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Prisma Cloud Compute API Agentless

Prisma Cloud Compute API management of Cloud Accounts, specifically around scanning VMs, Containers and Serverless Functions using agentless features (Agentless Scanning for VMs and Containers, and Serverless Scanning for Functions).

This script is meant for updating serverless and agentless configuration for multiple cloud accounts. It also works for SaaS and self-hosted versions of Prisma Cloud Compute.


  1. Cloud account must be already onboarded by Prisma Cloud
  2. Agentless scanning must be already enabled if any Agentless parameters is used.
  3. Serverless scanning must be already enabled if any Serverless parameters is used.


Here is general view of the script and all it's parameters:

$ python3 --account-ids $ACCOUNT_1 $ACCOUNT_2 ... $ACCOUNT_N --organization-id $ORGANIZATION_ID -organization-type $ORGANIZATION_TYPE --username $PRISMA_USERNAME --password $PRISMA_PASSWORD --compute-api-endpoint $COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT --prisma-api-endpoint $PRISMA_API_ENDPOINT --hub-account-id $HUB_ACCOUNT_ID --subnet-name $SUBNET_NAME --security-group-name $SECURITY_GROUP_NAME --auto-scale true/false --regions $REGION_1 $REGION_2 ... $REGION_N --include-tags/--exclude-tags $TAG_1=VALUE_1 $TAG_2=VALUE_2 ... $TAG_N=VALUE_N --custom-tags $CUSTOM_TAG_1=VAlUE_1 $CUSTOM_TAG_2=VAlUE_2 ... $CUSTOM_TAG_N=VAlUE_N --oci-excluded-compartments $COMPARTMENT_1 $COMPARTMENT_2 ... $COMPARTMENT_N --oci-vcn $OCI_VCN --scan-non-running true/false --scanners N --enforce-permissions-check true/false --set-as-hub --scan-latest true/false --scan-cap $SCAN_CAP --scan-layers true/false --radar-cap $RADAR_CAP --radar-latest true/false


VM and Container Scanning Parameters (Agentless Scanning)

  • --account-ids (optional): Ids of the cloud accounts you want to set the parameters of agentless scanning. If not set it is required the values of --organization-id and --organization-type.
  • --organization-id (optional): Id of the organization you want to set the parameters of agentless scanning. The organization must be onboarded in Prisma Cloud.
  • --organization-type (optional): type of the organization Id. Must be: aws, gcp or azure.
  • --username (required): Name of the user to be used. For Prisma Cloud SaaS version, this would be the value of the Access Key ID if you are using access keys.
  • --password (required): Password of the user to be used. For Prisma Cloud SaaS version, this would be the value of the Secret Key if you are using access keys.
  • --prisma-api-endpoint (optional): API endpoint of Prisma Cloud. Required if --organization-id exists.
  • --compute-api-endpoint (optional): API endpoint of the Prisma Cloud Compute console. For SaaS version, you can find this in the Compute console under Runtime Security > Manage > System > Utilities. Not required if set --prisma-api-endpoint.
  • --hub-account-id (optional): Id of the Cloud account to be set as Hub.
  • --subnet-name (optional): Name of the subnet to be used for agentless scanning spot instance. The subnet must have been created in the cloud account. If you want a blank value, meaning that Prisma Cloud will create the VPC and subnet for you, set this parameter to none.
  • --security-group-name (optional): Name of the security group to be used for agentless scanning spot instance. The security group must have been created in the cloud account. If you want a blank value, meaning that Prisma Cloud will create the security group for you, set this parameter to none. Avaliable for AWS, Azure and OCI.
  • --auto-scale (optional): Enables or disables autoscaling for agentless scanning spot instances. It can only be true or false.
  • --regions (optional): Scope of regions to be scanned. The region code must be used (eg. us-east-1 for AWS North Virginia). If you want to scan all regions, set this parameter to none.
  • --include-tags (optional): Scope of instances to be included in the scan by the tags they have. This must not be used together with the parameter --exclude-tags. The format of each tag should be key=value. Once used, it will remove the excluded tags in the agentless configuration. If you want to clear this values, set this parameter to none.
  • --exclude-tags (optional): Scope of instances to be excluded from the scan by the tags they have. This must not be used together with the parameter --include-tags. The format of each tag should be key=value. Once used, it will remove the included tags in the agentless configuration. If you want to clear this values, set this parameter to none.
  • --custom-tags (optional): Tags that will be added to the agentless scanning spot instance. The format of each tag should be key=value. If you want to clear this values, set this parameter to none.
  • --oci-excluded-compartments (optional): OCI compartments to exclude. Only available for OCI.
  • --oci-vcn (optional): OCI VCN Name. Only available for OCI.
  • --scan-non-running (optional): Enables or disables the scanning of non running instances in your cloud environment. It can only be true or false.
  • --scanners (optional): Maximum number of scanner spot instances to be deployed on the cloud. It's maximum value is 10.
  • --enforce-permissions-check (optional): Enables or disables checking for missing permissions on the cloud account configuration on Prisma Cloud. If permissions are missing the scan won't be performed. It can only be true or false.
  • --set-as-hub (optional): Set the accounts to be the Hub Account.

Function Scanning Parameters (Serverless Scanning)

  • --scan-latest (optional): Enables or disables the scanning of the latest serverless functions only. If set to true, it will scan only the latest version of serverless functions. It can only be true or false.
  • --scan-cap (optional): Set the limit of how many functions will be scanned for vulnerabilities and compliance. If set to 0, it will scan all the functions.
  • --scan-layers (optional): Enables or disables the scanning of the lambda layers. It can only be true or false. Only available for AWS.
  • --radar-cap (optional): Set the limit of how many functions will be graphed in the Serverless Radar. Cannot be 0. Only available for AWS.
  • --radar-latest (optional): Enables or disables the radar view of the latest serverless functions only. If set to true, it will graph the radar of only the latest version of serverless functions. It can only be true or false. Only available for AWS.


  • If an optional parameter is not included, the value of it will remain the same as it was configured before.

Environment variables

Instead of explicitly input the values of some parameters in the script, you can substitute them by using environment variables. Those variables are:

Variable Parameter substituted
PRISMA_API_ENDPOINT --prisma-api-endpoint
COMPUTE_API_ENDPOINT --compute-api-endpoint
ORGANIZATION_ID --organization-id
ORGANIZATION_TYPE --organization-type
HUB_ACCOUNT_ID --hub-account-id
SUBNET_NAME --subnet-name
SECURITY_GROUP_NAME --security-group-name

You can either use it as an OS environment variable or write a .env file with this variables included, but if the parameter is input while running the script, this will override the environment variable.

Least privilege permissions

Prisma Cloud SaaS version

In order to grant the least privileges to a user or service account in the SaaS version of Prisma Cloud, you must create a Permissions Group with View and Update for the Cloud Account Policy permission. While you are creating a Permissions Group, the Cloud Account Policy permission can be found under Assing Permissions > Compute > Manage as in the following image:

Least Privileges Permissions Group - Prisma Cloud SaaS version

If you required to pull the data of the accounts existing on onboarded organization, then the required permissions are as following:

Least Privileges with Org Access Permissions Group - Prisma Cloud SaaS version

Once created this permissions group, you must create a role and then the belonging user or service account.


  • You must assing an account group to the role. Be sure to add the account groups of the accounts you need to modify.
  • Is recommended to use a service account and access key.

Prisma Cloud self-hosted version

In order to grant the least privileges to a user in the self-hosted version of Prisma Cloud, you must create a role with Read and Write for the Cloud Account Policy permission and no access to the Console IU. While you are creating a Role, the Cloud Account Policy permission can be found under the Manage tab as in the following image:

Least Privileges Role - Prisma Cloud self-hosted version

Once created this role, you must create the belonging user.

Install dependencies

Install requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

It's recommended to use a virtual environment.


  • This script was tested in Python 3.10 and pip version 22.3.1.

CloudFormation template

A cloudFormation template has been added to this repo with the purpose of creating the VPC, subnet and security group for the agentless scanning spot instances on an entire AWS Organization, or on certain organization units, with the minimum required inbound and outbound rules for the security group in order to successfully connect to the Prisma Cloud Compute console.

This template is under the AWS folder of this repo and is named as agentlessSubnetSGTemplate.yaml.

The parameters of this template are:

  • VpcCidr: The Cidr Block of the VPC to be created. Default value:
  • SubnetName: The name of the subnet to be created. Default value: prismacloud-agentless-subnet
  • SubnetCidr: the Cidr Block of the subnet. Default value:
  • SecurityGroupName: The name of the security group to be created. Default value: prismacloud-agentless-sg
  • SecurityGroupEgress: IP address of the Prisma Cloud Compute console. For Prisma Cloud SaaS version, it must be the same as the Egress IP of the Compute SaaS console for the Prisma Cloud tenant you are currently using. To get this IP address, follow up our documentation in doc of Enable Access to the Prisma Cloud Console. Default value: (APP and APP2 Prisma Cloud tenants)
  • OrganizationalUnitIds: List of organization Units to be applied this template. Provide the organizational root OU ID (Prefix like r-) if you want to run it for all the accounts under this Organization, else provide a comma-separated list of OU ids(Prefix like ou-).


To apply such template is required to enable Trusted access for AWS Account Management if you have not previously enabled it. For that follow this steps:

  1. Sign in to your AWS Organization management account. You must sign in as an IAM user, assume an IAM role, or sign in as the root user (not recommended) in the organization’s management account.
  2. Select AWS Organizations from the list of Services.
  3. Click Services from the left navigation pane.
  4. Choose AWS Account Management from the list of services.
  5. Select Enable trusted access.
  6. Click Services again and choose CloudFormation StackSets from the list of services.
  7. Select Enable trusted access.

Applying the template

You can apply the template from the AWS Console on CloudFormation > Stacks > Create Stack or downloading the template file and applying it via AWS CLI:

$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name agentless-scanner --template-body file:///agentlessSubnetSGTemplate.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=OrganizationalUnitIds,ParameterValue=r-0000 --region us-east-1

You must add any other parameter if you want to override any default value and change the value of OrganizationalUnitIds.


  • The CloudFormation template must be applied to each AWS region where you have resources deployed.

Integrate template with script

In order to integrate this template once applied with the script, first you need to get the account ids where the stack was applied by running de following commands:

$ ROOT_ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text)

$ MEMBER_ACCOUNTS=$(aws cloudformation list-stack-instances --stack-set-name agentless-scanner | jq -c '.Summaries[].Account' | sed -e 's/"//g')

Once done you can run the script as follows:

$ python3 --account-ids $ROOT_ACCOUNT $MEMBER_ACCOUNTS --subnet-name prismacloud-agentless-subnet --security-group-name prismacloud-agentless-sg ...OTHER_PARAMETERS


  • This script works for AWS, Azure, GCP and OCI, and is recomended to update only a single type of cloud each time.
  • The last commands is assumed that you are using the CloudFormation template default values and you have installed the JSON Processor jq.
  • All the commands can be run as is in bash shell or Z shell.
  • Pending GCP and Azure subnet and security group auto implementation via Terraform.