diff --git a/src/Chrome/YouTubePlus.user.js b/src/Chrome/YouTubePlus.user.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dc96fcd..0000000
--- a/src/Chrome/YouTubePlus.user.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3174 +0,0 @@
-// ==UserScript==
-// @version 0.0.5
-// @name YouTube +
-// @namespace https://github.com/ParticleCore
-// @description YouTube with more freedom
-// @icon 
-// @match https://www.youtube.com/*
-// @run-at document-start
-// @downloadURL https://github.com/ParticleCore/Particle/raw/master/src/Userscript/YouTubePlus.user.js
-// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
-// @grant GM_getValue
-// @grant GM_setValue
-// @noframes
-// ==/UserScript==
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- var userscript = typeof GM_info === 'object',
- defaultSettings = {
- GEN_BTTR_NTF : true,
- GEN_YT_LOGO_LINK : true,
- GEN_CMPT_TTLS : true,
- GEN_BLUE_GLOW : true,
- GEN_CHN_DFLT_PAGE: 'videos',
- GEN_SDBR_ON : true,
- VID_END_SHRE : true,
- VID_DFLT_QLTY : 'auto',
- VID_PLST_SEP : true,
- VID_PLST_ATPL : true,
- VID_PLST_RVRS : true,
- VID_PLR_ANTS : true,
- VID_PLR_CC : true,
- VID_PLR_ALVIS : true,
- VID_PLR_ADS : true,
- VID_PLR_SIZE_MEM : true,
- VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS : true,
- VID_PLR_DYN_SIZE : true,
- VID_PLR_FIT_WDTH : '1280px',
- VID_PROG_BAR_CLR : 'red',
- VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR : 'light',
- VID_HIDE_COMS : '1',
- VID_POST_TIME : true,
- VID_VID_CNT : true,
- VID_DESC_SHRT : true,
- VID_SDBR_ALGN : '1',
- VID_TTL_CMPT : true,
- BLK_ON : true,
- volLev : 50,
- plApl : false,
- plRev : false,
- advOpts : true,
- blacklist : {}
- },
- particleStyle = [
- // start| Playlist spacer
- '.part_playlist_spacer:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' margin-left: 0 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Playlist spacer
- // start| Ads visibility
- '.part_no_ads #header, .part_no_ads #feed-pyv-container, .part_no_ads .video-list-item:not(.related-list-item), .part_no_ads .pyv-afc-ads-container, .part_no_ads .ad-div{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Ads visibility
- // start| Hide video details
- '.part_hide_details #action-panel-details{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Hide video details
- // start| Disable blue glow
- '.part_dsbl_glow .yt-uix-button:focus, .yt-uix-button:focus:hover{\n',
- ' box-shadow: initial !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Disable blue glow
- // start| Hide footer
- '.part_hide_footer #footer-container{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_hide_footer #body-container{\n',
- ' padding-bottom: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Hide footer
- // start| Compact video title
- '.part_compact_title #watch7-headline #eow-title{\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
- ' text-overflow: ellipsis;\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Compact video title
- // start| Compact thumbnail titles
- '.part_compact_titles .feed-item-container .yt-ui-ellipsis, .yt-shelf-grid-item .yt-ui-ellipsis{\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap !important;\n',
- ' display: inherit !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Compact thumbnail titles
- // start| Floater player
- 'html.floater:not([data-player-size="fullscreen"]):not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) #player #player-api{\n',
- ' left: initial !important;\n',
- ' margin: 0 auto !important;\n',
- ' transform: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.floater:not([data-player-size="fullscreen"]) #player #movie_player{\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgb(0, 0, 0);\n',
- ' position: fixed !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.floater:not([data-player-size="fullscreen"]):not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) #player #movie_player{\n',
- ' top: 50% !important;\n',
- ' z-index: 10;\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.content-snap-width-skinny-mode.floater:not([data-player-size="fullscreen"]) #player #movie_player{\n',
- ' margin-top: 0 !important;\n',
- ' top: 50px !important;\n',
- ' transform: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Floater player
- // start| Labelless video buttons
- '.part_labelless_buttons #watch8-secondary-actions{\n',
- ' left: 0 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_labelless_buttons #watch8-secondary-actions .yt-uix-button-content{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_labelless_buttons #watch8-secondary-actions button{\n',
- ' padding: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Labelless video buttons
- // start| Hide comments
- '.part_hide_comments #watch-discussion:not(.show){\n',
- ' height: 0;\n',
- ' margin-bottom: 0;\n',
- ' margin-top: 0;\n',
- ' opacity: 0;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
- ' padding-bottom: 0;\n',
- ' padding-top: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode.part_hide_comments #P-show-comments{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_hide_comments #P-show-comments button{\n',
- ' border-top: none;\n',
- ' padding-top: 2px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Hide comments
- // start| Custom styles
- '#body #uploaded-videos{\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' font-weight: initial;\n',
- ' overflow: initial;\n',
- ' vertical-align: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.yt-user-info > span{\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.invisible{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#subscription-playlist-icon{\n',
- ' margin-right: -20px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#subscription-playlist:hover span{\n',
- ' opacity: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#subscription-playlist span{\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- ' height: 100%;\n',
- ' opacity: 0.4;\n',
- ' width: 20px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist-import, #blacklist-export{\n',
- ' margin-top: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#watch-appbar-playlist .yt-uix-button-icon-watch-appbar-reverse-video-list{\n',
- ' background: url("") no-repeat;\n',
- ' height: 24px;\n',
- ' width: 24px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#watch-appbar-playlist .yt-uix-button-icon-watch-appbar-autoplay-video-list{\n',
- ' background: url("") no-repeat;\n',
- ' height: 24px;\n',
- ' width: 24px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Custom styles
- // start| Player console
- '#watch-header{\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fullbrowser #movie_player:not(.unstarted-mode):not(.ended-mode){\n',
- ' bottom: 0px;\n',
- ' left: 0px;\n',
- ' position: fixed;\n',
- ' right: 0px;\n',
- ' top: 0px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fullbrowser body{\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fullbrowser #masthead-positioner{\n',
- ' z-index: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#console-button{\n',
- ' background: url() no-repeat center;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' height: 20px;\n',
- ' opacity: 0.5;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' width: 25px;\n',
- ' z-index: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#console-button:hover{\n',
- ' opacity: 0.8;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' font-size: 0;\n',
- ' height: 40px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 20px;\n',
- ' top: 10px;\n',
- ' text-align: center;\n',
- ' border-left: 20px solid;\n',
- ' border-image: linear-gradient(to left, #FFF 20%, transparent 100%) 1 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.player-console #player-console{\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console > div{\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' height: 30px;\n',
- ' opacity: 0.4;\n',
- ' padding: 0 7px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' top: 50%;\n',
- ' transform: translateY(-50%);\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console:before{\n',
- ' background: #FFF;\n',
- ' border-right: 20px solid white;\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' height: 100%;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console > div.active{\n',
- ' opacity: 0.8 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console > div:hover{\n',
- ' opacity: 0.6;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#autoplay-button{\n',
- ' width: 16px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#save-thumbnail-button{\n',
- ' width: 24px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-map{\n',
- ' width: 18px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#screenshot-button{\n',
- ' width: 22px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#sidebar-button{\n',
- ' background: url("") no-repeat center;\n',
- ' width: 22px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#loop-button{\n',
- ' width: 20px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#fullbrowser-button{\n',
- ' width: 20px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Player console
- // start| Seek thumbs
- '#seek-thumb-map{\n',
- ' font-size: 0;\n',
- ' overflow: auto;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
- ' z-index: 940;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-controls{\n',
- ' background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n',
- ' border-top-left-radius: 5px;\n',
- ' border-top-right-radius: 5px;\n',
- ' bottom: 100%;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' left: 50%;\n',
- ' padding: 5px 5px 0;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' transform: translateX(-50%);\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-controls > div{\n',
- ' color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.4);\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' font-size: 10px;\n',
- ' display: inline;\n',
- ' font-size: 10px;\n',
- ' margin: 5px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.quality-1 .quality-1, .quality-2 .quality-2, .quality-3 .quality-3{\n',
- ' color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.7) !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-controls > div:hover{\n',
- ' color: #F1F1F1 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-thumbs{\n',
- ' background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n',
- ' overflow: auto;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-thumbs span{\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' margin: 10px 5px 20px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-thumbs .timer{\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' line-height: 20px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' text-align: center;\n',
- ' top: 100%;\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Seek thumbs
- // start| Screenshot window
- '#screenshot-result{\n',
- ' bottom: 15px;\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 0 15px #000000;\n',
- ' font-size: 0;\n',
- ' margin: 5px;\n',
- ' max-height: calc(100% - 90px);\n',
- ' max-width: 420px;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
- ' position: fixed;\n',
- ' right: 15px;\n',
- ' width: 30%;\n',
- ' z-index: 1000;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#screenshot-result > canvas{\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#close-screenshot{\n',
- ' background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);\n',
- ' border-top-left-radius: 5px;\n',
- ' color: #F1F1F1;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' font-size: 10px;\n',
- ' padding: 5px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' text-transform: uppercase;\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#close-screenshot:hover{\n',
- ' background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Screenshot window
- // start| Sidebar mode
- '.yt-pl-thumb .sidebarmode, .thumb-wrapper .sidebarmode, .yt-lockup-thumbnail .sidebarmode{\n',
- ' background: url("") #FFF no-repeat center;\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' font-size: 12px;\n',
- ' height: 17px;\n',
- ' left: 0;\n',
- ' line-height: 1;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' width: 17px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Sidebar mode
- // start| Thumb buttons
- '.yt-pl-thumb .blacklist, .thumb-wrapper .blacklist, .yt-lockup-thumbnail .blacklist{\n',
- ' background: url("") #FFF no-repeat center / contain;\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' font-size: 12px;\n',
- ' height: 17px;\n',
- ' line-height: 1;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- ' width: 17px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.thumb-wrapper:hover .blacklist, .yt-lockup-thumbnail:hover .blacklist, .yt-pl-thumb:hover .blacklist, .yt-pl-thumb:hover .sidebarmode, .thumb-wrapper:hover .sidebarmode, .yt-lockup-thumbnail:hover .sidebarmode{\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Thumb buttons
- // start| Grid layout
- ' .part_grid_subs .feed-item-container .branded-page-module-title, .part_grid_subs .feed-item-container .yt-lockup-description, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-description{\n',
- ' display: none !important;\n',
- ' height: 0 !important;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary, .part_grid_search #results {\n',
- ' font-size: 0;\n',
- ' margin-right: -15px;\n',
- ' padding: 15px;\n',
- ' padding-right: 0;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .section-list > li, .part_grid_search #results .item-section > li{\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' margin-bottom: 20px;\n',
- ' margin-right: 10px;\n',
- ' width: 196px;\n',
- ' word-wrap: break-word;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .expanded-shelf-content-item{\n',
- ' margin-bottom: initial;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .item-section .feed-item-container, .part_grid_search #results .item-section > li .yt-lockup{\n',
- ' border: initial;\n',
- ' padding: initial;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .item-section .feed-item-container .menu-container{\n',
- ' top: 110px;\n',
- ' right: -5px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-thumbnail, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-thumbnail{\n',
- ' float: initial !important;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-meta, .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-byline{\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' max-width: 196px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-title, .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .feed-item-dismissal{\n',
- ' font-size: 13px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-title a{\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-playlist-items, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-badges{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' }\n',
- // end| Grid layout
- // start| Enhancements
- ':focus{\n',
- ' outline: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- ':-moz-focus-inner{\n',
- ' border: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- 'input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]{\n',
- ' opacity: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.signin-container{\n',
- ' margin-right: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#body-container{\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.branded-page-related-channels-item .yt-close{\n',
- ' z-index: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.show-guide #appbar-guide-menu{\n',
- ' border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8;\n',
- ' border-right: 1px solid #E8E8E8;\n',
- ' box-shadow: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#movie_player:not(.ended-mode) .html5-progress-bar, #movie_player:not(.ended-mode) video{\n',
- ' max-width: 100%;\n',
- ' max-height: 100%;\n',
- ' min-width: 100%;\n',
- ' min-height: 100%;\n',
- ' left: initial !important;\n',
- ' top: initial !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.ideal-aspect .html5-player-chrome{\n',
- ' background: rgba(27,27,27,0.9) !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.ideal-aspect.light-theme .html5-player-chrome{\n',
- ' background: rgba(204,204,204,0.9) !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#theater-background, #watch7-sidebar, #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' transition: none !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #theater-background, .part_hide_controls.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #theater-background{\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- ' height: initial !important;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#footer-container{\n',
- ' max-width: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #theater-background{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player-playlist{\n',
- ' margin-top: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #footer-container{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #content, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' top: 0 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player-playlist, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' margin-bottom: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#page.watch .content-alignment, .watch.watch-non-stage-mode #player.content-alignment, .yt-base-gutter, .watch #content.content-alignment, .watch.watch-non-stage-mode #player.content-alignment, .watch.watch-stage-mode #player-playlist.watch-player-playlist{\n',
- ' min-width: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode .ytp-size-toggle-large, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode .ytp-size-toggle-small{\n',
- ' display: none !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.new_player .ytp-large-play-button{\n',
- ' text-align: center;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.new_player .ytp-large-play-button svg{\n',
- ' max-width: 85px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.new_player .html5-video-container{\n',
- ' height: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Enhancements
- // start| Improved notification button
- '.part_notif_button #appbar-main-guide-notification-container{\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 1px 2px #eee inset;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' top: 1px !important;\n',
- ' left: auto !important;\n',
- ' margin-left: 79px !important;\n',
- ' opacity: 0;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden !important;\n',
- ' position: absolute !important;\n',
- ' visibility: hidden;\n',
- ' width: auto;\n',
- ' z-index: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button #appbar-main-guide-notification-container .appbar-guide-notification{\n',
- ' height: 27px !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button .show-guide-button-notification #appbar-main-guide-notification-container{\n',
- ' visibility: visible;\n',
- ' opacity: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button #appbar-main-guide-notification-container{\n',
- ' transition: visibility .3s linear .1s, opacity .3s linear .1s;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button #appbar-guide-button-notification-check{\n',
- ' display: none !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button .show-guide-button-notification #appbar-guide-button{\n',
- ' opacity: 1 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Improved notification button
- // start| Static normal mode
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode .player-width, .part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode #watch7-content{\n',
- ' width: 640px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 390px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode).new_player .watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 360px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode #watch7-sidebar{\n',
- ' margin-left: 650px;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch.watch-non-stage-mode #content.content-alignment, .part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch.watch-non-stage-mode #player.content-alignment{\n',
- ' max-width: 1066px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' left: 650px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Static normal mode
- // start| Fit player in theater mode
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #player-api, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player-api{\n',
- ' height: auto !important;\n',
- ' left: 0 !important;\n',
- ' margin: 0 auto !important;\n',
- ' max-width: 1280px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #player-api:before, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player-api:before{\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- ' padding-top: calc(56.25% + 30px);\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater.new_player .watch-stage-mode #player-api:before, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode.new_player #player-api:before{\n',
- ' padding-top: calc(56.25%);\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #movie_player, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #movie_player{\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- ' left: 0;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #placeholder-player, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #placeholder-player{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' top: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' transform: none !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #content, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #content{\n',
- ' margin-top: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Fit player in theater mode
- // start| Hide player controls
- '.part_hide_controls.part_fit_theater:not(.new_player) .watch-stage-mode #player-api:before, .part_hide_controls.content-snap-width-skinny-mode:not(.new_player) #player-api:before{\n',
- ' padding-top: calc(56.25%);\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.new_player) .watch-non-stage-mode #watch7-sidebar{\n',
- ' margin-top: -370px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.part_fit_theater):not(.new_player) .watch-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' top: 90px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '@media screen and (min-width:1320px) and (min-height:870px){\n',
- ' .part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.part_fit_theater):not(.new_player) .watch-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' top: 330px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.new_player) #page.watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 360px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '@media screen and (min-width:1294px) and (min-height:630px){\n',
- ' html.part_hide_controls:not(.part_static_size):not(.new_player) #page.watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 480px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- '}\n',
- '@media screen and (min-width:1720px) and (min-height:980px){\n',
- ' html.part_hide_controls:not(.part_static_size):not(.new_player) #page.watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 720px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.new_player) #page.watch-stage-mode .player-height:not(.watch-playlist){\n',
- ' height: 480px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '@media screen and (min-width:1320px) and (min-height:870px){\n',
- ' html.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.new_player) #page.watch-stage-mode .player-height:not(.watch-playlist){\n',
- ' height: 720px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Hide player controls
- // start| Particle settings
- '#P-settings{\n',
- ' background: #f1f1f1;\n',
- ' height: 100%;\n',
- ' left: 0;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' z-index: 1000;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-container{\n',
- ' margin: 10px auto 0;\n',
- ' max-width: 1262px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.guide-pinned.show-guide .guide-pinning-enabled #P-container{\n',
- ' padding-left: 230px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-sidebar, #P-content{\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n',
- ' box-sizing: border-box;\n',
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- '#P-sidebar{\n',
- ' background: #1e1e1e;\n',
- ' color: grey;\n',
- ' float: left;\n',
- ' width: 195px;\n',
- ' margin-right: 10px;\n',
- ' padding: 10px 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-sidebar-list > li{\n',
- ' color: grey;\n',
- ' padding: 0 21px;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' line-height: 24px;\n',
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- '#P-sidebar-list > li:hover{\n',
- ' color: #1e1e1e;\n',
- ' background: #f6f6f6;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-sidebar-list > li.selected{\n',
- ' color: #FFF;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' background-color: #CC181E;\n',
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- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
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- '#P-content h2{\n',
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- ' color: #555;\n',
- ' font-size: 14px;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
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- '#P-content div{\n',
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- '#P-content div:first-child{\n',
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- '#P-content label{\n',
- ' line-height: 26px;\n',
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- '#P-content input{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
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- '#P-content input + label{\n',
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- ' margin-left: 25px;\n',
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- '#P-content input + label:before{\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #c6c6c6;\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' left: -25px;\n',
- ' height: 14px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' top: 5px;\n',
- ' width: 14px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input:checked + label:before{\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #36649c;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="text"]{\n',
- ' top: 2px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- ' margin-left: 5px;\n',
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- '#P-content input[type="text"] + label{\n',
- ' float: left;\n',
- ' margin-left: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="text"] + label:before{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="radio"] + label{\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
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- '#P-content input[type="radio"] + label:before{\n',
- ' border-radius: 50%;\n',
- ' left: -20px;\n',
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- '#P-content input[type="checkbox"] + label{\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before{\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="radio"]:checked + label:before{\n',
- ' background: url() no-repeat 3px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content select{\n',
- ' background-image: linear-gradient(#FCFCFC, #F8F8F8);\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;\n',
- ' color: #333 !important;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' font-family: arial,sans-serif;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' height: 26px;\n',
- ' margin-left: 5px;\n',
- ' padding: 0 2em 0 1em;\n',
- ' text-shadow: none;\n',
- ' -moz-appearance: none;\n',
- ' -webkit-appearance: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content select option{\n',
- ' padding: 0 1em;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-header{\n',
- ' height: 20px;\n',
- ' margin: 0;\n',
- ' padding: 24px 0 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-save, .P-reset{\n',
- ' background: #167AC6;\n',
- ' border-color: #167AC6;\n',
- ' border-radius: 2px;\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n',
- ' color: #fff;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' float: right;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' height: 28px;\n',
- ' line-height: normal;\n',
- ' margin-right: 20px;\n',
- ' margin-top: -5px;\n',
- ' outline: 0 none;\n',
- ' padding: 0 20px;\n',
- ' vertical-align: middle;\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
- ' word-wrap: normal;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-reset{\n',
- ' background: #F8F8F8;\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;\n',
- ' color: #333;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-reset:hover{\n',
- ' background: #F0F0F0;\n',
- ' border-color: #C6C6C6;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-reset:active{\n',
- ' background: #E9E9E9;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-save:hover{\n',
- ' background: #126DB3;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-save:active{\n',
- ' background: #095B99;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-horz{\n',
- ' border-bottom: 0 none;\n',
- ' border-top: 1px solid #e2e2e2;\n',
- ' height: 0;\n',
- ' margin: 20px 0 0 -15px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-settings select{\n',
- ' color: transparent !important;\n',
- ' text-shadow: 0 0 0 #333;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-settings .P-select{\n',
- ' display: inline;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-settings .P-select:after{\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' border: 1px solid transparent;\n',
- ' border-width: 4px 4px 0;\n',
- ' border-top-color: #666;\n',
- ' pointer-events: none;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 10px;\n',
- ' top: 50%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-settings option{\n',
- ' color: #000;\n',
- ' text-shadow: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT{\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT a{\n',
- ' color: #808080;\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT:hover a{\n',
- ' color: #F1F1F1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT:hover:after{\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' height: 18px;\n',
- ' margin-top: -9px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 10px;\n',
- ' top: 50%;\n',
- ' width: 15px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT:hover{\n',
- ' background: linear-gradient(to right, #167AC6 50%, #F6F6F6) !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist{\n',
- ' margin: 10px 15px 0 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist-controls{\n',
- ' margin-bottom: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist .blacklist{\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #C6C6C6;\n',
- ' cursor: default;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden !important;\n',
- ' padding: 0 10px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist .blacklist .close{\n',
- ' background: url("") #FFF no-repeat center / contain;\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #C6C6C6;\n',
- ' border-left: none;\n',
- ' border-top: none;\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' height: 17px;\n',
- ' font-size: 10px;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' left: 0;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- ' width: 17px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist .blacklist:hover .close{\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist-edit span, #blacklist-save span, #blacklist-close span{\n',
- ' pointer-events: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist.edit .blacklist, #blacklist.edit #blacklist-edit, #blacklist:not(.edit) #blacklist-save, #blacklist:not(.edit) #blacklist-close, #blacklist:not(.edit) #blacklist-edit-list{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist-edit-list{\n',
- ' font-family: Consolas, Lucida Console, monospace;\n',
- ' height: 200px;\n',
- ' width: calc(100% - 10px);\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P{\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' height: 28px;\n',
- ' margin-right: 10px;\n',
- ' opacity: 0.55;\n',
- ' vertical-align: middle;\n',
- ' width: 19px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #P{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P:hover{\n',
- ' opacity: 0.85;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-hide{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n'
- // end| Particle settings
- ].join('');
- if (userscript) {
- window.GM_getValue = GM_getValue;
- window.GM_setValue = GM_setValue;
- window.GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM_xmlhttpRequest;
- }
- function particle() {
- var api,
- fullscreen,
- channelId = {},
- events = [],
- isChrome = typeof window.chrome === 'object',
- defSets = null,
- parSets,
- lang = {
- ADV_OPTS : {
- en : 'Advanced options',
- 'pt-PT': 'Opções avançadas'
- },
- SUB_PLST : {
- en : 'Play recent uploads',
- 'pt-PT': 'Reproduzir vídeos recentes'
- },
- en : 'Enable sidebar mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar modo barra lateral'
- },
- en : 'Open in sidebar',
- 'pt-PT': 'Abrir barra lateral'
- },
- BLCK_ADD : {
- en : 'Add to blacklist',
- 'pt-PT': 'Adicionar à lista negra'
- },
- en : 'Edit',
- 'pt-PT': 'Editar'
- },
- en : 'Save',
- 'pt-PT': 'Guardar'
- },
- en : 'Close',
- 'pt-PT': 'Fechar'
- },
- en : 'Console',
- 'pt-PT': 'Consola'
- },
- CNSL_AP : {
- en : 'Autoplay',
- 'pt-PT': 'Início automático'
- },
- CNSL_RPT : {
- en : 'Repeat video',
- 'pt-PT': 'Repetir vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Seek map',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mapa de procura'
- },
- en : 'No thumbs found',
- 'pt-PT': 'Não existem imagens'
- },
- en : 'SMALL',
- 'pt-PT': 'PEQUENO'
- },
- en : 'MEDIUM',
- 'pt-PT': 'MÉDIO'
- },
- en : 'LARGE',
- 'pt-PT': 'GRANDE'
- },
- en : 'Open thumbnail',
- 'pt-PT': 'Abrir imagem de fundo'
- },
- CNSL_SS : {
- en : 'Take screenshot',
- 'pt-PT': 'Capturar imagem'
- },
- en : 'CLOSE',
- 'pt-PT': 'FECHAR'
- },
- en : 'Sidebar mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Modo barra lateral'
- },
- en : 'Fullbrowser mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Modo navegador inteiro'
- },
- PLST_AP : {
- en : 'Autoplay',
- 'pt-PT': 'Início automático'
- },
- en : 'Reverse',
- 'pt-PT': 'Inverter'
- },
- en : 'Show comments',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mostrar comentários'
- },
- en : 'Hide comments',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder comentários'
- },
- GLB_RSET : {
- en : 'Reset',
- 'pt-PT': 'Repor'
- },
- GLB_SVE : {
- en : 'Save',
- 'pt-PT': 'Guardar'
- },
- GEN : {
- en : 'General',
- 'pt-PT': 'Geral'
- },
- VID : {
- en : 'Video',
- 'pt-PT': 'Video'
- },
- CHN : {
- en : 'Channels',
- 'pt-PT': 'Canais'
- },
- BLK : {
- en : 'Blacklist',
- 'pt-PT': 'Lista negra'
- },
- ABT : {
- en : 'About',
- 'pt-PT': 'Sobre'
- },
- DNT : {
- en : 'Donate',
- 'pt-PT': 'Doação'
- },
- GEN_TTL : {
- en : 'General settings',
- 'pt-PT': 'Definições gerais'
- },
- GEN_GEN : {
- en : 'General',
- 'pt-PT': 'Geral'
- },
- GEN_LYT : {
- en : 'Layout',
- 'pt-PT': 'Aparência'
- },
- en : 'Disable advertisements outside the video page',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar publicidades fora da página de vídeo'
- },
- en : 'YouTube logo redirects to subscriptions',
- 'pt-PT': 'Logotipo do Youtube redirecciona para as subscrições'
- },
- en : 'Remove autoplay up next',
- 'pt-PT': 'Remover reprodução automática do vídeo a seguir'
- },
- en : 'Disable SPF',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar SPF'
- },
- en : 'Hide footer',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder rodapé'
- },
- en : 'Remove blue glow around clicked buttons',
- 'pt-PT': 'Retirar brilho azul em torno dos botões clicados'
- },
- en : 'Hide recommended channels sidebar',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder barra lateral de canais recomendados'
- },
- en : 'Hide search results sidebar',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder barra lateral nos resultados de pesquisa'
- },
- en : 'Hide channel sidebar',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder barra lateral dos canais'
- },
- en : 'Compact titles in feeds',
- 'pt-PT': 'Títulos compactos nas listas'
- },
- en : 'Disable hovercards',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar hovercards'
- },
- en : 'Improved blue notification box',
- 'pt-PT': 'Caixa de notificação azul melhorada'
- },
- en : 'Grid layout in subscriptions',
- 'pt-PT': 'Subscrições em formato grelha'
- },
- en : 'Grid layout in search results',
- 'pt-PT': 'Resultados de pesquisa em formato grelha'
- },
- VID_TTL : {
- en : 'Video settings',
- 'pt-PT': 'Definições de vídeo'
- },
- VID_PLR : {
- en : 'Player settings',
- 'pt-PT': 'Definições do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Player layout',
- 'pt-PT': 'Aspecto do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Default video quality:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Qualidade de vídeo padrão:'
- },
- en : 'Auto',
- 'pt-PT': 'Auto'
- },
- en: '144p'
- },
- en: '240p'
- },
- en: '360p'
- },
- en: '480p'
- },
- VID_DFLT_QLTY_720 : {
- en: '720p'
- },
- VID_DFLT_QLTY_1080 : {
- en: '1080p'
- },
- VID_DFLT_QLTY_1440 : {
- en: '1440p'
- },
- en: '2160p'
- },
- en : 'Always visible',
- 'pt-PT': 'Sempre visível'
- },
- en : 'Autoplay videos',
- 'pt-PT': 'Iniciar vídeos automáticamente'
- },
- en : 'Progress bar color:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Cor da barra de progresso:'
- },
- en : 'Red',
- 'pt-PT': 'Vermelha'
- },
- en : 'White',
- 'pt-PT': 'Branca'
- },
- en : 'Control bar color:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Cor da barra de controlos:'
- },
- en : 'Dark',
- 'pt-PT': 'Escura'
- },
- en : 'Light',
- 'pt-PT': 'Clara'
- },
- VID_LAYT : {
- en : 'Layout',
- 'pt-PT': 'Aparência'
- },
- en : 'Show link with number of uploaded videos',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mostrar link com número de vídeos carregados'
- },
- en : 'Show how long the video has been published',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mostrar há quanto tempo o vídeo foi publicado'
- },
- en : 'Hide video details',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder detalhes do vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Comment section',
- 'pt-PT': 'Secção de comentários'
- },
- en : 'Show',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mostrar'
- },
- en : 'Hide',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder'
- },
- en : 'Remove',
- 'pt-PT': 'Remover'
- },
- en : 'Disable share panel when video ends',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar painel de partilha quando o video acaba'
- },
- VID_PLST : {
- en : 'Playlists',
- 'pt-PT': 'Listas'
- },
- en : 'Separate playlist from player',
- 'pt-PT': 'Separar lista de reprodução do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Enable playlist autoplay control',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar controlo de início automático das listas'
- },
- en : 'Enable reverse playlist control',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar controlo de inversão das listas'
- },
- en : 'Memorize player mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Memorizar tamanho do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Change volume with mouse wheel',
- 'pt-PT': 'Alterar nível de som com a roda do rato'
- },
- en : 'Memorize audio volume',
- 'pt-PT': 'Memorizar volume de audio'
- },
- en : 'Disable advertisements in the video page',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar publicidades na página de vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Enable advertisements only in videos from subscribed channels',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar publicidades só para vídeos de canais subscritos'
- },
- en : 'Disable annotations',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar notas'
- },
- en : 'Disable DASH playback',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar reprodução DASH'
- },
- VID_PLR_CC : {
- en : 'Disable subtitles',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar legendas'
- },
- en : 'Hide player controls',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder controlos do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Fit to page in theater mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Ajustar na página no modo cinema'
- },
- en : 'Fit to page max width:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Largura máxima do ajuste na página:'
- },
- en : 'Disable dynamic player size in default view',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar tamanho dinâmico do reproductor na vista predefinida'
- },
- en : 'Short video description buttons',
- 'pt-PT': 'Botões curtos na descrição do vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Compact title in video description',
- 'pt-PT': 'Título compacto na descrição do vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Sidebar mode alignment',
- 'pt-PT': 'Alinhar modo barra lateral'
- },
- en : 'None',
- 'pt-PT': 'Nenhum'
- },
- en : 'Left',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esquerda'
- },
- en : 'Right',
- 'pt-PT': 'Direita'
- },
- en : 'Auto expand video description',
- 'pt-PT': 'Automáticamente mostrar mais na descrição do vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Default channel page:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Página de canal predefinida:'
- },
- en : 'Default',
- 'pt-PT': 'Padrão'
- },
- en : 'Videos',
- 'pt-PT': 'Vídeos'
- },
- en : 'Playlists',
- 'pt-PT': 'Listas de reprodução'
- },
- en : 'Channels',
- 'pt-PT': 'Canais'
- },
- en : 'Discussion',
- 'pt-PT': 'Discussão'
- },
- en : 'About',
- 'pt-PT': 'Acerca de'
- },
- BLK_TTL : {
- en : 'Blacklist settings',
- 'pt-PT': 'Definições da lista negra'
- },
- BLK_BLK : {
- en : 'Blacklist',
- 'pt-PT': 'Lista negra'
- },
- BLK_ON : {
- en : 'Enable blacklist',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar lista negra'
- },
- ABT_TTL : {
- en : 'Information and useful links',
- 'pt-PT': 'Informação e ligações úteis'
- },
- ABT_THKS : {
- en : 'Thanks to:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Agradecimentos a:'
- },
- en : ', who\'s work inspired the creation of this project, without whom none of this would exist today.',
- 'pt-PT': ', cujo trabalho inspirou a criação deste projecto, sem ele nada disto existiria hoje.'
- },
- en : ' for making the task of developing and shipping third party software incredibly easier.',
- 'pt-PT': ' por tornarem o processo de produção e publicação de software bastante fácil.'
- },
- en : ' for all of its priceless information which greatly contributes for software development.',
- 'pt-PT': ' por toda a informação valiosa que contém e que contribui bastante para a criação de software.'
- },
- ABT_INFO : {
- en : 'Official pages',
- 'pt-PT': 'Páginas oficiais'
- },
- en: 'GitHub'
- },
- en: 'Greasy Fork'
- },
- en: 'OpenUserJS'
- },
- ABT_PRBL : {
- en : 'Report a problem',
- 'pt-PT': 'Reportar problema'
- },
- en : 'Click here for instructions',
- 'pt-PT': 'Clique aqui para instruções'
- }
- };
- if (!parSets || Object.keys(parSets).length < 1) {
- parSets = defSets;
- }
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- var html = new window.DOMParser();
- return html.parseFromString(string, 'text/html');
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- hours = (time % 86400) / 3600,
- minutes = (time % 3600) / 60,
- seconds = (time % 3600) % 60;
- function zero(trim) {
- return ('0' + Math.floor(trim)).slice(-2);
- }
- time = zero(days) + ':' + zero(hours) + ':' + zero(minutes) + ':' + zero(seconds);
- time = time.replace(/^0(0:(0(0:(0)?)?)?)?/, '');
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- plrApi = document.getElementById('player-api'),
- commSect = document.getElementById('watch-discussion'),
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- buttonNotif,
- buttonsSection,
- settingsButton;
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- var custom = function () {
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- function buildList(ytid) {
- button += '
' + list[ytid] + '
- }
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- Object.keys(list).forEach(buildList);
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- return button;
- },
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- title : function (content, tag) {
- return '<' + tag + '>' + userLang(content) + '' + tag + '>\n';
- },
- select: function (id, list) {
- var select = '\n' +
- '\n';
- return select;
- },
- radio : function (name, list) {
- var radio = '\n';
- function keysIterator(keys) {
- radio += '\n';
- }
- Object.keys(list).forEach(keysIterator);
- return radio;
- },
- input : function (id, type, placeholder, size) {
- var input = '\n\n';
- return input;
- }
- },
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- setMenu: [
- '\n',
- '
- ' \n',
- '
- '
- ].join(''),
- GEN : [
- '\n',
- ' \n',
- '
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- 'GEN_CHN_DFLT_PAGE_ABT': 'about'
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- '\n'
- ].join(''),
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- '\n',
- ' \n',
- '
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- 'VID_DFLT_QLTY_TNY': 'tiny'
- }),
- '
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- htEl.input('VID_PLR_FIT', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_PLR_FIT_WDTH', 'text', '1280px', 6),
- '
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- 'VID_PROG_BAR_CLR_RED': 'red',
- 'VID_PROG_BAR_CLR_WHT': 'white'
- }),
- '
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- 'VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR_DARK': 'dark',
- 'VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR_LGHT': 'light'
- }),
- '
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- htEl.input('VID_PLST_ATPL', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_PLST_RVRS', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.title('VID_LAYT', 'h3'),
- htEl.select('VID_HIDE_COMS', {
- }),
- '
- htEl.select('VID_SDBR_ALGN', {
- }),
- '
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- htEl.input('VID_DESC_SHRT', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_VID_CNT', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_POST_TIME', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_HIDE_DETLS', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_LAYT_AUTO_PNL', 'checkbox'),
- '\n'
- ].join(''),
- BLK : [
- '\n',
- ' \n',
- '
- htEl.title('BLK_BLK', 'h3'),
- htEl.input('BLK_ON', 'checkbox'),
- '
- '
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- '
- ' ' + custom() + '\n',
- '
- '
- '
- '
- ].join(''),
- ABT : [
- '\n',
- ' \n',
- '
- htEl.title('ABT_THKS', 'h3'),
- '
- '
- '
- htEl.title('ABT_INFO', 'h3'),
- '
- '
- '
- htEl.title('ABT_PRBL', 'h3'),
- '
- '
- ].join('')
- };
- return menus;
- }
- function navigateSettings(event) {
- function manageBlackList(target) {
- function removeEmptyLines(string) {
- return (/\S/).test(string);
- }
- if (target.id === 'blacklist-edit') {
- document.getElementById('blacklist').classList.add('edit');
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- set('blacklist', JSON.parse('{' + document.getElementById('blacklist-edit-list').value.split('\n').filter(removeEmptyLines).join(',') + '}'));
- } else if (target.id === 'blacklist-close') {
- document.getElementById('BLK').click();
- }
- }
- function remBlackList() {
- var newKey = parSets.blacklist;
- delete newKey[event.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-ytid')];
- event.target.parentNode.remove();
- set('blacklist', newKey);
- newKey = null;
- }
- function saveSettings(salt) {
- var value,
- notification = document.getElementById('appbar-main-guide-notification-container'),
- navId = document.getElementsByClassName('selected')[0].id,
- savedSets = parSets,
- userSets = document.getElementById('P-content').querySelectorAll('[id^="' + navId + '"]'),
- length = userSets.length;
- function hideNotif() {
- document.body.classList.remove('show-guide-button-notification');
- }
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- } else if (!value && userSets[length].type !== 'radio') {
- delete savedSets[userSets[length].id];
- }
- }
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- customStyles();
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- if (notification.childNodes.length < 1) {
- notification.remove();
- notification = [
- '\n',
- '
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- '
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- document.getElementsByClassName('appbar-guide-notification-text-content')[0].textContent = 'Settings saved';
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- value = notification = navId = savedSets = userSets = length = null;
- }
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- saveSettings();
- } else if (event.target.classList.contains('P-reset')) {
- parSets = defSets;
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- settingsButton.click();
- settingsButton.click();
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- remBlackList();
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- event = (event.target.id === 'P-settings') ? event.target : event.target.parentNode;
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- pageContainer,
- pWrapper = document.getElementById('P-settings');
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- pWrapper.remove();
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- buttonsSection = document.getElementById('yt-masthead-user') || document.getElementById('yt-masthead-signin');
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- function enhancedDetails() {
- function username() {
- var link,
- span,
- user,
- verified,
- name = document.getElementsByClassName('yt-user-info')[0];
- function videoCounter() {
- link.href = window.location.origin + '/channel/' + user.getAttribute('data-ytid') + '/videos';
- span = document.createElement('span');
- span.textContent = ' · ';
- name.appendChild(span);
- name.appendChild(link);
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- user.setAttribute('data-tooltip-text', verified.getAttribute('data-tooltip-text'));
- user.style.color = '#167ac6';
- verified.remove();
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- }
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- details = details.target.responseText;
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- details = JSON.parse(details);
- details = details.body && details.body.content && details.body.content.match(/class="pl-header-details">([\w\W]*?)<\/ul>/)[1];
- details = details && details.match(/([\w\W]*?)<\/li>/g)[1];
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- link.className = 'spf-link';
- link.textContent = channelId[user.getAttribute('data-ytid')] = details.replace(/<\/?li>/g, '').replace(''', '\'');
- videoCounter();
- }
- }
- details = null;
- }
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- link = document.createElement('a');
- link.id = 'uploaded-videos';
- name.appendChild(link);
- user = name.querySelector('a');
- if (channelId[user.getAttribute('data-ytid')]) {
- link.textContent = channelId[user.getAttribute('data-ytid')];
- videoCounter();
- } else {
- localXHR({
- method: 'GET',
- url: '/playlist?spf=navigate&list=' + user.getAttribute('data-ytid').replace('UC', 'UU'),
- call: getPLInfo
- });
- }
- }
- }
- function publishedTime() {
- var watchTime = document.getElementsByClassName('watch-time-text')[0];
- function getCHInfo(details) {
- details = details.target.responseText;
- if (details) {
- if (watchTime.textContent.split('·').length < 2) {
- details = JSON.parse(details);
- details = details.body && details.body.content && details.body.content.match(/yt-lockup-meta-info">\n([\w\W]*?)<\/ul/);
- if (details) {
- watchTime.textContent += ' · ' + details[1].split('')[0];
- }
- }
- }
- details = watchTime = null;
- }
- if (watchTime && window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config) {
- localXHR({
- method: 'GET',
- url: '/channel/' + window.ytplayer.config.args.ucid + '/search?query="' + window.ytplayer.config.args.video_id + '"&spf=navigate',
- call: getCHInfo
- });
- }
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/watch') {
- if (parSets.VID_VID_CNT) {
- username();
- }
- if (parSets.VID_POST_TIME) {
- publishedTime();
- }
- }
- }
- function commentsButton() {
- var comments = document.getElementById('watch-discussion'),
- wrapper;
- function showComments() {
- comments.classList.toggle('show');
- wrapper.querySelector('button').textContent = userLang((comments.classList.contains('show')) ? 'HIDE_CMTS' : 'SHOW_CMTS');
- }
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- wrapper =
- '\n';
- wrapper = string2HTML(wrapper).querySelector('#P-show-comments');
- handleEvents(wrapper, 'click', showComments);
- comments.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, comments);
- }
- }
- function updateSettings(event) {
- if (event.data.updateSettings) {
- parSets = event.data;
- customStyles();
- }
- }
- function playerMode() {
- var cookie = document.cookie,
- pageElement = document.getElementById('page'),
- playerElement = document.getElementById('player');
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- playerElement.className = playerElement.className.replace('small', 'large');
- }
- } else if (parSets.VID_PLR_SIZE_MEM && !parSets.theaterMode) {
- if (window.navigator.cookieEnabled && (cookie.split('wide=1').length > 1 || cookie.split('wide=0').length < 2)) {
- document.cookie = 'wide=0; path=/';
- }
- if (playerElement && window.location.pathname === '/watch') {
- pageElement.classList.remove('watch-wide');
- pageElement.className = pageElement.className.replace('watch-stage', 'watch-non-stage');
- playerElement.className = playerElement.className.replace('large', 'small').replace('medium', 'small');
- }
- }
- cookie = pageElement = playerElement = null;
- }
- function argsCleaner(config) {
- var base = (config.args.iurl_webp) ? '_webp' : '',
- hdThumb,
- maxRes;
- function checkThumbnail() {
- var img,
- video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0],
- hdURL = config.args['iurl' + base].replace('hqdefault', 'maxresdefault'),
- state = api && api.getPlayerState && api.getPlayerState();
- function widthReport() {
- handleEvents(img, 'load', widthReport, 'remove');
- function prefixIterator(prefix) {
- config.args[prefix + base] = hdURL;
- }
- if (img.width > 120 && !config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] && state && (state === 5 || (state === 3 && video && video.src === ''))) {
- ['iurl', 'iurlsd', 'iurlmq', 'iurlhq', 'iurlmaxres'].forEach(prefixIterator);
- api.cueVideoByPlayerVars(config.args);
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_VOL_MEM) {
- api.setVolume(parSets.volLev);
- }
- }
- img = video = hdURL = state = null;
- }
- img = new Image();
- handleEvents(img, 'load', widthReport);
- img.src = hdURL;
- }
- function prefixIterator(prefix) {
- config.args[prefix + base] = config.args['iurlmaxres' + base];
- }
- function clearRVS(rvs) {
- var i,
- rvsList = [],
- rvsReturn = [];
- rvs = rvs.split(',');
- function blacklistMatch(names) {
- i = rvs.length;
- while (i) {
- i -= 1;
- if (rvs[i].replace(/\+/g, ' ').split(parSets.blacklist[names]).length > 1) {
- rvsList.push(i);
- }
- }
- }
- Object.keys(parSets.blacklist).forEach(blacklistMatch);
- i = rvs.length;
- while (i) {
- i -= 1;
- if (rvsList.indexOf(i) < 0) {
- rvsReturn.push(rvs[i]);
- }
- }
- return rvsReturn.join(',');
- }
- if (config.args.video_id) {
- if ((parSets.VID_PLR_ADS && (!parSets.VID_SUB_ADS || (parSets.VID_SUB_ADS && !config.args.subscribed)))) {
- delete config.args.ad3_module;
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_SIZE_MEM && parSets.theaterMode) {
- config.args.player_wide = '1';
- }
- if (config.args.iv_load_policy) {
- config.args.iv_load_policy = (parSets.VID_PLR_ANTS) ? '3' : '1';
- }
- if (config.args.cc_load_policy) {
- config.args.cc_load_policy = (parSets.VID_PLR_CC) ? '0' : '1';
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_CC) {
- delete config.args.ttsurl;
- delete config.args.caption_tracks;
- }
- }
- config.args.autohide = '2';
- config.args.vq = parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY;
- config.args.theme = parSets.VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR;
- config.args.color = parSets.VID_PROG_BAR_CLR;
- config.args.dash = (parSets.VID_PLR_DASH) ? '0' : '1';
- config.args.autoplay = (parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL) ? '1' : '0';
- if (config.args.autoplay === '0') {
- hdThumb = document.querySelector('[href*="maxresdefault"]') || document.querySelector('[content*="maxresdefault"]');
- maxRes = hdThumb && (hdThumb.getAttribute('href') || hdThumb.getAttribute('content'));
- config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] = config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] || maxRes || false;
- if (config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] === false || (config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] && config.args['iurlmaxres' + base].split(config.args.video_id).length < 2)) {
- delete config.args['iurlmaxres' + base];
- checkThumbnail();
- } else if (config.args['iurlmaxres' + base]) {
- ['iurl', 'iurlsd', 'iurlmq', 'iurlhq'].forEach(prefixIterator);
- }
- }
- if (parSets.BLK_ON && window.yt && window.yt.config_ && window.yt.config_.RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS && window.yt.config_.RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS.rvs) {
- config.args.rvs = window.yt.config_.RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS.rvs = clearRVS(window.yt.config_.RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS.rvs);
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/watch' && window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config === null) {
- window.ytplayer.config = config;
- }
- window.ytplayer.config.args = config.args;
- return config;
- }
- }
- function alwaysVisible() {
- var width,
- height,
- skinny,
- sidebar,
- newPlayer,
- sidebarSize,
- aspectRatio,
- containerSize,
- playerContainer,
- videoPlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- function initFloater() {
- newPlayer = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1;
- skinny = document.documentElement.classList.contains('content-snap-width-skinny-mode');
- videoPlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- playerContainer = document.getElementById('player-api');
- containerSize = playerContainer && playerContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
- sidebar = document.getElementById('watch7-sidebar');
- sidebarSize = sidebar && sidebar.getBoundingClientRect();
- function updatePos() {
- if (!document.documentElement.classList.contains('floater')) {
- handleEvents(window, 'resize', updatePos, 'remove');
- return;
- }
- sidebarSize = sidebar.getBoundingClientRect();
- videoPlayer.style.marginTop = '-' + (height / 2) + 'px';
- videoPlayer.style.left = ((skinny && '0') || sidebarSize.left) + 'px';
- videoPlayer.style.width = (skinny && containerSize.width) || sidebarSize.width + 'px';
- videoPlayer.style.height = ((!parSets.VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS && !newPlayer) ? 30 : 0) + ((skinny && containerSize.height) || (sidebarSize.width / aspectRatio)) + 'px';
- }
- if (!sidebar) {
- handleEvents(window, 'scroll', initFloater, 'remove');
- return;
- }
- if (videoPlayer && containerSize.bottom < (((skinny && containerSize.height - 2) || (containerSize.height / 2)) + 51) && !document.documentElement.classList.contains('floater')) {
- aspectRatio = 16 / 9;
- width = (skinny && containerSize.width) || sidebarSize.width;
- height = ((!parSets.VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS && !newPlayer) ? 30 : 0) + ((skinny && containerSize.height) || (sidebarSize.width / aspectRatio));
- document.documentElement.classList.toggle('floater');
- videoPlayer.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px; margin-top: -' + (height / 2) + 'px; height: ' + height + 'px; left: ' + ((skinny && '0') || sidebarSize.left) + 'px;');
- handleEvents(window, 'resize', updatePos);
- } else if (videoPlayer && containerSize.bottom > (((skinny && containerSize.height - 2) || (!skinny && (containerSize.height / 2))) + 51) && document.documentElement.classList.contains('floater')) {
- document.documentElement.classList.toggle('floater');
- videoPlayer.removeAttribute('style');
- handleEvents(window, 'resize', updatePos, 'remove');
- }
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_ALVIS) {
- if (window.location.pathname === '/watch') {
- handleEvents(window, 'scroll', initFloater);
- } else if (window.location.pathname !== '/watch') {
- handleEvents(window, 'scroll', initFloater, 'remove');
- }
- }
- }
- function subPlaylist() {
- var i,
- list = [],
- button = document.getElementById('subscription-playlist'),
- navMenu = document.getElementById('channel-navigation-menu'),
- listTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('appbar-nav-menu')[0],
- videoList = document.getElementsByClassName('addto-watch-later-button');
- function initSubPlaylist(event) {
- event = event.target.responseText;
- if (event) {
- button.href = '/watch?v=' + videoList[0].getAttribute('data-video-ids') + '&list=' + JSON.parse(event)[1].data.swfcfg.args.list;
- }
- i = list = button = navMenu = listTitle = videoList = null;
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/feed/subscriptions' && !button && listTitle && videoList) {
- button =
- '\n' +
- ' \n' +
- ' \n' +
- ' \n' +
- '';
- button = string2HTML(button).querySelector('li');
- navMenu.insertBefore(button, navMenu.firstChild);
- i = videoList.length;
- while (i) {
- i -= 1;
- if (i > -1) {
- list.push(videoList[i].getAttribute('data-video-ids'));
- }
- }
- list.reverse().join('%2C');
- listTitle = listTitle && listTitle.getElementsByClassName('epic-nav-item-heading')[0].textContent;
- button = document.getElementById('subscription-playlist');
- button.href = '/watch_videos?title=' + listTitle + '&video_ids=' + list;
- localXHR({
- method: 'GET',
- url: '/watch_videos?title=' + listTitle + '&spf=navigate&video_ids=' + list,
- call: initSubPlaylist
- });
- }
- }
- function playerReady(playerApi) {
- function playerState(state) {
- var moviePlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player'),
- cueThumb = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-thumbnail-overlay')[0],
- cueButton = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-large-play-button')[0],
- newPlayer = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1;
- if (newPlayer) {
- if (window.matchMedia) {
- window.matchMedia = false;
- document.documentElement.classList.add('new_player');
- }
- if (cueThumb && cueButton) {
- if (state === 5) {
- cueThumb.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
- cueThumb.style.display = 'initial';
- cueButton.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
- cueButton.style.display = 'initial';
- } else {
- cueThumb.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
- cueThumb.style.display = 'none';
- cueButton.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
- cueButton.style.display = 'none';
- }
- }
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS && moviePlayer) {
- moviePlayer.classList.add('ideal-aspect');
- }
- if (parSets.fullBrs) {
- if (state !== 5 && state !== -1 && state !== 0) {
- document.documentElement.classList.add('part_fullbrowser');
- } else {
- document.documentElement.classList.remove('part_fullbrowser');
- }
- }
- cueThumb = cueButton = null;
- }
- function playerFullscreen(event) {
- fullscreen = event.fullscreen;
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS) {
- document.getElementById('movie_player').classList.add('ideal-aspect');
- }
- }
- function volumeChanged(event) {
- set('volLev', event.volume);
- }
- function sizeChanged(event) {
- set('theaterMode', event);
- }
- if ((typeof playerApi === 'object' || window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1) && !document.getElementById('c4-player')) {
- api = playerApi;
- handleEvents(api, 'onStateChange', playerState);
- handleEvents(api, 'onFullscreenChange', playerFullscreen);
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_VOL_MEM) {
- handleEvents(api, 'onVolumeChange', volumeChanged);
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_SIZE_MEM) {
- handleEvents(api, 'SIZE_CLICKED', sizeChanged);
- }
- if (!parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL) {
- argsCleaner(window.ytplayer.config);
- api.cueVideoByPlayerVars(window.ytplayer.config.args);
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- } else {
- api.pauseVideo();
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- api.playVideo();
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_VOL_MEM) {
- api.setVolume(parSets.volLev);
- }
- }
- }
- function scriptExit(event) {
- function baseDetour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- window.yt.config_.SHARE_ON_VIDEO_END = (parSets.VID_END_SHRE) ? false : true;
- window.yt.config_.UNIVERSAL_HOVERCARDS = (parSets.GEN_DSB_HVRC) ? false : true;
- };
- }
- function embedDetour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var args = arguments;
- argsCleaner(args[1]);
- if (args[0].id === 'upsell-video') {
- return originalFunction.apply(this, args);
- }
- originalFunction.apply(this, args);
- if (api) {
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- }
- };
- }
- function autoplayDetour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var args = arguments;
- if (!args[1] || parSets.plApl || (!parSets.plApl && args[1].feature && args[1].feature !== 'autoplay')) {
- originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- }
- function autoplayDetourFullScreen(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var nextButton,
- nextClicked = document.activeElement.classList.contains('ytp-button-next') || document.activeElement.classList.contains('ytp-next-button'),
- currentTime = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-time-current')[0].textContent,
- totalTime = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-time-duration')[0].textContent;
- if (!parSets.plApl && !nextClicked && currentTime !== '0:00' && currentTime === totalTime) {
- nextButton = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-next-button')[0];
- if (nextButton && nextButton.getAttribute('aria-disabled') === 'true') {
- nextButton.onclick = api.nextVideo;
- handleEvents(nextButton, 'click', api.nextVideo);
- nextButton.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'false');
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (parSets.plApl || nextClicked || currentTime !== totalTime) {
- return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- }
- function fullscreenVideoChange(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var key,
- patch = [{}],
- config = {args: {}},
- args = arguments;
- function buildConfig(conf) {
- config.args[conf.split('=')[0]] = decodeURIComponent(conf.split('=')[1]).replace(/\+/g, ' ');
- }
- function revertConfig(conf) {
- patch[0].response.push(conf + '=' + encodeURIComponent(config.args[conf]).replace(/\%20/g, '+'));
- }
- for (key in args[0]) {
- if (args[0][key] !== undefined) {
- patch[0][key] = args[0][key];
- }
- }
- patch[0].response.split('&').forEach(buildConfig);
- config = argsCleaner(config);
- patch[0].response = [];
- Object.keys(config.args).forEach(revertConfig);
- patch[0].response = patch[0].response.join('&');
- patch[0].responseText = patch[0].response;
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- originalFunction.apply(this, patch);
- };
- }
- function fsPointerDetour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var self = this;
- function firstLevel(fl) {
- function secondLevel(sl) {
- if (typeof self[fl][sl] === 'function' && String(self[fl][sl]).split('onStatusFail').length > 1) {
- self[fl][sl] = fullscreenVideoChange(self[fl][sl]);
- }
- }
- if (typeof self[fl] === 'object' && self[fl]) {
- Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(self[fl])).forEach(secondLevel);
- }
- }
- Object.keys(self).some(firstLevel);
- return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- function html5Detour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var moviePlayer,
- playerInstance,
- args = arguments;
- function html5Pointers(originalPointer) {
- return function () {
- var player,
- changed = originalPointer.apply(this, arguments);
- if (changed.width && changed.height && !fullscreen) {
- player = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- if (player) {
- changed.width = player.offsetWidth;
- changed.height = player.offsetHeight;
- }
- }
- return changed;
- };
- }
- function playerInstanceIterator(keys) {
- function firstLevel(fl) {
- if (typeof playerInstance[keys][fl] === 'function' && String(playerInstance[keys][fl]).split('get_video_info').length > 1 && playerInstance[keys][fl] !== fsPointerDetour) {
- playerInstance[keys][fl] = fsPointerDetour(playerInstance[keys][fl]);
- }
- }
- function keysIterator(sizes) {
- if (typeof playerInstance[keys][sizes] === 'function' && (playerInstance[keys][sizes] + String()).split('"detailpage"!=').length > 1) {
- playerInstance[keys][sizes] = html5Pointers(playerInstance[keys][sizes]);
- }
- }
- if (typeof playerInstance[keys] === 'object') {
- if (playerInstance[keys] && playerInstance[keys].element && window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length < 2) {
- Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(playerInstance[keys])).some(keysIterator);
- } else if (playerInstance[keys] && playerInstance[keys].hasNext) {
- playerInstance[keys].hasNext = autoplayDetourFullScreen(playerInstance[keys].hasNext);
- } else if (playerInstance[keys]) {
- Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(playerInstance[keys])).some(firstLevel);
- }
- }
- }
- args[1] = argsCleaner(args[1]);
- if (args[0].id === 'upsell-video') {
- originalFunction.apply(this, args);
- } else if (typeof args[0] === 'object' || window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1) {
- playerInstance = originalFunction.apply(this, args);
- Object.keys(playerInstance).some(playerInstanceIterator);
- moviePlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- if (moviePlayer) {
- if (!parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL && window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1) {
- moviePlayer.cueVideoByPlayerVars(window.ytplayer.config.args);
- }
- moviePlayer.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- function ytIterator(keys) {
- var str;
- if (typeof window._yt_www[keys] === 'function') {
- str = String(window._yt_www[keys]);
- if (str.split('player-added').length > 1) {
- window._yt_www[keys] = embedDetour(window._yt_www[keys]);
- } else if (str.split('window.spf.navigate').length > 1) {
- window._yt_www[keys] = autoplayDetour(window._yt_www[keys]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (event && event.target && event.target.getAttribute('name') === 'www/base') {
- window.yt.setConfig = baseDetour(window.yt.setConfig);
- Object.keys(window._yt_www).some(ytIterator);
- }
- if ((event && event.target && event.target.getAttribute('name') === 'html5player/html5player') || (!window.html5Patched && window.yt && window.yt.player && window.yt.player.Application && window.yt.player.Application.create)) {
- window.html5Patched = true;
- window.yt.player.Application.create = html5Detour(window.yt.player.Application.create);
- }
- }
- function thumbMod() {
- var userId,
- userName,
- loadMore,
- videoLink,
- infoField,
- titleField,
- thumbField,
- clickTitle,
- masterList,
- trashList = [],
- detailList = [],
- blackList = parSets.blacklist;
- function initThumbMod(event) {
- var observer,
- userList = parSets.blacklist;
- function initSidebarMode() {
- var sidebarAlign = (parSets.VID_SDBR_ALGN > 1) ? ',left=' + (window.screen.availWidth - 467) : (parSets.VID_SDBR_ALGN < 1) ? '' : ',left=0',
- newSidebar = window.open(event.getAttribute('data-link'), 'sidebarMode', 'width=467,height=' + window.screen.availHeight + ',scrollbars=1' + sidebarAlign);
- function snapFit() {
- newSidebar.resizeTo(newSidebar.outerWidth, window.screen.availHeight);
- }
- newSidebar.addEventListener('readystatechange', snapFit, true);
- newSidebar.focus();
- }
- function initBlackList() {
- userList[event.getAttribute('data-ytid')] = event.getAttribute('data-user');
- set('blacklist', userList);
- thumbMod();
- }
- loadMore = document.getElementsByClassName('load-more-button')[0] || document.getElementById('watch-more-related');
- clickTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('yt-uix-tile')[0];
- while (clickTitle) {
- clickTitle.classList.remove('yt-uix-tile');
- clickTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('yt-uix-tile')[0];
- }
- if (loadMore && !loadMore.classList.contains('hooked')) {
- loadMore.classList.add('hooked');
- observer = new window.MutationObserver(thumbMod);
- observer.observe(loadMore, {
- childList: true,
- attributes: true,
- attributeOldValue: true
- });
- }
- if (event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event = event.target;
- if (event.className === 'sidebarmode yt-uix-tooltip') {
- initSidebarMode();
- } else if (event.className === 'blacklist yt-uix-tooltip') {
- initBlackList();
- }
- }
- }
- function insertButtons(i) {
- var button;
- function createButton(type, details) {
- if (type === 'sidebarmode') {
- button = '';
- } else {
- button = '';
- }
- return string2HTML(button).querySelector('div');
- }
- if (detailList[i]) {
- if (parSets.GEN_SDBR_ON && !window.opener && !detailList[i].thumbfield.getElementsByClassName('sidebarmode')[0]) {
- button = createButton('sidebarmode', detailList[i]);
- handleEvents(button, 'click', initThumbMod);
- detailList[i].thumbfield.appendChild(button);
- }
- if (parSets.BLK_ON && window.location.pathname !== '/feed/subscriptions' && !detailList[i].thumbfield.getElementsByClassName('blacklist')[0]) {
- button = createButton('blacklist', detailList[i]);
- handleEvents(button, 'click', initThumbMod);
- detailList[i].thumbfield.appendChild(button);
- }
- }
- }
- function buildDetailList(i) {
- var upNext;
- if (i > -1 && masterList[i]) {
- infoField = masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('g-hovercard')[1] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('g-hovercard')[0];
- titleField = masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('yt-uix-tile-link')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('yt-ui-ellipsis')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('content-link')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
- thumbField = masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('yt-lockup-thumbnail')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('thumb-wrapper')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('yt-pl-thumb')[0];
- userId = infoField && infoField.getAttribute('data-ytid');
- userName = infoField && infoField.textContent;
- videoLink = titleField && titleField.href;
- detailList[i] = undefined;
- if (blackList[userId]) {
- upNext = document.getElementsByClassName('watch-sidebar-head')[0] && document.getElementsByClassName('watch-sidebar-section')[0];
- if (upNext && upNext.contains(thumbField)) {
- upNext.remove();
- document.getElementsByClassName('watch-sidebar-separation-line')[0].remove();
- } else {
- while (thumbField) {
- thumbField = thumbField.parentNode;
- if (thumbField.tagName === 'LI') {
- trashList.push(thumbField);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (userName && userId && videoLink && thumbField) {
- detailList[i] = {
- username: userName,
- youtubeid: userId,
- videolink: videoLink,
- thumbfield: thumbField
- };
- }
- }
- }
- function cleanList(trash) {
- var i,
- emptyShelves = document.getElementsByClassName('feed-item-container');
- trashList[trash].remove();
- if (emptyShelves.length > 0) {
- i = emptyShelves.length;
- while (i) {
- i -= 1;
- if (emptyShelves[i].getElementsByTagName('li').length < 2) {
- emptyShelves[i].remove();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function getList(list) {
- list = document.getElementsByClassName(list);
- if (list.length > 0) {
- masterList = list;
- }
- }
- if ((parSets.BLK_ON || parSets.GEN_SDBR_ON) && (window.location.pathname === '/' || window.location.pathname === '/results' || window.location.pathname === '/watch' || window.location.pathname === '/feed/music' || window.location.pathname === '/feed/subscriptions')) {
- ['yt-lockup-tile', 'video-list-item', 'yt-shelf-grid-item'].forEach(getList);
- if (masterList) {
- Object.keys(masterList).forEach(buildDetailList);
- Object.keys(trashList).forEach(cleanList);
- Object.keys(detailList).forEach(insertButtons);
- initThumbMod();
- }
- }
- }
- function volumeWheel(event) {
- var playerApi = document.getElementById('player-api'),
- direction = event && (event.deltaY || event.wheelDeltaY),
- playlistFS = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-playlist-tray-tray')[0] || document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-playlist-menu')[0];
- if (event && api && playerApi && (!playlistFS || (playlistFS && !playlistFS.contains(event.target))) && (event.target.id === 'player-api' || playerApi.contains(event.target))) {
- event.preventDefault();
- if (direction > 0 && api.getVolume() > 0) {
- api.setVolume(api.getVolume() - 10);
- } else if (direction < 0 && api.getVolume() < 100) {
- api.setVolume(api.getVolume() + 10);
- }
- }
- if (!event && parSets.VID_VOL_WHEEL) {
- handleEvents(window, 'wheel', volumeWheel);
- }
- direction = playerApi = null;
- }
- function playlistControls() {
- var href = window.location.href,
- plBar = document.getElementById('watch-appbar-playlist');
- function reverseControl() {
- var temp,
- prev = document.getElementsByClassName('prev-playlist-list-item')[0],
- next = document.getElementsByClassName('next-playlist-list-item')[0],
- list = document.getElementById('playlist-autoscroll-list'),
- videos = list.getElementsByTagName('li'),
- length = videos.length;
- while (length) {
- length -= 1;
- list.appendChild(videos[length]);
- }
- temp = prev.href;
- prev.href = next.href;
- next.href = temp;
- list.scrollTop = document.getElementsByClassName('currently-playing')[0].offsetTop;
- if (api) {
- api.updatePlaylist();
- }
- temp = prev = next = list = videos = length = null;
- }
- function reverseButton(event) {
- event = isChrome ? event.target.parentNode : event.target;
- event.classList.toggle('yt-uix-button-toggled');
- set('plRev', (event.classList.contains('yt-uix-button-toggled')) ? window.yt.config_.LIST_ID : false);
- reverseControl();
- }
- function autoplayButton(event) {
- event = isChrome ? event.target.parentNode : event.target;
- event.classList.toggle('yt-uix-button-toggled');
- set('plApl', event.classList.contains('yt-uix-button-toggled'));
- }
- function createButton(type, label, boolean, call) {
- var navCtrls = document.getElementsByClassName('playlist-nav-controls')[0],
- button = [
- '\n'
- ].join('');
- plBar.className = plBar.className.replace('radio-playlist', '');
- button = string2HTML(button).querySelector('button');
- handleEvents(button, 'click', call);
- navCtrls.appendChild(button);
- navCtrls = button = null;
- }
- if (plBar) {
- if (document.readyState === 'complete' && href.split(parSets.plRev).length > 1) {
- reverseControl();
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLST_RVRS && !document.getElementById('reverse')) {
- createButton('reverse', userLang('PLST_RVRS'), parSets.plRev, reverseButton);
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLST_ATPL && !document.getElementById('autoplay')) {
- createButton('autoplay', userLang('PLST_AP'), parSets.plApl, autoplayButton);
- }
- }
- }
- function advancedOptions() {
- var page = document.documentElement,
- header = document.getElementById('watch-header'),
- cnslBtn = document.getElementById('console-button'),
- controls = document.getElementById('player-console'),
- videoPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0],
- storyBoard = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.args && window.ytplayer.config.args.storyboard_spec;
- function hookButtons() {
- var autoPlay = controls.querySelector('#autoplay-button'),
- loopButton = controls.querySelector('#loop-button'),
- seekMap = controls.querySelector('#seek-map'),
- saveThumb = controls.querySelector('#save-thumbnail-button'),
- screenShot = controls.querySelector('#screenshot-button'),
- sidebarMode = controls.querySelector('#sidebar-button'),
- fullBrowser = controls.querySelector('#fullbrowser-button');
- function togglePlay() {
- set('VID_PLR_ATPL', !parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL);
- autoPlay.classList[(parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL) ? 'add' : 'remove']('active');
- }
- function toggleLoop(event) {
- videoPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
- videoPlayer.loop = event ? !videoPlayer.loop : parSets.loopVid;
- loopButton.classList[(videoPlayer.loop) ? 'add' : 'remove']('active');
- set('loopVid', loopButton.classList.contains('active'));
- }
- function toggleMap() {
- var container = document.getElementById('seek-thumb-map') || false,
- thumbs = [],
- thumbControls,
- thumbsContainer,
- matrix,
- base;
- storyBoard = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.args && window.ytplayer.config.args.storyboard_spec;
- function centerThumb() {
- var thumbJump;
- videoPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
- thumbsContainer = document.getElementById('seek-thumbs');
- thumbJump = thumbsContainer.getElementsByTagName('span')[1];
- if (videoPlayer && videoPlayer.currentTime > 0 && !container.classList.contains('invisible')) {
- thumbsContainer.scrollLeft = (thumbJump.offsetWidth + 10) * (videoPlayer.currentTime / thumbJump.getAttribute('data-time-jump')) - (thumbsContainer.offsetWidth / 2) + ((thumbJump.offsetWidth + 10) / 2);
- } else {
- thumbsContainer.scrollLeft = 0;
- }
- }
- function clickManager(event) {
- var timeJump = event.target.getAttribute('data-time-jump'),
- quality = event.target.className.split('quality').length;
- if (timeJump) {
- if (videoPlayer.src !== '') {
- videoPlayer.currentTime = timeJump;
- } else {
- window.yt.www.watch.player.seekTo(timeJump);
- }
- }
- if (quality > 1 && event.target.tagName === 'DIV') {
- container.className = event.target.className;
- thumbsContainer.remove();
- thumbsContainer = '' + thumbs[event.target.className.replace('quality-', '')] + '
- thumbsContainer = string2HTML(thumbsContainer).querySelector('#seek-thumbs');
- container.appendChild(thumbsContainer);
- centerThumb();
- }
- }
- function removeOld() {
- if (container) {
- container.remove();
- seekMap.classList.remove('active');
- }
- handleEvents(container, 'click', clickManager);
- handleEvents(window, 'spfdone', removeOld, 'remove');
- }
- function parseThumbs() {
- thumbControls = '\n';
- function matrixIterator(qualities, level) {
- var i,
- currentBase,
- details,
- thumbAmount,
- frameAmount = 0,
- gridX = 0,
- gridY = 0;
- if (qualities.split('storyboard').length < 2 && qualities.split('default').length < 2) {
- details = qualities.split('#');
- currentBase = base.replace('$L', level - 1).replace('$N', details[6]);
- thumbAmount = details[2] - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < thumbAmount; i += 1) {
- if (!thumbs[level - 1]) {
- thumbs[level - 1] = '';
- }
- thumbs[level - 1] += [
- '
- ' ' + timeConv((i * details[5]) / 1000) + '
- '\n'
- ].join('');
- if (gridX === details[3] - 1 && gridY === details[4] - 1) {
- frameAmount += 1;
- gridY = gridX = 0;
- } else {
- gridY = (gridX === details[3] - 1) ? gridY + 1 : gridY;
- gridX = (gridX === details[3] - 1) ? 0 : gridX + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (level > 1) {
- thumbControls += '
' + ((level < 3 && userLang('CNSL_SKMP_SMAL')) || (level < 4 && userLang('CNSL_SKMP_MED')) || (level < 5 && userLang('CNSL_SKMP_LRGE'))) + '
- }
- }
- matrix.forEach(matrixIterator);
- thumbControls += '
- }
- if (storyBoard) {
- matrix = storyBoard && storyBoard.split('|');
- base = matrix[0];
- if (!container) {
- seekMap.classList.toggle('active');
- parseThumbs();
- container +=
- '\n' +
- thumbControls +
- '
' + (thumbs[2] || thumbs[1]) + '
\n' +
- '
- container = string2HTML(container).querySelector('#seek-thumb-map');
- document.getElementById('movie_player').appendChild(container);
- centerThumb();
- handleEvents(container, 'click', clickManager);
- handleEvents(window, 'spfdone', removeOld);
- } else if (container.id) {
- seekMap.classList.toggle('active');
- container.classList.toggle('invisible');
- centerThumb();
- }
- }
- }
- function dlThumb() {
- var args = window.ytplayer.config.args,
- base = (args.iurl_webp) ? '_webp' : '',
- thumbURL = args['iurlmaxres' + base] || args['iurlsd' + base] || args['iurl' + base];
- window.open(thumbURL);
- }
- function saveSS() {
- var width,
- height,
- aspectRatio,
- video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0],
- container = document.getElementById('screenshot-result') || document.createElement('div'),
- canvas = container.querySelector('canvas') || document.createElement('canvas'),
- close = document.createElement('div'),
- context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- function hideContainer() {
- container.classList.toggle('invisible');
- }
- aspectRatio = video.videoWidth / video.videoHeight;
- width = video.videoWidth;
- height = parseInt(width / aspectRatio, 10);
- canvas.width = width;
- canvas.height = height;
- context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height);
- if (!container.id) {
- container.id = 'screenshot-result';
- container.appendChild(canvas);
- close.id = 'close-screenshot';
- close.textContent = userLang('CNSL_SS_CLS');
- handleEvents(close, 'click', hideContainer);
- container.appendChild(close);
- document.body.appendChild(container);
- } else if (container.id && container.classList.contains('invisible')) {
- container.classList.toggle('invisible');
- }
- }
- function openSidebar() {
- var sidebarAlign = (parSets.VID_SDBR_ALGN > 1) ? ',left=' + (window.screen.availWidth - 467) : (parSets.VID_SDBR_ALGN < 1) ? '' : ',left=0',
- newSidebar = window.open(window.location.href, 'sidebarMode', 'width=467,height=' + window.screen.availHeight + ',scrollbars=1' + sidebarAlign);
- function snapFit() {
- newSidebar.resizeTo(newSidebar.outerWidth, window.screen.availHeight);
- }
- newSidebar.addEventListener('readystatechange', snapFit, true);
- newSidebar.focus();
- }
- function toggleFullBrowser(event) {
- var plrState = api && api.getPlayerState && api.getPlayerState() !== 5 && api.getPlayerState() !== -1 && api.getPlayerState() !== 0;
- function exitFullBrowser(key) {
- if (key.keyCode === 27 || key.key === 'Escape') {
- document.documentElement.classList.remove('part_fullbrowser');
- }
- }
- handleEvents(document, 'keydown', exitFullBrowser);
- set('fullBrs', event ? !parSets.fullBrs : true);
- fullBrowser.classList[(parSets.fullBrs) ? 'add' : 'remove']('active');
- if (event && plrState) {
- document.documentElement.classList[(parSets.fullBrs) ? 'add' : 'remove']('part_fullbrowser');
- }
- }
- handleEvents(autoPlay, 'click', togglePlay);
- handleEvents(loopButton, 'click', toggleLoop);
- handleEvents(seekMap, 'click', toggleMap);
- handleEvents(saveThumb, 'click', dlThumb);
- handleEvents(screenShot, 'click', saveSS);
- handleEvents(sidebarMode, 'click', openSidebar);
- handleEvents(fullBrowser, 'click', toggleFullBrowser);
- if (parSets.loopVid && !loopButton.classList.contains('active')) {
- loopButton.classList.add('active');
- toggleLoop();
- }
- if (parSets.fullBrs && !fullBrowser.classList.contains('active')) {
- fullBrowser.classList.add('active');
- toggleFullBrowser();
- }
- }
- function toggleConsole() {
- page.classList.toggle('player-console');
- set('advOpts', page.classList.contains('player-console'));
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/watch' && header && !cnslBtn) {
- cnslBtn = '';
- cnslBtn = string2HTML(cnslBtn).querySelector('#console-button');
- handleEvents(cnslBtn, 'click', toggleConsole);
- header.appendChild(cnslBtn);
- if (controls) {
- controls.remove();
- }
- controls = [
- '\n',
- '
- '
- '
- '
- '
- ' \n',
- '
- '
- ].join('');
- controls = string2HTML(controls).querySelector('div');
- document.getElementById('watch-header').appendChild(controls);
- hookButtons();
- if (parSets.advOpts) {
- page.classList.add('player-console');
- }
- }
- }
- function generalChanges() {
- var logo,
- channelLink,
- autoplaybar = document.getElementsByClassName('autoplay-bar')[0],
- descriptionPanel = document.getElementById('action-panel-details');
- function linkIterator(link) {
- if (link !== 'length' && channelLink[link].href.split('/').length < 6 && parSets.GEN_CHN_DFLT_PAGE !== 'default') {
- channelLink[link].href += '/' + parSets.GEN_CHN_DFLT_PAGE;
- }
- }
- if (parSets.GEN_YT_LOGO_LINK && window.yt && window.yt.config_ && window.yt.config_.LOGGED_IN) {
- logo = document.getElementById('logo-container');
- if (logo && logo.href === window.location.origin + '/') {
- logo.href = '/feed/subscriptions';
- }
- }
- if (parSets.GEN_REM_APUN && window.location.pathname === '/watch' && autoplaybar) {
- autoplaybar.removeAttribute('class');
- document.getElementsByClassName('checkbox-on-off')[0].remove();
- }
- if (parSets.VID_LAYT_AUTO_PNL && window.location.pathname === '/watch' && descriptionPanel) {
- descriptionPanel.classList.remove('yt-uix-expander-collapsed');
- }
- if (parSets.GEN_SPF_OFF && window.spf && window.spf.dispose) {
- window.spf.dispose();
- }
- if (window.location.href.split(/\/(channel|user|c)\//).length < 2) {
- channelLink = document.querySelectorAll('[href*="/channel/"]');
- Object.keys(channelLink).forEach(linkIterator);
- channelLink = document.querySelectorAll('[href*="/user/"]');
- Object.keys(channelLink).forEach(linkIterator);
- }
- if (window.location.href.split('/channel/').length > 1 && document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop > 266) {
- document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop = 0;
- }
- logo = channelLink = autoplaybar = null;
- }
- function initFunctions() {
- customStyles();
- settingsMenu();
- playlistControls();
- playerMode();
- advancedOptions();
- volumeWheel();
- subPlaylist();
- alwaysVisible();
- thumbMod();
- enhancedDetails();
- commentsButton();
- generalChanges();
- clearOrphans();
- }
- function request(event) {
- var url = event.detail.url,
- previous = event.detail.previous,
- videoBefore = previous.split('/watch?').length < 2,
- videoAfter = url.split('/watch?').length > 1,
- listBefore = previous.split('list=').length > 1,
- listAfter = url.split('list=').length > 1,
- player = document.getElementById('movie_player'),
- loaded = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.loaded;
- if (player && videoAfter && (listAfter !== listBefore || videoBefore)) {
- if (loaded) {
- delete window.ytplayer.config.loaded;
- }
- player.remove();
- }
- url = previous = videoBefore = videoAfter = listBefore = listAfter = player = loaded = null;
- }
- function shareApi(originalFunction) {
- return function (ytApi) {
- playerReady(ytApi);
- if (originalFunction) {
- return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- }
- window.onYouTubePlayerReady = shareApi(window.onYouTubePlayerReady);
- handleEvents(window, 'spfdone', initFunctions);
- handleEvents(window, 'spfrequest', request);
- handleEvents(window, 'readystatechange', initFunctions, true);
- if (isChrome) {
- handleEvents(document.documentElement, 'load', scriptExit, true);
- } else {
- handleEvents(window, 'afterscriptexecute', scriptExit);
- }
- handleEvents(window, 'message', updateSettings);
- }
- function updateSettings(event) {
- event = event.particleSettings || event || defaultSettings;
- event.updateSettings = true;
- window.postMessage(event, '*');
- }
- function initParticle(event) {
- var inject;
- function filterChromeStorage(keys) {
- if (keys.particleSettings && keys.particleSettings.newValue) {
- updateSettings(keys.particleSettings.newValue);
- }
- }
- if (!event && userscript) {
- event = JSON.parse(window.GM_getValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(defaultSettings)));
- }
- if (event) {
- event = JSON.stringify(event.particleSettings || event);
- inject = document.createElement('style');
- inject.textContent = particleStyle;
- document.documentElement.appendChild(inject);
- inject = document.createElement('script');
- inject.textContent = '(' + String(particle).replace('defSets = null,', 'defSets = ' + JSON.stringify(defaultSettings) + ',').replace('parSets,', 'parSets = ' + event + ',') + '())';
- document.documentElement.appendChild(inject);
- if (!userscript) {
- if (window.chrome) {
- window.chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(filterChromeStorage);
- } else if (!window.chrome) {
- window.self.port.on('particleSettings', updateSettings);
- }
- }
- inject = null;
- }
- }
- function xhr(details) {
- var request;
- details = details.data;
- function process(xhrResponse) {
- var response = {};
- response[details.id] = userscript ? xhrResponse.response : xhrResponse.target.response;
- window.postMessage(response, '*');
- }
- function settingsHandler(item) {
- var object = (item && item.particleSettings) || (userscript && JSON.parse(window.GM_getValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(defaultSettings)))) || defaultSettings;
- function buildSettings(keys) {
- object[keys] = details.set[keys];
- }
- if (details.set) {
- Object.keys(details.set).forEach(buildSettings);
- if (!userscript) {
- window.chrome.storage.sync.set({'particleSettings': object});
- } else {
- window.GM_setValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(object));
- }
- } else if (details.replace) {
- if (!userscript) {
- window.chrome.storage.sync.set({'particleSettings': details.replace});
- } else {
- window.GM_setValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(details.replace));
- }
- }
- if (userscript) {
- updateSettings(JSON.parse(window.GM_getValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(defaultSettings))));
- }
- }
- if (typeof details === 'object') {
- if (details.id) {
- if (userscript) {
- window.GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- onload: process,
- method: details.method,
- url : details.url
- });
- } else if (!userscript) {
- request = new XMLHttpRequest();
- request.onload = process;
- request.open(details.method, details.url, true);
- request.send();
- }
- } else if (details.set || details.get || details.replace) {
- if (userscript) {
- settingsHandler();
- } else if (window.chrome) {
- window.chrome.storage.sync.get('particleSettings', settingsHandler);
- } else {
- window.self.port.emit('particleSettings', details);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!userscript) {
- if (window.chrome) {
- window.chrome.storage.sync.get('particleSettings', initParticle);
- } else if (!window.chrome) {
- window.self.port.once('particleSettings', initParticle);
- }
- } else if (userscript) {
- initParticle();
- }
- window.addEventListener('message', xhr);
diff --git a/src/Chrome/icon128.png b/src/Chrome/icon128.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 891effe..0000000
Binary files a/src/Chrome/icon128.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/Chrome/icon16.png b/src/Chrome/icon16.png
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d8ea7..0000000
Binary files a/src/Chrome/icon16.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/Chrome/icon48.png b/src/Chrome/icon48.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a87be34..0000000
Binary files a/src/Chrome/icon48.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/Chrome/manifest.json b/src/Chrome/manifest.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 32b17ec..0000000
--- a/src/Chrome/manifest.json
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- "manifest_version": 2,
- "name": "YouTube Plus",
- "version": "0.0.1",
- "description": "YouTube with more freedom",
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- "48": "icon48.png",
- "128": "icon128.png"
- },
- "content_scripts": [{
- "matches": ["https://www.youtube.com/*"],
- "js": ["YouTubePlus.user.js"],
- "run_at": "document_start"
- }],
- "permissions": [
- "storage",
- "https://s.ytimg.com/",
- "https://www.youtube.com/"
- ]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 4866564..0000000
--- a/src/Firefox/bootstrap.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-"use strict";
-const { utils: Cu } = Components;
-const rootURI = __SCRIPT_URI_SPEC__.replace("bootstrap.js", "");
-const COMMONJS_URI = "resource://gre/modules/commonjs";
-const { require } = Cu.import(COMMONJS_URI + "/toolkit/require.js", {});
-const { Bootstrap } = require(COMMONJS_URI + "/sdk/addon/bootstrap.js");
-const { startup, shutdown, install, uninstall } = new Bootstrap(rootURI);
diff --git a/src/Firefox/data/YouTubePlus.user.js b/src/Firefox/data/YouTubePlus.user.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dc96fcd..0000000
--- a/src/Firefox/data/YouTubePlus.user.js
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@@ -1,3174 +0,0 @@
-// ==UserScript==
-// @version 0.0.5
-// @name YouTube +
-// @namespace https://github.com/ParticleCore
-// @description YouTube with more freedom
-// @icon 
-// @match https://www.youtube.com/*
-// @run-at document-start
-// @downloadURL https://github.com/ParticleCore/Particle/raw/master/src/Userscript/YouTubePlus.user.js
-// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
-// @grant GM_getValue
-// @grant GM_setValue
-// @noframes
-// ==/UserScript==
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- var userscript = typeof GM_info === 'object',
- defaultSettings = {
- GEN_BTTR_NTF : true,
- GEN_YT_LOGO_LINK : true,
- GEN_CMPT_TTLS : true,
- GEN_BLUE_GLOW : true,
- GEN_CHN_DFLT_PAGE: 'videos',
- GEN_SDBR_ON : true,
- VID_END_SHRE : true,
- VID_DFLT_QLTY : 'auto',
- VID_PLST_SEP : true,
- VID_PLST_ATPL : true,
- VID_PLST_RVRS : true,
- VID_PLR_ANTS : true,
- VID_PLR_CC : true,
- VID_PLR_ALVIS : true,
- VID_PLR_ADS : true,
- VID_PLR_SIZE_MEM : true,
- VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS : true,
- VID_PLR_DYN_SIZE : true,
- VID_PLR_FIT_WDTH : '1280px',
- VID_PROG_BAR_CLR : 'red',
- VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR : 'light',
- VID_HIDE_COMS : '1',
- VID_POST_TIME : true,
- VID_VID_CNT : true,
- VID_DESC_SHRT : true,
- VID_SDBR_ALGN : '1',
- VID_TTL_CMPT : true,
- BLK_ON : true,
- volLev : 50,
- plApl : false,
- plRev : false,
- advOpts : true,
- blacklist : {}
- },
- particleStyle = [
- // start| Playlist spacer
- '.part_playlist_spacer:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' margin-left: 0 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Playlist spacer
- // start| Ads visibility
- '.part_no_ads #header, .part_no_ads #feed-pyv-container, .part_no_ads .video-list-item:not(.related-list-item), .part_no_ads .pyv-afc-ads-container, .part_no_ads .ad-div{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Ads visibility
- // start| Hide video details
- '.part_hide_details #action-panel-details{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Hide video details
- // start| Disable blue glow
- '.part_dsbl_glow .yt-uix-button:focus, .yt-uix-button:focus:hover{\n',
- ' box-shadow: initial !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Disable blue glow
- // start| Hide footer
- '.part_hide_footer #footer-container{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_hide_footer #body-container{\n',
- ' padding-bottom: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Hide footer
- // start| Compact video title
- '.part_compact_title #watch7-headline #eow-title{\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
- ' text-overflow: ellipsis;\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Compact video title
- // start| Compact thumbnail titles
- '.part_compact_titles .feed-item-container .yt-ui-ellipsis, .yt-shelf-grid-item .yt-ui-ellipsis{\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap !important;\n',
- ' display: inherit !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Compact thumbnail titles
- // start| Floater player
- 'html.floater:not([data-player-size="fullscreen"]):not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) #player #player-api{\n',
- ' left: initial !important;\n',
- ' margin: 0 auto !important;\n',
- ' transform: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.floater:not([data-player-size="fullscreen"]) #player #movie_player{\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgb(0, 0, 0);\n',
- ' position: fixed !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.floater:not([data-player-size="fullscreen"]):not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) #player #movie_player{\n',
- ' top: 50% !important;\n',
- ' z-index: 10;\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.content-snap-width-skinny-mode.floater:not([data-player-size="fullscreen"]) #player #movie_player{\n',
- ' margin-top: 0 !important;\n',
- ' top: 50px !important;\n',
- ' transform: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Floater player
- // start| Labelless video buttons
- '.part_labelless_buttons #watch8-secondary-actions{\n',
- ' left: 0 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_labelless_buttons #watch8-secondary-actions .yt-uix-button-content{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_labelless_buttons #watch8-secondary-actions button{\n',
- ' padding: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Labelless video buttons
- // start| Hide comments
- '.part_hide_comments #watch-discussion:not(.show){\n',
- ' height: 0;\n',
- ' margin-bottom: 0;\n',
- ' margin-top: 0;\n',
- ' opacity: 0;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
- ' padding-bottom: 0;\n',
- ' padding-top: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode.part_hide_comments #P-show-comments{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_hide_comments #P-show-comments button{\n',
- ' border-top: none;\n',
- ' padding-top: 2px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Hide comments
- // start| Custom styles
- '#body #uploaded-videos{\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' font-weight: initial;\n',
- ' overflow: initial;\n',
- ' vertical-align: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.yt-user-info > span{\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.invisible{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#subscription-playlist-icon{\n',
- ' margin-right: -20px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#subscription-playlist:hover span{\n',
- ' opacity: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#subscription-playlist span{\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- ' height: 100%;\n',
- ' opacity: 0.4;\n',
- ' width: 20px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist-import, #blacklist-export{\n',
- ' margin-top: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#watch-appbar-playlist .yt-uix-button-icon-watch-appbar-reverse-video-list{\n',
- ' background: url("") no-repeat;\n',
- ' height: 24px;\n',
- ' width: 24px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#watch-appbar-playlist .yt-uix-button-icon-watch-appbar-autoplay-video-list{\n',
- ' background: url("") no-repeat;\n',
- ' height: 24px;\n',
- ' width: 24px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Custom styles
- // start| Player console
- '#watch-header{\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fullbrowser #movie_player:not(.unstarted-mode):not(.ended-mode){\n',
- ' bottom: 0px;\n',
- ' left: 0px;\n',
- ' position: fixed;\n',
- ' right: 0px;\n',
- ' top: 0px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fullbrowser body{\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fullbrowser #masthead-positioner{\n',
- ' z-index: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#console-button{\n',
- ' background: url() no-repeat center;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' height: 20px;\n',
- ' opacity: 0.5;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' width: 25px;\n',
- ' z-index: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#console-button:hover{\n',
- ' opacity: 0.8;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' font-size: 0;\n',
- ' height: 40px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 20px;\n',
- ' top: 10px;\n',
- ' text-align: center;\n',
- ' border-left: 20px solid;\n',
- ' border-image: linear-gradient(to left, #FFF 20%, transparent 100%) 1 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.player-console #player-console{\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console > div{\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' height: 30px;\n',
- ' opacity: 0.4;\n',
- ' padding: 0 7px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' top: 50%;\n',
- ' transform: translateY(-50%);\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console:before{\n',
- ' background: #FFF;\n',
- ' border-right: 20px solid white;\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' height: 100%;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console > div.active{\n',
- ' opacity: 0.8 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#player-console > div:hover{\n',
- ' opacity: 0.6;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#autoplay-button{\n',
- ' width: 16px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#save-thumbnail-button{\n',
- ' width: 24px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-map{\n',
- ' width: 18px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#screenshot-button{\n',
- ' width: 22px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#sidebar-button{\n',
- ' background: url("") no-repeat center;\n',
- ' width: 22px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#loop-button{\n',
- ' width: 20px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#fullbrowser-button{\n',
- ' width: 20px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Player console
- // start| Seek thumbs
- '#seek-thumb-map{\n',
- ' font-size: 0;\n',
- ' overflow: auto;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
- ' z-index: 940;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-controls{\n',
- ' background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n',
- ' border-top-left-radius: 5px;\n',
- ' border-top-right-radius: 5px;\n',
- ' bottom: 100%;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' left: 50%;\n',
- ' padding: 5px 5px 0;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' transform: translateX(-50%);\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-controls > div{\n',
- ' color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.4);\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' font-size: 10px;\n',
- ' display: inline;\n',
- ' font-size: 10px;\n',
- ' margin: 5px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.quality-1 .quality-1, .quality-2 .quality-2, .quality-3 .quality-3{\n',
- ' color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.7) !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-controls > div:hover{\n',
- ' color: #F1F1F1 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-thumbs{\n',
- ' background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n',
- ' overflow: auto;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-thumbs span{\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' margin: 10px 5px 20px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#seek-thumbs .timer{\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' line-height: 20px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' text-align: center;\n',
- ' top: 100%;\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Seek thumbs
- // start| Screenshot window
- '#screenshot-result{\n',
- ' bottom: 15px;\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 0 15px #000000;\n',
- ' font-size: 0;\n',
- ' margin: 5px;\n',
- ' max-height: calc(100% - 90px);\n',
- ' max-width: 420px;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden;\n',
- ' position: fixed;\n',
- ' right: 15px;\n',
- ' width: 30%;\n',
- ' z-index: 1000;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#screenshot-result > canvas{\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#close-screenshot{\n',
- ' background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);\n',
- ' border-top-left-radius: 5px;\n',
- ' color: #F1F1F1;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' font-size: 10px;\n',
- ' padding: 5px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' text-transform: uppercase;\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#close-screenshot:hover{\n',
- ' background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Screenshot window
- // start| Sidebar mode
- '.yt-pl-thumb .sidebarmode, .thumb-wrapper .sidebarmode, .yt-lockup-thumbnail .sidebarmode{\n',
- ' background: url("") #FFF no-repeat center;\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' font-size: 12px;\n',
- ' height: 17px;\n',
- ' left: 0;\n',
- ' line-height: 1;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' width: 17px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Sidebar mode
- // start| Thumb buttons
- '.yt-pl-thumb .blacklist, .thumb-wrapper .blacklist, .yt-lockup-thumbnail .blacklist{\n',
- ' background: url("") #FFF no-repeat center / contain;\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' font-size: 12px;\n',
- ' height: 17px;\n',
- ' line-height: 1;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- ' width: 17px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.thumb-wrapper:hover .blacklist, .yt-lockup-thumbnail:hover .blacklist, .yt-pl-thumb:hover .blacklist, .yt-pl-thumb:hover .sidebarmode, .thumb-wrapper:hover .sidebarmode, .yt-lockup-thumbnail:hover .sidebarmode{\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Thumb buttons
- // start| Grid layout
- ' .part_grid_subs .feed-item-container .branded-page-module-title, .part_grid_subs .feed-item-container .yt-lockup-description, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-description{\n',
- ' display: none !important;\n',
- ' height: 0 !important;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary, .part_grid_search #results {\n',
- ' font-size: 0;\n',
- ' margin-right: -15px;\n',
- ' padding: 15px;\n',
- ' padding-right: 0;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .section-list > li, .part_grid_search #results .item-section > li{\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' margin-bottom: 20px;\n',
- ' margin-right: 10px;\n',
- ' width: 196px;\n',
- ' word-wrap: break-word;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .expanded-shelf-content-item{\n',
- ' margin-bottom: initial;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .item-section .feed-item-container, .part_grid_search #results .item-section > li .yt-lockup{\n',
- ' border: initial;\n',
- ' padding: initial;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .item-section .feed-item-container .menu-container{\n',
- ' top: 110px;\n',
- ' right: -5px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-thumbnail, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-thumbnail{\n',
- ' float: initial !important;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-meta, .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-byline{\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' max-width: 196px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-title, .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .feed-item-dismissal{\n',
- ' font-size: 13px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-title a{\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
- ' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-playlist-items, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-badges{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' }\n',
- // end| Grid layout
- // start| Enhancements
- ':focus{\n',
- ' outline: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- ':-moz-focus-inner{\n',
- ' border: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- 'input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]{\n',
- ' opacity: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.signin-container{\n',
- ' margin-right: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#body-container{\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.branded-page-related-channels-item .yt-close{\n',
- ' z-index: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.show-guide #appbar-guide-menu{\n',
- ' border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8;\n',
- ' border-right: 1px solid #E8E8E8;\n',
- ' box-shadow: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#movie_player:not(.ended-mode) .html5-progress-bar, #movie_player:not(.ended-mode) video{\n',
- ' max-width: 100%;\n',
- ' max-height: 100%;\n',
- ' min-width: 100%;\n',
- ' min-height: 100%;\n',
- ' left: initial !important;\n',
- ' top: initial !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.ideal-aspect .html5-player-chrome{\n',
- ' background: rgba(27,27,27,0.9) !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.ideal-aspect.light-theme .html5-player-chrome{\n',
- ' background: rgba(204,204,204,0.9) !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#theater-background, #watch7-sidebar, #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' transition: none !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #theater-background, .part_hide_controls.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #theater-background{\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- ' height: initial !important;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#footer-container{\n',
- ' max-width: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #theater-background{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player-playlist{\n',
- ' margin-top: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #footer-container{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #content, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' top: 0 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player-playlist, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' margin-bottom: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#page.watch .content-alignment, .watch.watch-non-stage-mode #player.content-alignment, .yt-base-gutter, .watch #content.content-alignment, .watch.watch-non-stage-mode #player.content-alignment, .watch.watch-stage-mode #player-playlist.watch-player-playlist{\n',
- ' min-width: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode .ytp-size-toggle-large, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode .ytp-size-toggle-small{\n',
- ' display: none !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.new_player .ytp-large-play-button{\n',
- ' text-align: center;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.new_player .ytp-large-play-button svg{\n',
- ' max-width: 85px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.new_player .html5-video-container{\n',
- ' height: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Enhancements
- // start| Improved notification button
- '.part_notif_button #appbar-main-guide-notification-container{\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 1px 2px #eee inset;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' top: 1px !important;\n',
- ' left: auto !important;\n',
- ' margin-left: 79px !important;\n',
- ' opacity: 0;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden !important;\n',
- ' position: absolute !important;\n',
- ' visibility: hidden;\n',
- ' width: auto;\n',
- ' z-index: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button #appbar-main-guide-notification-container .appbar-guide-notification{\n',
- ' height: 27px !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button .show-guide-button-notification #appbar-main-guide-notification-container{\n',
- ' visibility: visible;\n',
- ' opacity: 1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button #appbar-main-guide-notification-container{\n',
- ' transition: visibility .3s linear .1s, opacity .3s linear .1s;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button #appbar-guide-button-notification-check{\n',
- ' display: none !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_notif_button .show-guide-button-notification #appbar-guide-button{\n',
- ' opacity: 1 !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Improved notification button
- // start| Static normal mode
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode .player-width, .part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode #watch7-content{\n',
- ' width: 640px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 390px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode).new_player .watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 360px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode #watch7-sidebar{\n',
- ' margin-left: 650px;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch.watch-non-stage-mode #content.content-alignment, .part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch.watch-non-stage-mode #player.content-alignment{\n',
- ' max-width: 1066px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_static_size:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode) .watch-non-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' left: 650px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Static normal mode
- // start| Fit player in theater mode
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #player-api, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player-api{\n',
- ' height: auto !important;\n',
- ' left: 0 !important;\n',
- ' margin: 0 auto !important;\n',
- ' max-width: 1280px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' width: 100%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #player-api:before, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #player-api:before{\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- ' padding-top: calc(56.25% + 30px);\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater.new_player .watch-stage-mode #player-api:before, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode.new_player #player-api:before{\n',
- ' padding-top: calc(56.25%);\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #movie_player, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #movie_player{\n',
- ' bottom: 0;\n',
- ' left: 0;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #placeholder-player, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #placeholder-player{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' top: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' transform: none !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_fit_theater .watch-stage-mode #content, .content-snap-width-skinny-mode #content{\n',
- ' margin-top: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Fit player in theater mode
- // start| Hide player controls
- '.part_hide_controls.part_fit_theater:not(.new_player) .watch-stage-mode #player-api:before, .part_hide_controls.content-snap-width-skinny-mode:not(.new_player) #player-api:before{\n',
- ' padding-top: calc(56.25%);\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.new_player) .watch-non-stage-mode #watch7-sidebar{\n',
- ' margin-top: -370px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.part_fit_theater):not(.new_player) .watch-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' top: 90px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '@media screen and (min-width:1320px) and (min-height:870px){\n',
- ' .part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.part_fit_theater):not(.new_player) .watch-stage-mode #watch-appbar-playlist{\n',
- ' top: 330px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.new_player) #page.watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 360px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '@media screen and (min-width:1294px) and (min-height:630px){\n',
- ' html.part_hide_controls:not(.part_static_size):not(.new_player) #page.watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 480px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- '}\n',
- '@media screen and (min-width:1720px) and (min-height:980px){\n',
- ' html.part_hide_controls:not(.part_static_size):not(.new_player) #page.watch-non-stage-mode .player-height{\n',
- ' height: 720px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- '}\n',
- 'html.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.new_player) #page.watch-stage-mode .player-height:not(.watch-playlist){\n',
- ' height: 480px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '@media screen and (min-width:1320px) and (min-height:870px){\n',
- ' html.part_hide_controls:not(.content-snap-width-skinny-mode):not(.new_player) #page.watch-stage-mode .player-height:not(.watch-playlist){\n',
- ' height: 720px;\n',
- ' }\n',
- '}\n',
- // end| Hide player controls
- // start| Particle settings
- '#P-settings{\n',
- ' background: #f1f1f1;\n',
- ' height: 100%;\n',
- ' left: 0;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 0;\n',
- ' z-index: 1000;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-container{\n',
- ' margin: 10px auto 0;\n',
- ' max-width: 1262px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.guide-pinned.show-guide .guide-pinning-enabled #P-container{\n',
- ' padding-left: 230px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-sidebar, #P-content{\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n',
- ' box-sizing: border-box;\n',
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- '#P-sidebar{\n',
- ' background: #1e1e1e;\n',
- ' color: grey;\n',
- ' float: left;\n',
- ' width: 195px;\n',
- ' margin-right: 10px;\n',
- ' padding: 10px 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-sidebar-list > li{\n',
- ' color: grey;\n',
- ' padding: 0 21px;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' line-height: 24px;\n',
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- '#P-sidebar-list > li:hover{\n',
- ' color: #1e1e1e;\n',
- ' background: #f6f6f6;\n',
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- '#P-sidebar-list > li.selected{\n',
- ' color: #FFF;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' background-color: #CC181E;\n',
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- '#P-content h2{\n',
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- '#P-content h3{\n',
- ' color: #555;\n',
- ' font-size: 14px;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' margin: 30px 0 16px;\n',
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- '#P-content div{\n',
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- '#P-content div:first-child{\n',
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- '#P-content label{\n',
- ' line-height: 26px;\n',
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- '#P-content input{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
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- '#P-content input + label{\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' margin-left: 25px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input + label:before{\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #c6c6c6;\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' left: -25px;\n',
- ' height: 14px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' top: 5px;\n',
- ' width: 14px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input:checked + label:before{\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #36649c;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="text"]{\n',
- ' top: 2px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- ' margin-left: 5px;\n',
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- '#P-content input[type="text"] + label{\n',
- ' float: left;\n',
- ' margin-left: 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="text"] + label:before{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
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- '#P-content input[type="radio"] + label{\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
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- '#P-content input[type="radio"] + label:before{\n',
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- '#P-content input[type="checkbox"] + label{\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label:before{\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content input[type="radio"]:checked + label:before{\n',
- ' background: url() no-repeat 3px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content select{\n',
- ' background-image: linear-gradient(#FCFCFC, #F8F8F8);\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;\n',
- ' color: #333 !important;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' font-family: arial,sans-serif;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' height: 26px;\n',
- ' margin-left: 5px;\n',
- ' padding: 0 2em 0 1em;\n',
- ' text-shadow: none;\n',
- ' -moz-appearance: none;\n',
- ' -webkit-appearance: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-content select option{\n',
- ' padding: 0 1em;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-header{\n',
- ' height: 20px;\n',
- ' margin: 0;\n',
- ' padding: 24px 0 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-save, .P-reset{\n',
- ' background: #167AC6;\n',
- ' border-color: #167AC6;\n',
- ' border-radius: 2px;\n',
- ' box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n',
- ' color: #fff;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' float: right;\n',
- ' font-size: 11px;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' height: 28px;\n',
- ' line-height: normal;\n',
- ' margin-right: 20px;\n',
- ' margin-top: -5px;\n',
- ' outline: 0 none;\n',
- ' padding: 0 20px;\n',
- ' vertical-align: middle;\n',
- ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
- ' word-wrap: normal;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-reset{\n',
- ' background: #F8F8F8;\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;\n',
- ' color: #333;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-reset:hover{\n',
- ' background: #F0F0F0;\n',
- ' border-color: #C6C6C6;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-reset:active{\n',
- ' background: #E9E9E9;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-save:hover{\n',
- ' background: #126DB3;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-save:active{\n',
- ' background: #095B99;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-horz{\n',
- ' border-bottom: 0 none;\n',
- ' border-top: 1px solid #e2e2e2;\n',
- ' height: 0;\n',
- ' margin: 20px 0 0 -15px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-settings select{\n',
- ' color: transparent !important;\n',
- ' text-shadow: 0 0 0 #333;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-settings .P-select{\n',
- ' display: inline;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-settings .P-select:after{\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' border: 1px solid transparent;\n',
- ' border-width: 4px 4px 0;\n',
- ' border-top-color: #666;\n',
- ' pointer-events: none;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 10px;\n',
- ' top: 50%;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P-settings option{\n',
- ' color: #000;\n',
- ' text-shadow: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT{\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT a{\n',
- ' color: #808080;\n',
- ' display: block;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT:hover a{\n',
- ' color: #F1F1F1;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT:hover:after{\n',
- ' content: "";\n',
- ' height: 18px;\n',
- ' margin-top: -9px;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' right: 10px;\n',
- ' top: 50%;\n',
- ' width: 15px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#DNT:hover{\n',
- ' background: linear-gradient(to right, #167AC6 50%, #F6F6F6) !important;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist{\n',
- ' margin: 10px 15px 0 0;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist-controls{\n',
- ' margin-bottom: 10px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist .blacklist{\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #C6C6C6;\n',
- ' cursor: default;\n',
- ' display: inline-block;\n',
- ' overflow: hidden !important;\n',
- ' padding: 0 10px;\n',
- ' position: relative;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist .blacklist .close{\n',
- ' background: url("") #FFF no-repeat center / contain;\n',
- ' border: 1px solid #C6C6C6;\n',
- ' border-left: none;\n',
- ' border-top: none;\n',
- ' color: #666;\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- ' height: 17px;\n',
- ' font-size: 10px;\n',
- ' font-weight: bold;\n',
- ' position: absolute;\n',
- ' left: 0;\n',
- ' top: 0;\n',
- ' width: 17px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist .blacklist:hover .close{\n',
- ' display: initial;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist-edit span, #blacklist-save span, #blacklist-close span{\n',
- ' pointer-events: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist.edit .blacklist, #blacklist.edit #blacklist-edit, #blacklist:not(.edit) #blacklist-save, #blacklist:not(.edit) #blacklist-close, #blacklist:not(.edit) #blacklist-edit-list{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#blacklist-edit-list{\n',
- ' font-family: Consolas, Lucida Console, monospace;\n',
- ' height: 200px;\n',
- ' width: calc(100% - 10px);\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P{\n',
- ' cursor: pointer;\n',
- ' height: 28px;\n',
- ' margin-right: 10px;\n',
- ' opacity: 0.55;\n',
- ' vertical-align: middle;\n',
- ' width: 19px;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.content-snap-width-skinny-mode #P{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n',
- '#P:hover{\n',
- ' opacity: 0.85;\n',
- '}\n',
- '.P-hide{\n',
- ' display: none;\n',
- '}\n'
- // end| Particle settings
- ].join('');
- if (userscript) {
- window.GM_getValue = GM_getValue;
- window.GM_setValue = GM_setValue;
- window.GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM_xmlhttpRequest;
- }
- function particle() {
- var api,
- fullscreen,
- channelId = {},
- events = [],
- isChrome = typeof window.chrome === 'object',
- defSets = null,
- parSets,
- lang = {
- ADV_OPTS : {
- en : 'Advanced options',
- 'pt-PT': 'Opções avançadas'
- },
- SUB_PLST : {
- en : 'Play recent uploads',
- 'pt-PT': 'Reproduzir vídeos recentes'
- },
- en : 'Enable sidebar mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar modo barra lateral'
- },
- en : 'Open in sidebar',
- 'pt-PT': 'Abrir barra lateral'
- },
- BLCK_ADD : {
- en : 'Add to blacklist',
- 'pt-PT': 'Adicionar à lista negra'
- },
- en : 'Edit',
- 'pt-PT': 'Editar'
- },
- en : 'Save',
- 'pt-PT': 'Guardar'
- },
- en : 'Close',
- 'pt-PT': 'Fechar'
- },
- en : 'Console',
- 'pt-PT': 'Consola'
- },
- CNSL_AP : {
- en : 'Autoplay',
- 'pt-PT': 'Início automático'
- },
- CNSL_RPT : {
- en : 'Repeat video',
- 'pt-PT': 'Repetir vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Seek map',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mapa de procura'
- },
- en : 'No thumbs found',
- 'pt-PT': 'Não existem imagens'
- },
- en : 'SMALL',
- 'pt-PT': 'PEQUENO'
- },
- en : 'MEDIUM',
- 'pt-PT': 'MÉDIO'
- },
- en : 'LARGE',
- 'pt-PT': 'GRANDE'
- },
- en : 'Open thumbnail',
- 'pt-PT': 'Abrir imagem de fundo'
- },
- CNSL_SS : {
- en : 'Take screenshot',
- 'pt-PT': 'Capturar imagem'
- },
- en : 'CLOSE',
- 'pt-PT': 'FECHAR'
- },
- en : 'Sidebar mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Modo barra lateral'
- },
- en : 'Fullbrowser mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Modo navegador inteiro'
- },
- PLST_AP : {
- en : 'Autoplay',
- 'pt-PT': 'Início automático'
- },
- en : 'Reverse',
- 'pt-PT': 'Inverter'
- },
- en : 'Show comments',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mostrar comentários'
- },
- en : 'Hide comments',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder comentários'
- },
- GLB_RSET : {
- en : 'Reset',
- 'pt-PT': 'Repor'
- },
- GLB_SVE : {
- en : 'Save',
- 'pt-PT': 'Guardar'
- },
- GEN : {
- en : 'General',
- 'pt-PT': 'Geral'
- },
- VID : {
- en : 'Video',
- 'pt-PT': 'Video'
- },
- CHN : {
- en : 'Channels',
- 'pt-PT': 'Canais'
- },
- BLK : {
- en : 'Blacklist',
- 'pt-PT': 'Lista negra'
- },
- ABT : {
- en : 'About',
- 'pt-PT': 'Sobre'
- },
- DNT : {
- en : 'Donate',
- 'pt-PT': 'Doação'
- },
- GEN_TTL : {
- en : 'General settings',
- 'pt-PT': 'Definições gerais'
- },
- GEN_GEN : {
- en : 'General',
- 'pt-PT': 'Geral'
- },
- GEN_LYT : {
- en : 'Layout',
- 'pt-PT': 'Aparência'
- },
- en : 'Disable advertisements outside the video page',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar publicidades fora da página de vídeo'
- },
- en : 'YouTube logo redirects to subscriptions',
- 'pt-PT': 'Logotipo do Youtube redirecciona para as subscrições'
- },
- en : 'Remove autoplay up next',
- 'pt-PT': 'Remover reprodução automática do vídeo a seguir'
- },
- en : 'Disable SPF',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar SPF'
- },
- en : 'Hide footer',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder rodapé'
- },
- en : 'Remove blue glow around clicked buttons',
- 'pt-PT': 'Retirar brilho azul em torno dos botões clicados'
- },
- en : 'Hide recommended channels sidebar',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder barra lateral de canais recomendados'
- },
- en : 'Hide search results sidebar',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder barra lateral nos resultados de pesquisa'
- },
- en : 'Hide channel sidebar',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder barra lateral dos canais'
- },
- en : 'Compact titles in feeds',
- 'pt-PT': 'Títulos compactos nas listas'
- },
- en : 'Disable hovercards',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar hovercards'
- },
- en : 'Improved blue notification box',
- 'pt-PT': 'Caixa de notificação azul melhorada'
- },
- en : 'Grid layout in subscriptions',
- 'pt-PT': 'Subscrições em formato grelha'
- },
- en : 'Grid layout in search results',
- 'pt-PT': 'Resultados de pesquisa em formato grelha'
- },
- VID_TTL : {
- en : 'Video settings',
- 'pt-PT': 'Definições de vídeo'
- },
- VID_PLR : {
- en : 'Player settings',
- 'pt-PT': 'Definições do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Player layout',
- 'pt-PT': 'Aspecto do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Default video quality:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Qualidade de vídeo padrão:'
- },
- en : 'Auto',
- 'pt-PT': 'Auto'
- },
- en: '144p'
- },
- en: '240p'
- },
- en: '360p'
- },
- en: '480p'
- },
- VID_DFLT_QLTY_720 : {
- en: '720p'
- },
- VID_DFLT_QLTY_1080 : {
- en: '1080p'
- },
- VID_DFLT_QLTY_1440 : {
- en: '1440p'
- },
- en: '2160p'
- },
- en : 'Always visible',
- 'pt-PT': 'Sempre visível'
- },
- en : 'Autoplay videos',
- 'pt-PT': 'Iniciar vídeos automáticamente'
- },
- en : 'Progress bar color:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Cor da barra de progresso:'
- },
- en : 'Red',
- 'pt-PT': 'Vermelha'
- },
- en : 'White',
- 'pt-PT': 'Branca'
- },
- en : 'Control bar color:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Cor da barra de controlos:'
- },
- en : 'Dark',
- 'pt-PT': 'Escura'
- },
- en : 'Light',
- 'pt-PT': 'Clara'
- },
- VID_LAYT : {
- en : 'Layout',
- 'pt-PT': 'Aparência'
- },
- en : 'Show link with number of uploaded videos',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mostrar link com número de vídeos carregados'
- },
- en : 'Show how long the video has been published',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mostrar há quanto tempo o vídeo foi publicado'
- },
- en : 'Hide video details',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder detalhes do vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Comment section',
- 'pt-PT': 'Secção de comentários'
- },
- en : 'Show',
- 'pt-PT': 'Mostrar'
- },
- en : 'Hide',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder'
- },
- en : 'Remove',
- 'pt-PT': 'Remover'
- },
- en : 'Disable share panel when video ends',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar painel de partilha quando o video acaba'
- },
- VID_PLST : {
- en : 'Playlists',
- 'pt-PT': 'Listas'
- },
- en : 'Separate playlist from player',
- 'pt-PT': 'Separar lista de reprodução do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Enable playlist autoplay control',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar controlo de início automático das listas'
- },
- en : 'Enable reverse playlist control',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar controlo de inversão das listas'
- },
- en : 'Memorize player mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Memorizar tamanho do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Change volume with mouse wheel',
- 'pt-PT': 'Alterar nível de som com a roda do rato'
- },
- en : 'Memorize audio volume',
- 'pt-PT': 'Memorizar volume de audio'
- },
- en : 'Disable advertisements in the video page',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar publicidades na página de vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Enable advertisements only in videos from subscribed channels',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar publicidades só para vídeos de canais subscritos'
- },
- en : 'Disable annotations',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar notas'
- },
- en : 'Disable DASH playback',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar reprodução DASH'
- },
- VID_PLR_CC : {
- en : 'Disable subtitles',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar legendas'
- },
- en : 'Hide player controls',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esconder controlos do reproductor'
- },
- en : 'Fit to page in theater mode',
- 'pt-PT': 'Ajustar na página no modo cinema'
- },
- en : 'Fit to page max width:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Largura máxima do ajuste na página:'
- },
- en : 'Disable dynamic player size in default view',
- 'pt-PT': 'Desactivar tamanho dinâmico do reproductor na vista predefinida'
- },
- en : 'Short video description buttons',
- 'pt-PT': 'Botões curtos na descrição do vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Compact title in video description',
- 'pt-PT': 'Título compacto na descrição do vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Sidebar mode alignment',
- 'pt-PT': 'Alinhar modo barra lateral'
- },
- en : 'None',
- 'pt-PT': 'Nenhum'
- },
- en : 'Left',
- 'pt-PT': 'Esquerda'
- },
- en : 'Right',
- 'pt-PT': 'Direita'
- },
- en : 'Auto expand video description',
- 'pt-PT': 'Automáticamente mostrar mais na descrição do vídeo'
- },
- en : 'Default channel page:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Página de canal predefinida:'
- },
- en : 'Default',
- 'pt-PT': 'Padrão'
- },
- en : 'Videos',
- 'pt-PT': 'Vídeos'
- },
- en : 'Playlists',
- 'pt-PT': 'Listas de reprodução'
- },
- en : 'Channels',
- 'pt-PT': 'Canais'
- },
- en : 'Discussion',
- 'pt-PT': 'Discussão'
- },
- en : 'About',
- 'pt-PT': 'Acerca de'
- },
- BLK_TTL : {
- en : 'Blacklist settings',
- 'pt-PT': 'Definições da lista negra'
- },
- BLK_BLK : {
- en : 'Blacklist',
- 'pt-PT': 'Lista negra'
- },
- BLK_ON : {
- en : 'Enable blacklist',
- 'pt-PT': 'Activar lista negra'
- },
- ABT_TTL : {
- en : 'Information and useful links',
- 'pt-PT': 'Informação e ligações úteis'
- },
- ABT_THKS : {
- en : 'Thanks to:',
- 'pt-PT': 'Agradecimentos a:'
- },
- en : ', who\'s work inspired the creation of this project, without whom none of this would exist today.',
- 'pt-PT': ', cujo trabalho inspirou a criação deste projecto, sem ele nada disto existiria hoje.'
- },
- en : ' for making the task of developing and shipping third party software incredibly easier.',
- 'pt-PT': ' por tornarem o processo de produção e publicação de software bastante fácil.'
- },
- en : ' for all of its priceless information which greatly contributes for software development.',
- 'pt-PT': ' por toda a informação valiosa que contém e que contribui bastante para a criação de software.'
- },
- ABT_INFO : {
- en : 'Official pages',
- 'pt-PT': 'Páginas oficiais'
- },
- en: 'GitHub'
- },
- en: 'Greasy Fork'
- },
- en: 'OpenUserJS'
- },
- ABT_PRBL : {
- en : 'Report a problem',
- 'pt-PT': 'Reportar problema'
- },
- en : 'Click here for instructions',
- 'pt-PT': 'Clique aqui para instruções'
- }
- };
- if (!parSets || Object.keys(parSets).length < 1) {
- parSets = defSets;
- }
- function string2HTML(string) {
- var html = new window.DOMParser();
- return html.parseFromString(string, 'text/html');
- }
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- delete parSets[setting];
- window.postMessage({replace: parSets}, '*');
- }
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- return lang[label][ytlang];
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- return lang[label].en;
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- request.addEventListener('load', details.call);
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- function timeConv(time) {
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- hours = (time % 86400) / 3600,
- minutes = (time % 3600) / 60,
- seconds = (time % 3600) % 60;
- function zero(trim) {
- return ('0' + Math.floor(trim)).slice(-2);
- }
- time = zero(days) + ':' + zero(hours) + ':' + zero(minutes) + ':' + zero(seconds);
- time = time.replace(/^0(0:(0(0:(0)?)?)?)?/, '');
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- plrApi = document.getElementById('player-api'),
- commSect = document.getElementById('watch-discussion'),
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- pContainer,
- buttonNotif,
- buttonsSection,
- settingsButton;
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- return;
- }
- function template() {
- var custom = function () {
- var button = '',
- list = parSets && parSets.blacklist;
- function buildList(ytid) {
- button += '' + list[ytid] + '
- }
- if (list && Object.keys(list).length > 0) {
- Object.keys(list).forEach(buildList);
- }
- return button;
- },
- htEl = {
- title : function (content, tag) {
- return '<' + tag + '>' + userLang(content) + '' + tag + '>\n';
- },
- select: function (id, list) {
- var select = '\n' +
- '\n';
- return select;
- },
- radio : function (name, list) {
- var radio = '\n';
- function keysIterator(keys) {
- radio += '\n';
- }
- Object.keys(list).forEach(keysIterator);
- return radio;
- },
- input : function (id, type, placeholder, size) {
- var input = '\n\n';
- return input;
- }
- },
- menus = {
- setMenu: [
- '\n',
- '
- ' \n',
- '
- '
- ].join(''),
- GEN : [
- '\n',
- ' \n',
- '
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- 'GEN_CHN_DFLT_PAGE_ABT': 'about'
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- htEl.input('GEN_HDE_CHN_SDBR', 'checkbox'),
- '\n'
- ].join(''),
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- '\n',
- ' \n',
- '
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- 'VID_DFLT_QLTY_TNY': 'tiny'
- }),
- '
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- htEl.input('VID_PLR_FIT', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_PLR_FIT_WDTH', 'text', '1280px', 6),
- '
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- 'VID_PROG_BAR_CLR_RED': 'red',
- 'VID_PROG_BAR_CLR_WHT': 'white'
- }),
- '
- htEl.radio('VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR', {
- 'VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR_DARK': 'dark',
- 'VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR_LGHT': 'light'
- }),
- '
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- htEl.input('VID_PLST_ATPL', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_PLST_RVRS', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.title('VID_LAYT', 'h3'),
- htEl.select('VID_HIDE_COMS', {
- }),
- '
- htEl.select('VID_SDBR_ALGN', {
- }),
- '
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- htEl.input('VID_DESC_SHRT', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_VID_CNT', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_POST_TIME', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_HIDE_DETLS', 'checkbox'),
- htEl.input('VID_LAYT_AUTO_PNL', 'checkbox'),
- '\n'
- ].join(''),
- BLK : [
- '\n',
- ' \n',
- '
- htEl.title('BLK_BLK', 'h3'),
- htEl.input('BLK_ON', 'checkbox'),
- '
- '
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- '
- ' ' + custom() + '\n',
- '
- '
- '
- '
- ].join(''),
- ABT : [
- '\n',
- ' \n',
- '
- htEl.title('ABT_THKS', 'h3'),
- '
- '
- '
- htEl.title('ABT_INFO', 'h3'),
- '
- '
- '
- htEl.title('ABT_PRBL', 'h3'),
- '
- '
- ].join('')
- };
- return menus;
- }
- function navigateSettings(event) {
- function manageBlackList(target) {
- function removeEmptyLines(string) {
- return (/\S/).test(string);
- }
- if (target.id === 'blacklist-edit') {
- document.getElementById('blacklist').classList.add('edit');
- document.getElementById('blacklist-edit-list').value = JSON.stringify(parSets.blacklist).replace(/":"/g, '": "').replace(/","/g, '"\n"').replace('{"', '"').replace('"}', '"').replace('{}', '');
- } else if (target.id === 'blacklist-save') {
- set('blacklist', JSON.parse('{' + document.getElementById('blacklist-edit-list').value.split('\n').filter(removeEmptyLines).join(',') + '}'));
- } else if (target.id === 'blacklist-close') {
- document.getElementById('BLK').click();
- }
- }
- function remBlackList() {
- var newKey = parSets.blacklist;
- delete newKey[event.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-ytid')];
- event.target.parentNode.remove();
- set('blacklist', newKey);
- newKey = null;
- }
- function saveSettings(salt) {
- var value,
- notification = document.getElementById('appbar-main-guide-notification-container'),
- navId = document.getElementsByClassName('selected')[0].id,
- savedSets = parSets,
- userSets = document.getElementById('P-content').querySelectorAll('[id^="' + navId + '"]'),
- length = userSets.length;
- function hideNotif() {
- document.body.classList.remove('show-guide-button-notification');
- }
- while (length) {
- length -= 1;
- value = (userSets[length].checked && (userSets[length].value === 'on' || userSets[length].value)) || (userSets[length].length && userSets[length].value) || (userSets[length].getAttribute('type') === 'text' && userSets[length].value);
- if (value) {
- savedSets[userSets[length].name || userSets[length].id] = value;
- } else if (!value && userSets[length].type !== 'radio') {
- delete savedSets[userSets[length].id];
- }
- }
- parSets = savedSets;
- window.postMessage({replace: parSets}, '*');
- customStyles();
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- if (notification.childNodes.length < 1) {
- notification.remove();
- notification = [
- '\n',
- '
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- ' \n',
- '
- '
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- document.getElementsByClassName('yt-masthead-logo-container')[0].appendChild(notification);
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- document.getElementsByClassName('appbar-guide-notification-text-content')[0].textContent = 'Settings saved';
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- window.setTimeout(hideNotif, 2000);
- }
- value = notification = navId = savedSets = userSets = length = null;
- }
- if (event.target.classList.contains('P-save')) {
- saveSettings();
- } else if (event.target.classList.contains('P-reset')) {
- parSets = defSets;
- window.postMessage({replace: defSets}, '*');
- settingsButton.click();
- settingsButton.click();
- } else if (event.target.classList.contains('close')) {
- remBlackList();
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- event = (event.target.id === 'P-settings') ? event.target : event.target.parentNode;
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- pageContainer,
- pWrapper = document.getElementById('P-settings');
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- pWrapper.remove();
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- bodyContainer = document.getElementById('body-container');
- pageContainer = document.getElementById('page-container');
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- handleEvents(pWrapper, 'click', navigateSettings);
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- buttonsSection = document.getElementById('yt-masthead-user') || document.getElementById('yt-masthead-signin');
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- settingsButton.title = 'YouTube+ settings';
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- buttonsSection.insertBefore(settingsButton, buttonNotif);
- } else {
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- }
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- function enhancedDetails() {
- function username() {
- var link,
- span,
- user,
- verified,
- name = document.getElementsByClassName('yt-user-info')[0];
- function videoCounter() {
- link.href = window.location.origin + '/channel/' + user.getAttribute('data-ytid') + '/videos';
- span = document.createElement('span');
- span.textContent = ' · ';
- name.appendChild(span);
- name.appendChild(link);
- verified = document.getElementsByClassName('yt-channel-title-icon-verified')[0];
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- user.className += ' yt-uix-tooltip';
- user.setAttribute('data-tooltip-text', verified.getAttribute('data-tooltip-text'));
- user.style.color = '#167ac6';
- verified.remove();
- }
- link = span = user = verified = name = null;
- }
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- details = details.target.responseText;
- if (details) {
- details = JSON.parse(details);
- details = details.body && details.body.content && details.body.content.match(/class="pl-header-details">([\w\W]*?)<\/ul>/)[1];
- details = details && details.match(/([\w\W]*?)<\/li>/g)[1];
- if (details) {
- link.className = 'spf-link';
- link.textContent = channelId[user.getAttribute('data-ytid')] = details.replace(/<\/?li>/g, '').replace(''', '\'');
- videoCounter();
- }
- }
- details = null;
- }
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- link = document.createElement('a');
- link.id = 'uploaded-videos';
- name.appendChild(link);
- user = name.querySelector('a');
- if (channelId[user.getAttribute('data-ytid')]) {
- link.textContent = channelId[user.getAttribute('data-ytid')];
- videoCounter();
- } else {
- localXHR({
- method: 'GET',
- url: '/playlist?spf=navigate&list=' + user.getAttribute('data-ytid').replace('UC', 'UU'),
- call: getPLInfo
- });
- }
- }
- }
- function publishedTime() {
- var watchTime = document.getElementsByClassName('watch-time-text')[0];
- function getCHInfo(details) {
- details = details.target.responseText;
- if (details) {
- if (watchTime.textContent.split('·').length < 2) {
- details = JSON.parse(details);
- details = details.body && details.body.content && details.body.content.match(/yt-lockup-meta-info">\n([\w\W]*?)<\/ul/);
- if (details) {
- watchTime.textContent += ' · ' + details[1].split('')[0];
- }
- }
- }
- details = watchTime = null;
- }
- if (watchTime && window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config) {
- localXHR({
- method: 'GET',
- url: '/channel/' + window.ytplayer.config.args.ucid + '/search?query="' + window.ytplayer.config.args.video_id + '"&spf=navigate',
- call: getCHInfo
- });
- }
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/watch') {
- if (parSets.VID_VID_CNT) {
- username();
- }
- if (parSets.VID_POST_TIME) {
- publishedTime();
- }
- }
- }
- function commentsButton() {
- var comments = document.getElementById('watch-discussion'),
- wrapper;
- function showComments() {
- comments.classList.toggle('show');
- wrapper.querySelector('button').textContent = userLang((comments.classList.contains('show')) ? 'HIDE_CMTS' : 'SHOW_CMTS');
- }
- if (comments && !document.getElementById('P-show-comments') && parSets.VID_HIDE_COMS === '1') {
- wrapper =
- '\n';
- wrapper = string2HTML(wrapper).querySelector('#P-show-comments');
- handleEvents(wrapper, 'click', showComments);
- comments.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, comments);
- }
- }
- function updateSettings(event) {
- if (event.data.updateSettings) {
- parSets = event.data;
- customStyles();
- }
- }
- function playerMode() {
- var cookie = document.cookie,
- pageElement = document.getElementById('page'),
- playerElement = document.getElementById('player');
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_SIZE_MEM && parSets.theaterMode) {
- if (window.navigator.cookieEnabled && (cookie.split('wide=0').length > 1 || cookie.split('wide=1').length < 2)) {
- document.cookie = 'wide=1; path=/';
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- if (playerElement && window.location.pathname === '/watch') {
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- pageElement.className = pageElement.className.replace('non-', '');
- playerElement.className = playerElement.className.replace('small', 'large');
- }
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- document.cookie = 'wide=0; path=/';
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- if (playerElement && window.location.pathname === '/watch') {
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- playerElement.className = playerElement.className.replace('large', 'small').replace('medium', 'small');
- }
- }
- cookie = pageElement = playerElement = null;
- }
- function argsCleaner(config) {
- var base = (config.args.iurl_webp) ? '_webp' : '',
- hdThumb,
- maxRes;
- function checkThumbnail() {
- var img,
- video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0],
- hdURL = config.args['iurl' + base].replace('hqdefault', 'maxresdefault'),
- state = api && api.getPlayerState && api.getPlayerState();
- function widthReport() {
- handleEvents(img, 'load', widthReport, 'remove');
- function prefixIterator(prefix) {
- config.args[prefix + base] = hdURL;
- }
- if (img.width > 120 && !config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] && state && (state === 5 || (state === 3 && video && video.src === ''))) {
- ['iurl', 'iurlsd', 'iurlmq', 'iurlhq', 'iurlmaxres'].forEach(prefixIterator);
- api.cueVideoByPlayerVars(config.args);
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_VOL_MEM) {
- api.setVolume(parSets.volLev);
- }
- }
- img = video = hdURL = state = null;
- }
- img = new Image();
- handleEvents(img, 'load', widthReport);
- img.src = hdURL;
- }
- function prefixIterator(prefix) {
- config.args[prefix + base] = config.args['iurlmaxres' + base];
- }
- function clearRVS(rvs) {
- var i,
- rvsList = [],
- rvsReturn = [];
- rvs = rvs.split(',');
- function blacklistMatch(names) {
- i = rvs.length;
- while (i) {
- i -= 1;
- if (rvs[i].replace(/\+/g, ' ').split(parSets.blacklist[names]).length > 1) {
- rvsList.push(i);
- }
- }
- }
- Object.keys(parSets.blacklist).forEach(blacklistMatch);
- i = rvs.length;
- while (i) {
- i -= 1;
- if (rvsList.indexOf(i) < 0) {
- rvsReturn.push(rvs[i]);
- }
- }
- return rvsReturn.join(',');
- }
- if (config.args.video_id) {
- if ((parSets.VID_PLR_ADS && (!parSets.VID_SUB_ADS || (parSets.VID_SUB_ADS && !config.args.subscribed)))) {
- delete config.args.ad3_module;
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_SIZE_MEM && parSets.theaterMode) {
- config.args.player_wide = '1';
- }
- if (config.args.iv_load_policy) {
- config.args.iv_load_policy = (parSets.VID_PLR_ANTS) ? '3' : '1';
- }
- if (config.args.cc_load_policy) {
- config.args.cc_load_policy = (parSets.VID_PLR_CC) ? '0' : '1';
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_CC) {
- delete config.args.ttsurl;
- delete config.args.caption_tracks;
- }
- }
- config.args.autohide = '2';
- config.args.vq = parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY;
- config.args.theme = parSets.VID_CTRL_BAR_CLR;
- config.args.color = parSets.VID_PROG_BAR_CLR;
- config.args.dash = (parSets.VID_PLR_DASH) ? '0' : '1';
- config.args.autoplay = (parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL) ? '1' : '0';
- if (config.args.autoplay === '0') {
- hdThumb = document.querySelector('[href*="maxresdefault"]') || document.querySelector('[content*="maxresdefault"]');
- maxRes = hdThumb && (hdThumb.getAttribute('href') || hdThumb.getAttribute('content'));
- config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] = config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] || maxRes || false;
- if (config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] === false || (config.args['iurlmaxres' + base] && config.args['iurlmaxres' + base].split(config.args.video_id).length < 2)) {
- delete config.args['iurlmaxres' + base];
- checkThumbnail();
- } else if (config.args['iurlmaxres' + base]) {
- ['iurl', 'iurlsd', 'iurlmq', 'iurlhq'].forEach(prefixIterator);
- }
- }
- if (parSets.BLK_ON && window.yt && window.yt.config_ && window.yt.config_.RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS && window.yt.config_.RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS.rvs) {
- config.args.rvs = window.yt.config_.RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS.rvs = clearRVS(window.yt.config_.RELATED_PLAYER_ARGS.rvs);
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/watch' && window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config === null) {
- window.ytplayer.config = config;
- }
- window.ytplayer.config.args = config.args;
- return config;
- }
- }
- function alwaysVisible() {
- var width,
- height,
- skinny,
- sidebar,
- newPlayer,
- sidebarSize,
- aspectRatio,
- containerSize,
- playerContainer,
- videoPlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- function initFloater() {
- newPlayer = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1;
- skinny = document.documentElement.classList.contains('content-snap-width-skinny-mode');
- videoPlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- playerContainer = document.getElementById('player-api');
- containerSize = playerContainer && playerContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
- sidebar = document.getElementById('watch7-sidebar');
- sidebarSize = sidebar && sidebar.getBoundingClientRect();
- function updatePos() {
- if (!document.documentElement.classList.contains('floater')) {
- handleEvents(window, 'resize', updatePos, 'remove');
- return;
- }
- sidebarSize = sidebar.getBoundingClientRect();
- videoPlayer.style.marginTop = '-' + (height / 2) + 'px';
- videoPlayer.style.left = ((skinny && '0') || sidebarSize.left) + 'px';
- videoPlayer.style.width = (skinny && containerSize.width) || sidebarSize.width + 'px';
- videoPlayer.style.height = ((!parSets.VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS && !newPlayer) ? 30 : 0) + ((skinny && containerSize.height) || (sidebarSize.width / aspectRatio)) + 'px';
- }
- if (!sidebar) {
- handleEvents(window, 'scroll', initFloater, 'remove');
- return;
- }
- if (videoPlayer && containerSize.bottom < (((skinny && containerSize.height - 2) || (containerSize.height / 2)) + 51) && !document.documentElement.classList.contains('floater')) {
- aspectRatio = 16 / 9;
- width = (skinny && containerSize.width) || sidebarSize.width;
- height = ((!parSets.VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS && !newPlayer) ? 30 : 0) + ((skinny && containerSize.height) || (sidebarSize.width / aspectRatio));
- document.documentElement.classList.toggle('floater');
- videoPlayer.setAttribute('style', 'width: ' + width + 'px; margin-top: -' + (height / 2) + 'px; height: ' + height + 'px; left: ' + ((skinny && '0') || sidebarSize.left) + 'px;');
- handleEvents(window, 'resize', updatePos);
- } else if (videoPlayer && containerSize.bottom > (((skinny && containerSize.height - 2) || (!skinny && (containerSize.height / 2))) + 51) && document.documentElement.classList.contains('floater')) {
- document.documentElement.classList.toggle('floater');
- videoPlayer.removeAttribute('style');
- handleEvents(window, 'resize', updatePos, 'remove');
- }
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_ALVIS) {
- if (window.location.pathname === '/watch') {
- handleEvents(window, 'scroll', initFloater);
- } else if (window.location.pathname !== '/watch') {
- handleEvents(window, 'scroll', initFloater, 'remove');
- }
- }
- }
- function subPlaylist() {
- var i,
- list = [],
- button = document.getElementById('subscription-playlist'),
- navMenu = document.getElementById('channel-navigation-menu'),
- listTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('appbar-nav-menu')[0],
- videoList = document.getElementsByClassName('addto-watch-later-button');
- function initSubPlaylist(event) {
- event = event.target.responseText;
- if (event) {
- button.href = '/watch?v=' + videoList[0].getAttribute('data-video-ids') + '&list=' + JSON.parse(event)[1].data.swfcfg.args.list;
- }
- i = list = button = navMenu = listTitle = videoList = null;
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/feed/subscriptions' && !button && listTitle && videoList) {
- button =
- '\n' +
- ' \n' +
- ' \n' +
- ' \n' +
- '';
- button = string2HTML(button).querySelector('li');
- navMenu.insertBefore(button, navMenu.firstChild);
- i = videoList.length;
- while (i) {
- i -= 1;
- if (i > -1) {
- list.push(videoList[i].getAttribute('data-video-ids'));
- }
- }
- list.reverse().join('%2C');
- listTitle = listTitle && listTitle.getElementsByClassName('epic-nav-item-heading')[0].textContent;
- button = document.getElementById('subscription-playlist');
- button.href = '/watch_videos?title=' + listTitle + '&video_ids=' + list;
- localXHR({
- method: 'GET',
- url: '/watch_videos?title=' + listTitle + '&spf=navigate&video_ids=' + list,
- call: initSubPlaylist
- });
- }
- }
- function playerReady(playerApi) {
- function playerState(state) {
- var moviePlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player'),
- cueThumb = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-thumbnail-overlay')[0],
- cueButton = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-large-play-button')[0],
- newPlayer = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1;
- if (newPlayer) {
- if (window.matchMedia) {
- window.matchMedia = false;
- document.documentElement.classList.add('new_player');
- }
- if (cueThumb && cueButton) {
- if (state === 5) {
- cueThumb.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
- cueThumb.style.display = 'initial';
- cueButton.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
- cueButton.style.display = 'initial';
- } else {
- cueThumb.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
- cueThumb.style.display = 'none';
- cueButton.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
- cueButton.style.display = 'none';
- }
- }
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS && moviePlayer) {
- moviePlayer.classList.add('ideal-aspect');
- }
- if (parSets.fullBrs) {
- if (state !== 5 && state !== -1 && state !== 0) {
- document.documentElement.classList.add('part_fullbrowser');
- } else {
- document.documentElement.classList.remove('part_fullbrowser');
- }
- }
- cueThumb = cueButton = null;
- }
- function playerFullscreen(event) {
- fullscreen = event.fullscreen;
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_CTRL_VIS) {
- document.getElementById('movie_player').classList.add('ideal-aspect');
- }
- }
- function volumeChanged(event) {
- set('volLev', event.volume);
- }
- function sizeChanged(event) {
- set('theaterMode', event);
- }
- if ((typeof playerApi === 'object' || window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1) && !document.getElementById('c4-player')) {
- api = playerApi;
- handleEvents(api, 'onStateChange', playerState);
- handleEvents(api, 'onFullscreenChange', playerFullscreen);
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_VOL_MEM) {
- handleEvents(api, 'onVolumeChange', volumeChanged);
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_SIZE_MEM) {
- handleEvents(api, 'SIZE_CLICKED', sizeChanged);
- }
- if (!parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL) {
- argsCleaner(window.ytplayer.config);
- api.cueVideoByPlayerVars(window.ytplayer.config.args);
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- } else {
- api.pauseVideo();
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- api.playVideo();
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLR_VOL_MEM) {
- api.setVolume(parSets.volLev);
- }
- }
- }
- function scriptExit(event) {
- function baseDetour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- window.yt.config_.SHARE_ON_VIDEO_END = (parSets.VID_END_SHRE) ? false : true;
- window.yt.config_.UNIVERSAL_HOVERCARDS = (parSets.GEN_DSB_HVRC) ? false : true;
- };
- }
- function embedDetour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var args = arguments;
- argsCleaner(args[1]);
- if (args[0].id === 'upsell-video') {
- return originalFunction.apply(this, args);
- }
- originalFunction.apply(this, args);
- if (api) {
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- }
- };
- }
- function autoplayDetour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var args = arguments;
- if (!args[1] || parSets.plApl || (!parSets.plApl && args[1].feature && args[1].feature !== 'autoplay')) {
- originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- }
- function autoplayDetourFullScreen(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var nextButton,
- nextClicked = document.activeElement.classList.contains('ytp-button-next') || document.activeElement.classList.contains('ytp-next-button'),
- currentTime = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-time-current')[0].textContent,
- totalTime = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-time-duration')[0].textContent;
- if (!parSets.plApl && !nextClicked && currentTime !== '0:00' && currentTime === totalTime) {
- nextButton = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-next-button')[0];
- if (nextButton && nextButton.getAttribute('aria-disabled') === 'true') {
- nextButton.onclick = api.nextVideo;
- handleEvents(nextButton, 'click', api.nextVideo);
- nextButton.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'false');
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (parSets.plApl || nextClicked || currentTime !== totalTime) {
- return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- }
- function fullscreenVideoChange(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var key,
- patch = [{}],
- config = {args: {}},
- args = arguments;
- function buildConfig(conf) {
- config.args[conf.split('=')[0]] = decodeURIComponent(conf.split('=')[1]).replace(/\+/g, ' ');
- }
- function revertConfig(conf) {
- patch[0].response.push(conf + '=' + encodeURIComponent(config.args[conf]).replace(/\%20/g, '+'));
- }
- for (key in args[0]) {
- if (args[0][key] !== undefined) {
- patch[0][key] = args[0][key];
- }
- }
- patch[0].response.split('&').forEach(buildConfig);
- config = argsCleaner(config);
- patch[0].response = [];
- Object.keys(config.args).forEach(revertConfig);
- patch[0].response = patch[0].response.join('&');
- patch[0].responseText = patch[0].response;
- api.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- originalFunction.apply(this, patch);
- };
- }
- function fsPointerDetour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var self = this;
- function firstLevel(fl) {
- function secondLevel(sl) {
- if (typeof self[fl][sl] === 'function' && String(self[fl][sl]).split('onStatusFail').length > 1) {
- self[fl][sl] = fullscreenVideoChange(self[fl][sl]);
- }
- }
- if (typeof self[fl] === 'object' && self[fl]) {
- Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(self[fl])).forEach(secondLevel);
- }
- }
- Object.keys(self).some(firstLevel);
- return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- function html5Detour(originalFunction) {
- return function () {
- var moviePlayer,
- playerInstance,
- args = arguments;
- function html5Pointers(originalPointer) {
- return function () {
- var player,
- changed = originalPointer.apply(this, arguments);
- if (changed.width && changed.height && !fullscreen) {
- player = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- if (player) {
- changed.width = player.offsetWidth;
- changed.height = player.offsetHeight;
- }
- }
- return changed;
- };
- }
- function playerInstanceIterator(keys) {
- function firstLevel(fl) {
- if (typeof playerInstance[keys][fl] === 'function' && String(playerInstance[keys][fl]).split('get_video_info').length > 1 && playerInstance[keys][fl] !== fsPointerDetour) {
- playerInstance[keys][fl] = fsPointerDetour(playerInstance[keys][fl]);
- }
- }
- function keysIterator(sizes) {
- if (typeof playerInstance[keys][sizes] === 'function' && (playerInstance[keys][sizes] + String()).split('"detailpage"!=').length > 1) {
- playerInstance[keys][sizes] = html5Pointers(playerInstance[keys][sizes]);
- }
- }
- if (typeof playerInstance[keys] === 'object') {
- if (playerInstance[keys] && playerInstance[keys].element && window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length < 2) {
- Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(playerInstance[keys])).some(keysIterator);
- } else if (playerInstance[keys] && playerInstance[keys].hasNext) {
- playerInstance[keys].hasNext = autoplayDetourFullScreen(playerInstance[keys].hasNext);
- } else if (playerInstance[keys]) {
- Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(playerInstance[keys])).some(firstLevel);
- }
- }
- }
- args[1] = argsCleaner(args[1]);
- if (args[0].id === 'upsell-video') {
- originalFunction.apply(this, args);
- } else if (typeof args[0] === 'object' || window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1) {
- playerInstance = originalFunction.apply(this, args);
- Object.keys(playerInstance).some(playerInstanceIterator);
- moviePlayer = document.getElementById('movie_player');
- if (moviePlayer) {
- if (!parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL && window.ytplayer.config.assets.js.split('-new').length > 1) {
- moviePlayer.cueVideoByPlayerVars(window.ytplayer.config.args);
- }
- moviePlayer.setPlaybackQuality(parSets.VID_DFLT_QLTY);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- function ytIterator(keys) {
- var str;
- if (typeof window._yt_www[keys] === 'function') {
- str = String(window._yt_www[keys]);
- if (str.split('player-added').length > 1) {
- window._yt_www[keys] = embedDetour(window._yt_www[keys]);
- } else if (str.split('window.spf.navigate').length > 1) {
- window._yt_www[keys] = autoplayDetour(window._yt_www[keys]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (event && event.target && event.target.getAttribute('name') === 'www/base') {
- window.yt.setConfig = baseDetour(window.yt.setConfig);
- Object.keys(window._yt_www).some(ytIterator);
- }
- if ((event && event.target && event.target.getAttribute('name') === 'html5player/html5player') || (!window.html5Patched && window.yt && window.yt.player && window.yt.player.Application && window.yt.player.Application.create)) {
- window.html5Patched = true;
- window.yt.player.Application.create = html5Detour(window.yt.player.Application.create);
- }
- }
- function thumbMod() {
- var userId,
- userName,
- loadMore,
- videoLink,
- infoField,
- titleField,
- thumbField,
- clickTitle,
- masterList,
- trashList = [],
- detailList = [],
- blackList = parSets.blacklist;
- function initThumbMod(event) {
- var observer,
- userList = parSets.blacklist;
- function initSidebarMode() {
- var sidebarAlign = (parSets.VID_SDBR_ALGN > 1) ? ',left=' + (window.screen.availWidth - 467) : (parSets.VID_SDBR_ALGN < 1) ? '' : ',left=0',
- newSidebar = window.open(event.getAttribute('data-link'), 'sidebarMode', 'width=467,height=' + window.screen.availHeight + ',scrollbars=1' + sidebarAlign);
- function snapFit() {
- newSidebar.resizeTo(newSidebar.outerWidth, window.screen.availHeight);
- }
- newSidebar.addEventListener('readystatechange', snapFit, true);
- newSidebar.focus();
- }
- function initBlackList() {
- userList[event.getAttribute('data-ytid')] = event.getAttribute('data-user');
- set('blacklist', userList);
- thumbMod();
- }
- loadMore = document.getElementsByClassName('load-more-button')[0] || document.getElementById('watch-more-related');
- clickTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('yt-uix-tile')[0];
- while (clickTitle) {
- clickTitle.classList.remove('yt-uix-tile');
- clickTitle = document.getElementsByClassName('yt-uix-tile')[0];
- }
- if (loadMore && !loadMore.classList.contains('hooked')) {
- loadMore.classList.add('hooked');
- observer = new window.MutationObserver(thumbMod);
- observer.observe(loadMore, {
- childList: true,
- attributes: true,
- attributeOldValue: true
- });
- }
- if (event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event = event.target;
- if (event.className === 'sidebarmode yt-uix-tooltip') {
- initSidebarMode();
- } else if (event.className === 'blacklist yt-uix-tooltip') {
- initBlackList();
- }
- }
- }
- function insertButtons(i) {
- var button;
- function createButton(type, details) {
- if (type === 'sidebarmode') {
- button = '';
- } else {
- button = '';
- }
- return string2HTML(button).querySelector('div');
- }
- if (detailList[i]) {
- if (parSets.GEN_SDBR_ON && !window.opener && !detailList[i].thumbfield.getElementsByClassName('sidebarmode')[0]) {
- button = createButton('sidebarmode', detailList[i]);
- handleEvents(button, 'click', initThumbMod);
- detailList[i].thumbfield.appendChild(button);
- }
- if (parSets.BLK_ON && window.location.pathname !== '/feed/subscriptions' && !detailList[i].thumbfield.getElementsByClassName('blacklist')[0]) {
- button = createButton('blacklist', detailList[i]);
- handleEvents(button, 'click', initThumbMod);
- detailList[i].thumbfield.appendChild(button);
- }
- }
- }
- function buildDetailList(i) {
- var upNext;
- if (i > -1 && masterList[i]) {
- infoField = masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('g-hovercard')[1] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('g-hovercard')[0];
- titleField = masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('yt-uix-tile-link')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('yt-ui-ellipsis')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('content-link')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
- thumbField = masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('yt-lockup-thumbnail')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('thumb-wrapper')[0] || masterList[i].getElementsByClassName('yt-pl-thumb')[0];
- userId = infoField && infoField.getAttribute('data-ytid');
- userName = infoField && infoField.textContent;
- videoLink = titleField && titleField.href;
- detailList[i] = undefined;
- if (blackList[userId]) {
- upNext = document.getElementsByClassName('watch-sidebar-head')[0] && document.getElementsByClassName('watch-sidebar-section')[0];
- if (upNext && upNext.contains(thumbField)) {
- upNext.remove();
- document.getElementsByClassName('watch-sidebar-separation-line')[0].remove();
- } else {
- while (thumbField) {
- thumbField = thumbField.parentNode;
- if (thumbField.tagName === 'LI') {
- trashList.push(thumbField);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (userName && userId && videoLink && thumbField) {
- detailList[i] = {
- username: userName,
- youtubeid: userId,
- videolink: videoLink,
- thumbfield: thumbField
- };
- }
- }
- }
- function cleanList(trash) {
- var i,
- emptyShelves = document.getElementsByClassName('feed-item-container');
- trashList[trash].remove();
- if (emptyShelves.length > 0) {
- i = emptyShelves.length;
- while (i) {
- i -= 1;
- if (emptyShelves[i].getElementsByTagName('li').length < 2) {
- emptyShelves[i].remove();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function getList(list) {
- list = document.getElementsByClassName(list);
- if (list.length > 0) {
- masterList = list;
- }
- }
- if ((parSets.BLK_ON || parSets.GEN_SDBR_ON) && (window.location.pathname === '/' || window.location.pathname === '/results' || window.location.pathname === '/watch' || window.location.pathname === '/feed/music' || window.location.pathname === '/feed/subscriptions')) {
- ['yt-lockup-tile', 'video-list-item', 'yt-shelf-grid-item'].forEach(getList);
- if (masterList) {
- Object.keys(masterList).forEach(buildDetailList);
- Object.keys(trashList).forEach(cleanList);
- Object.keys(detailList).forEach(insertButtons);
- initThumbMod();
- }
- }
- }
- function volumeWheel(event) {
- var playerApi = document.getElementById('player-api'),
- direction = event && (event.deltaY || event.wheelDeltaY),
- playlistFS = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-playlist-tray-tray')[0] || document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-playlist-menu')[0];
- if (event && api && playerApi && (!playlistFS || (playlistFS && !playlistFS.contains(event.target))) && (event.target.id === 'player-api' || playerApi.contains(event.target))) {
- event.preventDefault();
- if (direction > 0 && api.getVolume() > 0) {
- api.setVolume(api.getVolume() - 10);
- } else if (direction < 0 && api.getVolume() < 100) {
- api.setVolume(api.getVolume() + 10);
- }
- }
- if (!event && parSets.VID_VOL_WHEEL) {
- handleEvents(window, 'wheel', volumeWheel);
- }
- direction = playerApi = null;
- }
- function playlistControls() {
- var href = window.location.href,
- plBar = document.getElementById('watch-appbar-playlist');
- function reverseControl() {
- var temp,
- prev = document.getElementsByClassName('prev-playlist-list-item')[0],
- next = document.getElementsByClassName('next-playlist-list-item')[0],
- list = document.getElementById('playlist-autoscroll-list'),
- videos = list.getElementsByTagName('li'),
- length = videos.length;
- while (length) {
- length -= 1;
- list.appendChild(videos[length]);
- }
- temp = prev.href;
- prev.href = next.href;
- next.href = temp;
- list.scrollTop = document.getElementsByClassName('currently-playing')[0].offsetTop;
- if (api) {
- api.updatePlaylist();
- }
- temp = prev = next = list = videos = length = null;
- }
- function reverseButton(event) {
- event = isChrome ? event.target.parentNode : event.target;
- event.classList.toggle('yt-uix-button-toggled');
- set('plRev', (event.classList.contains('yt-uix-button-toggled')) ? window.yt.config_.LIST_ID : false);
- reverseControl();
- }
- function autoplayButton(event) {
- event = isChrome ? event.target.parentNode : event.target;
- event.classList.toggle('yt-uix-button-toggled');
- set('plApl', event.classList.contains('yt-uix-button-toggled'));
- }
- function createButton(type, label, boolean, call) {
- var navCtrls = document.getElementsByClassName('playlist-nav-controls')[0],
- button = [
- '\n'
- ].join('');
- plBar.className = plBar.className.replace('radio-playlist', '');
- button = string2HTML(button).querySelector('button');
- handleEvents(button, 'click', call);
- navCtrls.appendChild(button);
- navCtrls = button = null;
- }
- if (plBar) {
- if (document.readyState === 'complete' && href.split(parSets.plRev).length > 1) {
- reverseControl();
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLST_RVRS && !document.getElementById('reverse')) {
- createButton('reverse', userLang('PLST_RVRS'), parSets.plRev, reverseButton);
- }
- if (parSets.VID_PLST_ATPL && !document.getElementById('autoplay')) {
- createButton('autoplay', userLang('PLST_AP'), parSets.plApl, autoplayButton);
- }
- }
- }
- function advancedOptions() {
- var page = document.documentElement,
- header = document.getElementById('watch-header'),
- cnslBtn = document.getElementById('console-button'),
- controls = document.getElementById('player-console'),
- videoPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0],
- storyBoard = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.args && window.ytplayer.config.args.storyboard_spec;
- function hookButtons() {
- var autoPlay = controls.querySelector('#autoplay-button'),
- loopButton = controls.querySelector('#loop-button'),
- seekMap = controls.querySelector('#seek-map'),
- saveThumb = controls.querySelector('#save-thumbnail-button'),
- screenShot = controls.querySelector('#screenshot-button'),
- sidebarMode = controls.querySelector('#sidebar-button'),
- fullBrowser = controls.querySelector('#fullbrowser-button');
- function togglePlay() {
- set('VID_PLR_ATPL', !parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL);
- autoPlay.classList[(parSets.VID_PLR_ATPL) ? 'add' : 'remove']('active');
- }
- function toggleLoop(event) {
- videoPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
- videoPlayer.loop = event ? !videoPlayer.loop : parSets.loopVid;
- loopButton.classList[(videoPlayer.loop) ? 'add' : 'remove']('active');
- set('loopVid', loopButton.classList.contains('active'));
- }
- function toggleMap() {
- var container = document.getElementById('seek-thumb-map') || false,
- thumbs = [],
- thumbControls,
- thumbsContainer,
- matrix,
- base;
- storyBoard = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.args && window.ytplayer.config.args.storyboard_spec;
- function centerThumb() {
- var thumbJump;
- videoPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
- thumbsContainer = document.getElementById('seek-thumbs');
- thumbJump = thumbsContainer.getElementsByTagName('span')[1];
- if (videoPlayer && videoPlayer.currentTime > 0 && !container.classList.contains('invisible')) {
- thumbsContainer.scrollLeft = (thumbJump.offsetWidth + 10) * (videoPlayer.currentTime / thumbJump.getAttribute('data-time-jump')) - (thumbsContainer.offsetWidth / 2) + ((thumbJump.offsetWidth + 10) / 2);
- } else {
- thumbsContainer.scrollLeft = 0;
- }
- }
- function clickManager(event) {
- var timeJump = event.target.getAttribute('data-time-jump'),
- quality = event.target.className.split('quality').length;
- if (timeJump) {
- if (videoPlayer.src !== '') {
- videoPlayer.currentTime = timeJump;
- } else {
- window.yt.www.watch.player.seekTo(timeJump);
- }
- }
- if (quality > 1 && event.target.tagName === 'DIV') {
- container.className = event.target.className;
- thumbsContainer.remove();
- thumbsContainer = '' + thumbs[event.target.className.replace('quality-', '')] + '
- thumbsContainer = string2HTML(thumbsContainer).querySelector('#seek-thumbs');
- container.appendChild(thumbsContainer);
- centerThumb();
- }
- }
- function removeOld() {
- if (container) {
- container.remove();
- seekMap.classList.remove('active');
- }
- handleEvents(container, 'click', clickManager);
- handleEvents(window, 'spfdone', removeOld, 'remove');
- }
- function parseThumbs() {
- thumbControls = '\n';
- function matrixIterator(qualities, level) {
- var i,
- currentBase,
- details,
- thumbAmount,
- frameAmount = 0,
- gridX = 0,
- gridY = 0;
- if (qualities.split('storyboard').length < 2 && qualities.split('default').length < 2) {
- details = qualities.split('#');
- currentBase = base.replace('$L', level - 1).replace('$N', details[6]);
- thumbAmount = details[2] - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < thumbAmount; i += 1) {
- if (!thumbs[level - 1]) {
- thumbs[level - 1] = '';
- }
- thumbs[level - 1] += [
- '
- ' ' + timeConv((i * details[5]) / 1000) + '
- '\n'
- ].join('');
- if (gridX === details[3] - 1 && gridY === details[4] - 1) {
- frameAmount += 1;
- gridY = gridX = 0;
- } else {
- gridY = (gridX === details[3] - 1) ? gridY + 1 : gridY;
- gridX = (gridX === details[3] - 1) ? 0 : gridX + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (level > 1) {
- thumbControls += '
' + ((level < 3 && userLang('CNSL_SKMP_SMAL')) || (level < 4 && userLang('CNSL_SKMP_MED')) || (level < 5 && userLang('CNSL_SKMP_LRGE'))) + '
- }
- }
- matrix.forEach(matrixIterator);
- thumbControls += '
- }
- if (storyBoard) {
- matrix = storyBoard && storyBoard.split('|');
- base = matrix[0];
- if (!container) {
- seekMap.classList.toggle('active');
- parseThumbs();
- container +=
- '\n' +
- thumbControls +
- '
' + (thumbs[2] || thumbs[1]) + '
\n' +
- '
- container = string2HTML(container).querySelector('#seek-thumb-map');
- document.getElementById('movie_player').appendChild(container);
- centerThumb();
- handleEvents(container, 'click', clickManager);
- handleEvents(window, 'spfdone', removeOld);
- } else if (container.id) {
- seekMap.classList.toggle('active');
- container.classList.toggle('invisible');
- centerThumb();
- }
- }
- }
- function dlThumb() {
- var args = window.ytplayer.config.args,
- base = (args.iurl_webp) ? '_webp' : '',
- thumbURL = args['iurlmaxres' + base] || args['iurlsd' + base] || args['iurl' + base];
- window.open(thumbURL);
- }
- function saveSS() {
- var width,
- height,
- aspectRatio,
- video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0],
- container = document.getElementById('screenshot-result') || document.createElement('div'),
- canvas = container.querySelector('canvas') || document.createElement('canvas'),
- close = document.createElement('div'),
- context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- function hideContainer() {
- container.classList.toggle('invisible');
- }
- aspectRatio = video.videoWidth / video.videoHeight;
- width = video.videoWidth;
- height = parseInt(width / aspectRatio, 10);
- canvas.width = width;
- canvas.height = height;
- context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height);
- if (!container.id) {
- container.id = 'screenshot-result';
- container.appendChild(canvas);
- close.id = 'close-screenshot';
- close.textContent = userLang('CNSL_SS_CLS');
- handleEvents(close, 'click', hideContainer);
- container.appendChild(close);
- document.body.appendChild(container);
- } else if (container.id && container.classList.contains('invisible')) {
- container.classList.toggle('invisible');
- }
- }
- function openSidebar() {
- var sidebarAlign = (parSets.VID_SDBR_ALGN > 1) ? ',left=' + (window.screen.availWidth - 467) : (parSets.VID_SDBR_ALGN < 1) ? '' : ',left=0',
- newSidebar = window.open(window.location.href, 'sidebarMode', 'width=467,height=' + window.screen.availHeight + ',scrollbars=1' + sidebarAlign);
- function snapFit() {
- newSidebar.resizeTo(newSidebar.outerWidth, window.screen.availHeight);
- }
- newSidebar.addEventListener('readystatechange', snapFit, true);
- newSidebar.focus();
- }
- function toggleFullBrowser(event) {
- var plrState = api && api.getPlayerState && api.getPlayerState() !== 5 && api.getPlayerState() !== -1 && api.getPlayerState() !== 0;
- function exitFullBrowser(key) {
- if (key.keyCode === 27 || key.key === 'Escape') {
- document.documentElement.classList.remove('part_fullbrowser');
- }
- }
- handleEvents(document, 'keydown', exitFullBrowser);
- set('fullBrs', event ? !parSets.fullBrs : true);
- fullBrowser.classList[(parSets.fullBrs) ? 'add' : 'remove']('active');
- if (event && plrState) {
- document.documentElement.classList[(parSets.fullBrs) ? 'add' : 'remove']('part_fullbrowser');
- }
- }
- handleEvents(autoPlay, 'click', togglePlay);
- handleEvents(loopButton, 'click', toggleLoop);
- handleEvents(seekMap, 'click', toggleMap);
- handleEvents(saveThumb, 'click', dlThumb);
- handleEvents(screenShot, 'click', saveSS);
- handleEvents(sidebarMode, 'click', openSidebar);
- handleEvents(fullBrowser, 'click', toggleFullBrowser);
- if (parSets.loopVid && !loopButton.classList.contains('active')) {
- loopButton.classList.add('active');
- toggleLoop();
- }
- if (parSets.fullBrs && !fullBrowser.classList.contains('active')) {
- fullBrowser.classList.add('active');
- toggleFullBrowser();
- }
- }
- function toggleConsole() {
- page.classList.toggle('player-console');
- set('advOpts', page.classList.contains('player-console'));
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/watch' && header && !cnslBtn) {
- cnslBtn = '';
- cnslBtn = string2HTML(cnslBtn).querySelector('#console-button');
- handleEvents(cnslBtn, 'click', toggleConsole);
- header.appendChild(cnslBtn);
- if (controls) {
- controls.remove();
- }
- controls = [
- '\n',
- '
- '
- '
- '
- '
- ' \n',
- '
- '
- ].join('');
- controls = string2HTML(controls).querySelector('div');
- document.getElementById('watch-header').appendChild(controls);
- hookButtons();
- if (parSets.advOpts) {
- page.classList.add('player-console');
- }
- }
- }
- function generalChanges() {
- var logo,
- channelLink,
- autoplaybar = document.getElementsByClassName('autoplay-bar')[0],
- descriptionPanel = document.getElementById('action-panel-details');
- function linkIterator(link) {
- if (link !== 'length' && channelLink[link].href.split('/').length < 6 && parSets.GEN_CHN_DFLT_PAGE !== 'default') {
- channelLink[link].href += '/' + parSets.GEN_CHN_DFLT_PAGE;
- }
- }
- if (parSets.GEN_YT_LOGO_LINK && window.yt && window.yt.config_ && window.yt.config_.LOGGED_IN) {
- logo = document.getElementById('logo-container');
- if (logo && logo.href === window.location.origin + '/') {
- logo.href = '/feed/subscriptions';
- }
- }
- if (parSets.GEN_REM_APUN && window.location.pathname === '/watch' && autoplaybar) {
- autoplaybar.removeAttribute('class');
- document.getElementsByClassName('checkbox-on-off')[0].remove();
- }
- if (parSets.VID_LAYT_AUTO_PNL && window.location.pathname === '/watch' && descriptionPanel) {
- descriptionPanel.classList.remove('yt-uix-expander-collapsed');
- }
- if (parSets.GEN_SPF_OFF && window.spf && window.spf.dispose) {
- window.spf.dispose();
- }
- if (window.location.href.split(/\/(channel|user|c)\//).length < 2) {
- channelLink = document.querySelectorAll('[href*="/channel/"]');
- Object.keys(channelLink).forEach(linkIterator);
- channelLink = document.querySelectorAll('[href*="/user/"]');
- Object.keys(channelLink).forEach(linkIterator);
- }
- if (window.location.href.split('/channel/').length > 1 && document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop > 266) {
- document.documentElement.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop = 0;
- }
- logo = channelLink = autoplaybar = null;
- }
- function initFunctions() {
- customStyles();
- settingsMenu();
- playlistControls();
- playerMode();
- advancedOptions();
- volumeWheel();
- subPlaylist();
- alwaysVisible();
- thumbMod();
- enhancedDetails();
- commentsButton();
- generalChanges();
- clearOrphans();
- }
- function request(event) {
- var url = event.detail.url,
- previous = event.detail.previous,
- videoBefore = previous.split('/watch?').length < 2,
- videoAfter = url.split('/watch?').length > 1,
- listBefore = previous.split('list=').length > 1,
- listAfter = url.split('list=').length > 1,
- player = document.getElementById('movie_player'),
- loaded = window.ytplayer && window.ytplayer.config && window.ytplayer.config.loaded;
- if (player && videoAfter && (listAfter !== listBefore || videoBefore)) {
- if (loaded) {
- delete window.ytplayer.config.loaded;
- }
- player.remove();
- }
- url = previous = videoBefore = videoAfter = listBefore = listAfter = player = loaded = null;
- }
- function shareApi(originalFunction) {
- return function (ytApi) {
- playerReady(ytApi);
- if (originalFunction) {
- return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- }
- window.onYouTubePlayerReady = shareApi(window.onYouTubePlayerReady);
- handleEvents(window, 'spfdone', initFunctions);
- handleEvents(window, 'spfrequest', request);
- handleEvents(window, 'readystatechange', initFunctions, true);
- if (isChrome) {
- handleEvents(document.documentElement, 'load', scriptExit, true);
- } else {
- handleEvents(window, 'afterscriptexecute', scriptExit);
- }
- handleEvents(window, 'message', updateSettings);
- }
- function updateSettings(event) {
- event = event.particleSettings || event || defaultSettings;
- event.updateSettings = true;
- window.postMessage(event, '*');
- }
- function initParticle(event) {
- var inject;
- function filterChromeStorage(keys) {
- if (keys.particleSettings && keys.particleSettings.newValue) {
- updateSettings(keys.particleSettings.newValue);
- }
- }
- if (!event && userscript) {
- event = JSON.parse(window.GM_getValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(defaultSettings)));
- }
- if (event) {
- event = JSON.stringify(event.particleSettings || event);
- inject = document.createElement('style');
- inject.textContent = particleStyle;
- document.documentElement.appendChild(inject);
- inject = document.createElement('script');
- inject.textContent = '(' + String(particle).replace('defSets = null,', 'defSets = ' + JSON.stringify(defaultSettings) + ',').replace('parSets,', 'parSets = ' + event + ',') + '())';
- document.documentElement.appendChild(inject);
- if (!userscript) {
- if (window.chrome) {
- window.chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(filterChromeStorage);
- } else if (!window.chrome) {
- window.self.port.on('particleSettings', updateSettings);
- }
- }
- inject = null;
- }
- }
- function xhr(details) {
- var request;
- details = details.data;
- function process(xhrResponse) {
- var response = {};
- response[details.id] = userscript ? xhrResponse.response : xhrResponse.target.response;
- window.postMessage(response, '*');
- }
- function settingsHandler(item) {
- var object = (item && item.particleSettings) || (userscript && JSON.parse(window.GM_getValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(defaultSettings)))) || defaultSettings;
- function buildSettings(keys) {
- object[keys] = details.set[keys];
- }
- if (details.set) {
- Object.keys(details.set).forEach(buildSettings);
- if (!userscript) {
- window.chrome.storage.sync.set({'particleSettings': object});
- } else {
- window.GM_setValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(object));
- }
- } else if (details.replace) {
- if (!userscript) {
- window.chrome.storage.sync.set({'particleSettings': details.replace});
- } else {
- window.GM_setValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(details.replace));
- }
- }
- if (userscript) {
- updateSettings(JSON.parse(window.GM_getValue('particleSettings', JSON.stringify(defaultSettings))));
- }
- }
- if (typeof details === 'object') {
- if (details.id) {
- if (userscript) {
- window.GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- onload: process,
- method: details.method,
- url : details.url
- });
- } else if (!userscript) {
- request = new XMLHttpRequest();
- request.onload = process;
- request.open(details.method, details.url, true);
- request.send();
- }
- } else if (details.set || details.get || details.replace) {
- if (userscript) {
- settingsHandler();
- } else if (window.chrome) {
- window.chrome.storage.sync.get('particleSettings', settingsHandler);
- } else {
- window.self.port.emit('particleSettings', details);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!userscript) {
- if (window.chrome) {
- window.chrome.storage.sync.get('particleSettings', initParticle);
- } else if (!window.chrome) {
- window.self.port.once('particleSettings', initParticle);
- }
- } else if (userscript) {
- initParticle();
- }
- window.addEventListener('message', xhr);
diff --git a/src/Firefox/icon.png b/src/Firefox/icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f855b24..0000000
Binary files a/src/Firefox/icon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/Firefox/install.rdf b/src/Firefox/install.rdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 505b4f5..0000000
--- a/src/Firefox/install.rdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- particle@particlecore.github.io
- 2
- true
- false
- 0.0.1
- YouTube Plus
- YouTube with more freedom
- Yonez
- data:text/xml,<placeholder/>
- 2
- {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}
- 38.0
- 40.*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Firefox/main.js b/src/Firefox/main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d62c94..0000000
--- a/src/Firefox/main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
-var simplePrefs = require("sdk/simple-prefs");
-function settingsHandler(worker) {
- function settingsGate(event) {
- var object = JSON.parse(simplePrefs.prefs["parSets"]);
- function updateSettings(keys) {
- object[keys] = event.set[keys];
- }
- if (event.set) {
- Object.keys(event.set).forEach(updateSettings);
- simplePrefs.prefs["parSets"] = JSON.stringify(object);
- } else if (event.replace) {
- simplePrefs.prefs["parSets"] = JSON.stringify(event.replace);
- }
- worker.port.emit("particleSettings", JSON.parse(simplePrefs.prefs["parSets"]));
- }
- function settingsUpdate(event) {
- var update = JSON.parse(simplePrefs.prefs["parSets"]);
- worker.port.emit("particleSettings", update);
- }
- function detachGhosts() {
- simplePrefs.removeListener("parSets", settingsUpdate);
- this.port.removeListener("particleSettings", settingsGate);
- }
- worker.on("detach", detachGhosts);
- simplePrefs.on("parSets", settingsUpdate);
- worker.port.on("particleSettings", settingsGate);
- worker.port.emit("particleSettings", JSON.parse(simplePrefs.prefs["parSets"]));
- include: "*.youtube.com",
- attachTo: "top",
- contentScriptWhen: "start",
- contentScriptFile: "./YouTubePlus.user.js",
- onAttach: settingsHandler
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Firefox/package.json b/src/Firefox/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c938327..0000000
--- a/src/Firefox/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- "title": "YouTube Plus",
- "name": "particle",
- "id": "particle@particlecore.github.io",
- "version": "0.0.1",
- "description": "YouTube with more freedom",
- "main": "main.js",
- "author": "Yonez",
- "license": "Custom",
- "engines": {
- "firefox": ">=38"
- },
- "permissions": {
- "cross-domain-content": ["https://s.ytimg.com/", "https://www.youtube.com/"]
- },
- "preferences": [{
- "name": "parSets",
- "title": "Particle settings",
- "description": "Particle settings",
- "type": "string",
- "value": "{}",
- "hidden": true
- }]
diff --git a/src/Userscript/YouTubePlus.user.js b/src/Userscript/YouTubePlus.user.js
index dc96fcd..2f033fd 100644
--- a/src/Userscript/YouTubePlus.user.js
+++ b/src/Userscript/YouTubePlus.user.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// ==UserScript==
-// @version 0.0.5
+// @version 0.0.6
// @name YouTube +
// @namespace https://github.com/ParticleCore
// @description YouTube with more freedom
@@ -422,24 +422,35 @@
' }\n',
' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .expanded-shelf-content-item{\n',
' margin-bottom: initial;\n',
+ ' margin-right: initial;\n',
' }\n',
' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .item-section .feed-item-container, .part_grid_search #results .item-section > li .yt-lockup{\n',
' border: initial;\n',
' padding: initial;\n',
' }\n',
' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .item-section .feed-item-container .menu-container{\n',
+ ' opacity: 0;\n',
+ ' }\n',
+ ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .item-section .feed-item-container:hover .menu-container{\n',
+ ' opacity: 1;\n',
+ ' }\n',
+ ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .item-section .feed-item-container .menu-container{\n',
' top: 110px;\n',
- ' right: -5px;\n',
+ ' right: -8px;\n',
+ ' z-index: 1;\n',
' }\n',
' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-thumbnail, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-thumbnail{\n',
' float: initial !important;\n',
' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-meta, .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-byline{\n',
+ ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-meta, .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-byline, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-meta{\n',
' font-size: 11px;\n',
' max-width: 196px;\n',
' }\n',
- ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-title, .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .feed-item-dismissal{\n',
+ ' .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .yt-lockup-title, .part_grid_subs div#browse-items-primary .feed-item-dismissal, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-title{\n',
' font-size: 13px;\n',
+ ' margin-top: 4px;\n',
+ ' margin-bottom: 1px;\n',
+ ' max-width: 176px;\n',
' }\n',
' .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-title a{\n',
' white-space: nowrap;\n',
@@ -447,6 +458,20 @@
' .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-playlist-items, .part_grid_search #results .yt-lockup-badges{\n',
' display: none;\n',
' }\n',
+ ' .part_grid_subs .yt-lockup-meta-info > li, .part_grid_search .yt-lockup-meta-info > li{\n',
+ ' display: inline;\n',
+ ' }\n',
+ ' .part_grid_subs .yt-lockup-meta-info, .part_grid_search .yt-lockup-meta-info{\n',
+ ' overflow: hidden;\n',
+ ' text-overflow: ellipsis;\n',
+ ' white-space: nowrap;\n',
+ ' }\n',
+ ' .part_grid_search .search .branded-page-v2-body{\n',
+ ' overflow: hidden;\n',
+ ' }\n',
+ ' .part_grid_search .webkit #results .yt-ui-ellipsis{\n',
+ ' display: block;\n',
+ ' }\n',
// end| Grid layout
// start| Enhancements
@@ -480,6 +505,10 @@
' left: initial !important;\n',
' top: initial !important;\n',
+ '.search #content{\n',
+ ' max-width: 1003px;\n',
+ ' width: initial;\n',
+ '}\n',
'.ideal-aspect .html5-player-chrome{\n',
' background: rgba(27,27,27,0.9) !important;\n',
@@ -1219,8 +1248,8 @@
en: '2160p'
- en : 'Always visible',
- 'pt-PT': 'Sempre visível'
+ en : 'Player always visible when reading comments',
+ 'pt-PT': 'Reproductor sempre visível ao ler os comentários'
en : 'Autoplay videos',