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Driver's Licenses

This document is an addition to README document for pdf417 barcode scanning library. Here we explain how to obtain Driver's license information from the scanning results.

Obtaining the result

By default, cameraViewController:obtainedBaseResult: callback returns result as a PPBaseResult object. When the resultType property of that object is PPBaseResultTypeUSDL the object is actually PPUSDLResult, which means it has Driver's License data stored. Here's a simple way to check if the data is USDL, and to get the USDLScanningResult object:

if ([result resultType] == PPBaseResultTypeUSDL && [result isKindOfClass:[PPUSDLResult class]]) {
	PPUSDLResult* usdlResult = (PPUSDLResult*)result;
	\\ additional processing

USDL data in the PPUSDLResult object are stored inside a NSDictionary called fields. From this Dictionary you can obtain specific fields using keys declared on top of the PPUSDLResult.h header file.

The value for a given key can be obtained the following way:

NSString* value = [[usdlResult fields] objectForKey:key]

The DriversLicenseKeys document lists all fields that can be obtained from the PPUSDLResult object. If pdf417 USDL library didn't recognize a fields value for given key, you will receive nil value.

Code Example

- (void)cameraViewController:(UIViewController<PPScanningViewController> *)cameraViewController
            didOutputResults:(NSArray *)results {
    for (PPBaseResult* result in results) {
        if ([result resultType] == PPBaseResultTypeUSDL && [result isKindOfClass:[PPUSDLResult class]]) {
            PPUSDLResult* usdlResult = (PPUSDLResult*)result;
            [self processUSDLResult:usdlResult cameraViewController:cameraViewController];

- (void)processUSDLResult:(PPUSDLResult*)result
     cameraViewController:(id<PPScanningViewController>)cameraViewController {

    [cameraViewController pauseScanning];

    NSString *message = [[result fields] description];
    NSString* title = @"USDL";

    BlockAlertView *alert = [BlockAlertView alertWithTitle:title message:message];

    [alert setCancelButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel" block:^{
        [cameraViewController resumeScanning];

    [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Copy text" block:^{
        UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
        pasteboard.string = message;
        [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

    [alert show];