Minor release. Changes:
- Update travis-ci config to deploy on tagged build
- Rename output images
This release collects various bug fixes and improvements since the last release. It will probably be the last release (barring occasional maintenance releases) due to deprecation of this package in favor of other alternatives.
- Reworked base.py: now uses a pandas DataFrame to store activation data, and the Mappable class has been removed.
- Fixed bug in peak-based search
- Minor cleanup and doc improvements
- Updated dependency list and moved dependencies into setup.py
- Added ROI-based decoding method (generalization of voxel-based decoding)
- Added new clustering module with high and low-level APIs
- Python 3 compatibility
- Much more extensive testing via Travis/Coveralls
- Bug fixes/minor improvements:
- Added thresholding options to Masker
- Fix broken import statements
- Removed seaborn dependency
- Added Sphinx docs and readthedocs integration (http://neurosynth.readthedocs.org)
- Improved study selection interface; get_ids_by_* methods replaced with a single get_studies() method
- Added ability to download data files from within Neurosynth codebase
- Base package now imports key modules into primary namespace (e.g., from Neurosynth import Dataset)
- Expression parsing/study selection now handles N-gram features
- Added deprecation warnings
- Bug fixes/minor improvements:
- Fixed loss-of-precision error in FDR-thresholded maps
- Fixed unmasking of 4d volumes
- Much faster feature count computation
- Expanded test coverage; now includes real data in tests
- More consistent output location arguments across codebase
- Deleted legacy/unused code
- Fixed naming issue when decoder is fed an array of images
- Dataset, FeatureTable, and ImageTable all now use pandas everywhere
- New datasets in data submodule
- Improved test coverage of Dataset
- Substantially improved Masker object that handles multiple masking layers
- Added functionality to downsample whole brain to isometric grid
- Initial stab at clustering pipeline (work in progress)
- Improved interface for adding new features to Dataset
- Bug fixes/minor improvements:
- FeatureTable no longer breaks when reading in columns with N-gram names using pandas
- get_feature_data() now takes reorder argument
- convert pandas SparseDataFrame to CSR_matrix on data access as workaround for pandas bug
- Fixed dataset loading/saving bug for datasets loaded/saved using previous versions
- Fixed the above bug again, because it's a persistent little bugger
- Updated dependency list
- Fixed a variety of minor bugs caused by minor API changes in new pandas versions
- Data matrices now stored internally as pandas DataFrames
- Began implementation of classifier class (thanks to @zorro4)
- Better/faster data accessor
- Added several usage examples in /examples, including an IPython demo
- Bug fixes/minor tweaks:
- Random voxel selection routine works properly now
- All IDs are now strings to avoid type mismatches for numerical IDs
- Patched README and travis/coveralls definitions to reflect current dependencies
First-ever official release following the Neurosynth hackathon
- Enabled travis-ci.org and coveralls.io
- Most of the current functionality was developed pre-0.3.0, so, really, just about everything
- Added tests, thanks to @yarikoptic's heroic efforts
- Testkraut integration
Neurosynth is a work in progress and we reserve the right to occasionally break the API.