Module Name | Vehicle_License_Plate_Recognition |
Category | text recognition |
Network | - |
Dataset | CCPD |
Fine-tuning supported or not | No |
Module Size | 111MB |
Latest update date | 2021-03-22 |
Data indicators | - |
- Vehicle_License_Plate_Recognition is a module for licence plate recognition, trained on CCPD dataset. This model can detect the position of licence plate and recognize the contents.
paddlepaddle >= 2.0.0
paddlehub >= 2.0.4
paddleocr >= 2.0.2
$ hub install Vehicle_License_Plate_Recognition
- In case of any problems during installation, please refer to: Windows_Quickstart | Linux_Quickstart | Mac_Quickstart
import paddlehub as hub import cv2 model = hub.Module(name="Vehicle_License_Plate_Recognition") result = model.plate_recognition(images=[cv2.imread('/PATH/TO/IMAGE')])
def plate_recognition(images)
Prediction API.
- images (list[numpy.ndarray]): image data, ndarray.shape is in the format [H, W, C], BGR;
- results(list(dict{'license', 'bbox'})): The list of recognition results, where each element is dict.
PaddleHub Serving can deploy an online service of text recognition.
Run the startup command:
$ hub serving start -m Vehicle_License_Plate_Recognition
The servitization API is now deployed and the default port number is 8866.
NOTE: If GPU is used for prediction, set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable before the service, otherwise it need not be set.
With a configured server, use the following lines of code to send the prediction request and obtain the result
import requests import json import cv2 import base64 def cv2_to_base64(image): data = cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1] return base64.b64encode(data.tostring()).decode('utf8') # Send an HTTP request data = {'images':[cv2_to_base64(cv2.imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE"))]} headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"} url = "" r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) # print prediction results print(r.json()["results"])
First release
$ hub install Vehicle_License_Plate_Recognition==1.0.0