From 989e0f0d5df72084435756601ab4695f725e231a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Cameron Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 22:02:26 +1000 Subject: [PATCH] #509 improved script path determination --- scripts/gridss_somatic_filter | 17 ++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/scripts/gridss_somatic_filter b/scripts/gridss_somatic_filter index e1a04512..ce3c9a6b 100755 --- a/scripts/gridss_somatic_filter +++ b/scripts/gridss_somatic_filter @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ #!/usr/bin/env Rscript library(argparser) +thisFile <- function() { # + cmdArgs <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE) + needle <- "--file=" + match <- grep(needle, cmdArgs) + if (length(match) > 0) { + # Rscript + return(normalizePath(sub(needle, "", cmdArgs[match]))) + } else if (is.null(sys.frames()[[1]]$ofile)) { + return("./") + } else { + # 'source'd via R console + return(normalizePath(sys.frames()[[1]]$ofile)) + } +} argp = arg_parser("Filters a raw GRIDSS VCF into somatic call subsets.") argp = add_argument(argp, "--pondir", default=NA, help="Directory containing Panel Of Normal bed/bedpe used to filter FP somatic events. Use gridss.GeneratePonBedpe to generate the PON.") argp = add_argument(argp, "--ref", default="", help="Reference genome to use. Must be a valid installed BSgenome package") @@ -9,7 +23,7 @@ argp = add_argument(argp, "--fulloutput", help="Full call set excluding obviousl argp = add_argument(argp, "--plotdir", default="", help="Output directory for plots") argp = add_argument(argp, "--normalordinal", type="integer", default=1, help="Ordinal of matching normal sample in the VCF") argp = add_argument(argp, "--tumourordinal", type="integer", nargs=Inf, help="Ordinal of tumour sample(s) in the VCF. Defaults to all samples not listed as matched normals") -argp = add_argument(argp, "--scriptdir", default=ifelse(sys.nframe() == 0, "./", dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile)), help="Path to libgridss.R script") +argp = add_argument(argp, "--scriptdir", default=thisFile(), help="Path to libgridss.R script") argp = add_argument(argp, "--configdir", default=".", help="Path to gridss.config.R script relative to scriptdir. Defaults to '.' (same directory as libgridss.R)") argp = add_argument(argp, "--gc", flag=TRUE, help="Perform garbage collection after freeing of large objects. ") # argv = parse_args(argp, argv=c("--input", "../../../gridss-purple-linx/test/gridss/COLO829v001R_COLO829v001T.gridss.vcf", "--output", "../../../temp/somatic.vcf", "-f", "../../../temp/full.vcf", "-p", "../../../gridss-purple-linx/refdata/hg19/dbs/gridss/pon3792v1", "--scriptdir", "../", "--gc")) @@ -94,6 +108,7 @@ if (any(argv$tumourordinal > nsamples)) { write(paste("Tumour samples:", paste(colnames(geno(raw_vcf)$VF)[argv$tumourordinal], collapse = ",")), stderr()) write(paste("Matched normals:", paste(colnames(geno(raw_vcf)$VF)[argv$normalordinal], collapse = ",")), stderr()) if (argv$plotdir != "") { + dir.create(argv$plotdir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) # QUAL distributions of each sample plotdf = data.frame( sample=rep(colnames(geno(raw_vcf)$QUAL), each=length(raw_vcf)),