This system is designed to completely dump the data from an RDS instance to a file in s3 that can then be backed up elsewhere.
You will need to install
- shunit2
- latest ansible
- python3 - set as the default pytnon (venv later()
- mysql clients including mysqldump
You will need to have a custom version of the fargate command
You will need to have your AWS credentials; cp TEMPLATE_aws_credentials_admin.yml aws_credentials_ACCOUNT_admin.yml where ACCOUNT is the name of your account matching the one in test-backup.yml
you will need to have the gpgme python bindings installed which has to come with your operating system or will not be compatible; for example:
Homebrew: Homebrew/homebrew-core#33129 Alpine alpinelinux/aports#5387
You will need to install the needed python modules
pip install -r requirements.txt --system-site-packages
You will need to be logged into dockerhub
(alternatively you can create without system site packages and make a symbolic link into )
after that just running
should run the tests
The code is a mixture of code from various sources including code from Ansible ( and from schickling's docker files ( As such some of it is required to be under the at least the GPLv3 and you should assum that files are under the AGPL unless mentioned otherwise. The files from the dockerfiles collection are in a separated directory and are MIT licensed.