Currently images must have filenames generated by autographer cameras, similar to: B00000895_21I7IV_20170314_134407E.JPG
Where YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS are: year, month, day, hour, minute, second. The AAAAAAAA should be a sequence number indicating which order the images were taken in. e.g. B00000023 for the 23rd image, but exact number doesn't matter.
In future the metadata 'Date Created' of the file will be used if the name is not the correct format.
The browser needs 3 copies of images at: 1) full resolution, 2) medium-size resolution, and 3) thumbnail resolution. Your input folder will have full-resolution images, but generally the medium + thumbnail folders need to be generated. The best way to do this in linux/mac environments is to run the scrip below:
# To generate thumbnail cmds for a participant's images run:
bash utilities/ /study/camera/P001/
# input = <study folder>
# output = <study folder>/medium/ - dir with medium-size images
# <study folder>/thumbnail/ - dir with thumbnail size images
If you have many participants images to resize, please refer to the utilities page where the python script can automate this for many participants at a time.
If the above does not work (e.g. you need to do this on a Windows machine), update file_paths.json file to set image resizing to True. Then you can open the browser and it should begin creating 'thumbnail' and 'medium' size images. This may take a considerable amount of time but only needs to be done once. You should see a screen like the below, and when the queue is empty click on the participant to see the images.
To remove a participant, simply delete their images folder while the browser is not running. If you have made any annotations they will also have a participant folder in the 'annotations' folder, so after it is backed up delete this too.