diff --git a/documentation-for-developers/r-meidicine-2024-part-1.R b/documentation-for-developers/r-medicine-2024-part-1.R
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rename to documentation-for-developers/r-medicine-2024-part-1.R
diff --git a/documentation-for-developers/r-medicine-2024-part-3.R b/documentation-for-developers/r-medicine-2024-part-3.R
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+title: "Writing to a REDCap Project"
+author: Will Beasley [Biomedical & Behavior Methodology Core](https://www.ouhsc.edu/bbmc/team/), OUHSC Pediatrics;;
Raymond Balise, University of Miami School of Medicine
Stephan Kadauke, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
+ rmarkdown::html_vignette
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Writing to a REDCap Project}
+ %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
+ %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
+#| include = FALSE
+ collapse = TRUE,
+ comment = "#>",
+ tidy = FALSE
+Writing data _to_ REDCap is more difficult than reading data _from_ REDCap.
+When you read, you receive data in the structure that the REDCap provides you.
+You have some control about the columns, rows, and data types,
+but there is not a lot you have to be concerned.
+In contrast, the structure of the dataset you send to the REDCap server must be precise.
+You need to pass special variables so that the REDCap server understands the
+hierarchical structure of the data points.
+This vignette walks you through that process.
+If you are new to REDCap and its API,
+please first understand the concepts described in these two [vignettes](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/):
+* [Typical REDCap Workflow for a Data Analyst](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/workflow-read.html)
+* [Retrieving Longitudinal and Repeating Structures](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/longitudinal-and-repeating.html)
+Part 1 - Intro
+As described in the [Retrieving Longitudinal and Repeating Structures](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/longitudinal-and-repeating.html) vignette,
+the best way to read and write data from projects with longitudinal/repeating elements
+is to break up the "block matrix" dataset into individual datasets.
+Each rectangle should have a coherent grain.
+Following this strategy, we'll write to the REDCap server in two distinct steps:
+1. Upload the patient-level instrument(s)
+1. Upload the each repeating instrument separately.
+The actual upload phase is pretty straight-forward
+--it's just a call to `REDCapR::redcap_write()`.
+Most of the vignette's code prepares the dataset so that the upload will run smoothly.
+See the [Typical REDCap Workflow for a Data Analyst](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/workflow-read.html)
+vignette and
+1. [Verify REDCapR is installed](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/workflow-read.html#verify-redcapr-is-installed)
+1. [Verify REDCap Access](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/workflow-read.html#verify-redcap-access)
+1. [Review Codebook](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/workflow-read.html#review-codebook)
+Retrieve Token
+Please closely read the
+[Retrieve Protected Token](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/workflow-read.html#part-2---retrieve-protected-token) section,
+which has important security implications.
+The current vignette imports a fake dataset into REDCap,
+and we'll use a token stored in a local file.
+# retrieve-credential
+path_credential <- system.file("misc/example.credentials", package = "REDCapR")
+credential <- REDCapR::retrieve_credential_local(
+ path_credential = path_credential,
+ project_id = 3748
+c(credential$redcap_uri, credential$token)
+Datasets to Write to Server
+To keep this vignette focused on writing/importing/uploading to the server,
+we'll start with the data that needs to be written.
+These example tables were prepared by [Raymond Balise](https://github.com/RaymondBalise)
+for our 2023 [R/Medicine](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/r-medicine/) workshop,
+"Using REDCap and R to Rapidly Produce Biomedical Publications".
+There are two tables, each with a different [granularity](https://www.1keydata.com/datawarehousing/fact-table-granularity.html):
+* `ds_patient`: each row represents one patient,
+* `ds_daily`: each row represents one daily measurement per patient.
+# load-patient
+ds_patient <-
+ "test-data/vignette-repeating-write/data-patient.rds" |>
+ system.file(package = "REDCapR") |>
+ readr::read_rds()
+# load-repeating
+ds_daily <-
+ "test-data/vignette-repeating-write/data-daily.rds" |>
+ system.file(package = "REDCapR") |>
+ readr::read_rds()
+Part 2 - Write Data: One row per patient
+Besides the [`data.frame`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/data.frame.html)
+to write to REDCap,
+the only required arguments of the
+function are `redcap_uri` and `token`;
+both are contained in the credential object created in the previous section.
+As discussed in the [Troubleshooting vignette](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/TroubleshootingApiCalls.html#writing),
+we recommend running these two preliminary checks before trying to write the
+dataset to the server for the very first time.
+Prep: Stoplight Fields
+If the REDCap project isn't longitudinal and doesn't have arms,
+uploading a patient-level data.frame to REDCap doesn't require adding variables.
+However we typically populate the `*_complete` variables to communicate the record's status.
+If the row is needs a human to add more values or inspect the existing values
+consider [marking the instrument](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/reference/constant.html)
+"incomplete" or "unverified";
+the patient's instrument record will appear red or yellow in REDCap's Record Dashboard.
+Otherwise consider marking the instrument "complete" so
+it will appear green.
+With this example project, the only patient-level instrument is "enrollment",
+so the corresponding variable is `enrollment_complete`.
+# patient-complete
+ds_patient <-
+ ds_patient |>
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ enrollment_complete = REDCapR::constant("form_complete"),
+ )
+Prep: `REDCapR::validate_for_write()`
+`REDCapR::validate_for_write()` inspects a data frame to anticipate potential problems before writing with REDCap's API.
+A tibble is returned, with one row per potential problem (and a suggestion how to avoid it).
+Ideally an 0-row tibble is returned.
+REDCapR::validate_for_write(ds_patient, convert_logical_to_integer = TRUE)
+If you encounter problems that can be checked with automation,
+please tell us in [an issue](https://github.com/OuhscBbmc/REDCapR/issues).
+We'll work with you to incorporate the new check into `REDCapR::validate_for_write()`.
+When a dataset's problems are caught before reaching the server,
+the solutions are easier to identify and implement.
+Prep: Write Small Subset First
+If this is your first time with a complicated project, consider loading a small subset of rows and columns.
+In this case, we start with only three columns and two rows.
+# patient-subset
+ds_patient |>
+ dplyr::select( # First three columns
+ id_code,
+ date,
+ is_mobile,
+ ) |>
+ dplyr::slice(1:2) |> # First two rows
+ REDCapR::redcap_write(
+ ds_to_write = _,
+ redcap_uri = credential$redcap_uri,
+ token = credential$token,
+ convert_logical_to_integer = TRUE
+ )
+Prep: Recode Variables where Necessary
+Some variables in the data.frame might be represented differently than in REDCap.
+A common transformation is changing strings into the integers that underlie radio buttons.
+Common approaches are [`dplyr::case_match()`](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/case_match.html) and
+using joining to lookup tables (if the mappings are expressed in a csv).
+Here's an in-line example of `dplyr::case_match()`.
+ds_patient <-
+ ds_patient |>
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ race =
+ dplyr::case_match(
+ race,
+ "White" ~ 1L,
+ "Black or African American" ~ 2L,
+ "Asian" ~ 3L,
+ "Native American" ~ 4L,
+ "Pacific Islander" ~ 5L,
+ "Multiracial" ~ 6L,
+ "Refused or don't know" ~ 7L
+ )
+ )
+```{r codebook-race}
+#| echo = FALSE,
+#| out.extra = 'style = "fig.width=1200px"'
+Write Entire Patient-level Table
+If the small subset works, we usually jump ahead and try all columns and rows.
+If this larger table fails, split the difference between
+(a) the smaller working example and
+(b) the larger failing example.
+See if this middle point (that has fewer rows and/or columns than the failing point)
+succeeds or fails.
+Then repeat.
+This "bisection" or "binary search" [debugging technique](https://medium.com/codecastpublication/debugging-tools-and-techniques-binary-search-2da5bb4282c7) is helpful in many areas of programming and statistical modeling.
+# patient-entire
+ds_patient |>
+ REDCapR::redcap_write(
+ ds_to_write = _,
+ redcap_uri = credential$redcap_uri,
+ token = credential$token,
+ convert_logical_to_integer = TRUE
+ )
+Part 3 - Write Data: Repeating Instrument
+Add Plumbing Variables
+As stated in the vignette's intro,
+the structure of the dataset uploaded to the server must be precise.
+When uploading repeating instruments, there are several important columns:
+1. `record_id`: typically indicates the patient's id. (This field can be renamed for the project.)
+1. `redcap_event_name`: If the project is longitudinal or has arms, this indicates the event.
+ Otherwise, you don't need to add this variable.
+1. `redcap_repeat_instrument`: Indicates the instrument/form that is repeating for these columns.
+1. `redcap_repeat_instance`: Typically a sequential positive integer (*e.g.*, 1, 2, 3, ...) indicating the order.
+The combination of these variables needs to be unique.
+Please read the [Retrieving Longitudinal and Repeating Structures](https://ouhscbbmc.github.io/REDCapR/articles/longitudinal-and-repeating.html)
+vignette for details of these variables and their meanings.
+You need to pass specific variables so that the REDCap server understands the hierarchical structure of the data points.
+# repeat-plumbing
+ds_daily <-
+ ds_daily |>
+ dplyr::group_by(id_code) |>
+ dplyr::mutate(
+ redcap_repeat_instrument = "daily",
+ redcap_repeat_instance = dplyr::row_number(da_date),
+ daily_complete = REDCapR::constant("form_complete"),
+ ) |>
+ dplyr::ungroup() |>
+ dplyr::select(
+ id_code, # Or `record_id`, if you didn't rename it
+ # redcap_event_name, # If the project is longitudinal or has arms
+ redcap_repeat_instrument, # The name of the repeating instrument/form
+ redcap_repeat_instance, # The sequence of the repeating instrument
+ tidyselect::everything(), # All columns not explicitly passed to `dplyr::select()`
+ daily_complete, # Indicates incomplete, unverified, or complete
+ )
+# Check for potential problems. (Remember zero rows are good.)
+REDCapR::validate_for_write(ds_daily, convert_logical_to_integer = TRUE)
+Writing Repeating Instrument Variables
+# daily-entire
+ds_daily |>
+ REDCapR::redcap_write(
+ ds_to_write = _,
+ redcap_uri = credential$redcap_uri,
+ token = credential$token,
+ convert_logical_to_integer = TRUE
+ )
+Part 4 - Next Steps
+More Complexity
+This vignette required only two data.frames, but more complex projects sometimes need more.
+For example, each repeating instrument should be its own data.frame and
+writing step. Arms and longitudinal events need to be considered too.
+By default, `REDCapR::redcap_write()` requests datasets of 100 patients as a time,
+and stacks the resulting subsets together before returning a data.frame.
+This can be adjusted to improve performance;
+the 'Details' section of `REDCapR::redcap_write()` discusses the trade offs.
+I usually shoot for ~10 seconds per batch.
+Manual vs API
+Manual downloading/uploading might make sense if you're do the operation only once.
+But when does it ever stop after the first time?
+If you have trouble uploading, consider adding a few fake patients & measurements
+and then download the csv.
+It might reveal something you didn't anticipate.
+But be aware that it will be in the block matrix format
+(*i.e.*, everything jammed into one rectangle.)
+This vignette was originally designed for the
+[2023 R/Medicine](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/r-medicine/) workshop,
+_Using REDCap and R to Rapidly Produce Biomedical Publications Cleaning Medical Data_
+with [Raymond R. Balise](https://github.com/RaymondBalise), Belén Hervera, Daniel Maya, Anna Calderon, Tyler Bartholomew, Stephan Kadauke, and João Pedro Carmezim Correia and the [2024 R/Medicine](https://rconsortium.github.io/RMedicine_website/Program.html) workshop,
+_REDCap + R: Teaming Up in the Tidyverse_, with Stephan Kadauke.
+The workshop slides are for [2023](https://github.com/RaymondBalise/r_med_redcap_2023_public)
+and [2024](https://github.com/skadauke/rmedicine_2024_redcap_r_workshop).
+This work was made possible in part by the NIH grant [U54GM104938](https://taggs.hhs.gov/Detail/AwardDetail?arg_AwardNum=U54GM104938&arg_ProgOfficeCode=127)
+to the [Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resource)](http://osctr.ouhsc.edu).
+Session Information
+For the sake of documentation and reproducibility, the current report was rendered in the following environment. Click the line below to expand.
+ Environment
+```{r session-info, echo=FALSE}
+if (requireNamespace("sessioninfo", quietly = TRUE)) {
+ sessioninfo::session_info()
+} else {
+ sessionInfo()