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This is a software framework for integrating PFLOTRAN and DART. The objective is to allow users to conduct ensemble data assimilation on PFLOTRAN by using DART assimilation engine.

Jiang, P., X. Chen, K. Chen, J. Anderson, N. Nancy, T. Hoar, M. E. Gharamti (2021). DART-PFLOTRAN: An Ensemble-based Data Assimilation System for Estimating Subsurface Flow and Transport Model Parameters. Environmental Modeling and Software,


It requires the installation of several packages, PFLOTRAN, and DART.

Install packages

The following packages should be installed first. Note that it is recommended to install the Python packages and netCDF4 fortran interfaces using conda virtual environment .

  • a Fortran 90 compiler
  • C shell
  • (optional because it can be installed through PFLOTRAN, see below) an MPI library
  • HDF5 library
  • netCDF4 library including the F90 interfaces and NCO utilities
  • and the following Python3 packages:
Packages tested with version
f90nml 1.1.2
h5py 2.9.0
numpy 1.16.4
scipy 1.6.0
pandas 0.25.0
jupyter-core 4.5.0


Please refer to PFLOTRAN's official instruction. For NERSC Cori users, detailed instruction is available at here.

Install DART

Please refer here for DART installation.

Move the DART-PFLOTRAN repository into DART

Put the DART-PFLOTRAN repository in DART-compliant models repository by:

mv {DART-PFLOTRAN} {DART}/manhattan/models/pflotran

Folder structure

The following is the main structure of the {DART-PFLOTRAN} repository:

+--         # The README file for a general introduction
+--   # The procedures of installing and configuring DART
+--  # The procedures for installing some required packages
+-- model_mod.F90     # The interface for linking PFLOTRAN and DART
+-- file_paths.nml    # The namelist files containing the locations of all the required files/repositories
+-- smoother/         # The repository containing fortran files for conducting one-time smoother using DART utilities
+-- obs_kind/         # The repository containing both the DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90 file and obs_def_PFLOTRAN_mod.F90 FILE
+-- utils/            # The utility repository
+-- work/             # The repository containing shell scripts and compiling files
+-- figs/             # The figure repository
+-- applications/     # The application repository for running DART-PFLOTRAN
  • model_mod.F90: This file provides the Fortran interfaces for a minimal implementation of shaping PFLOTRAN as a DART-compliant model. A detailed introduction of the introduced Fortran interfaces can be found here.

  • smoother: This folder provides a set of scripts for ensemble smoother using DART utilities. It includes (1) conducting smoother (i.e., , smoother_mod.f90 -- revised from filter_mod.f90 in DART; assim_smoother_tools_mod.f90 -- revised from assim_tools_mod.f90 in DART; and smoother.f90 -- revised from filter.f90 in DART); and (2) the corresponding test codes (i.e., model_mod_check.f90, test_itnerpolate_threed_cartesian.f90, and model_check_utilities_mod.f90 -- all are revised from DART codes).

  • work: The folder provides a set of scripts for integrating PFLOTRAN and DART. It includes (1) shell scripts for running PFLOTRAN with DART (i.e., run_DART_PFLOTRAN.csh); (2) the template for input namelists file (i.e., input.nml.template); (3) the shell script for converting NetCDF observation data to DART format (i.e., dart_seq_convert.csh); (4) the shell script for check model_mod.F90 (i.e., check_model_mod.csh); and (5) other mkmf files and path names files required by the previous shell scripts.

  • obs_kind: This folder provides the definitions of PFLOTRAN variables in DART and the corresponding utilities required by DART, including: (1) DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90 defining a list of DART variable generic quantity (along with PFLOTRAN's variables) and (2) obs_def_PFLOTRAN_mod.F90 defining some interfaces of observation definitions and the mapping between PFLOTRAN variable names and their names in DART quantity.

  • utils: This folder provides a set of utility functions for DART format observation conversion, preparing DART's prior data in NetCDF format, modifying DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90 by adding new PFLOTRAN's variables, preparing the input namelist file, running PFLOTRAN, updating observation with inflation, and so forth.

  • applications This folder is where the applications should be put. A default template folder is provided, where the folder structure of each application should follow. An example of 1D thermal model is also provided in 1dthermal folder. For running PFLOTRAN-DART, we suggest users configure and run the jupyter notebook or the corresponding python file under workflow_ipynb to run through the work flow.


The following information are needed to configure the DART-PFLOTRAN for a specific application through the jupyter notebook:

  • General configuration
    • The locations of PFLOTRAN executable and mpirun (note that the mpirun should be within the same MPI system as the mpi90 used in DART mkmf.template)
    • The numbers of CPU cores used for PFLOTRAN and DART
    • The application folder name
  • The observation data and the model parameters
    • The observation data to be assimilated and the PFLOTRAN parameters to be analyzed in DART
    • The observation error and the associated types (i.e., relative and absolute errors)
    • The statistics of the parameters: (1) the value range; (2) the mean and std for random sampling; and (3) the distribution to be sampled (i.e., normal, truncated normal, and uniform distributions).
    • The list of parameters whose prior would be resampled based on the mean of the corresponding posterior at the previous time step.
    • The spatial-temporal domain of the observation data to be assimilated (see below)
  • Other configurations
    • The mapping between physical/observation time and model time
    • DART data assimilation settings (configured through multiple DART namelists in the input.nml file and smoother_nml)

For the temporal information, the model spinup is conducted for a given period of time $t_0$. Once the spinup is done, the model restarts with time $t_0$, and begins to assimilate with time window $\bf{t}^i$ ($i=1,...,M$ where $M$ is the number of time windows). Meanwhile, the actual observation time should be mapped to the model time start time $t_0$. Model/Physical time domain


Performing DART-PFLOTRAN is under ./applications/workflow_ipynb through either Jupyter notebook (e.g., workflow.ipynb) or a corresponding Python script (e.g.,

Workflow in UML activity diagram


Peishi Jiang ([email protected]), Xingyuan Chen ([email protected])