Releases: PebbleTemplates/pebble
Releases · PebbleTemplates/pebble
- BREAKING CHANGES: Consider avoiding feature version in spring boot starter name (#459)
- Upgrade spring boot integration to Spring Boot 2.1 (#460)
- Allow override core operators (#455, #456)
- Allows variables to be set in templates when provided context is an immutable map (#453)
- Fixed a few typos in the docs (#452)
- Remove unnecessary variable 'state' in LexerImpl by using Stack (#450)
- Updates Orchid to 0.17.1 and fixes its breaking changes (#448)
- Null value in a Map should not throw AttributeNotFoundException (#447, #446)
- Add Automatic-Module-Name to support Java 9 modules (#416)
- Check that parseNewVariableName() parses a valid identifier (#409)
- Set up Pebble documentation site using Orchid (#411)
- Add twig compatibility matrix documentation (#247)
Cannot access List methods (#402)
Implement to boolean smart-casting in OR and AND operators (#405)
- Make NOT operator more tolerant to argument type (#394)
- Make ternary if operator more tolerant to argument type (#399)
- Adjust AndExpression and OrExpression logic (#398)
- Add JSON escaping as part of the default escaping strategies (#395)
- Support more expressions for
operator (#387)
- Consider adding greedyMatchMethod to PebbleProperties (#388)
- Use locale from context for lower/upper filter (#390)
- Restore cache:invalidateAll method (#393)
- Add PebbleCache interface and use ConcurrentMap instead of Caffeine as default template/tag cache (#381)
- Use unbescape instead of Coverity Escapers (#380)