external help file | Module Name | online version | schema |
OutSystems.SetupTools-help.xml |
OutSystems.SetupTools |
2.0.0 |
Configures Windows and IIS with the recommended performance settings for OutSystems.
Set-OSServerPerformanceTunning2 [[-IISNetCompilationPath] <String>] [[-IISHttpCompressionPath] <String>]
[[-AdvancedConfigurations] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]
This will configure Windows and IIS with the recommended performance settings for the OutSystems platform. An advanced configuration object can be used to control which sections are and are not done. Also, some values (namely, .NET and IIS upload size limits) can be set that will used to fine tune the respective settings.
Set-OSServerPerformanceTunning -IISNetCompilationPath d:\IISTemp\Compilation -IISHttpCompressionPath d:\IISTemp\Compression
Set-OSServerPerformanceTunning -AdvancedConfigurations @{ "Sections" = @{ "NETConfig" = @{ "ShouldBeSkipped" = $True } ; "IISConnectionsConfig" = @{ "ShouldBeSkipped" = $True } ; "ProcessSchedulingConfig" = @{ "ShouldBeSkipped" = $True } ; "IISUploadSizeLimitsConfig" = @{ "NewMaxAllowedContentLength" = 10000000 ; "ShouldBeSkipped" = $True } ; "AppPoolsConfig" = @{ "ShouldBeSkipped" = $True } } ; "SkipPlatformCheck" = $True ; "SkipMoveAppsToOSAppPools" = $True }
Sets the IIS compilation folder.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Sets the IIS compression folder.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Sets which of the sections should be completed, also allowing more specific configurations for some of these sections.
This parameter is represent by an object with the following structure type (semi-JSONfied with the expected types enclosed in <>):
"SkipPlatformCheck" : \<BOOL\>,
"Sections" :
"ProcessSchedulingConfig" :
"ShouldBeSkipped" : \<BOOL\>
"NETConfig" :
"ShouldBeSkipped" : \<BOOL\>,
"NewMaxRequestLength" : \<INT\>
"IISUploadSizeLimitsConfig" :
"ShouldBeSkipped" : \<BOOL\>,
"NewMaxAllowedContentLength" : \<INT\>
"IISConnectionsConfig" :
"ShouldBeSkipped" : \<BOOL\>
"AppPoolsConfig" :
"ShouldBeSkipped" : \<BOOL\>,
"SkipMoveAppsToOSAppPools" : \<BOOL\>
"AppPoolsToForciblyCreateAndConfig" : \<STRING\[\]\>,
The aboved properties have the following semantic:
> SkipPlatformCheck If true, proceeds even if the platform is not yet installed.
> ProcessSchedulingConfig > ShouldBeSkipped If true, skips the section where Windows processor scheduling priority is set to 'background services'.
> NETConfig > ShouldBeSkipped If true, skips the section where .NET upload size limits and execution timeout are configured.
\> NewMaxRequestLength
The value in KBytes that applied to the .NET Framework "MaxRequestLength" property.
> IISUploadSizeLimitsConfig > ShouldBeSkipped If true, skips the section where IIS upload size limits are configured.
\> NewMaxAllowedContentLength
The value in Bytes that applied to the .NET Framework "MaxRequestLength" property.
> IISConnectionsConfig > ShouldBeSkipped If true, skips the section where IIS is configured for unlimited connections.
> AppPoolsConfig > ShouldBeSkipped If true, skips the section where OutSystems apps are moved to the respective OutSystems app pool.
\> SkipMoveAppsToOSAppPools
If true, will not move OutSytems apps to the corresponding IIS app pools created by OutSystems (e.g.
'ServiceCenter' to 'ServiceCenterAppPool').
\> AppPoolsToForciblyCreateAndConfig
If this list is not empty and has valid app pool names, will force the creation and configuration of the app pools.
Valid app pool names: "OutSystemsApplications", "ServiceCenterAppPool", "LifeTimeAppPool".
Type: Object
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 3
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.