Bellow there is some comments about the application structure.
The namespaces should follow application directories, this way we should find files and objects using the same path.
├── ...
├── src # Where the code lives
| ├── GridAPI # The opened API used by consumers, most of the case by OS actions
| ├── OSFramework # Here the defined structure and interfaces for Grid, Columns and Features
| ├── Column # Base structure for grid's columns
| ├── Configuration # The configuration used by columns and grid
| ├── Enum # The used enums we use to control the work
| ├── Event # Base structure for implementing events
| ├── Feature # All the available features have a defined interface, in case of changing the provider the interfaces should be maintained
| ├── Grid # Base structure for the grid
| ├── Helper # Where we share static functions to help on our daily work, GetElementByUniqueId for example, is shared here
| ├── Interface # Interfaces shared and used by our objects
| ├── OSCallback # OS Actions can have parameters, instead of creating methods not stric typed, in this folder you should create types to represent OS Actions callbacks
| └── OSStructure # Where to create classes that map OS structures
| └── WijmoProvider # To let our framework free of providers, all the references to wijmo must be done here, in case of new consumers, a new folder in this level should be created, following the same pattern *<ProviderName>Provider*, for exemple, if we use a provider called Uttem, this new path should be *UttemProvider*.
└── ...