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201 lines (151 loc) · 6.36 KB

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201 lines (151 loc) · 6.36 KB


v0.5.0 → master

  • Remove unneeded trait bounds for Graph iterators
  • adding module dual_graph


  • adding from_vec
  • adding member degree_iter
  • adding member degree_histogram
  • adding member cloned_subgraph
  • adding iterator dfs_mut
  • adding iterator bfs_index_depth_mut
  • bugfix for bfs_filtered


  • implemented FromIterator trait


  • add AdjList trait


  • add shuffle_adj

v0.4.0 → v0.5.0


  • move sampling to new crate - sampling is reexported at old location


  • adding new breadth first iterator BfsFiltered
  • improve size_hint for a few iterators


  • adding member bfs_filtered
  • adding member degree_vec


  • adding From<&GenericGraph>
  • adding Graph::complete_graph

minor optimizations

  • ErEnsembleC - randomize (and therefore new, as that uses randomize)
  • GenericGraph - new roughly twice as fast now, though it was fast to begin with


  • adding Barabási-Albert ensemble - work in progress
  • adding ConfigurationModel - work in progress
  • adding Spacial Ensemble - work in progress
  • moved sort_adjto WithGraphtrait
  • ErEnsembleC: removed R: Rng trait bound for struct, added Dot trait
  • ErEnsembleM: removed R: Rng trait bound for struct, added Dot trait
  • SwEnsemble: removed R: Rng trait bound for struct, added Dot trait


  • WithGraph now has sort_adj() member
  • MarkovChain now has member m_steps_quiet()
  • adding traits Histogram, HistogramVal and HistogramIntervalDistance
  • HasRng - changed swap_rng(&mut self, rng: Rng) -> Rng to swap_rng(&mut self, rng: &mut Rng) and moved HasRng into sampling module. Reexported at old position.

module sampling

  • added WangLandauAdaptive for performing WangLandau simulation
  • added EntropicAdaptive for performing Entropic sampling simulation
  • added Histograms

Markov Steps

  • Adding Serialize + Deserialize for ErStepC
  • Adding Clone + Serialize + Deserialize for ErStepM
  • Adding Cloone + Serialize + Deserializ for SwChangeState

and more

  • I did not list all changes, you are welcome to take a look at the documentation

v0.3.0 → v0.4.0

Major breaking change: u32 -> usize

  • Almost all u32 where changed into usize. In fact so many, that I will not list them all, sorry for the inconvinience. Why? Because u32 was a very bad choice and I had to convert it into usize almost everywhere anyway. Currently (almost?) no one uses this library anyway. That might change, meaning: if I do not do this change now, it will only become increasingly inconvinient in the future, so I'd be stuck with it.
  • This increases the performance of some iterators
  • IMPORTANT: This will sadly affect the state of the rng, as I am now generating usize instead of u32. Therefore this affects the individual networks drawn for any given seed.


  • optimization for diameter


  • add member connected_components_ids
  • add member contained_iter_neighbors_with_index which returns new iterator


  • rename fn to_rngfn into_rng
  • add member is_finished
  • add member set_m_beta
  • add member set_temperature
  • derive Debug


  • add member is_finished


  • add experimental member make_connected for ErEnsembleC
  • add experimental member make_connected for SwEnsemble


  • GraphIterators added member contained_iter_neighbors_with_index(&self, index: usize)


  • new Iterator NIContainedIter; similar to INContainedIterMut but differs in mutability

v0.2.2 → v0.3.0


  • optimization for q_core
  • major optimization for vertex_load


  • implemented Borrow<GenericGraph> for the ensembles
  • implemented AsRef<GenericGraph> for the ensembles
  • new trait MeasurableGraphQuantities<G>
  • implemented trait MeasurableGraphQuantities for ensembles
  • new trait Dot
  • implemented Dot for GenericGraph
  • new trait DotExtra
  • implemented DotExtra for GenericGraph
  • new trait Metropolis


  • add dot_options! macro for ease of use

new iterator

  • INContainedIterMut to mutably iterate over neighbors of specified vertex and also get the indices of the neighbors
  • added member in GraphIteratorsMut<T, G, A> and GenericGraph to return INContainedIterMut


  • trait GraphIteratorsMut<'a, T, G, A>GraphIteratorsMut<T, G, A>
  • trait GraphIterators<'a, T, G, A>GraphIterators<T, G, A>


  • to_dot* members of GenericGraph. Use members of Dot or DotExtra trait instead


  • fn is_adjacent(&self, other_id: &u32) -> bool;fn is_adjacent(&self, other_id: u32) -> bool;
  • now dot_options from to_dot_with_labels* do not have to be a string, they only have to implement AsRef<str>, and the closure f only has to return something, that implements AsRef<str>, not necessarily a String

v0.2.1 → v0.2.2


  • iterator optimizations (nth + FusedIterator + …)
  • added iterator: contained_iter_mut
  • added iterator: contained_iter_neighbors_mut


  • added GraphIterators and generically implemented it for the Ensembles
  • added GraphIteratorsMut

v0.1.0 → v0.2.1


  • EnsembleSimpleSample + MarkovChain
  • mc_step of former Ensemble trait is now m_step in MarkovChain trait
  • new trait WithGraph for graph ensembles
  • EnsembleRngHasRng
  • Node removed parse_str and make_string, since serde takes care of that now

bug fix

  • fix for SwEnsemble (Ensemble trait was pub(crate) and not pub due to returned type)

GenericGraph - new iterators

  • added member contained_iter (returns iterator)
  • added member container_iter_neighbors to iterate over AdjContainer of neighbors of specific vertex
  • added member contained_iter_neighbors to iterate over additional information of neighbors of specific vertex


  • added trait SerdeStateConform
  • added blanked implementation for SerdeStateConform
  • derived Serialize and Deserialize for most types


  • added feature "serde_support" (enabled by default)


  • removed Display trait. Use serde instead.
  • reexported rand