Releases: ParticleCore/Particle
Quick fixes
Due to oversight during the major code overhaul, blacklist bugs remained to be fixed. Version 1.4.6 aims to fix these issues, namely blacklisted channels saving with empty names, blacklist not sorted alphabetically and blacklist removal not working properly.
Additionally player modifications were not being applied during fullscreen transitions, this has been fixed.
Small reversions and improvement
A couple of reversions have been made in 1.4.5, ES6 arrow functions have been removed and replaced with traditional functions. The removal of the new endscreen cards has also been reversed since more content creators are relying 100% on them for the endscreen, resulting in awkward empty/strange endscreens when these are absent.
The floating player can now snap to the edges of the browser, simply moving it with the mouse against the browser edges will automatically stick it to the edges it is touching.
Quick improvement
This version comes with a simple improvement for the floating player. Previously, while the users were reading comments while the player is floating, clicking on the video timestamps would scroll the page to the top. This version no longer has this behavior, clicking on the timestamps will skip to the respective time without scrolling to the top if the player is floating.
Lots of improvements and restore settings instructions
Unfortunately Webextensions do no carry over the settings storage method the previous add-on type was making use (simple-storage) which results in updated versions having only default settings. As a workaround a guide has been provided instructing users how to restore the settings manually; it can be found here:
It is an unfortunate situation but unavoidable since Mozilla did not provide any methods to do this automatically.
Other improvements have been made, memory use has been reduced slightly, YouTube recently changed the suggested videos sidebar and this version includes an update for that as well, cinema and fullbrowser modes now engage when the settings were enabled while the video was not playing, and fullbrowser mode will no longer change sizes when exiting via button click.
Additionally YouTube is now correcting the aspect ratio of certain videos, this change was being undone by previous YT+ styling rules which have now been removed in this version so the correction process can be done as normal.
Quick fix
This version contains a fix for the script occasionally injecting too late on video pages while checking if the user has received the YouTube beta Material Layout.
Webextension migration and small fix
With the release of Firefox 48 YT+ is fully capable of using all the necessary Webextension apis in order to run properly. This version raises the minimum Firefox version to 48 and includes a major code overhaul, including small performance and memory consumption improvements.
With so many changes made it is always possible bugs might have passed undetected, for this reason I apologize in advance and ask for its reports in order to correct them as soon as as possible.
Additionally a fix has been included for the temporary Material Layout instruction box. This box was failing to show up if the extension was loading too early during the page initialization. From now on YT+ should detect correctly when the Material Layout is in use.
As a final note, YT+ will be made compatible with the Material Layout, but not until the layout becomes stable to avoid unnecessary re-works during constant changes to the pages and code.
Small update
YouTube recently introduced new video cards which allow creators to place videos and subscription cards over their videos. Previously these ere linked with the annotations and they could be disabled together, however now they are independent. For the moment they are again disabled together with the fix contained in this version, but if the feature stabilizes I will consider making each one disable-able independently.
Small improvement
Infinite scroll should now be working for playlist pages, however due to the nature of these pages and how they frequently change the feature might eventually stop working because this feature is made to work on Feed pages only, not playlist pages.
Small improvement
Due to reload loops of unknown cause, YT+ will instead inform users about the incompatibility with the beta material layout and what they can do about it.
Small fix
This version contains a temporary workaround for the beta Material Layout YouTube has been testing, unfortunately with all the constant changes it hasn't been possible to make it compatible yet with YT+ and for this reason it will have to wait until it stabilizes.