This document is an addition to README document for pdf417 barcode scanning library. Here we explain how to obtain Driver's license information from the scanning results.
By default, cameraViewController:obtainedBaseResult:
callback returns result as a PPBaseResult
object. When the resultType
property of that object is PPBaseResultTypeUSDL
the object is actually PPUSDLResult
, which means it has Driver's License data stored. Here's a simple way to check if the data is USDL, and to get the USDLScanningResult object:
if ([result resultType] == PPBaseResultTypeUSDL && [result isKindOfClass:[PPUSDLResult class]]) {
PPUSDLResult* usdlResult = (PPUSDLResult*)result;
\\ additional processing
USDL data in the PPUSDLResult
object are stored inside a NSDictionary
called fields
. From this Dictionary you can obtain specific fields using keys declared on top of the PPUSDLResult.h
header file.
The value for a given key can be obtained the following way:
NSString* value = [[usdlResult fields] objectForKey:key]
The DriversLicenseKeys document lists all fields that can be obtained from the PPUSDLResult
object. If pdf417 USDL library didn't recognize a fields value for given key, you will receive nil
- (void)cameraViewController:(UIViewController<PPScanningViewController> *)cameraViewController
didOutputResults:(NSArray *)results {
for (PPBaseResult* result in results) {
if ([result resultType] == PPBaseResultTypeUSDL && [result isKindOfClass:[PPUSDLResult class]]) {
PPUSDLResult* usdlResult = (PPUSDLResult*)result;
[self processUSDLResult:usdlResult cameraViewController:cameraViewController];
- (void)processUSDLResult:(PPUSDLResult*)result
cameraViewController:(id<PPScanningViewController>)cameraViewController {
[cameraViewController pauseScanning];
NSString *message = [[result fields] description];
NSString* title = @"USDL";
BlockAlertView *alert = [BlockAlertView alertWithTitle:title message:message];
[alert setCancelButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel" block:^{
[cameraViewController resumeScanning];
[alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Copy text" block:^{
UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
pasteboard.string = message;
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
[alert show];