- Introduction
- Obviously Reached Quality Goals
- Quality Goals Enforced by Code Reviews
- Partially Reached or Missed Quality Goals
- Attachment: Usability Test
At the very beginning of this project, we created a document ("Qualitätssicherungsdokument") that outlined certain quality goals which were to be met by the software as well as measures and practices for the developers to adhere to in order to reach these quality goals. Here is a shortened, check-list-style summary of these goals:
Ease of Use
- The user interface has to be visually consistent/coherent. Therefore, all UI elements must be part of Twitter's Bootstrap framework.
- Each feature has to be accessible with no more than three clicks.
- Each feature has to be described in a user story before its being implemented. This way, possible misunderstandings with the client can be sorted out before one line of code is being written.
- Each user story comes with at least one so-called "acceptance test", which precisely (click-by-click) describes a scenario in which the new functionality is being applied. A user story may not be considered done until the test associated with it passed.
- Towards the end of the development, one or more "usability tests" (regarding the entire software) have to be conducted. A usability test consists of several questions to be answered by potential users of the software. The goal is to find out how satisfied they are with it and what they want to be done differently.
Analyzability (or "Understandability of the Source Code")
- Each source code change (addition, modification, or deletion) has to be associated with either a user story or a bug that is being tracked with the GitHub bug tracker. Therefore, all so-called "pull requests" have to come with either a user story id or a bug id.
- Each method has to come with a JavaDoc-style comment right above its signature that describes its what it does, its parameters, etc.
As the title suggests, it is the purpose of this document to either prove that these goals have been reached or document the reasons why some of them could not be realized. How is this document structured? The first section comments on those quality goals that have obviously been reached. By "obviously" we mean that it cannot further been "proven" that these goals have been reached: For example, it is obvious that each user story comes with an acceptance test. There is no way to further prove that -- there is simply no user story to be found that does not come with such a test. As a consequence, quality goal §2.2 has been reached. The second section of this document talks about those quality goals that had to be enforced during code reviews. To prove that this actually happened, the second section mostly consists of transcripts of these code reviews. (Each code review is about one pull request, and a user story is being implemented by one or more pull requests. This is exactly how the second section is structured.) The third section lists those quality goals that were not reached, unfortunately. For each goal that we did not reach, we tried to come up with an explaination.
However, whether certain quality goals have been reached or not is quite hard to "prove" as it is rather obvious if that is the case or not:
- It is obvious that each feature has been described in a user story (§2.1) since everything that has been submitted to the repository through a pull request refers to at least one user story. This can easily be verified by checking out the descriptions of all the accepted ("merged") pull requests on GitHub.
- There is one exeption to this, though. There are pull requests that do not contain a user story id but an issue id instead. An issue id refers to a bug that is being tracked with the GitHub issue tracker. This as well as the aforementioned reveals that quality goal §3.1 has also been reached.
- Furthermore, as one can easily verify below, each user story comes with at least one acceptance test (§2.2).
While the quality goals §2.1, §2.2, and §3.1 have "obviously" been reached, the implementaion of other quality goals had to be enforced in so-called "code reviews".
How did these code reviews work? Whenever a developer wanted to submit any kind of source code change (addition, modification, or deletion), he (there were no women involved) issued a so called "pull request". Then, all the other developers had to review the code of the pull request and verify that it fulfilled the relevant quality goals. If so, the submitted code was being merged into the repository. If not, the developers discussed until the code was changed to live up to the expected standard. Then, it would also be merged. Insummary, there was one code review per pull request and that code review happened entirely on the GitHub platform.
Which quality goals were relevant during the code reviews? The quality goals §1.1 (Visual consisency through Bootstrap), §1.2 (Accessibility of all features through three clicks at most), and §3.3 (Java-style comments of methods) were relevant during code reviews. However, the discussions during code reviews were not limited to that.
How are code reviews being documented here? Each user story has been implemented by at least one pull request. For each pull request, there has been a code review. Below you can see all the user stories including the pull requests associated with them. Futhermore, each pull request itself comes with a short description and a transcript of its code review. (At first, we considered to only list all the pull requests of the project als well as transcripts of their code reviews, however, these would seem incoherent if not mentioned in the context of a user story. Therefore, we decided to not only list pull requests and transcripts of code reviews below but also all of the user stories.)
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As a person, I want to be able to register an account on a Paperdreamer instance. I want to enter my user name, email address and password and confirm the data to register myself as a user. This user account is not functional until an administrator confirms it.
- Acceptance Test #1: After registering as a user called "Test User" with the email address [email protected], one has to verify that the user account is created in the database, but logging in will fail until an administrator enables it.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #3: Server-side validation of registration data
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #4: User lists and activating users
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #4: Implement registration and notifications
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #7: Implement settings factory and refactor the registration
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #3: Server-side validation of registration data
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As a user, I want to be able to change the password that I use to log in to the Paperdreamer platform. For security purposes, I want to be forced to enter my current password twice before entering my desired password (twice, also). The next time I want to log in, I want to be able to do so using the new password.
- Acceptance Test #1: Using the login credentials of "Test User", one has to log in to the Paperdreamer platform using the generated password. Then, one has to change "Test User"'s password like described above. If, afterwards, loggin in with the new password works, this test can be considered done.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #20: Add backend methods for profile and edit profile view
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #30: Add profile and edit profile views, some little tweaks, User Stories 8 and 17, fix issues 12 and 20
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #20: Add backend methods for profile and edit profile view
- Velocity Points: 4
- Description: After registering on a Paperdreamer instance, I will receive an email, where I need to confirm the entered data by clicking on a link. After this, the account will show up in the list of users for the administrator(s) to confirm.
- Acceptance Test #1: After registering as a user, one has to verify the provided data by clicking on a link in a received email. After the link has been clicked by the newly registered user, this user needs to show up in the list of unconfirmed users (which can only be accessed by administrators).
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #7: Mail service
- Code Review:
- Lukas Appelhans: Hey! I just merged my requests, so you have to update this one. Also you can then simply add a mail when an account got activated as well. (Which was implemented in my patch.) The code itself looks fine though!! :) Thanks, Lukas
- Ursula von der Leyen: Since the database structure does not support email activation, this implementation just sends a mail to notify the user that he/she has to wait until an administrator activates the account.
- Lukas Appelhans: You understood me wrong sorry. We need to send another email once the account got activated by an administrator! ;) That's what the first email also indicates.
- Ursula von der Leyen: I don't know how to sync forks. Please merge my request so I can implement your wish in another pull request.
- Lukas Appelhans: This merge request cannot be automatically merged. ;) We can discuss how to merge it locally (at your computer), then you can implement the rest and put it here. Then we can automatically merge it via the button here.
- Lukas Appelhans: Read this: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork
- Ursula von der Leyen: Your wish is now implemented. See commit 962c007. Thanks for the link by the way.
- Lukas Appelhans: Looks fine! Awesome! :)
- Tobias Muecksch: I consent to boom1992. P.S: @onurv12 this pull request relies on some changes in the userManagement. See this pull request by Ursula Paperdreamer/userManagement#7
- Onur Vural: Ok, will do. +1
- Code Review:
- Back end pull request #7: Mail service
- Velocity Points: 6
- Description: As an administrator, I want to be able to confirm user accounts. After registering as user, the account is not activated, until I (or another administrator) enables it, by choosing to reject or accept it.
- Acceptance Test #1: After registering as a user, my account is disabled and I cannot login. One has to verify that after confirming the account as administrator, the new user can log in with the data he entered in the original registration process.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #4: User lists and activating users
- Code Review: See above.
- Front end pull request #5: Implement user stories #4, #5 and #6
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #4: User lists and activating users
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As an administrator, I want to see a list of user accounts which I need to accept or reject.
- Acceptance Test #1: After registering as a new user, I login as administrator and can open the list of unconfirmed users. One has to confirm that the new user shows up in the list.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #4: User lists and activating users
- Code Review: See above.
- Front end pull request #5: Implement user stories #4, #5 and #6
- Code Review: See above.
- Back end pull request #4: User lists and activating users
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As an administrator, I want to see a list of all users in the system. Once I am logged in as administrator, I can open a view of all registered users. This view will show at least each user name and the associated permissions ("Administrator" or "User").
- Acceptance Test #1: After creating a new user ("Test User"), I can login as administrator and open the user view. "Test User" will show up with the associated permission being "User".
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #4: User lists and activating users
- Code Review: See above.
- Front end pull request #5: Implement user stories #4, #5 and #6
- Code Review: See above.
- Back end pull request #4: User lists and activating users
- Velocity Points: 8
- Description: As an administrator, I want to be able to promote users to admins. Once I am logged in a user account with administrator privileges, I can open the user view, where I can change the permissions of each user. The following system wide permissions are supported: Administrator (not-deleteable, "God" mode), Administrator (deleteable) and User. Non-deletable administrators can only be promoted by another non-deleteable administrators, the same is true for changing the permissions of user from "Administrator" to "User".
- Acceptance Test #1: After creating a new user ("Test User"), I can login as administrator and change his permissions to "Administrator". After logging out, I can login with "Test User" and change permissions as well.
- Acceptance Test #2: After creating a new user ("Test User"), I can login as "God" administrator and change his permissions to "Administrator, non-deletable". After confirming my choice, deleting "Test User" is not possible.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #9: Add methods for changing user roles
- Code Review:
- Tobias Muecksch: You should ensure, that the user (who is logged in) is an administrator and therefore allowed to change roles. In my opinion there is a method in the userManager. If not please contact me. In case the user is not an administrator please return HTTP Status Code 403 (Forbidden)
- Onur Vural: If the user is not administrator the dropdowns are not even shown. They are simply plain text. If you think it is still needed then I'll do it.
- Tobias Muecksch: Of course it is needed. The backend can be accessed without the GUI. If a user directly triggers a route the function has to make sure the user has the right to do that. This would be a very heavy security issue.
- Tobias Muecksch: There should be a method for this. Do not access the session directly. I'd suggest to add a function to the userManagement which should only do this:
return (bool) $this->getSession()[isAdmin];
- Code Review:
- Front end pull request #13: Make admin userlist roles dropdowns, add methods for changing roles to controller and factory
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #9: Add methods for changing user roles
- Velocity Points: 7
- Description: As a user, I want to be able to view my profile as well as other users' profiles. After I login to my account by clicking "View Your Profile" (or something similar), I want to be able to see my current profile information such as my avatar, user name, email address (and other personal information the user has provided). By clicking someone else's username I want to be able to view their profile.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as "Test User", I can go to my profile view by clicking "My Profile" from the navbar and other users' profiles from user list.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #20: Add backend methods for profile and edit profile view
- Code Review: See above.
- Front end pull request #30: Add profile and edit profile views, some little tweaks, User Stories 8 and 17, fix issues 12 and 20
- Code Review: See above.
- Back end pull request #20: Add backend methods for profile and edit profile view
- Velocity Points: 8
- Description: As a user (which can also be an administrator), I want to be able to log in to the platform. Therefore I enter my credentials (user name or email and password) into a login form. The login button will be unclickable unless both fields are filled with information that fits the format. If, and only if, the provided credetials were correct, access is being granted after clicking the login button. Otherwise, there will be an error message popping up.
- Acceptance Test #1: Try to log in with fictional credentials. There should be an error message saying that the provided credentials weren't accepted.
- Acceptance Test #2: Try to log in without a password, the login button should be unclickable, though.
- Acceptance Test #3: Log in with an existing user's credentials.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #6: Implement GET /user route
- Front end pull request #4: Implement registration and notifications
- Code Review: See above.
- Front end pull request #6: Implement login live validation
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #8: Implement user factory
- Velocity Points: 15
- Description: As a user, I want to be able to switch between different views. I want to open a list of all public projects, a list of my projects and also my account settings from a header bar, which I can access on every page, as long as I'm logged in.
- Acceptance Test #1: Before logging in, there is no header bar visible. Once I login as any user, a header view is shown with at least the entries "My Projects", "All Projects" and a link to my user account settings. Clicking on each link opens the page corresponding to it.
- Implementation:
- Front end pull request #10: Create a header bar for Paperdreamer
- Code Review:
- Tobias Muecksch: Why is the commit "Don't redirect to dashboard when there was an error in the backend" also included in [front end] Pull Request number 9? After you fixed that, feel free to merge the request right away. (bearenfeanger agrees.)
- Lukas Appelhans: It is included, because I based this branch on the branch which fixed it. (To make the backend work here as well.) I just thought I could merge the other request rather fast so you guys can already use the backend properly again. About coding style: I just copied it from the other methods, but I agree, will fix the other methods as well and merge!
- Lukas Appelhans: Sorry, this has to be reviewed again. I forgot to add a file and also fixed a bug with the wrong tab being selected. Thanks!
- Tobias Muecksch: You should remove the whole ... tag.
- Tobias Muecksch: Please do not commit debug commands. By the way console.log causes IE to stop execution.
- Code Review:
- Front end pull request #10: Create a header bar for Paperdreamer
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As a user, I want to see a page containing a list of all projects that I am participating in. These projects should have an indicator that shows whether they are open. This page should be the first thing I see after logging in. This should also be my home page.
- Acceptance Test #1: After creating a new project "Foo" and assigning user "Test User" to it I can login as "Test User" and see "Foo" on my dashboard and that it is open.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #11: Add project controller and methods for getting belonged and all projects, add new paths to index
- Code Review:
- Lukas Appelhans: Probably merge the two GETs and rather use a parameter. What do you say Tobias? I'm not sure!
- Tobias Muecksch: I have to think about that... I don't like it, but I have no better idea yet.
- Tobias Muecksch: Since I had no better idea yet, I will merge this as soon as you respected what boom1991 said in the first two comments.
- Code Review:
- Front end pull request #16: Add dashboard and all projects view, add factories and controllers for those
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #11: Add project controller and methods for getting belonged and all projects, add new paths to index
- Velocity Points: 8
- Description: As a user, I want to be able to open a page where I can see all the projects on the platform, regardless of my membership and an indicator which shows whether they are open.
- Acceptance Test #1: After creating a new project "Foo" and assigning user "Test User" to it, I can login as "Test User" or another user "Test User 2" and see "Foo" on the all projects view and that it is open.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #11: Add project controller and methods for getting belonged and all projects, add new paths to index
- Code Review: See above.
- Front end pull request #16: Add dashboard and all projects view, add factories and controllers for those
- Code Review: See above.
- Back end pull request #11: Add project controller and methods for getting belonged and all projects, add new paths to index
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As an administrator, I want to be able to create new projects by giving it a name and a description, adding users for this project and assigning those users as Director, Supervisor or Artist.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as administrator "Test Admin", I can create a new Project "Dummy" and give it a description of "Dummy Project". I can assign user "Test User" to this project and make him the director of the project. I can then verify that this project is created in the database.
- Acceptance Test #2: After logging in as "Test User", I can see "Dummy" on my dashboard, my all projects view and that it's open. I can then login as user "Test User 2" and see "Dummy" on my all projects view and that it's open but not on my dashboard.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #17: Add createProject route to flight and implement it
- Code Review:
- Onur Vural: How can someone be the director before creating the project? And why must the creator always be the director?
- Lukas Appelhans: He didn't select himself as the director of the new project.
- Lukas Appelhans: The creator must be admin or director. I think it makes sense pretty much, you shouldn't be able to create projects which other people own. Remember the Director is more like the "god-admin" of projects.
- Onur Vural: and how is someone a director before a project is created?
- Lukas Appelhans: Selected as director. ;) Basically current-user == future director of the new project.
- Onur Vural: Ok, I'll take your word for it. I have no problems if it works.
- Code Review:
- Front end pull request #23: Add functionality to add new projects
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #27: Add autocomplete to create project page
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #17: Add createProject route to flight and implement it
- Velocity Points: 7
- Description: As an administrator, I want to be able to change the meta data of an existing project like changing its name, its users, roles of users.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as administrator "Test Admin", I can edit the project "Dummy" by changing its name to "Foo" and its description from "Dummy Project" to "Project Foo", by assigning user "Test User" as supervisor, by making the director "Test Director" an artist and by removing artist "Test Artist" from the project.
- Acceptance Test #2: After logging in as "Test User", I can see "Foo" on my dashboard, all projects view and that it's open. I can login as "Test Director" and see the name change from "Dummy" to "Foo" on my dashboard and all projects view. I can then login as "Test Artist" and see the name change from "Dummy" to "Foo" on my all projects view but cannot see "Dummy" or "Foo" on my dashboard.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #28: Add methods to update users of projects in backend
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #35: Edit projects
- Code Review:
- Onur Vural: Is this the way to fix the 'Reload' problem?
- Lukas Appelhans: This makes a page refresh when we save all stuff indeed.
- Onur Vural: why did you add the "event"s here? they were working just fine
- Lukas Appelhans: No, at least for me it wasn't. the event object didn't exist for me, thus I needed to pass it from the original ng-click here...
- Onur Vural: ok
- Tobias Muecksch: @boom1992 that's very strange. should not happen... Are you 100% sure, this really deletes the project which is intended to be deleted?
- Lukas Appelhans: Uh why should it delete the wrong one? The event just gets passed in order to not change the location to the project, but stay on the dashboard...
- Lukas Appelhans: This will have to get another revision. :( Ursula and I kind of worked on some of the same things in the backend/userManagement, so I'll have to redo half of it I think!
- Code Review:
- Back end pull request #28: Add methods to update users of projects in backend
- Velocity Points: 5
- Description: As an administrator, I want to be able to delete an existing project. After that, this project is permanently removed from the database and cannot be reached again.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as administrator "Test Admin", I can delete project "Foo". I can verify that "Foo" is removed from the database. I can login as artist "Test Artist" of "Foo" and verify that it's no longer on my dashboard or all projects view.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #16: Add backend methods for open/close and delete project functions, User Stories 15, 16 and 18
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #21: Add open/close and delete buttons to open/close and delete projects to dashboard and all projects view, add those methods to corresponding controllers and projects factory
- Code Review:
- Lukas Appelhans: Why not iterate through belongedProjects only and then use the filter method? http://www.tutorialspoint.com/javascript/array_filter.htm
- Onur Vural: I could but in this tutorial there is a huge section about compatibility. Are you positive that it won't be a problem?
- Tobias Muecksch: We have underscore.js included in paper dreamer. see http://underscorejs.org/#filter There is a more convenient filter method.
- Onur Vural: @tobiasmuecksch Thanks for the tip. After implementing it with filtering I don't see why it's better. Since it's not only necessary to filter but to assign too it didn't improve the code that much and made it more complicated. I'd like to let it as it was if it's ok with you, too
- @onurv12 it's not more complicated if you are familiar with this code style. But I don't mind. Leave it as it was.
- Code Review:
- Back end pull request #16: Add backend methods for open/close and delete project functions, User Stories 15, 16 and 18
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As an administrator, I want to be able to close an existing project. After doing that, no new changes can be made to this project by its members.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as administrator "Test Admin", I can close project "Bar". I can then login as supervisor "Test Supervisor" of "Bar" and verify that "Bar" is indicated to be closed on my dashboard and all projects view. I can no longer make any changes on "Foo".
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #16: Add backend methods for open/close and delete project functions, User Stories 15, 16 and 18
- Code Review: See above.
- Front end pull request #21: Add open/close and delete buttons to open/close and delete projects to dashboard and all projects view, add those methods to corresponding controllers and projects factory
- Code Review: See above.
- Back end pull request #16: Add backend methods for open/close and delete project functions, User Stories 15, 16 and 18
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As a user, I want to be able to edit my personal information such as email, gravatar email from an edit profile page. As an administrator, I want to be able to edit my and other users' personal information from an edit profile page.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as "Test User", I can go to my profile view and click "Edit Profile" to edit my profile and change my email from "[email protected]" to "[email protected]".
- Acceptance Test #2: After logging in as "Test Admin" I can go to userlist, click "Test User"s user name to go to his profile view, click "Edit Profile" to edit his profile, and change his gravatar email from "[email protected]" to "[email protected]".
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #20: Add backend methods for profile and edit profile view
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #17: Implement 'Forgot Password' button for login, add button to 'Edit Profile' view and little fixes, User Stories 17, 21 and fix issue #26
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #20: Add backend methods for profile and edit profile view
- Velocity Points: 5
- Description: As an administrator or a director of a project, I want to be able to open a closed project from the dashboard or the all projects view. After doing that the project can be worked on normally.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as "Test Admin", I can open the closed project "Project 1" by clicking "Open" from the dashboard. The indicator of "Project 1" is now "Open".
- Acceptance Test #2: After logging in as "Test Director", I can open the closed project "Project 1" by clicking "Open" from the dashboard. The indicator of "Project 1" is now "Open". I cannot open a project that I am not the director of.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #16: Add backend methods for open/close and delete project functions, User Stories 15, 16 and 18
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #21: Implement open/close and delete buttons for dashboard and all projects view, User Stories 15, 16 and 18
- Code Review:
- Lukas Appelhans: Why not iterate through belongedProjects only and then use the filter method? http://www.tutorialspoint.com/javascript/array_filter.htm
- Onur Vural: I could but in this tutorial there is a huge section about compatibility. Are you positive that it won't be a problem?
- Tobias Muecksch: We have underscore.js included in paper dreamer. see http://underscorejs.org/#filter There is a more convenient filter method.
- Onur Vural: @tobiasmuecksch Thanks for the tip. After implementing it with filtering I don't see why it's better. Since it's not only necessary to filter but to assign too it didn't improve the code that much and made it more complicated. I'd like to let it as it was if it's ok with you, too
- Tobias Muecksch: @onurv12 it's not more complicated if you are familiar with this code style. But I don't mind. Leave it as it was.
- Code Review:
- Back end pull request #16: Add backend methods for open/close and delete project functions, User Stories 15, 16 and 18
- Velocity Points: 15
- Description: As a regeistered user, I want to be able to view a project. That is, I want to view all of its panels (including their title, canvases, descriptions, and notes). As an artist of a particular project, I want to be able
- to create new panels or remove them,
- to move panels around and therefore change their order, and
- to be able to click a button for each panel that opens the so-called "panel edit view". (See user story #20 for details).
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as "Test User", who is not enrolled in any projects, I want to be able to click on "Test Project". The following screen has to show all panels of the aforementioned project.
- Acceptance Test #2: After logging in as "Test User 2", who is enrolled in "Test Project" as an artist, I want to be able to click on "Test Project". The following screen has to show all panels which I can move around freely. For each panel, I can see a button that leads me to a view in which I can edit it.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #18: Implement functionality triggered by routes for getting projects and canvases
- Code Review: See user story #20.
- Back end pull request #21: Implement panel deletion
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #22: Implement panel creation
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #22: Implement project view and panel edit view
- Code Review: See user story #20.
- Front end pull request #31: Implement panel deletion
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #33: Implement panel creation and saving a project's panel constellation
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #18: Implement functionality triggered by routes for getting projects and canvases
- Velocity Points: 20
- Description: As an artist enrolled in a particular project, I want to be able to edit each panel as I desire: Since a panel contains a canvas on which assets are composed, I want to be able to manipulate the way they are composed. That is, I want
- to add (by choosing from a list of uploaded assets) and remove assets,
- to change an assets position (including the layer its on) within the canvas, and
- to scale assets. Additionally, I must be able not just edit a panels canvas but also a panels title, description, and notes.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as "Test User", who is enrolled in a project I'm clicking on a button called "Edit" which is contained by a panel. Afterwards the canvas is opened. Then I can move the assets in the canvas around, add new ones and scale them. When I've finished I can press save. Opening the project again now shows the new state of the manipulted panel.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #18: Implement functionality triggered by routes for getting projects and canvases
- Back end pull request #23: Implement panel saving
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #22: Implement project view and panel edit view
- Code Review:
- Lukas Appelhans: I don't really get this, what does this do? Also an empty canvasView.html was added? Mistake?
- Tobias Muecksch: it creates a html5 canvas element and sets it's DOM-ID to the ID of the Canvas. The Problem is: this is still work in progress, but since you need to integrate your implementation (like assigning users to projects and so on), I released it early. My exams are in two weeks and i can't guarantee to finish this until then and i don't want the implementation to be stuck because of this issue. But you are right. canvasView.html is not supposed to be committed. I will remove it in the next commit.
- Lukas Appelhans: Okay, I suppose it's a good thing :)
- Code Review:
- Front end pull request #29: Increase canvas size when editing it
- Code Review:
- No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Code Review:
- Front end pull request #36: Implement canvas saving
- Code Review:
- No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Code Review:
- Velocity Points: 10
- Description: As a user, I want to be able to be sent a random new password to my email address in case I forget mine.
- Acceptance Test #1: Before logging in as "Test User", I can reset my password after giving my username and email address. I get a new random password to my email address "[email protected]". I can then login using the new password.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #38: Add backend methods for user story #21 ('Forgot Password' )
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #38: Implement 'Forgot Password' button for login, add button to 'Edit Profile' view and little fixes, User Stories 17, 21 and Bugfix
- Code Review:
- Lukas Appelhans: In my opinion the random password should be generated here in PHP and not be sent via HTTP in plaintext!!!
- Onur Vural: I see what you mean and I fixed it but just out of curiosity what would have happened if it was in plaintext?
- Lukas Appelhans: Basically the server admin can read all the traffic and thus find out all passwords of all users.
- Code Review:
- Back end pull request #38: Add backend methods for user story #21 ('Forgot Password' )
- Velocity Points: 15
- Description: As a project member, I want to be able to discuss things in a commentary area.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as "Test User" and opening the Project View, I can see all comments any user posted in this particular project. I can then specify a new comment with title "Title" and Text "Text". After clicking "Post Comment", it will be added to the list of comments and be visible to everyone else in the project. Also if I'm privileged (Director of the project or Moderator/Administrator), I can remove any comment.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #37: Add code to add/remove/get comments
- Code Review:
- Tobias Muecksch: This is not merge able 😣 Could you please take the newest SQL and copy the lines regarding the comments table into it? Thanks in advance 😄
- Code Review:
- Front end pull request #47: Add code to add/remove/show comments
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #37: Add code to add/remove/get comments
- Velocity Points: 15
- Description: As a project member, I want to be able to add and remove assets from canvases in panels. Additionally, I want to be able to upload assets and choose a tag for it. After that, I can remove an asset assigned to a canvas.
- Acceptance Test #1: After logging in as "Test User" and opening a panel of the project view, I can see a button called "Upload asset". I can then press this button an chose an asset by double clicking it - it will be added to the panel's canvas then. I also can upload an asset by choosing a tag first, the file and a file name and then press "Upload". While the upload is in progress, a "please wait" message is shown. I am also able to click a button with a cross symbol to remove assets from a panel's canvas.
- Implementation:
- Back end pull request #36: Implement Assetmanagement
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Front end pull request #46: Implement Assetmanagement
- Code Review: No complaints were expressed during the code review.
- Back end pull request #36: Implement Assetmanagement
- We partially failed to reach quality goal §2.3. We designed the usability tests (a copy is being attached) as planned and gave it to our client, who promised to distribute them to potential users of our software.
- We did not reach quality goal §3.2. We did not comment each method JavaDoc-style because developers forgot about it in the beginning of the project. Towards the end of the project, it was noticed that this should have been enforced during code reviews, however, at that point there was not enough time left to start commenting all the methods. We mentioned this to our client, who told us not to worry about it and asked us to focus on implementing more features.