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214 lines (159 loc) · 8.27 KB
  • The most IMPORTANT thing, make sure you understand the behavior of the tokenizer.
  • We provide some samples on how different tokenizer behaviors should be changed.
  • At the end it describes how to convert LLaVA style models to the MoE architecture.

Don't have special tokens, but can add special tokens

For those tokenizers that don't have special tokens, but can add special tokens, such as QWenTokenizer or PhiTokenizer. You need to add special tokens.



Insert the following code after initializing the tokenizer here:

    'unk_token': '<|extra_0|>',
    'eos_token': '<|endoftext|>'

preprocess_qwen function

Copy the preprocess_qwen function from the preprocess_v1 function and modify the following:

round_len = len(tokenizer_image_token(rou, tokenizer)) + 1  # for eos_token
instruction_len = len(tokenizer_image_token(parts[0], tokenizer)) - 1  # instruction_len is before the answer

Defining the use of preprocess_qwen in the preprocess function here.

if conversation_lib.default_conversation.version.startswith("qwen"):  # for qwen
    return preprocess_qwen(sources, tokenizer, has_image=has_image)

conv_qwen conversation template

Add a new conversation template such as conv_qwen here, replacing sep2 with eos_token, and modify the value of version.

conv_qwen = Conversation(
    system="A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. "
    "The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.",
    roles=("USER", "ASSISTANT"),
    version="qwen",  # replace
    sep=" ",
    sep2="<|endoftext|>",  # replace with eos_token

Don't forget to register the newly defined conversation template here.

conv_templates = {
    "qwen": conv_qwen,  # the key is "qwen"

Remember the key for the registered dialogue conversation, such as qwen. And modify the --version qwen in the commands for Stage 2 and Stage 3. DO NOT need to modify the --version plain in Stage 1.



Insert the following code after initializing the tokenizer here:

    'unk_token': '<|extra_0|>',
#    'eos_token': '<|endoftext|>'  Not needed because it already exists.

preprocess_phi function

Copy the preprocess_phi function from the preprocess_v1 function and modify the following:

round_len = len(tokenizer_image_token(rou, tokenizer)) + 1  # for eos_token
instruction_len = len(tokenizer_image_token(parts[0], tokenizer)) - 1  # instruction_len is before the answer

Defining the use of preprocess_phi in the preprocess function here.

if conversation_lib.default_conversation.version.startswith("phi"):  # for phi
    return preprocess_phi(sources, tokenizer, has_image=has_image)

conv_phi conversation template

Add a new conversation template such as conv_phi here, replacing sep2 with eos_token, and modify the value of version.

conv_phi = Conversation(
    system="A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. "
    "The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.",
    roles=("USER", "ASSISTANT"),
    version="phi",  # replace
    sep=" ",
    sep2="<|endoftext|>",  # replace with eos_token

Don't forget to register the newly defined conversation template here.

conv_templates = {
    "phi": conv_phi,  # the key is "phi"

Remember the key for the registered dialogue conversation, such as phi. And modify the --version phi in the commands for Stage 2 and Stage 3. DO NOT need to modify the --version plain in Stage 1.

CAN NOT add special tokens



For those tokenizers that can not add special tokens, such as StableLMTokenizer.

First find all the special tokens of the tokenizer.

>>> {'<|endoftext|>': 100257, '<|fim_prefix|>': 100258, '<|fim_middle|>': 100259, '<|fim_suffix|>': 100260, '<|fim_pad|>': 100261, '<gh_stars>': 100262, '<filename>':  100263, '<issue_start>': 100264, '<issue_comment>': 100265, '<issue_closed>': 100266, '<jupyter_start>': 100267, '<jupyter_text>': 100268, '<jupyter_code>': 100269, '<jupyter_output>': 100270, '<empty_output>': 100271, '<commit_before>': 100272, '<commit_msg>': 100273, '<commit_after>': 100274, '<reponame>': 100275, '<|endofprompt|>': 100276, '<|im_start|>': 100277, '<|im_end|>': 100278, '<|pause|>': 100279, '<|reg0|>': 100280, '<|reg1|>': 100281, '<|reg2|>': 100282, '<|reg3|>': 100283, '<|reg4|>': 100284, '<|reg5|>': 100285, '<|reg6|>': 100286, '<|reg7|>': 100287, '<|extra0|>': 100288}

Choosing a less important token, e.g., <|reg0|>. You need to make sure the tokenizer has unk_token here.

tokenizer.unk_token = '<|reg0|>'

preprocess_stablelm function

Copy the preprocess_stablelm function from the preprocess_v1 function and modify the following:

total_len = int( + conversation.count(conv.sep2)  # pad_token_id == eos_token_id
round_len = len(tokenizer_image_token(rou, tokenizer)) + 1  # for eos_token
instruction_len = len(tokenizer_image_token(parts[0], tokenizer)) - 1  # instruction_len is before the answer

Defining the use of preprocess_stablelm in the preprocess function here.

if conversation_lib.default_conversation.version.startswith("stablelm"):  # for stablelm
    return preprocess_stablelm(sources, tokenizer, has_image=has_image)

conv_stablelm conversation template

Add a new conversation template such as conv_stablelm here, replacing sep2 with eos_token, and modify the value of version.

conv_stablelm = Conversation(
    system="A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. "
    "The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.",
    roles=("USER", "ASSISTANT"),
    version="stablelm",  # replace
    sep=" ",
    sep2="<|endoftext|>",  # replace with eos_token

Don't forget to register the newly defined conversation template here.

conv_templates = {
    "stablelm": conv_stablelm,  # the key is "stablelm"

Remember the key for the registered dialogue conversation, such as stablelm. And modify the --version stablelm in the commands for Stage 2 and Stage 3. DO NOT need to modify the --version plain in Stage 1.

The behavior of the tokenizer is consistent with LlamaTokenizer


If the behavior of your tokenizer is consistent with LlamaTokenizer. You can just use the already defined conversation template. Beware of the differences brought about by different transformers versions, we strongly recommend using LlamaTokenizer on version 4.31.0.

For example, for the LlamaTokenizer, bos_token is <s>, eos_token is </s>, and unk_token is <unk>. When the tokenizer encodes one sentence, the resulting output should include the bos_token_id. In following example, the bos_token_id is 1.

tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.5", cache_dir='cache_dir')
tokenizer(['This is first sentence', 'Test'], return_tensors='pt', padding=True)
# Output: {'input_ids': tensor([[    1,   910,   338,   937, 10541],
#                               [    1,  4321,     0,     0,     0]]),
#          'attention_mask': tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
#                                    [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]])}

Passing the --version v1 in the commands for Stage 2 and Stage 3. DO NOT need to modify the --version plain in Stage 1.

Converting models to MoE architectures

Refer to,,, and