DSMML - Distributed Symmetric Memory Management Library
DSMML is a stand-alone memory management library for maintaining distributed
shared symmetric memory heaps for top level PGAS languages and libraries like
Coarray Fortran, UPC, and OpenSHMEM. DSMML allows user libraries to create
multiple symmetric heaps and share information with other libraries. Through
DSMML, we could extract interoperability between PGAS programming models.
Cray DSMML, is a proprietary product from Cray, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise
company. Cray OpenSHMEMX, a propreitary OpenSHMEM library implemetation from
Cray, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company makes use of DSMML for its symmetric
memory management.
For other information on the product and the available APIs to use DSMML, please
visit the following [link](man/index.html).