgradeable.cairo b/src/tests/upgrades/test_upgradeable.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index d55c41f74..000000000
--- a/src/tests/upgrades/test_upgradeable.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::tests::mocks::upgrades_mocks::{IUpgradesV1Dispatcher, IUpgradesV1DispatcherTrait};
-use openzeppelin::tests::mocks::upgrades_mocks::{IUpgradesV2Dispatcher, IUpgradesV2DispatcherTrait};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::constants::{CLASS_HASH_ZERO, ZERO, FELT_VALUE as VALUE};
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::events::EventSpyExt;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::{declare_class, deploy};
-use openzeppelin::upgrades::UpgradeableComponent;
-use snforge_std::{spy_events, ContractClass};
-use super::common::UpgradeableSpyHelpers;
-// Setup
-fn setup_test() -> (IUpgradesV1Dispatcher, ContractClass) {
-    let v1_class = declare_class("UpgradesV1");
-    let v2_class = declare_class("UpgradesV2");
-    let v1_contract_address = deploy(v1_class, array![]);
-    let v1 = IUpgradesV1Dispatcher { contract_address: v1_contract_address };
-    (v1, v2_class)
-// upgrade
-#[should_panic(expected: ('Class hash cannot be zero',))]
-fn test_upgrade_with_class_hash_zero() {
-    let (v1, _) = setup_test();
-    v1.upgrade(CLASS_HASH_ZERO());
-fn test_upgraded_event() {
-    let (v1, v2_class) = setup_test();
-    let mut spy = spy_events();
-    v1.upgrade(v2_class.class_hash);
-    spy.assert_only_event_upgraded(v1.contract_address, v2_class.class_hash);
-fn test_new_selector_after_upgrade() {
-    let (v1, v2_class) = setup_test();
-    v1.upgrade(v2_class.class_hash);
-    let v2 = IUpgradesV2Dispatcher { contract_address: v1.contract_address };
-    v2.set_value2(VALUE);
-    assert_eq!(v2.get_value2(), VALUE);
-fn test_state_persists_after_upgrade() {
-    let (v1, v2_class) = setup_test();
-    v1.set_value(VALUE);
-    v1.upgrade(v2_class.class_hash);
-    let v2 = IUpgradesV2Dispatcher { contract_address: v1.contract_address };
-    assert_eq!(v2.get_value(), VALUE);
-fn test_remove_selector_passes_in_v1() {
-    let (v1, _) = setup_test();
-    v1.remove_selector();
-#[ignore] // REASON: should_panic attribute not fit for complex panic messages.
-#[should_panic(expected: ('ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND',))]
-fn test_remove_selector_fails_in_v2() {
-    let (v1, v2_class) = setup_test();
-    v1.upgrade(v2_class.class_hash);
-    // We use the v1 dispatcher because remove_selector is not in v2 interface
-    v1.remove_selector();
diff --git a/src/tests/utils.cairo b/src/tests/utils.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 597fa9659..000000000
--- a/src/tests/utils.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-pub mod common;
-pub(crate) mod constants;
-pub mod deployment;
-pub mod events;
-pub mod signing;
-pub use common::{
-    panic_data_to_byte_array, to_base_16_string, IntoBase16StringTrait,
-    assert_entrypoint_not_found_error
-pub use deployment::{
-    declare_class, declare_and_deploy, declare_and_deploy_at, deploy, deploy_at, deploy_another_at
-pub use events::EventSpyExt;
diff --git a/src/tests/utils/common.cairo b/src/tests/utils/common.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index f453a32fb..000000000
--- a/src/tests/utils/common.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-use core::to_byte_array::FormatAsByteArray;
-use starknet::{ContractAddress, SyscallResult};
-/// Converts panic data into a string (ByteArray).
-/// panic_data is expected to be a valid serialized byte array with an extra
-/// felt252 at the beginning, which is the BYTE_ARRAY_MAGIC.
-pub fn panic_data_to_byte_array(panic_data: Array<felt252>) -> ByteArray {
-    let mut panic_data = panic_data.span();
-    // Remove BYTE_ARRAY_MAGIC from the panic data.
-    panic_data.pop_front().expect('Empty panic data provided');
-    match Serde::<ByteArray>::deserialize(ref panic_data) {
-        Option::Some(string) => string,
-        Option::None => panic!("Failed to deserialize panic data."),
-    }
-/// Converts a felt252 to a base 16 string padded to 66 characters including the `0x` prefix.
-pub fn to_base_16_string(value: felt252) -> ByteArray {
-    let mut string = value.format_as_byte_array(16);
-    let mut padding = 64 - string.len();
-    while padding > 0 {
-        string = "0" + string;
-        padding -= 1;
-    };
-    format!("0x{}", string)
-pub impl IntoBase16String<T, +Into<T, felt252>> of IntoBase16StringTrait<T> {
-    fn into_base_16_string(self: T) -> ByteArray {
-        to_base_16_string(self.into())
-    }
-/// Asserts that the syscall result of a call failed with an "Entrypoint not found" error,
-/// following the starknet foundry emitted error format.
-pub fn assert_entrypoint_not_found_error<T, +Drop<T>>(
-    result: SyscallResult<T>, selector: felt252, contract_address: ContractAddress
-) {
-    if let Result::Err(panic_data) = result {
-        let expected_panic_message = format!(
-            "Entry point selector {} not found in contract {}",
-            selector.into_base_16_string(),
-            contract_address.into_base_16_string()
-        );
-        let actual_panic_message = panic_data_to_byte_array(panic_data);
-        assert!(
-            actual_panic_message == expected_panic_message,
-            "Got unexpected panic message: ${actual_panic_message}"
-        );
-    } else {
-        panic!("${selector} call was expected to fail, but succeeded");
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/utils/constants.cairo b/src/tests/utils/constants.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d8df0911..000000000
--- a/src/tests/utils/constants.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-use openzeppelin::account::interface::EthPublicKey;
-use starknet::ClassHash;
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-use starknet::SyscallResultTrait;
-use starknet::class_hash::class_hash_const;
-use starknet::contract_address_const;
-use starknet::secp256_trait::Secp256Trait;
-pub(crate) const DECIMALS: u8 = 18_u8;
-pub(crate) const SUPPLY: u256 = 2000;
-pub(crate) const VALUE: u256 = 300;
-pub(crate) const FELT_VALUE: felt252 = 'FELT_VALUE';
-pub(crate) const ROLE: felt252 = 'ROLE';
-pub(crate) const OTHER_ROLE: felt252 = 'OTHER_ROLE';
-pub(crate) const TOKEN_ID: u256 = 21;
-pub(crate) const TOKEN_ID_2: u256 = 121;
-pub(crate) const TOKEN_VALUE: u256 = 42;
-pub(crate) const TOKEN_VALUE_2: u256 = 142;
-pub(crate) const PUBKEY: felt252 = 'PUBKEY';
-pub(crate) const NEW_PUBKEY: felt252 =
-    0x26da8d11938b76025862be14fdb8b28438827f73e75e86f7bfa38b196951fa7;
-pub(crate) const DAPP_NAME: felt252 = 'DAPP_NAME';
-pub(crate) const DAPP_VERSION: felt252 = 'DAPP_VERSION';
-pub(crate) const SALT: felt252 = 'SALT';
-pub(crate) const SUCCESS: felt252 = 123123;
-pub(crate) const FAILURE: felt252 = 456456;
-pub(crate) const MIN_TRANSACTION_VERSION: felt252 = 1;
-pub(crate) const TRANSACTION_HASH: felt252 = 'TRANSACTION_HASH';
-// 2**128
-pub(crate) const QUERY_OFFSET: felt252 = 0x100000000000000000000000000000000;
-pub(crate) const QUERY_VERSION: felt252 = 0x100000000000000000000000000000001;
-pub(crate) fn NAME() -> ByteArray {
-    "NAME"
-pub(crate) fn SYMBOL() -> ByteArray {
-    "SYMBOL"
-pub(crate) fn BASE_URI() -> ByteArray {
-    ""
-pub(crate) fn BASE_URI_2() -> ByteArray {
-    ""
-pub(crate) fn ETH_PUBKEY() -> EthPublicKey {
-    Secp256Trait::secp256_ec_get_point_from_x_syscall(3, false).unwrap_syscall().unwrap()
-pub(crate) fn NEW_ETH_PUBKEY() -> EthPublicKey {
-    Secp256Trait::secp256_ec_get_point_from_x_syscall(4, false).unwrap_syscall().unwrap()
-pub(crate) fn ADMIN() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'ADMIN'>()
-pub(crate) fn AUTHORIZED() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'AUTHORIZED'>()
-pub(crate) fn ZERO() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<0>()
-pub(crate) fn CLASS_HASH_ZERO() -> ClassHash {
-    class_hash_const::<0>()
-pub(crate) fn CALLER() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'CALLER'>()
-pub(crate) fn OWNER() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'OWNER'>()
-pub(crate) fn NEW_OWNER() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'NEW_OWNER'>()
-pub(crate) fn OTHER() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'OTHER'>()
-pub(crate) fn OTHER_ADMIN() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'OTHER_ADMIN'>()
-pub(crate) fn SPENDER() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'SPENDER'>()
-pub(crate) fn RECIPIENT() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'RECIPIENT'>()
-pub(crate) fn OPERATOR() -> ContractAddress {
-    contract_address_const::<'OPERATOR'>()
-pub(crate) fn DATA(success: bool) -> Span<felt252> {
-    let mut data = array![];
-    if success {
-        data.append(SUCCESS);
-    } else {
-        data.append(FAILURE);
-    }
-    data.span()
-pub(crate) fn EMPTY_DATA() -> Span<felt252> {
-    array![].span()
-// Signing keys
-pub(crate) mod secp256k1 {
-    use openzeppelin::tests::utils::signing::{Secp256k1KeyPair, get_secp256k1_keys_from};
-    pub(crate) fn KEY_PAIR() -> Secp256k1KeyPair {
-        let private_key = u256 { low: 'PRIVATE_LOW', high: 'PRIVATE_HIGH' };
-        get_secp256k1_keys_from(private_key)
-    }
-    pub(crate) fn KEY_PAIR_2() -> Secp256k1KeyPair {
-        let private_key = u256 { low: 'PRIVATE_LOW_2', high: 'PRIVATE_HIGH_2' };
-        get_secp256k1_keys_from(private_key)
-    }
-pub(crate) mod stark {
-    use openzeppelin::tests::utils::signing::{StarkKeyPair, get_stark_keys_from};
-    pub(crate) fn KEY_PAIR() -> StarkKeyPair {
-        get_stark_keys_from('PRIVATE_KEY')
-    }
-    pub(crate) fn KEY_PAIR_2() -> StarkKeyPair {
-        get_stark_keys_from('PRIVATE_KEY_2')
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/utils/deployment.cairo b/src/tests/utils/deployment.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b50ab15f..000000000
--- a/src/tests/utils/deployment.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-use core::starknet::SyscallResultTrait;
-use openzeppelin::tests::utils::panic_data_to_byte_array;
-use snforge_std::{ContractClass, ContractClassTrait};
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-pub fn deploy(contract_class: ContractClass, calldata: Array<felt252>) -> ContractAddress {
-    match contract_class.deploy(@calldata) {
-        Result::Ok((contract_address, _)) => contract_address,
-        Result::Err(panic_data) => panic!("{}", panic_data_to_byte_array(panic_data))
-    }
-pub fn deploy_at(
-    contract_class: ContractClass, contract_address: ContractAddress, calldata: Array<felt252>
-) {
-    match contract_class.deploy_at(@calldata, contract_address) {
-        Result::Ok(_) => (),
-        Result::Err(panic_data) => panic!("{}", panic_data_to_byte_array(panic_data))
-    };
-/// Deploys a contract from the class hash of another contract which is already deployed.
-pub fn deploy_another_at(
-    existing: ContractAddress, target_address: ContractAddress, calldata: Array<felt252>
-) {
-    let class_hash = snforge_std::get_class_hash(existing);
-    let contract_class = ContractClassTrait::new(class_hash);
-    deploy_at(contract_class, target_address, calldata)
-pub fn declare_class(contract_name: ByteArray) -> ContractClass {
-    match snforge_std::declare(contract_name) {
-        Result::Ok(contract_class) => contract_class,
-        Result::Err(panic_data) => panic!("{}", panic_data_to_byte_array(panic_data))
-    }
-pub fn declare_and_deploy(contract_name: ByteArray, calldata: Array<felt252>) -> ContractAddress {
-    let contract_class = declare_class(contract_name);
-    deploy(contract_class, calldata)
-pub fn declare_and_deploy_at(
-    contract_name: ByteArray, target_address: ContractAddress, calldata: Array<felt252>
-) {
-    let contract_class = declare_class(contract_name);
-    deploy_at(contract_class, target_address, calldata)
diff --git a/src/tests/utils/events.cairo b/src/tests/utils/events.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 302d1a917..000000000
--- a/src/tests/utils/events.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-use snforge_std::{EventSpyTrait, EventSpy, EventSpyAssertionsTrait};
-use starknet::ContractAddress;
-pub impl EventSpyExtImpl of EventSpyExt {
-    fn assert_only_event<T, +starknet::Event<T>, +Drop<T>>(
-        ref self: EventSpy, from_address: ContractAddress, event: T
-    ) {
-        self.assert_emitted_single(from_address, event);
-        self.assert_no_events_left_from(from_address);
-    }
-    fn assert_emitted_single<T, +starknet::Event<T>, +Drop<T>>(
-        ref self: EventSpy, from_address: ContractAddress, expected_event: T
-    ) {
-        self.assert_emitted(@array![(from_address, expected_event)]);
-        self._event_offset += 1;
-    }
-    fn drop_event(ref self: EventSpy) {
-        self.drop_n_events(1);
-    }
-    fn drop_n_events(ref self: EventSpy, number_to_drop: u32) {
-        let events = self.get_events().events;
-        let len = events.len();
-        assert!(
-            len >= number_to_drop,
-            "Not enough events to drop. ${len} events, ${number_to_drop} to drop"
-        );
-        self._event_offset += number_to_drop;
-    }
-    fn drop_all_events(ref self: EventSpy) {
-        let events = self.get_events().events;
-        self._event_offset += events.len();
-    }
-    fn assert_no_events_left(ref self: EventSpy) {
-        let events = self.get_events().events;
-        assert!(events.len() == 0, "Events remaining on queue");
-    }
-    fn assert_no_events_left_from(ref self: EventSpy, from_address: ContractAddress) {
-        assert!(self.count_events_from(from_address) == 0, "Events remaining on queue");
-    }
-    fn count_events_from(ref self: EventSpy, from_address: ContractAddress) -> u32 {
-        let mut result = 0;
-        let mut events = self.get_events().events;
-        let mut index = 0;
-        let length = events.len();
-        while index < length {
-            let (from, _) =;
-            if from_address == *from {
-                result += 1;
-            }
-            index += 1;
-        };
-        result
-    }
diff --git a/src/tests/utils/signing.cairo b/src/tests/utils/signing.cairo
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b1e7ca44..000000000
--- a/src/tests/utils/signing.cairo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-use snforge_std::signature::secp256k1_curve::{Secp256k1CurveSignerImpl, Secp256k1CurveKeyPairImpl};
-use snforge_std::signature::stark_curve::{StarkCurveSignerImpl, StarkCurveKeyPairImpl};
-use snforge_std::signature::{KeyPair, KeyPairTrait};
-use starknet::secp256k1::Secp256k1Point;
-pub type StarkKeyPair = KeyPair<felt252, felt252>;
-pub type Secp256k1KeyPair = KeyPair<u256, Secp256k1Point>;
-pub fn get_stark_keys_from(private_key: felt252) -> StarkKeyPair {
-    StarkCurveKeyPairImpl::from_secret_key(private_key)
-pub fn get_secp256k1_keys_from(private_key: u256) -> Secp256k1KeyPair {
-    Secp256k1CurveKeyPairImpl::from_secret_key(private_key)
-pub impl StarkKeyPairExt of StarkKeyPairExtTrait {
-    fn serialized_sign(self: StarkKeyPair, msg: felt252) -> Array<felt252> {
-        let (r, s) = self.sign(msg).unwrap();
-        array![r, s]
-    }
-pub impl Secp256k1KeyPairExt of Secp256k1KeyPairExtTrait {
-    fn serialized_sign(self: Secp256k1KeyPair, msg: u256) -> Array<felt252> {
-        let (r, s) = self.sign(msg).unwrap();
-        array![r.low.into(), r.high.into(), s.low.into(), s.high.into()]
-    }