We employ the LLaVA1.5 to generate caption of samples in each datasets. Please run the following command.
python text_edit/generator.py --data-root $your_data_root --image-dir $your_image_dir --text-save-path $your_text_save_path
Here is an example:
python text_edit/generator.py --data-root /data/coco_stuff164k --image-dir images/val2017 --meta-file-path meta_val2017.json --text-save-path captions/val2017.json
At last, captions will be store in your specified --text--save--path
in dict format like:
{"000000000285.jpg": "a close up of a brown bear sitting in a grassy field with its mouth open and its eyes looking up at the camera.", ...}
We employ LLama3 to manipulate text descriptions, where only descriptions of some attributes are changed. Please run the following command.
python text_edit/editor.py --data-root $your_data_root --text-file-path $your_text_file_path --meta-file-path $your_meta_file_path --save-file-path $your_save_file_path --type $type
Here is an example:
python text_edit/editor.py --data-root /data/coco_stuff164k --text-file-path captions/val2017.json --meta-file-path meta_val2017.json --save-file-path captions/val2017_color_edit.json --type color
At last, the text descriptions after editing attributes specified by variable --type
will be stored like:
"000000000285.jpg": [
"a blue bear",
"a green bear",
"a yellow bear",
"a red bear",
"a purple bear",
"a pink bear",
"a orange bear",
"a black bear",
"a white bear",
"a gray bear",
"a silver bear",
"a golden bear",
"a turquoise bear",
"a lavender bear",
"a peach bear",
"a beige bear",
"a tan bear"
], ...