12.0.0 (2022-02-24)
11.0.0 (2022-02-24)
- Angular: update to angular 13 (ce1c191)
10.3.0 (2022-02-24)
10.2.1 (2022-02-18)
10.2.0 (2022-02-17)
- ng-boosted: fix (b247443)
10.1.0 (2021-12-21)
- boosted: update (6be11db)
10.0.0 (2021-07-22)
- angular: update to angular 12 (f6cac07)
- boosted: migration boosted 4 to 5 (+11 squashed commit) (00311f7)
- boosted: update boosted & ng-bootstrap (9d2c667)
9.1.1 (2021-05-17)
9.1.0 (2021-03-25)
9.0.0 (2021-02-26)
- angular: update to angular 11 (30ff84e)
- boosted: update boosted (f00134c)
- doc: update packages versions on start page (675af9f)
- ng-bootstrap: update to boostrap 9 (7733401)
8.1.0 (2021-02-05)
8.0.0 (2020-11-20)
- angular: update angular 10 (798a5ca)
- angular: update angular 10 (b4348fd)
- ng-bootstrap: boosted & ng-bootstrap update (5748bf6)
- ng-bootstrap: ngb-tabset deleted (18b62c0)
7.1.1 (2020-09-16)
- component: megamenu added (ed33223)
- component: priority-nav added (489c852)
- component: priority-nav added (1340f4e)
- doc: new components in boostwatch page (84f8ca0)
7.1.0 (2020-08-31)
- angular: update angular core/cli (aea8704)
- boosted: update (95fed5c)
- component: badge & breadcrumb added (ea6f7a8)
- component: card & form added (baf92af)
- component: Jumbotron & List-group added (273bfe5)
- component: local-navigation & spinner added (42f9e80)
- component: media-object & orange-popin added (5840dd2)
- component: orange-footer added (0a2a04b)
- component: stepbar & scrollspy added (7fd0cef)
- components: add new components to boostwatch (4a35e7a)
7.0.0 (2020-07-22)
- angular: package.json lib changed (217dd0c)
- angular: tslint update (97a470c)
- angular: update angular 9 to 10 (81a480c)
- angular: update angular/cli&core (64ace91)
- angular: update start page (ea77e14)
6.2.0 (2020-07-09)
6.1.0 (2020-07-01)
- packages: update packages (aac5caf)
6.0.0 (2020-06-22)
- node: update node (6028111)
- angular: update @angular/cli-core@8 (6a0e115)
- angular: update angular 8 to 9 (453514d)
- angular: update angular 8 to 9 (8b19cd2)
- angular: update package.json (d1d1067)
- angular: update typescript (8472c17)
- angular: update typescript (674396d)
5.2.3 (2020-06-15)
5.2.2 (2020-06-05)
- carousel: interval modification (23c2685)
- datepicker: accessibility correction (9eee87b)
- datepicker: accessibility correction (0ced78c)
- datepicker: aria-label modified (80034ad)
- navbar: accessibility correction (4261df2)
- navbar: accessibility correction - aria-current added (454ff04)
- navbar: aria-label, aria-current & active class added to dropdown (ffae880)
- navbar: correction text code (91dab33)
- ngBoosted: ng-boosted.css chaned (84fdc98)
5.2.1 (2020-05-05)
- swiper: swiper deleted in angular.json (f8cb97d)
lib-o-calendar, lib-o-navbar, o-nav-link, llib-scroll-top, lib-o-carousel, lib-o-switch, lib-o-toast, Toggle, have been removed #174
- close: hide ng-bootstrap's close icon & mention it in the docs, to fix #167 (c0c24e0)
- o-nav-link: ensure aria-current is set for parents too (71de98f)
- o-switch: failing test since I dropped props (a2ee8a3)
- tests: adjust assertions (1c91bf5)
- tests: missing declaractions + fixed a selector (2d8bd90)
- navbar: use SVG logo and update favicon (ff3cfa2)
- o-scroll: remove useless style and update markup (862bd55)
- o-toggle: remove .o-switch class name to close #168 (374464f)
- switch: revamp o-switch component for #164 (8070dd6)
- ngBootstrap : NgBootstrap update ec01e90
- tooltip : doc changed for tooltip a682e42
- popover,accordion : doc changed 700b296
- progress-bar, o-navbar : correction doc bd3666a
- navbar : routerLinkActiveOptions added to nav-link d976a57
- ngBootstrap : NgBootstrap update [742a0ab] & b133e93 & (https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/Orange-Boosted-Angular/commit/b133e9343f084960f08890f197e04a8a285768ba)
- navbar : Close navbar in mobile apps 0b19bfe
- calendar : Dynamic label button in calendar 4b75814
- navbar : Tag li o-nav-menu correction 92aad9a
- license : Correction of license text in documentation 293e7bc
- getting start : Getting start page correction8151f10
- swiper : Add information to swiper component doc b98c01f
- pagination : Class css for responsive web app added to dec 0b6a813
- toggle : Add information to toggle component doc 5356369
- package.json : Packages add & update 5caa3f7
- toggle : no-outline toggle is no more in orage brand81651fe
- Getting started : Installation paragraphe in Getting started page changed e6878d6
- deployment : fix travis task for deployment 4adcd65
- navbar : o-nav-menu correction debd517
- swiper : add safe check to OCarouselContainerComponent f868fee
- o-nav-menu : fix lib linting issue in o-nav-menu 9f56e62
- calendar : correction delete action in input db9d739
- TU : correction TU 819445e
- TU : TU correction 06fcec7
- swiper : swiper correction pause dad2908
- ng-bootsrap: ng-bootsrap update 4af525a
- code formatting: code formatting dcc8723
- modules: Create a module for each ng-boosted component dcbe7ad. NgBoostedModule removed, please look at the page https://ng-boosted.orange.com/#/start
- ng-bootsrap: ng-bootsrap update 29931af
- ng-bootsrap: ng-bootsrap update 945eef3
5.1.2 (2019-10-08)
- swiper : Fix prev and next focus style 95271a5
- package : fix a typo that prevent auto installing of the library dependencies 5f54e37
- Header : Scroll to top when activating page link 61d05ff
- Header : Set fixed-top on the doc header 4f82235
- Boostwatch : list by alphabetical order in boostwatch page c620dd8
- O-Toast : adding event mouseover and mouseleave on toast preventing authide 4c5c6fe
- O-Toast : lib-o-toast is a new component for Toast Message bc0687c
- README : Specifying to use Node JS version > 10 77fe95f
O-Calendar, O-Carousel, O-Navbar, O-Scroll, O-switch : From now on, add lib when calling the selector of the component as lib-o-navbar, lib-o-scrool, lib-o-switch, lib-o-carousel-slide, lib-o-calendar c909875
lib-O-Calendar, lib-O-Carousel, lib-O-Navbar, lib-O-Scroll, lib-O-switch : Improvement have been done on testing the DOM of each component ec0a1e9
O-Carousel : Removing types/swiper e58474b
lib-O-Navbar : Updating the dropdown item in lib-o-navbar and changing the call name inside the documentation from to eb52030
lib-O-Navbar : Changing the call name inside the documentation from to 0eafd44
- O-Calendar, O-Carousel, O-Navbar, O-Scroll, O-switch : Improvement done on testing the component ec0a1e9
- O-Carousel : Removing types/swiper e58474b (27/06/2019)
- Package: Adding Angular-Cli, remaking the library 3fed9aa
- O-Calendar, O-Carousel, O-Navbar, O-Scroll, O-switch : From now on, add lib when calling the selector of the component as lib-o-navbar, lib-o-scrool, lib-o-switch, lib-o-carousel-slide, lib-o-calendar c909875
- Packages: Update Angular and ng bootrap package 5ab3539
- O-Calendar, Carousel, O-Navbar : Updating ViewChild function in order to take two params due to the update of Angular a9d3788
- Calendar: Contrast enhanced change blue on grey to black on grey inside header and white on orange to white on black on today button f98f5a8
- Calendar: Adding title attribute along with aria-label for compliance with WCAG ae1b40d
- Calendar: Appending the button after the input 9caea6e
- Calendar: Using class.stylename in order to improve css input b752546
- Swiper: Use a straight line for focus 5552c0b
- Packages: Update ng bootrap package eff6e8c
- Carousel/Swiper: Changing the the status of pause from private to public 58f6097
- Switch Adding an output to bind the switch event in and out. 7f6e26d
- Adding Orange logo (8f24268)
- Adding Netlify link (6817d87) and logo (a738485)
- Documentation: Explanation on how to add boosted scss files to Angular Project (4e09bdb)
- Documentation: Adding explanation
- ScrollTop: redefine the function scroll to top (116a98f)
- Swiper: Adding pause and play button, Adding listener on mouse enter/leave and focus in or out (5fe45a6)
- Carousel: Deleted (0df8e7c)
- Packages: Moves unnecessary package to devdependencies (82e6b94)
- Documentation: Explanation on what package is mandatory or optional (dc47b38)
- Dropdown: Update class used to enable keyboard navigation (0019c92)
- Tooltip: Adding a tooltip opening up and closing by a click (47aa442)
- Pagination: remove the char appearing when clicking on prev/next indicator (5a4ea04)
- Menu on IE: adding height on css class to display a logo in the same row (5137dd8)
- Navbar: Enabling to pass a query (cd913a5)