This bot does:
- Randomly picks one bg image from templates folder
- Randomly picks one quote from quotes.txt
- Mix text and bg image gernerating a new PNG file under generated folder
- Optionally sends it to an email.
- Change SMTP with your server configuration.
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "tls";
$mail->Port = "587";
$mail->Host = "smtp.<YOUR_SERVER>.com";
$mail->Username = "<USERNAME>";
$mail->Password = "<PASSWORD>";
$mail->SMTPDebug = 2;
$mail->Debugoutput = 'html';
$mail->Subject = '<YOUR_SUBJECT>';
$mailFrom = '<MAIL_FROM>';
$mailFromName = '<MAIL_FROM_NAME>';
$mailTo = '<MAIL_TO>';
$mailToName = '<MAIL_TO_NAME>';
- Configure cron:
- For publishing 5 to 5 days, at 10am:
# 0 10 */5 * * cd <path-to-text-to-image>/text-to-image/; sleep 1; /usr/bin/php ./text-to-image.php 1>/dev/null
- Configure an account on IFTTT for filtering your email [$mailTo] by subject and publishing the image on your Facebook fanpage.
- Better if you create a dedicated email for that.
- We use 800x800px PNG, but it could be a 512x512px.
- Pixabay can be a very good bg image repository
- Quote format is: quote;author