- Added: Lot of new wrappers
- Added: New console command : reloadall
- Improved: Update natives
- Improved: Simplification of console commands
- Added: More than 80 Object-Oriented Wrappers for the natives (+ Documentation with lots examples)
- Added: GUI module to easily create menus
- Added: Support for OUT-parameters
- Added: Timers
- Added: Events (OnPedCreated, OnVehicleCreated)
- Added: ScriptThread:Tick
- Added: lots of more wrappers for Blips & ui.CreateBlip
- Added: gtalua.ini (contains configuration for console)
- Improved: gui.SimpleMenu
- Improved: error handling for ScriptThread:Run
- Improved: Addons can now be loaded/unloaded at any time Script-Threads now run on one main thread (without blocking each other, using coroutines)
- Improved: Huge documentation with new tutorials & examples
- Fixed: print
- Fixed: Vector:Distance
- Fixed: Entity:GetOffsetVector, Entity:SetVelocity (with Vector as parameter)
- Fixed: Updated to work with 1.0.350.1/2
- Improved: Removed leftover debug messages
- Improved: Updated native call layouts for animations (thanks gcWorld!)
- Initial Version
- Supported Game Versions: Steam/Retail 1.0.335.2