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Releases: OstapHEP/ostap


31 May 10:59
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New features

  1. add new cass P2Quantile that interfaces P^2 algortuhm from GSL for running quatile (approximate)
  2. Add methods Ostap::Statvar::p2quantile, Ostap::StatVar::p2quantiles and Ostap::StatVar::p2interval. These are much faster (but approximate) versions of Ostap::StatVar::quantile, Ostap::StatVar::quantiles and Ostap::StatVar::interval, using P^2 algorithm.
  3. update ostap.stat.statvar for modified Ostap::StatVar methods
  4. allow uisng sqlite3 dbase for compresed shelves
  5. extend compressed shelves to keep some metainformation on database (creating/modification date, versions of ostap, ROOT and python versions
  6. add creation/modification date for the items in compressed shelves
  7. add new test for splot test_fitting_splot

Backward incompatible changes

  1. change return type from Ostap::StatVar::quantile , Ostap::StatVar::quantiles and Ostap::StatVar::intrval method, adding also number fo events used for quantile/interval estimation. It allows to judge abotu the precision

Bug fixes:

  1. fix really stupid bug in ValueWithError
  2. Tiny fix in Ostap.DataFrame.ProgressBar
  3. fixed in_range option for the case when fit variables are defined as RooRealVar


20 May 19:11
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New features

  1. implement true read-only mode for sqldict(and therefore forsqlliteshelve`
  2. tune the names of temporary files/directories for compress_shelve

Backward incompatible changes

Bug fixes:

  1. couple of minor fixes in compressed_shelve and dbase
    ../ReleaseNotes/ (END)


19 May 15:32
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New features

  1. improve compress_shelve for (much) better treatment of "other' databases, in particular those with several on-disk files
  2. fix unesessary complains/warnings on redefined varibales
  3. allow implicit name duplicationn for cloning&copy of FUNC/PDF objects (Is it a good idea???)
  4. update test_fitting_models

Backward incompatible changes

Bug fixes:


19 May 16:31
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New features

  1. improve compress_shelve for (much) better treatment of "other' databases, in particular those with several on-disk files
  2. fix unesessary complains/warnings on redefined varibales
  3. allow implicit name duplicationn for cloning&copy of FUNC/PDF objects (Is it a good idea???)
  4. update test_fitting_models

Backward incompatible changes

Bug fixes:


16 May 20:52
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New features

  1. improvea bot the printout for compressed_shelve
  2. add new module ostap.math.covtransform for transformation of covariance matrices
  3. add tests for contransfrmm
  4. extend (part of) linear algebra for SVectorWithError
  5. add io.dbase module allowing to use bdsdb3 if available

Backward incompatible changes

Bug fixes:

  1. fix bug for PDF/FUNC evalaution with uncertainty
  2. fix bug for Ostap::Math::SMatrixWithError
  3. fix travis-CI tests


11 May 20:30
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New features

  1. change the inheritance diagrams for PDF/PDF2/PDF FUNC/FUNC2/FUNC4 classes: now PDF3 inherits from PDF2 and FUNC3, FUN2 innherics formm PDF and FUNC2, PDF inherits from FUNC, FUNC3 inherits from FUNC2 and ZVar, FUN2 inherits from FUNC and YVar and FUNC innherits fomr XVar
  2. add new method: derivatives and integration for FUNC/FUNC2/FUNC3 classes
  3. add the test/example for graph_summary
  4. small optimization for `linalg2'
  5. polishing for graph_summary - add offset argument
  6. move certainmethdo from PDF to FUNC: params, __contains__ , parameter, parameters , load_parameters
  7. remove usage of RooAbsReal::getParameter ( None )
  8. remove usage of None as null-pointer
  9. adjust a bit RooArgList.__contains__ to use RooCollection::find insntead of RooArgList::index
  10. add the actual database type to the printut of compressed_shelve
  11. add transformation PDF + test/example
  12. add M2Q and Q2M transfomoration variables/function

Backward incompatible changes

Bug fixes:

  1. fix bugs in funbasic, roofuncs methods
  2. fix bugs in PyVAR2
  3. fix namings in
  4. more fixes in linalg2/MatrixUtils2/MAtrixUtilsT
  5. few minor fixes as preparatory for "transform-PDF"


03 May 15:44
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New features

  1. Modify Ostap::Models::BWI::evaluate (temporary action,
    to be properly fixed in the future)
  2. Fix toys.make_toys for possible memory leak (thanks to
    Abdul-Kerim Gusseinov for repoting the problem and for solution)
  3. Add bufstrat argument for Convolution and Connvolution_pdf
  4. add more functions isuint, isulong , islonglong , isulonglong
  5. more operations with TMultiGraph
  6. add graph_summary
  7. update graph_summary to add colored bands for "averages" `
  8. replace ROOT.Double with ctypes.c_double
  9. graph_summary : add labels and type Graph
  10. graph_summary : rename classes, remove TMultiGraph and add documentation`
  11. rewrite ostap.math.linalg : more functions & mixed operations: S/T-matrices/vectors&numpy

Backward incompatible changes

Bug fixes:

  1. fix limits for right variable for PSRight_pdf(thanks to Tatiana Ovsiannikova for reporting the problem)
  2. fix pdg_format for certaint cases
  3. fix missing name attribute for Sum1D/Sum3D clone machinery
  4. fix some bugs in
  5. more bug fixes in
  6. fix Flatte_pdf


21 Mar 21:44
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New features:

  1. add new roofit variables (RooAbsReal):
useful e.g, for efficiency or phase/amplitude parameterization
 - `Ostap::MoreRooFit::Benrstein`      
 - `Ostap::MoreRooFit::Monotonic` 
 - `Ostap::MoreRooFit::Convex` 
 - `Ostap::MoreRooFit::ConvexOnly` 
  1. More generic Ostap::MoreRooFit::ShiftAndScale
  2. make a first try to add evaluateBatch for existing PDFs: no large gain is observed :-(
  3. add &
  4. add FUNC, FUNC2 and FUNC3 classes. Move some functionality from PDF
  5. add Fun1D, Fun2D and Fun3D wrappers
  6. update
  7. reshuffle a bit the existins strustures
  8. add operations and operators for FUNC, FUNC2 and FUNC3 objects
  9. improve baseclasess for functions and PDFs, add more operators/operations
  10. modify roofuncs avoiding the dangling references
  11. Add Ostap::MoreRooFit::Id
  12. make use of Ostap::MoreRoofit::Id in Fun(1,2,3)D
  13. exclude serialization in test_fitting_models3_2D for ROOT 6.18 & python3
  14. remove duplication betwen ostap/fitting/roofuncs and ostap/fitting/variables
  15. disable pathos for python_version<=3.7
  16. change pickling for all FUNC-based objects

Backward incompatible changes

Bug fixes:

  1. fix local_roofit.h
  2. fix Ostap::Math::Positive::Positive. The bug was introduced in


06 Mar 10:37
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New features:

  1. add methods vars_power,vars_exp and vars_formula that allows to create functional variables (and properly store intermediate objects)
pdf = ...
v1  = pdf.vars_power   ( a  ,  2 ) ## a^2
v2  = pdf.vars_power   ( 10 ,  b ) ## 10^b
v3  = pdf.vars_power   ( a  ,  b ) ## a^b 
v4  = pdf.vars.exp     ( a  , -1 ) ## exp(-a)
v5  = pdf.vars.exp     ( a  ,  b ) ## exp(a*b)
v6  = pdf.vars_formula ( '{}*{}/{}'       , vars = ( a , b , c ) ) 
v7  = pdf.vars_formula ( 'x[0]*x[1]/x[2]' , vars = ( a , b , c ) ) 
  1. add Asymptotic (also AsymptoticErr, AsymptoticError, AsymptoticErrors, case-insensitive)
    keyword for fit-related methods, that (for ROOT versions starting from 6.19)
    is decoded to ROOT.RooFit.AsymptoticError(...)
  2. add possible file-extensions for canvas-plots :
canvas >> 'plots.tgz' ## make plot in all formats and store them in tar/GZIP  format
canvas >> 'plots.tbz' ## make plot in all formats and store them in tar/BZIP2 format
canvas >> 'plots.txz' ## make plot in all formats and store them in tar/LZMA  format
  1. Improve a bit the interface for BLUE: Best Linear Unbiased Estimator :
    combination of correlated measurements
  2. add test for BLUE ostap/stats/tests/
  3. add SciPy/FFT-based convolution for functions `ostap/math/'
  4. add SciPy-based bspline interpolation for functions `ostap/math/'
  5. imporve pseudo-abstract operations `ostap/math/'
  6. extend interpolation tests
  7. add simple shapes to probe signal/background interference Ostap::Models::BWI and BWI_pdf
  8. Fixes for ROOT 6.20/00

Backward incompatible changes

  1. Remove all Rotated-stuff

Bug fixes:

  1. fix typo in treatment of pdf.draw ( ,,, , in_range(1/2/3) = ... , )
  2. fix some new typos/errors in ostap.math


12 Feb 14:38
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New features:

Backward incompatible changes

Bug fixes:

  1. fix Ostap::Math::Positive::updateBernstein. The bug was introduced in Thanks to Tatiana Ovsiannikova for reporting the problem.