npm init -y
- -y skip the interactive questions
npm i webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
- i It's install alias
- --save-dev save the package for development purpose. This would also create a new value in your package.json
- webpack is the actual JS library that contains webpack bundling functionality
- webpack-cli is the Command Line Interface that communicates to the Webpack Compiler/Bundler)
|- package-lock.json
|- package.json
+ |- /src
+ |- index.js
console.log('hello js')
- remove "test" and add "start", "build"
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
+ "start": "webpack --mode development",
+ "build": "webpack --mode production"
npm run dev
- new folder dist appear
- dist means distribution
+ |- /dist
+ |- main.js
See content in main.js, and you'll find a lot of stuff here.
- Development mode is optimized for speed and does nothing more than providing an un-minified bundle.
npm run build
Now it's a minified bundle.
- Production mode enables all sorts of optimizations out of the box. Including minification, scope hoisting, tree-shaking and more.